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Mad as hell - The real face of the BP oil catastrophe

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posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by hadriana
I have sorta felt like all I can do is sit back and take my punishment, and watching this situation does feel like punishment to me.

Yup. And it's pretty sad and hopeless when you stop to think that, suppose by some miracle they do manage to stop this well, then what? Wanna bet everyone will be like "Back to business as usual. Yippee!"

In a self-punishing kind of way, brought on by my conscience, I hope them two relief wells turn into the same thing as that primary well has become. Lets just get this over with 3 times faster. Hell, drill some more, lets cripple even more wells. Hell, why delay the inevitable, why procrastinate our ultimate fate? Lets get this damn doom show rolling and over with before winter sets in. I do not like winter and would prefer to die in the warmth of summer instead of the cold of winter.

[edit on 26-6-2010 by Divinorumus]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by HeavenlyDivine

There's alternatives to oil. The oil industry has made it so these alternatives never see the light of day.

None of us are to blame, BP troll.

And what did you do, being aware of these alternatives (therefore they have seen the light of day), to foster the uptake of them perhaps in another format?

"Oh no, the Big Oil bought the patent, we can't do anything"

BS. If you actually cared you would be out there developing patent busting alternatives because if enough of us do it the patents could not be enforced, but no, all you can do is sit in your armchair in front of your computer and cry "troll". Shame on you. Many others are out there trying to do something about it. At least they are trying.

[edit on 26/6/2010 by PuterMan]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 07:43 AM
I can't watch because of the pain it causes me. But I have saved my share of pelicans.

I have jumped in cold ocean water to grab these birds as they struggled with fishing wire wrapped from head to foot after swallowing the lure. I have cut the wire off by hand, while holding these enormous, beautiful ancient creatures.

I have been ashamed to be human since I was a little girl. This is beyond words and the epitome of EVIL. We truly are living out our End Times in style ...

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by MisterSinister
reply to post by Nomad451

Are you kidding? You gotta be man. Only the SIMPLE MINDED would resort to such a biased conclusion. We are all to blame, hey? Every single product or invention which establishes a foothold to escape from our collective dependence on this filthy product is destroyed. Either by a swift purchase of plans and patents, plus a quick bribe of a few million dollars. The ceramic engine (which employs zero oil), high output steam engines, electric battery technology (battery companies are owned by various organisations and businesses which lead back to oil companies. Follow the money trail), the list goes on - in which technology is improving in leaps and bounds are being suppressed by those who stand to lose the most. There are thousands of products out there which are of major benefit to us all. If not directly, then indirectly via a cleaner environment, less pollutants, more clean jobs and the overall freedom of our species, which do not fall into the "planned obsolescence" category. Industrial hemp would save the world. And before any potentially bigoted misunderstandings about industrial hemp, do your research on the subject and see how redundant oil really is. What you know to be truth today will not necessarily be truth tomorrow.

Our dependence on oil is a choice we do not have very much power in making. The only thing which improves choice is money and power. Anything which offers a clear path from lies and deceit is HEAVILY regulated, discredited at mass by established institutions.

I think you're unaware of more than you're aware of. I don't wish to waste any more time here on this thread. There are more constructive things to be done right now. But I could not scroll past your comment without your ignorance smacking me in the face. You need more self education on thinking for yourself and not letting the established institutions sway your critical thinking, especially at a time like this.

Peace bro.
Hope you find some of your own answers soon.

Hurrah! Mister Sinister, I so agree. Technologies that would offer an alternative to oil are killed & buried by the oil companies. I do NOT feel guilty for using oil-based products. How many alternatives do most of us have access to?


posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by Divinorumus

In a self-punishing kind of way, brought on by my conscience, I hope them two relief wells turn into the same thing as that primary well has become. Lets just get this over with 3 times faster.

That is just plain sick

By the way these two wells they are drilling, whilst called relief wells, are not to relieve the pressure. They are to enable plugging the leak at the bottom of the well shaft so that the sea bed leaking stops as well. I hope they work as that would remove the future source of pollution leaving us with the task of clearing up the mess that has already been created.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 07:57 AM
Isn't this just a rehash of the same pics we saw a month ago, that were also the same pics from 2 weeks prior to that. Yes they are mixed with a song in an attempt to provide more effect, but jesus its just the same thing over and over and the same sentiments. I won't dispute the situation is grave and that the pics are bad but enough already.


posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by PuterMan
I thank my ancestors that they strived for profit to give me the lifestyle I enjoy today, ...

We are quite a bit different, you and I.

I curse my ancestors for what they have done. I mean, for example, I was born here upon this planet by no fault of my own. By birth right though, a part of this planet should belong to me free and clear upon being born here. Yet, those before us apparently proclaimed the entire Earth belongs to them, and thus to enjoy a piece of my fare share of MY home planet, which I was born upon by no fault of my own I remind you, I have to earn some of THEIR funny fiat money in order to buy a piece of it from them because they before us have proclaimed they own it all?

And if that wasn't bad enough, I have to pay taxes to the king in order to keep it, when it should be mine free and clear after I had paid for it? What kind of crazy expletive jack is that?

I look out the window and see deer that roam (relatively) free that enjoy more land and freedom than I could ever hope for, and they don't even have to tithe the king in order to enjoy what is theirs by birth right too. We are worse off than the dear that roam free in the forests.

Nah, this is one messed up world and maybe it is time for a huge RESET! Go ahead, folks, nuke the Earths crust trying to fix what humanity has wrought upon itself. Humanity deserves the consequences that will insure. Don't worry though, the Earth will heal herself, and without humanity around any more the planet and all her other inhabitants will be better off without us to mess it all up again .. if THIS is what it means to be humans.

[edit on 26-6-2010 by Divinorumus]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by donhuangenaro
that's funny,

there is an excellent alternative for oil,
it can grow in your pot
or it can be planted on fields
you can make plastic from it
you can make fuel from it
you can make concrete from it
you can make medications from it
you can make food from it
you can make thousands of more products

and they are all biodegradable

it is called cannabis sativa....

Hey, Don huan genaro, I had NO idea that hemp was that versatile!
I do NOT partake, but have no objections to legalizing marijuana (heroin, crack coc aine, meth -- NO!!!), but marijuana okay. Now that I know hemp has many USEFUL applications, I'm even more in favor of legalizing it.


posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by HeavenlyDivine

Originally posted by Nomad451
Your computer you sit at is made from oil. The clothes on your back were produced and shipped using oil. The food you ate last night came from oil. The house you sit in was constructed on the precipice of oil.

Walk outside, have a look around you. Our ENTIRE western civilization is built by, runs on, lives breathes and eats oil.

We are the consuming drug addicts, BP and other oil companies are the drug dealers.

I just want you to look at it in this perspective along with your own, which I do agree with. Corners were cut, dangers overlooked, and what we have is potentially a cataclysmic event for all life. I believe this event will plunge us all off the cliff.

Its beyond words what has happened and may god help us all.

But I will say to you don't ride a high horse when it comes to this megalithic fu@k up.

We are all to blame.

There's alternatives to oil. The oil industry has made it so these alternatives never see the light of day.

None of us are to blame, BP troll.

Sure there are alternatives, each one has problems in either
cost, production or power.

Nothing comes close to Energy vs Cost than Oil.

And Making gasoline is only one part of the oil usage.
How many objects in your house were derived from Oil, it's actually
a shorter list to list those that arn't made from oil. And you have to
burn more Oil to build "Green" cars than traditional gas guzzlers.
"Green" would be better off Long term, but we are in a Throw-Away
society so the Long Term will never get there.

Hydrogen: The most abundant element in the Universe, but on
earth it's always attached to something else. To get hydrogen out
water just takes so much energy for so little gas. And to replace
gasoline as a source you're going to need a ship load of Power.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by Astroved

You probably also don't know then that once upon a time it was ILLEGAL NOT to grow hemp.

The oil companies saw to it that it became illegal back in the 30s because it was such a threat to them.

I don't know about the states, but here in Europe you can get a licence to grow hemp commercially. (It is not the spliff variety)

reply to post by Divinorumus

Nah, this is one messed up world and maybe it is time for a huge RESET! Go ahead, folks, nuke the Earths crust trying to fix what humanity has wrought upon itself. Humanity deserves the consequences that will insure. Don't worry though, the Earth will heal herself, and without humanity around any more the planet and all her other inhabitants will be better off without us to mess it all up again .. if THIS is what it means to be humans.

We (you and I) are not actually as different as you imagine. I look forward to a reset, but in the mean time I would rather it was Gaia that did it than us.

I love the land - I have 9.5 acres - and I try to use it. I don't often succeed, but that is because of other considerations. Unfortunately to become self sufficient requires money, and I have none. I am exploring water powered generators , building a wind generator etc

No, we are not so different except perhaps for the realism.

reply to post by skeptic_al

Hydrogen: The most abundant element in the Universe, but on earth it's always attached to something else. To get hydrogen out water just takes so much energy for so little gas

Not true - do your homework.

[edit on 26/6/2010 by PuterMan]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

OfHumanDescent, thanks for posting this. Now I may understand why William Allen Kruse, captain of a charter fishing boat, "The Rookie" (Orange Beach, Alabama) and hired to work on the oil clean-up, took a gun to himself.

It also reminds me of that Zulu shaman's prediction that half of humankind will perish by 2011. What's his name? Credo Mutwa or something like that?

If this is our fate, then my advice is to enjoy what little time there is.


posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
The culling has begun.

OfHumanDescent, are you of the mind that says this was done on purpose as part of the Globalist/NWO depopulation agenda?

It fits. Certainly, Obama would LOVE as excuse to declare Martial Law. He's a natural dictator. He makes my skin crawl.


posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:42 AM
I don't know ANYONE on the far left that wants to destroy the environment to destroy the economy.

That's like saying the far right wants to destroy marriage in order to destroy abortion.

It might fit some globalist agenda, but I don't think that agenda IS far left. There might be more like a cross - left ------right then going up and down authoritarian------libertarian.

I think the globalists are authoritarian - they want to enslave the world. They can be left OR right and want to do that.


I know way, way, WAY too many on the far left that won't even eat eggs because they don't want to take them away from the hens. I can't find it in my logic to pin destroying the gulf on the likes of those folks.

[edit on 26-6-2010 by hadriana]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:45 AM
Folks, all this bickering about politics, conspiracies, whether we all use oil or not, really misses the big picture IMO. The BIG PICTURE is that we are destroying this natural world and bringing immeasurable suffering and death to our fellow passengers on this planet (and ultimately to ourselves).

The nature of life and reality is that we cannot live on this planet without having an impact (including the use of oil and resources). HOWEVER, we can work to greatly minimize our impacts by learning to live sustainably, reducing our materialism and consumption, reducing our personal use of gas powered lawn tools, reducing our own use of pesticides-herbicides-poisons, controlling our population expansion (sorry folks, but this is the biggest problem).

We can all do far better, but if we don't move past all this political bickering, conspiracy theories, religious indifferences to the environment, and idealism, we are finished - as is the quality of life on this planet. Lets grow up, quite being selfish, and embrace a new spirituality of minimilism and respect for our world! If we don't, all life as we currently know it stands in the balance.

[edit on 26-6-2010 by whatsup]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:57 AM
In a sense, yes we are all to blame. The mere fact that you are reading this means you are part of the machine, as am I. Just as Walmart or Home Depot would disappear if the parking lots stayed empty, the oil companies would crumble if people DEMANDED a different way forward.
Hemp is illegal in the states, unbelievable. That has to change, and it needs to be the small farmer leading the way, not Monsanto or some other unfeeling mega corp.
Yes, we need a reset, but it means leaving behind the conveniences that the machine offers. Think about it, who do you rely on? Chances are, no one BUT your government and the big corps to "oil" your life and make it easy. You don't rely on your neighbor and your neighbor doesn't rely on you. You may not even KNOW your neighbor really, and your friends are a short drive away, right?
We can cleanse our conscience and our planet one person at a time. It won't happen if you don't recognize that we all share SOME blame. YES, some of us are doing more than others to reverse this self-destructive behavior. At some point, we turn off the T.V. and maybe the computer too (gasp!!!) for a while, and get into the garden. The neighborhood could be one magnificent garden. Make it happen, and we begin to reverse this nightmare.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by Stewie


Plus many thousands more. That is one of the most intelligent posts I have seen on all of these oil threads.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:24 AM
I could not watch the entire video it broke my heart. I am so upset by this disaster if I could I would take tony hayward and the rest of the snob bastards soak them in the oil spill they created and start them on fire. I know, I know, some people will be upset at what I posted I can't help that it's how I feel. We are (the USA) being destroyed by corporate greed we bail out the banks on the taxpayers dime and now BP ruins the Golf Coast and it's eco. system and our government is pussy footing around not getting tough with BP. Make theses bastards accountable forget all the political bull# get tough, if they have to hold a gun to their f@@@ing rich heads then do it Then after making them accountable throw them in jail or burn them in the oil as mentioned above. Screw political correctness look at the mess our country is in because of being politically correct and having no balls to do and say what is good for the country. Yes I am rambling but I cannot contain my anger and this is what happens pure unadulterated hate for corporate snobs and political bull# artists which our government is overflowing with. Just my opinion

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

Thank you.
Sorry for the oil slick, I hope it doesn't ruin the ocean view or the fishing there.


posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by sadwolf

Hopefully, BP will get what it deserves in the end. The stock is dropping like a rock and the 20 billion they are supposed to post for clean up is waaay beyond their actual cash on hand of 6.8. Wonder how much ol' Tony has in the bank? I'll bet a lot went to an offshore account when this happened. S&F for the OP.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 10:07 AM
What really bothers me on all of this is that if this spill was occurring off the coast of California or the Hamptons, the elites would have moved Heaven and Earth to stop and contain.

They would have pulled every resource available and included the nations of the earth to assist as if it was another 9-11. Troops would have been pulled from Iraq to clean up. The entire naval fleet would have been brought in with boons to collect oil. Yet the Gulf Coast seems expendable. Viewed almost as a TV tragedy unfolding in a 3rd world country. Obama sees no reason to stop his date nights or golf rounds. Tony Hayward is virtually ignored by the administration for almost 2 months before being talked to...but a General that says something negative about Obama is put on a plane from Iraq to DC overnight.

Do I think there is a conspiracy...No. I think this administration and Congress is so focused on shoving its agenda down the throat of the US before the November elections that they absolutely refuse to dedicate any bandwidth to the issue. In fact they are looking for angles to capitalize upon it to push even more of their agenda with Cap and Trade. Please explain to me how this would have prevented an oil spill?

Nero fiddling while Rome burned is about to supplanted as a quaint example of a leader doing nothing during a crisis.

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