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OBAMA lifts BAN From HIV Positive immigrants entering the US!!!!!!!

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posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity

Originally posted by jedi_hamster
reply to post by ldyserenity

what's the purpose of your hatred then? sooner US will fall apart than anything will come out of this. seriously, calm down.

second... whatever.

If you're talking about my hatered for OBAMA?He's a moron...that's why. But, what I am thinking about has nothing to do with gays, it's a misconception they are the only ones that get the disease and if you read my other posts then you'd know about 99 percent of the people whoo are infected are not homosexual, most are drug users (WE definatley don't need more of those here), and hemophiliacs, which is not even their fault and then running third, is the promisuous straight person, who I might add are more likely to continue the spread as they will not even inform their partners.
You obviously know nothing about the disease at all, and it's actually quite bigoted that you think only gay people get it.

[edit on 25-6-2010 by ldyserenity]

[edit on 25-6-2010 by ldyserenity]

Don't even bother trying to talk to these people, You could talk until your face turns blue but nothing will change expect you'll be blue. Welcome to liberal ATS.

[edit on 26-6-2010 by Alien Mind]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

So the US is allowed to rape the rest of the world for resources, but the people who aren't from the US shouldn't be allowed to come over to your country to get medical care for their life endangering disease ?


posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 12:13 PM
Somehow I cannot believe such a thing, the reason being that I have not seen in any of my many law books a ban on people with aids entering our country. One cannot acquire HIV-AIDS from the air, nor from walking by them on the street. We all know how this horrible disease is transmitted. I would not believe everything I read on Twitter. Sorry, it's just not believeable.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

This crosscontamination can happen if you and another us citizen which happens to be HIV positive are brought into an ER at the same time.

If you are afraid that foreigners may be bringing diseases in with them you may also want to stop US citizens from traveling abroad because they may also get infected and bring these diseases with them upon their return.

Better yet you could build a big old dome over the US. If you live in a bubble you'll be safe. No one gets in or out.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Silver Shadow

Originally posted by ldyserenity
she comes into my room, touches me to examine my wounds, and viola it's in my wound, direct line to my blood stream.

And it is not just the patients at risk in a busy hospital.
Hospital staff get needle stick injuries all the time.
And people that routinely handle blood samples, for tests, are at high risk too.

Exactly why I never finished nursing school....and YES I severly am a germo-phobe....cannot change that!!!! I don't like going out to eat, if someon coughs in a line I am in I might back up, or I may go to another line!!!!! So sorry I am a germaphobic person.

Anyway to all the others who've responded and kept it civil... I appreciate that Thank you.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 02:16 PM
Do you even know anything about HIV? You sound like someone who's still living in 1984.

You're probably unaware of how many people you come into contact with have HIV.

Are you aware that according to what doctor and what test you take, YOU can be diagnosed as HIV+?

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

Why I don't interact with very many people, I am also agoraphobic, I don't like to be too close to anybody. I'd rather stay in the protection of my house. I won't even shake hands. You know that show Monk? Well that's me. It's just something in my psychology. Because I did live through the first parts of the epidemic I grew up in the eighties.'s a personal problem and yes I do know how it spreads, why I don't like hospitals or just about anything that deals in blood, and I am not queasy about blood seeing it I mean I can watch Horror/ gore movies all day. As long as it's on a screen and not within fifty feet of me I am alright.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 02:28 PM
Two words: Population Control

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by brilab45

You , and the vast majority of people infected with HIV are responsible. Unfortunately it would only take a few irresponsible people to cause a great deal of harm.

I think a lot of you misunderstand the concerns.

I don't dislike people with HIV, to be honest, I couldn't tell unless, I was told, who has HIV.

The problem is, you have hospitals becoming less sanitary, you have people unfamiliar or uncaring of laws, and you have a president that doesn't seem to care.

And numbers don't lie, if you let more people in with HIV, you increase the percent of population with HIV, and you increase the chance of HIV spreading. It's really simple math. This holds true especially for HIV, since there is no 100% protection.

And as much as we all want to be lovey-dovey and help our fellow man, this is an area where we CAN"T! Technology to do so does not exist yet. So best form of defense is to limit contact to absolute minimums.

You can't negate contact completely because you have citizens, with full rights, currently infected. But, you can try to limit, or eliminate, the number of new people/case coming into the country.

And to the poster who said that we are still living in 1984...nope, we are stuck in the far #tier reality of 2010.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by peck420
You can't negate contact completely because you have citizens, with full rights, currently infected. But, you can try to limit, or eliminate, the number of new people/case coming into the country.

You can't limit or eliminate the number of new cases coming into the country when these new cases may very well be US citizens coming home from spring break in some foreign hot spot or business travelers who may have visited a country where prostitution is legal and health regulations are lax.

An infected person visiting the Grand Canyon, or some other tourist spot, with their family isn't going to introduce a greater threat than a bunch of drunk and horny guys and/or gals partying in Tijuana.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 03:02 PM
Well taking into consideration that most illegal immigrants coming from the border are here to seek from medical care to work and just plain opportunist, I don't believe is anyone testing them for any type of diseases.

But with all the talks about HCR and immigration reform all those that comes into the country sick may find a way to dip into the new expanded Medicaid for their HIV needs.

After all the last Medicare and Medicaid reform exempt illegals from receiving any of the two entitlement programs but their born American children can, still they are entitle to emergency care and many states like NY give them care for maternity needs, because they figure the children will be born americans anyway

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by daskakik

You can't limit or eliminate the number of new cases coming into the country when these new cases may very well be US citizens coming home from spring break in some foreign hot spot or business travelers who may have visited a country where prostitution is legal and health regulations are lax.

Absolutely you can.

You can't compare how an immigrant, with most likely minimal education, will act in regard to HIV. You can however get a fairly good idea how an American will. The

Your government can control how much education your country applies to it's citizens.

You can't control, say, a gentlemen from Africa who believes that sleeping, unprotected mind you, with a virgin will cure his HIV.

You also have ease of access to testing in America. Many countries do not.
If stats are to be believed, most of the worlds infected population does not even know that they are infected.

It utterly amazes me as to how many Americans think a large part of the world has even basic education.

And don't give me any BS about highly educated immigrants with HIV coming in. The vast, and I mean VAST, majority of people with HIV are poor and uneducated. And those are the most likely to spread the disease upon entering the US.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by marg6043

This has nothing to do with illegals. The ban that was lifted was on people who were ineligable for tourist visas becase they were HIV positive.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by peck420

A star for you, actually most immigrants if not all coming from the border are the very poor and in need from the countries they are "escaping from" as they have not benefits given to them by their own governments.

That is why illegal immigration in America is call "importing poverty" and many of the children born in the US from this group will also fall into the poverty that their parents brought with them.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by daskakik

I wasn't sure, but still is better medical care in Europe that in the US so far, many people with financial means will travel oversea for the latest treatments.

One of the problems that UK is having right now, people just flooding the country for HIV care

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by peck420

This isn't about immigrants it's mainly about turists.

“If we want to be a global leader in combating H.I.V./AIDS, we need to act like it,” Mr. Obama said. “Now, we talk about reducing the stigma of this disease, yet we’ve treated a visitor living with it as a threat.”

That reads tourists to me.

EDIT to add - Any restriction that a government may place on immigration does not affect illegals because they are not waiting around for their paperwork to be approved. Illegals could care less about the ban on HIV infected people. The lifting of this ban only affects those wanting to things legally.

[edit on 26-6-2010 by daskakik]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by daskakik

And removing a law that protects US citizens in the name of tourism is just another example of how asinine your government is.

They could have easily excluded tourist from the law, but they chose to repeal the entire law.

As I stated in my above post. The vast majority of people that will bring HIV into America will not be educated, and economically sound, tourists. They will be poor and uneducated legal and illegal immigrants.

And yes, most tourists are educated and economically sound, as travelling costs money.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 03:41 PM
Well sh!t.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by peck420

First off illegals don't count cause they can care less what bans the gov places because they are not going by the law anyway. They have been and will continue to come HIV ban or not.

Have you seen the requirements to be granted a workers visa to the US?
Trust me the uneducated and poor need not apply that is why most opt for the illegal path.

The truth is that the ban was really only keeping out the "educated and economically sound" tourists.

Edit to add - I still think Sex Tourism is a greater threat than allowing HIV positive tourists into the US.

[edit on 26-6-2010 by daskakik]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 03:47 PM
Your not very open-minded for a pagan.

And your getting mad because we are no longer banning people who have a specific disease, that Americans already have???

That is like saying your mad becauase a ban was lifted on people who have lyme's disease.

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