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The pharmacutical industry's hijacking of medical marijuana

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posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 11:04 PM

I have always though that a big reason for the prohibition of marijuana, is the fact that the pharmaceutical industry can't really profit from it, seeing how anyone can grow it or buy it from someone else who could grow it. There really isn't room for "big pharma" in the marijuana trade... That is, unless they can somehow corner the market.

How on earth can you do that, if you or anyone can grow it? Easily, you just make into a pill form after screwing with the molecular structure or adding some chemicals to it. Think about it... If they can market a marijuana pill that has all of the *medical benefits of the actual plant, then the states could move to outlaw the actual plant, while allowing "big pharma" to continue slinging their dope, at a price 1000x the cost of what it could be otherwise.

We already know that big "pharma" has been working behind the scenes to keep this plant illegal in the states that it has heavy influence. Take Connecticut for instance, where the state lawmakers overwhelmingly voted to legalize the plant for medical purposes, though the Governor, Jodi Rell, vetoed the measure. It turns out that not only was Gov. Rell lobbied hard by Pfizer, but so were the state law-makers who voted against the bill. Pfizer happens to be headquartered in Connecticut and this state happens to be the only state in New England that doesn't allow medical marijuana. You do the math.

If "big pharma" comes up with a way to make this into a pill, then prohibition opponents wouldn't have a leg to stand on, as far as making the plant itself legal.


Tonight, I happened to run across an article that just reinforced this theory that I have been playing around with.

The liquid inside the test tube is neon green, the color of lime Kool-Aid or the mad-scientist potions found only in comic books. Perhaps it's fitting, then, that the contents come with a whiff of danger. They are a mixture of marijuana and solvents, stirred together in a furious swirl by a lab technician wearing protective goggles and latex gloves.

Running the concoction through a $70,000 machine, the technician can learn with scientific precision the plant's unique chemical makeup, its potency, even its growing method.

The ultimate goal? Find out how good it is.

"We're not going to be taken seriously unless we have proof," said Michael Lee, the owner of the lab and its adjacent medical-marijuana dispensary, Cannabis Therapeutics.

This is the new science of pot, part of a fresh wave of study and innovation among scientists and cannabis advocates all seeking to solve a central dilemma: In Colorado and other states, first came the approval of marijuana as medicine. Next comes the challenge of proving its effectiveness.

The newest research leaves little doubt that marijuana — or at least its chemical components — has promise in alleviating symptoms of some ailments, while also making clear that the drug is not without its drawbacks, some potentially serious.


It appears that the pharmaceutical industry is trying to move in. Lately, there has been a wave of popularity for the weed, that is forcing a lot of states to legalize the plant for medical purposes, which is only bad news for the "big pharma", unless of course they can somehow hijack the trend.

This is bad for the public for a couple of reasons. The first reason being the cost. If the pharmaceutical industry corners the market, then they can charge whatever they like and we all know what that means. Costs that would otherwise be impossible without being extorted by the insurance industry.

The second reason why this would be bad news, is the chemicals that would be added to make it into a pill. One of the main reasons for marijuana being so much better for you, is that it is natural. It seems to be far better for you than many of the chemicals being pushed onto us by the pharmaceutical industry. If they fashion it into a pill, who knows what other chemicals and processes will be added to it.

The third reason why this would be a terrible idea, is that access to the wonder drug will be heavily regulated, even more so than it is now. The FDA would be involved, which would pretty much ensure that all kind of harmful additives will be included, at a price much higher than it should be. Also, doctors would be far more hesitant to prescribe it, fearing an audit, as they do with pain medications. The sad fact of the matter is that many people who are in need of pain medications, aren't getting them due to the heavy regulation and massive amounts of red-tape. This is the last thing that we want with medical marijuana.

You see, I fear that if "big pharma" could make this into a pill which would ultimately give states the excuse to outlaw the plant, citing the availability of the pill. If this happens, then most of the good qualities of the plant, such as affordability, access and it's organic nature, would pretty much evaporate. This would allow "big pharma" to put their dirty fingers in the pot once again.

I myself do not consume marijuana, though I'm certainly hopeful that they legalize it. I'm a disabled veteran in need of medicine but due the harmful chemicals and red tape surrounding the medicines they want to push on me, I'm not taking anything right now. I hope that will change soon. I'm tired of taking the massive amounts of chemicals that are not only harmful to my body, but also addictive. If I was allowed to consume a natural plant, of my own free will, then I'm confident that I just may be able to gain some of my health back. Sadly, this won't be the case if the pharmaceutical industry is allowed to corner the market and ruin what seems to be our last hope at controlling our own health, all in the name of greed.


posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 11:33 PM
I wholeheartedly agree! I myself don't use the substance either, but am a staunch supporter of its properties. (I don't use it as I have children, and cannot afford to go to jail for it. My kids are far more important than my pain.)
My only wish is that states like mine, Oregon, proceed with their ballot measures and try to treat it as Hard Alcohol would be. I.e.: Only sold in liquor stores to those over 21, not available on sundays, only to be used in one's home, not on the street, etc.
Granted, the state government would tax the living hell out of it, up to or over 300%, yes. But it would definitely get the state of out debt quick, fast, and in one hell of a hurry.
I remember a radio show show host here once say, "If this ballot passes, and they make it a state law, then Oregon would become the richest state in the union."
Too true.

So I say: Let the States have it, not the big Pharmas. It belongs to the people. Not the corps. It'll be regulated, yes, but it will be available.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:06 AM
Big Pharma and their lobbyists have been one of the sole reasons cannabis has been outlawed... That and the fact that it's difficult to tax.

It is a cash crop for any government or state willing to decriminalize it. The positive uses for cannabis and hemp go way beyond medical... it will also clean up a lot of drug and drug related crime.

A the end of the day, the two drugs the government do pedal us, alcohol and tobacco, are far more destructive both medically, socially and economically than cannabis or hemp could ever be. Why is it that our governments have it all backwards?

If I had my way, I would decriminalize cannabis and make alcohol and tobacco illegal! I'm sure all the corrupt cops and alphabet agencies that use it to fund black (off the radar) projects would hate that!


posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:24 AM
personaly i would just like it decriminalised. doesnt need to be legal. my bet is a state like cali will probably be the first to legalise and make a profit then most of the rest will jump in line. and i agree with the OP that the big pharma are probably one of the main reasons behind it still being illegal. localy here in the pac NW its better to let the meth heads blow up our neighbor hoods as long as we catch the scary pot heads. makes no sense to me.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:36 AM
There is already a pill form called Marinol that has been around for 20 yrs or so

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:43 AM
Dronabinol. Marinol. MARInol. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.

It's already in use and has been. It's even in use in NY, and everything's illegal or regulated to a point where you don't even want to bother with it (handguns among those things) in this dump of a state.

Keep hoping, the best anyone is going to see is decriminalization and that's a stretch currently. Yeah, more people than probably ever before are for legalizing for medical use.

No, that doesn't mean the people hold more sway than the pharm industry. Trust me, I work in it. It doesn't get much scummier than pharms.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by shockologist

Yes, though the pill doesn't retain all of the same medical benefits as consuming the actual buds.


posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:52 AM


posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by airspoon

No it does not, but it's the most potent thing you're going to see legally. It'll be a long time before they can figure out a way to suck any enjoyment out of the pill.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by airspoon

It will never happen to many picky individuals whats hot one minute is out the next. You could grow a sh-t load of good product,but if its not the right color look smell you couldn,t sell it to a donkey. Pharma co. would lose there ass trying to keep up with the never ending changes,im meen you get one rapper saying thats the bomb then everyone wants it and the next week its ancient history.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by catwhoknows

I am talking to myself here but I am going to say what I have said before, on threads which have been removed.

Marijuana is a valuable and medicinal plant that can help people in many ways.

And yes, governments want the money for themselves.

Soon we will be banned from planting anything.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:32 AM
there is Sativex, an oral spray consisting of natural cannabis extracts (primarily THC and cannabidiol aka CBD),
It significantly reduces cancer pain compared to placebo or THC alone, according to clinical trial data published online in the Journal of Pain Management.

In Canada they have Nabalone (Cesamet) a synthetic cannabinoid.
My understanding is that it does not work as good as Sativex

Both are way higher cost then using Cannabis and dose control is nowhere as good as smoking or using a vaporizer with Cannabis.

The main settings that have seen published clinical trials of nabilone include movement disorders such as Parkinson's syndrome, chronic pain, dystonia and spasticity neurological disorders, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and the nausea of cancer chemotherapy.

I could not get nabilone from the VA and would not even try for my fibromyalgia and neurological disorder.

but i would have no problem getting a scrip in Calif for pot and with the scrip i could grow 6 plants for my own use.

So far my pain meds (Gabapentin)are working so i have not yet.

The cost and If the insurance industry will cover the cost is going to be the factor for big pharma pills.
I believe if big pharma tries to sell a high price product the insurance will not cover it and pot will remain the backup for medical use because of cost.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:41 AM
Four major industries don't like marijuana legalization:

Big discussed

Prison Industrial Complex. $. Nuff Said.

Cotton Production. Hemp kicks cottons azz. We know it, and they do too.

Paper Production. Hemp makes 4x the paper per acre as some timber, and can obviously be reproduced seasonally. In the long term it would be a profitable transition, but big paper uses 200 million tons of wood yearly (and growing!), primarily from cheap rainforest pulp mills. They got a well oiled machine, and millions invested in it.

It's great how the US promoted and even required hemp cultivation up until the early 20th century...Hemp was a valuable crop for a plethora of uses, and the smoking was never an issue. Since criminalization it's primary use has been for smoking, and the breeding of the plants has led to higher and higher (sorry for the pun!) THC content.

Some major uses for reefer besides smokin' :

Cosmetics (can replace petroleum based ingredients)
Building materials
~Henry Ford designed and built a car from compression-molded hemp and other natural fibers. He designed it to run on hemp biomass fuel.

I'd be happy to have low THC hemp back and legal, and the US benefiting from an amazing plant!

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:48 AM
Well, if you enjoy something, the addiction cults will call you an addict. If you use cannabis AT ALL you are labeled a dirty drug user that is ab-normal and in need of intervention. I think it is all to keep you spiritually dead...

I think it is clear that the more science is put behind cannabis, the less room there is for naysayers. It has been shown repeatedly that those who are against it have a personal agenda and in the political arena, a money agenda.

The synthetics don't contain all the other beneficial cannabinoids that are present in the natural plant. It is also synthetic...why, if the potency can be measured, would you take something artificial? You probably wouldn't. This is about taking freedom from you're hands. This is a racket.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by airspoon

Sure big pharma could make a maryjane pill but then said product could be lik the comparison of High fructose corn syrup and sugar.
Sugar is close to how god made it, no switching of molecules and such where hfcs is totally engineered and a bastardization of natures work.
Sure they both make you happy but one does not work with your body so well.
Sugar = good HFCS = evil
I never did MJ not even as a kid, I just had no interest, but I have no problem with it either, it's just not my bag baby
I see no problem with using it in its natural form, roll it up and get to lighting.
Keep big Pharma out of it. No Frankensmoke.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by g146541

My issue, is that they will come up with a pill, which would give the states a reason to outlaw the medical use of the raw plant, thereby letting the big pharma corner the market, at the expense of the public who may really need the natural plant. I fear that big pharma would again force people to suffer so they can profit.


posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 02:43 AM
It's terrifying that they're openly trying to eradicate the plant.

All this talk about america (and the whole world for that matter) "going green" and trying to save the environment, yet they're openly stating they want to completely do away with what they've already recognized as one of our most beneficial natural resources.

February 1938 - Popular Mechanics Magazine:


February 1938 - Mechanical Engineering Magazine:


There's a ton of info on that link, and it's not even scratching the surface of the medical benefits.

All this talk of '2012' being some kind of world-changing event, but I see it as big government's powerplay.
I don't want to imagine a world where they can completely do away with something that does so much good for literally any aspect you can apply it to.

Let's hope this thread sticks around for more than a few hours...

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by alaskan

The real crazy thing is that the paper industry doesn't really exist anymore in America. So many paper mills have closed in America, putting many out of work. Just think if those mills were able to produce hemp instead. It just might allow a tiny fraction of our manufacturing base to return, while improving the economy by leaps and bounds. Of course, if it makes sense and benefits the public, it won't happen. It won't happen unless it benefits corporate interests or the interests of the elite class.


posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 04:38 AM


posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by catwhoknows

Dude, that's kind of a B-A move there, don't you think? You probably started a thread about marijuana use or legalization. This thread is about a conspiracy with the pharmaceutical industry, which just happens to involve marijuana. Again, this thread is not about the legalization of marijuana, rather it's about big pharma cornering the drug market with marijuana.


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