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President Obama is completely worthless as a president

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posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:26 PM
my question is which governments mms approved big oils contingency plans and their capability to deal with oil spills and their environmental impact assessment if an oil spill occured?

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
reply to post by mothershipzeta

Just curious ...

Why is a new member that labels themselves a "disinfo agent", and then actually posts just like a disinfo agent would still here?

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and hell even says it's a duck - it's a flippen duck ...

We wouldn't get it, it's an ego thing.


posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by nikiano
If you want to know more about this lying,Illegal, Marxist, Islamic Muslim, Ocommie 'weasel?' Go to:

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:16 PM
Glenn Beck Provided his theory on his show yesterday. I mean I know its Glenn Beck and I have become more and more skeptical of him. But he was basically showing the Ties between Petro-Bras (Big Oil From Brazil) and The Obama administration. Here's The link to the show's transcript. While I haven't done the fact-checking yet, It is certainly an interesting theory as to why the Obama administration is choosing to bask in, splash around, and spread around the leaking oil instead of cleaning it up.

And as far as the Communist takeover idea... I don't think they are trying to turn us all into communists... In fact, I don't think they give a rats ass about anyone except their own pockets. If everyone else is destroyed for their profit. Its all good to them.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:18 PM
"Leaders lend nothing to history but their names to be used as labels." Tolstoy

Saying a man leads a nation is like saying the surfer leads the wave.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by nikiano

What a complete joke of a post! you say:
"How many times can we say this...FIX THE DAMN LEAK FIRST!! Then worry about who is to blame. How hard is that simple task???"

So, you gotta an idea how to stop it? NO ONE DOES> This has never happened this far out from the Gulf. The drilled (baby drill!) far past what was legal without any safguards that the Bush Admin took away from the oil company's responsiblity.

"Ok, I'm going to go one step beyond saying he's worthless and incompetent. This is NOT presidential. This is treason. I am now thinking Obama WANTS to ruin America. I am now thinking we have elected a treasonous president, determined to bring us down from within."

OK if this is treason when does the Bush/Cheney/Rove/Gonzales trial start?
The same kind of spill happened in 1979 & lasted 290 days! Did you even know that? How much damage did that do? De-regulation (the mantra from ALL GOP reps) has hurt the Stock market, Housing, oil, and the American economy & it was ALL brought on by the Republicans! The only smart thing they knew how to do was step aside when it all fell apart. Get a clue, nikiano, because you're coming off sounding like you don't even know the subject you broached here:
"Obama seems like he WANTS this leak to ruin the Gulf. I can think of no other other rational explanation for his actions."

Keep thinking, being rational starts with you, and you ain't cutting it! LOL

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:27 PM
Who was the last President we had that was worth anything? Eisenhower warned the nation against the military/industrial complex & was possibly the last Pres. worth his salt. (If you don't believe the military is involved in this whole mess you are mistaken.) The Coast Guard is worthless. Our entire establishment is worthless. There is a push to elect a more conservative batch of worthlessness. It won't help. We will continue to pay those who lose their seats & will be trading one batch of politicians for another batch of politicians. We need to change the system. As it is now longer serves our needs.
Look, I'm new here. I can only hope I'm not crossing any lines, but really folks how long can this go on? Our neighbors on the Gulf coast are hurting. They are unable to feed their children or keep a sound roof over their heads. Is this the American way? I agree stop the damned "leak", but in the mean time what are all those people supposed to do?


posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Archirvion
All this for the better of human kind. Sometimes sacrifice must be done.

So todays super criminals are going to build a better future for human kind...

No. They will do what criminals always do. Build a better future for themselves.

Our future will most likely suck now that the world has been completely hijacked. Lets hope there is a big asteroid on its way. I prefer death to lack of liberty and freedom.

[edit on 22-6-2010 by Copernicus]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by nikiano

Grow up and learn how to express yourself in a way that people can tolerate.

I don't think a lot of people here on ATS would be happy with any President the US would ever have.

What is so hard to accept that maybe he doesn't know how to fix the leak? Maybe the Army doesn't know how to do it better than BP.

They started drilling the relief wells ASAP because they knew that was the only reliable way to stop the oil leak. In fact they drilled two of them! And instead of waiting for those to be finished in mid-August, they experimented with other methods, probably just to amuse people like you who freak out like they're not doing all they can.

Let me draw a comparison for you: Your house is ablaze. You call the fire department, which is the best thing you can do. In the meantime, your family is pressuring you and freaking out like children about it being on fire. So, you take out your garden house and try to put out the fire. But, truth is that the fire won't be put out until the fire department can handle it themselves.

The relief well(s) will be what fixes this leak. It is the fire department from the story above. The garden hose is all the other junk they did to appease people who couldn't tolerate waiting.

Settle down already. In another 3 or so years, maybe there will be another President you can cry over. It seems with the conspiracy crowd that there is always something to complain about, always some disaster, and it's always a blame game and that's the reason why they figure their life sucks so much. Just because the guy is President doesn't mean he knows jack about plugging an oil leak. BP is using their know-how to fix the problem. It's a tragedy, but crying and moaning and complaining about it will only make your life more miserable. Maybe that makes you feel better about being complacent being a computer screen, as if you know what to do.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 03:01 PM
The simple fact is, if George Bush was president and acting the way Obama is now, he wouldve long been impeached. But give the black man another chance right? We all know the white man is still holding down obama. I say impeach Obama and I'm called a racist lol. This is the stupid society we live in. No matter how many facts you throw at people, none of it ever matters.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by nikiano
President Obama is a completely worthless president. Look at the way he is handling this oil's deplorable. He's talking about suing them. He's talking about financial responsibility. He's bringing the leaders of BP into congress for cross examinations. He's talking about "kicking ass" on national television. But is he DOING anything about it? No.

He's not behaving like a president - he's behaving like a LAWYER.

How many times can we say this...FIX THE DAMN LEAK FIRST!! Then worry about who is to blame. How hard is that simple task???

All the while, the spill is getting worse, and worse....and not only that, but the Coast Guard is BLOCKING efforts of cleanup crews and media resports.

Coast Guard...whose side are you on, anyway??

And who do I have to blame? Myself. I admit, I voted for Obama. Why? I was hoping for something better than Bush. I was tired of Republican policies getting us into war after war. I wanted us out of Afghanistan and Iraq. I admit (now, ashamedly) that I voted for him because I was sick of the wars, and sick of the incompetence. But what do we get? MORE incompetence. WORSE than Bush, if that is possible.

Yes, Bush waited 5 days before he sent people in to New Orleans after Katrina. But what the hell is Obama doing? Not only is he doing nothing, but 15 countries have come to our aid, offering to help us, and he says "No, thanks....we've got it under control." We DO??? WHERE?? Where do we have this leak under control??

Obama seems like he WANTS this leak to ruin the Gulf. I can think of no other other rational explanation for his actions.

Obama is not only being incompetent about BP, either. Look at what's happening in my Arizona. Arizona is being over-run by Mexico drug cartels, and instead of doing anything about it, he has the BLM put up signs along I-8 saying "don't travel here; travel is unsafe due to Mexican cartels."

WTF??? We've basically ceded part of our state to Mexico??? WTF???

Then, one of our senators (Kyle) tries to talk to Obama about doing something about it, Obama basically admits he won't do anything because we passed the immigration law SB1070 here. So, Obama admits he is REFUSING to defend the borders of the US because he is trying to teach us a lesson! Because he doesn't agree with our policies! What happens if another country tries to overrun another state? Will he sit back and do nothing if he doesn't agree with that state's politics, too?

Ok, I'm going to go one step beyond saying he's worthless and incompetent. This is NOT presidential. This is treason. I am now thinking Obama WANTS to ruin America. I am now thinking we have elected a treasonous president, determined to bring us down from within.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by nikiano]

I just want to correct you. I live in New orleans. Bush had Coast Guard and National Guard here day 1. Actually the 1st ones were 2 hours after Katrina hit the coast. Within 72 hours of Katrina hitting the coast there were 100,000 rescue personel at ground zero. So refrain from lying about that, I was here.

Now Obama is, in my opinion the worst president ever elected. He isn't useless. But he's terrible. But anyone that took a few minutes to research him before the election would have known that he was the most liberal senator out there, that he refrained from voting on certain issues to mask his voting record to make him appear more centrist. You would have known he was unwualified. But you and most others got caught up in the hype.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by DrJay1975

Originally posted by nikiano
President Obama is a completely worthless president. Look at the way he is handling this oil's deplorable. He's talking about suing them. He's talking about financial responsibility. He's bringing the leaders of BP into congress for cross examinations. He's talking about "kicking ass" on national television. But is he DOING anything about it? No.

He's not behaving like a president - he's behaving like a LAWYER.

How many times can we say this...FIX THE DAMN LEAK FIRST!! Then worry about who is to blame. How hard is that simple task???

All the while, the spill is getting worse, and worse....and not only that, but the Coast Guard is BLOCKING efforts of cleanup crews and media resports.

Coast Guard...whose side are you on, anyway??

And who do I have to blame? Myself. I admit, I voted for Obama. Why? I was hoping for something better than Bush. I was tired of Republican policies getting us into war after war. I wanted us out of Afghanistan and Iraq. I admit (now, ashamedly) that I voted for him because I was sick of the wars, and sick of the incompetence. But what do we get? MORE incompetence. WORSE than Bush, if that is possible.

Yes, Bush waited 5 days before he sent people in to New Orleans after Katrina. But what the hell is Obama doing? Not only is he doing nothing, but 15 countries have come to our aid, offering to help us, and he says "No, thanks....we've got it under control." We DO??? WHERE?? Where do we have this leak under control??

Obama seems like he WANTS this leak to ruin the Gulf. I can think of no other other rational explanation for his actions.

Obama is not only being incompetent about BP, either. Look at what's happening in my Arizona. Arizona is being over-run by Mexico drug cartels, and instead of doing anything about it, he has the BLM put up signs along I-8 saying "don't travel here; travel is unsafe due to Mexican cartels."

WTF??? We've basically ceded part of our state to Mexico??? WTF???

Then, one of our senators (Kyle) tries to talk to Obama about doing something about it, Obama basically admits he won't do anything because we passed the immigration law SB1070 here. So, Obama admits he is REFUSING to defend the borders of the US because he is trying to teach us a lesson! Because he doesn't agree with our policies! What happens if another country tries to overrun another state? Will he sit back and do nothing if he doesn't agree with that state's politics, too?

Ok, I'm going to go one step beyond saying he's worthless and incompetent. This is NOT presidential. This is treason. I am now thinking Obama WANTS to ruin America. I am now thinking we have elected a treasonous president, determined to bring us down from within.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by nikiano]

I just want to correct you. I live in New orleans. Bush had Coast Guard and National Guard here day 1. Actually the 1st ones were 2 hours after Katrina hit the coast. Within 72 hours of Katrina hitting the coast there were 100,000 rescue personel at ground zero. So refrain from lying about that, I was here.

Now Obama is, in my opinion the worst president ever elected. He isn't useless. But he's terrible. But anyone that took a few minutes to research him before the election would have known that he was the most liberal senator out there, that he refrained from voting on certain issues to mask his voting record to make him appear more centrist. You would have known he was unwualified. But you and most others got caught up in the hype.

Bush is sitting somewhere with his goofy smile drinkin a cold one sayin "i bet ya miss me now #ers hhuh?"

lets not forget obama was only put into office because he was black. you couldve put flava flav up there or alvin greene and he wouldve won. Im still convinced alvin greene will be president in 2012.

[edit on 22-6-2010 b

[edit on 22-6-2010 by AndrewJay]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by spurge
reply to post by Wyn Hawks


...nope... he allowed himself to be blackmailed / controlled by j edgar hoover and thats just one example...

Originally posted by mike dangerously
The President is a figgurehead and has been so since after JFK's death.All the presidents after 1963 have been nothing but servants for various interests it's just that Bush and Obama are more obvious puppets then other presidents

...there has never been a prez who did not play the tit for tat game with the rich and powerful - not one...

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 03:33 PM
god i dont care if he is black or white,but he gives black people everywhere a black name HES A JOKE
please o please gather donations to buy me a sniper rifle...
that man must be stoped the hard way!

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by nikiano
But is there any way OTHER than revolution to fight back against TPTB?

...maybe the only way to improve our lot is to change how we look at things, what we accept as integrity and truth, how we communicate - a psychological revolution... thats been successful in other areas (race, religion, spirituality, environmental issues)...

...heres an example...

...i grew up with the phrase the powers that be but it was used to describe/name forces of nature that were not commonly understood (like dna)... nowadays (especially online) its used to describe those who control the world's money - and - i'm thinking thats equivalent to shooting yourself in the butt - because - everytime you use that phrase to describe greedy supremacist scum you are saying that you recognize that they have power over you... so, in essence, you give them "the power" over you (psychologically)...

...its simplistic, i know - but - still, i wonder how perception might change if instead of that phrase being read/typed countless times every day online, the rich and greedy scum were called truthful but derogatory names...

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by nikiano

I always stated my opinion concerning Politics.

Obama or McCain it doesn't matter. Those in power use this to keep the serfs occupied with fighting one another !

Obama was positioned in his role as POTUS for this exact reason.

Bush took the money and ran, depressed the economy and the country and creating bitter sentiments against the Government and Obama is in office to sink the final putt !

It all appears to be working exactly as planned I might add !!

Life is TOO SHORT to waste time and good bandwidth on something like complaining about the POTUS.

Thats' like complaining about Income Taxes !

You can complain all you want but it won't change DAM a thing.

Especially when it concerns a major Oil Corporation which is the Epitome of the British Powers that Be and we haven't an inkling of power against them.

BP is owned by the same Powers whom own the Federal Reserve.

Remember what happend to JFK when he went against the powers that be ????

When I see this bitter ranting it only makes me think of this character !!

[edit on 22-6-2010 by nh_ee]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 04:10 PM
I can't wait to make a thread about puppets and presidents. PEOPLE there hasn't been a president in power since Kennedy (trust). I think its all a set up. These puppet masters make it appear as if the sitting presidents is profiting from certain events and they do, but so do these puppet masters. There is also an energy these puppet masters receive from human blood shed and sacrifice. Because all of these wars, disasters, oil spill, economic crisis and so on causes some type of hardship/death to humans and animals. White people stop Blaming Obama and Black people stop blaming Bush.....what if once you become president you become aware of the true evil behind the curtain and they threaten to kill you or worse. They may threaten your family members lives, if you didn't do as they say. What if they show you the Kennedy scene on 11/22/1963 and then ask "any questions". Why do you think all of the presidents age so fast while in office. There is something higher than them stressing them out. Think about it.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by nikiano
President Obama is a completely worthless president.

Currently, I am seriously concerned about his leadership skills. Before, I was only somewhat unsettled.

I have generally taken the line that the president ultimately isn't that important, compared with larger forces beyond his control. I still basically believe this. And I believe people's approaches to presidential criticism (of any president) are usually colored by strange emotions. There is a human psychological tendency to project inner, personal psycholological patterns on leadership and authority. For example, people often view the leader as a father-figure and express criticism or praise based on what went on with authority in their own familes when they were children, etc. I see this time and time again, which is why I avoid -- and will continue to avoid -- partisan stances and disputes insofar as is possible.

NEVERTHELESS, the president cannot be said to be "without signficance," and a weak or out of touch president can do terrible harm to the nation. Bush's flaw was that he used his leadership excessively. Obama's flaw is the 180-degree opposite -- he seems unable to project even moderately successful leadership. It is quite terrifying, actually, especially in extreme situations such as those that are unfolding now.

[edit on 6/22/10 by silent thunder]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 04:35 PM
Silly question: Where is the incontrovertible evidence that proves that the leak could have been plugged before now.

I'm quite sure we can get a thousand "but only if they did it my way" guesses and assumptions as we already have. So what! It's not proof it would work.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 04:47 PM
I hope no one gets mad at me?

I feel ashamed myseld and yet I dont drive a car.

I feel sad to of the life its killed.

Im not good at anything except being a good worker and being nice to people.

We got to try to curb our dependence for the oil,and I read to where those in higher ups know this but want tax money and as long as oil is here take it.

I dont drive a car and know the hardships and what can/could happen with truckers who deliver produce and such.

ughh,,I fee so dam useless like a little m&m.

But I do know I feel sad and derpressed.

I like the UFO threads and such,but the Earth here doing the oil lust saga holds us back,it created to much turmoi.

From 8mm to vhs to cd and dvd,,,and gas that stays gas...

I added a little hope song I love.

Im not good at fighting but the good heart is the best defense we got!!

We got to keep our good hearts and be concerned!

I am sad to cause I dont think we or I can win..

But Im going to be tuff and try!

[edit on 22-6-2010 by Little_Kona]

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