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The energies of the cosmos, on your birth-

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posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Hello again LeoVirgo.

I may have fibbed about my time of birth.. haha

But yeaa, its 3pm not am.
Jackson, MI

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by moondog_0003
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Hello again LeoVirgo.

I may have fibbed about my time of birth.. haha

But yeaa, its 3pm not am.
Jackson, MI

Hi Moondog,

That would then change your Moon to Aries. All else is the same.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Hi LeoVirgo

I’m a Ophiuchian? Well I can’t really say that I fit the Sagittarian traits, I will do some research on Ophiuchus and see if anything resonates.

Thank you again!

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by Jewels2007

Hi Jewels,

Just remember, seek within you. If you seek what other sites and people say about Ophiuchus, only take what resonates.

Ophiuchus can mean many things on a deeper path. You have a healer, you have a choice of releasing chaos or taming chaos, you have a 'man' who is trying to control a have a sign that part of mankind has chosen to ignore...(Ophiuchus then being a perfect awakener that a soul would not of found out about during their younger days). It may show you your here to help people.

It may simply show you, you are here to just make a choice. It may be far beyond traits and attributes.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 07:42 AM
Hey! If you're still doing these readings I'd love to have mine done!

I've always thought I was a Leo.

Birth Date : July 31, 1986, morning

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by MeSoCorny

Birth Date : July 31, 1986, morning

Hello there!

Astrology would tell you that the Sun was in Leo at your birth, this may be a past/old sign for you and may be more natural to you to be Leo...

The Sun though, with true observance, was in Cancer at your birth. Cancer may be offering you things to work on and learn in this life, more so then feeling natural to you. But remember, we are all the signs/archetypes...we can take leaps within one life to learn many lessons if we work on it.

Before the Sun rises in Cancer, in the East rises Taurus bringing the Moon. Mercury then rises in Gemini before the Sun, then rises Cancer, bringing the Sun.

Venus (light bringer) sits in Leo (your old/past sign).

Pluto sits in Virgo.

Saturn (councilor) sits in Libra.

Uranus in Ophiuchus, the sign astrology does not acknowledge as a part of the Suns path.

Mars at the heart of Sagittarius...the one that points the way to the center of our galaxy. Neptune also in Sagittarius at the top of Sag's bow.

Jupiter (King planet) in Aquarius (our coming age).

To calculate moon phase at your birth type in month and year below on the link...

Here is a image of the Sun in Cancer at your birth, you can also see the Moon in Taurus and Mercury in Gemini.

My best to you!

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Wow...that's really neat! Thanks so much Leo! I'm going to have to go see if I fit some Cancer traits then, I suppose. I've always thought I mostly fit the Leo traits, but I can draw traits out of all of the sign. Very interesting to see the chart and all. Thanks again!

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by MeSoCorny
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Wow...that's really neat! Thanks so much Leo! I'm going to have to go see if I fit some Cancer traits then, I suppose. I've always thought I mostly fit the Leo traits, but I can draw traits out of all of the sign. Very interesting to see the chart and all. Thanks again!

Hi again!

Something has been with me today ever since I did your positions. Sometimes I get a feeling to post something additional for someone, like telling them Mars is a healer (example).

I posted to you earlier today and was in a rush to get to some other things, but ever since I posted to you (even while I was in the grocery store :@@
I kept getting this 'feeling' to make sure I would come back to the thread and tell you that Cancer, in Egypt, was depicted often as the scarab beetle.

Not sure if that adds any extra meaning for you...but Im just posting what my gutt tells me to

Its also been called the 'gate of men'.

My best to you! Happy hunting and observing!

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Wow.....thanks for taking the time to post that! I just googled some info on the meaning of scarab beetles, I don't know how to post sources, but I'll give it a go :

Meaning: It seemed to the ancient Egyptians that the young scarab beetles emerged spontaneously from the burrow were they were born. Therefore they were worshipped as "Khepera", which means "he was came forth." This creative aspect of the scarab was associated with the creator god Atum.

The ray-like antenna on the beetle's head and its practice of dung-rolling caused the beetle to also carry solar symbolism. The scarab-beetle god Khepera was believed to push the setting sun along the sky in the same manner as the bettle with his ball of dung. In many artifacts, the scarab is depicted pushing the sun along its course in the sky.

During and following the New Kingdom, scarab amulets were often placed over the heart of the mummified deceased. These "heart scarabs" (such as the one pictured above) were meant to be weighed against the feather of truth during the final judgement. The amulets were often inscribed with a spell from the Book of the Dead which entreated the heart to, "do not stand as a witness against me."

I'll have to think about that and what it means for me. Defintely intriguing....

And about that gate of men....I'd like to open it

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by MeSoCorny

Always remember to take what resonates.

Ill share a strange dream I had a few years was a time when I was leaving religion, but I was still asking Jesus to guide me. I asked him to show me things and guide me, one night I did this 'asking' right before bed and had a very vivid dream.

It was so simple and strange....I stood in the middle of the Earth, underneath the Earth, somehow was standing 'in the dirt of the Earth'. A man was with me, all I could see vividly was his arm which had a clothed sleeve hanging from his outstretched arm...while he pointed to a Scarab Beetle within the Earth. (This was before I really got into a deep interests in Egypt). The beetle had no life within it, just a shell there. It was as if though, a interpretation came to me of showing reincarnation, cycles, and that what we see here, what we thing we are (our bodies ) is just a vessel we use.

I can only say personally now, what I interpret for scarab beetles to mean...and I share it with you as a very limited idea of what it could mean to you or anyone. Still I share, what limited ideas I do have just in case.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

That's a meaningful dream. I like to think that our "souls" or what have you are indeed in a shell, or vessel. I really like the idea of reincarnation, I like the idea of being able to start over and learn things and try out different paths.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by MeSoCorny
reply to post by LeoVirgo

That's a meaningful dream. I like to think that our "souls" or what have you are indeed in a shell, or vessel. I really like the idea of reincarnation, I like the idea of being able to start over and learn things and try out different paths.

That idea resonates with me too. A constant recycling/sifting. If we look around in the Universe, everywhere, we see recycling. We see a form of energy, going into another from, and forms relying on other energies for life.

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 08:56 AM
Hi LeoVirgo,

I've just seen this thread now and I hope you can still do mine.

1984.01.19 in South Africa.

Thanks very much.

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by PharYkza


The Sun was on the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn this day.

All the planets rise in the East before the Sun rises.

First in the East rises Virgo bringing Mars and Pluto. Then Libra rises in the East bringing Saturn. Ophiuchus then rises (the sign astrology does not use) bringing Uranus and Venus. Sagittarius then rises bringing first Jupiter and Neptune which are in conjunction with eachother while they both sit in the general direction towards the center of our galaxy....Mercury then rises in Sagittarius and then the Sun rises on the cusp of Sag/Capricorn.

The Moon is a full moon. Depending on your time of birth depends on the position of the moon. Moon starts the day in moves onto a cusp of Cancer and Leo from 10am to noon the Moon has moved into Leo and is there the rest of the day.

Capricorn and Sagittarius are a interesting mix in my opinion because from what I have experienced, both of these signs are 'protectors'. Capricorn is a protector of mountains or high places or even sacred places...Sagittarius is the one I call the guardian because its arrow points the way to the center of our galaxy. These are just personal interpretations, so if that does not resonate with you just disregard that.

To calculate your moon phase go to the below link and type in your month and year...

Below is a image of the Sun along with some of the spheres at your birth. This program that I get images from will sometimes not label a sphere if its too close to another sphere...since Neptune and Jupiter are in conjunction (almost on top of one another) Neptune is not labeled.

My best to you!

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 11:06 PM
April 5, 1963 morning
hoping you can do me

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

how far back can you go?

mine is 28 nov 1936. 9am melbourne which gives 1 degree aquarius rising with moon at 25 taurus. i am very aquarian due to 3 planets in the 11th house and relate well to and am married to one.

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by minniesoda

April 5, 1963 morning

Hello there!

Sun sits in Pisces (our current age) at your birth. Jupiter (King) and Mercury also in Pisces. Astrology says you are a Aries, which this may still offer you things in this life.

Before the Sun rises this day, Capricorn rises in the East bringing Saturn. Aquarius (our coming age) then rises in the East bringing Venus. Then rises Pisces bringing first Jupiter, then the Sun, then Mercury follows.

Mars in Cancer.

Uranus, Pluto, and Moon in Leo.

Neptune in Libra.

To calculate your moon phase you can type in the month and year with the link below...

Here is a image of the Sun with a few spheres at your birth...

My best to you!

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 11:58 PM
Well thank you! I don't know what any of it means, but I still find it quite interesting!

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by orangutang

mine is 28 nov 1936

Hi there!

The Sun sits on a cusp at your birth of Scorpio and Ophiuchus. Astrology ignores the fact that the Sun does move through Ophiuchus.

Before the Sun rises this day, Virgo rises in the East bringing Mars.

Mercury in Ophiuchus.

Jupiter (king) and Venus in Sagittarius. Jupiter sits out in front of the bow which is the general direction towards the center of our galaxy.

Saturn in Aquarius (Aquarius may resonate with you so deeply because it is Saturn is a very strong energy, to me personally, I feel it the strongest. From my personal experience, Saturn is like a counselor, offering guidance and direction). Aquarius is our coming age.

Uranus in Aries.

Moon in Taurus.

Pluto in Cancer.

Neptune in Leo.

The Moon calculator I use does not go back to 1936....but your moon is across from your Sun at your birth, making it very close, if not for sure, a full moon. I could calculate it...on a wheel with a bit more time.

Image of the Sun at your birth...

And since you resonate with Aquarius, I wanted to show you Saturn in Aquarius...

Am happy to do your hubbys positions if you like also.

My best to you!

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by minniesoda
Well thank you! I don't know what any of it means, but I still find it quite interesting!

Your sun in our current age likely has a deeper meaning for you only you can seek out. The coming age rising before your Sun, along with it bringing Venus also is likely something deeper then traits and attributes for you.

Jupiter being with your Sun is also, likely something deep for you.

What I would suggest is for you to observe Jupiter right now because it is in Pisces, where it was at your birth. If you step out after 10pm and look to the East, look for the brightest light you can find, it will be popping out amongst all others. Know then, you are facing the gateway of your birth as well as facing Jupiter where it was when you were born.

All my best!

Your very welcome

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