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President Obama is completely worthless as a president

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posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by hisshadow

Typical leftie view, blame Bush, no one is blaming worthless Obama for the spill, it is his lack of action afterwords which is called into question. All he can do is blame BP and tell everyone how he is going to make them pay. then send a quick response team of attorneys down to get the legal proceedings started, he should have been doing something and then making BP pay, but Obama is what you get when you vote a slogan in and not a man.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Eagleheart56
reply to post by aero56

Why would Cheney be saying anything, this is Obama's oil spill and cannot be blamed on Bush and Cheney, it is Obama's lack of experience or his ulterior motives which is allowing this spill to go on and on, just like not enforcing the borders until the republicans give in to his plan to legalize 12 to 20 million criminals, Obama will not do anything worht doing to the oil spill until the cap and tax bill is passed and a permanent halt to any drilling in the US is established.

My point is that Dick Cheney up until this oil spill, has spewed vile towards Obama about everything else. Why be silent now?

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 08:35 AM
Dick Cheney has his oily fingerprints on everything! So of course he is hiding because he is the one behind the current energy policy which is completely biased to petro and environmentally destructive corporations. Seriously though, there is not one party in this country currently that I would give two cents for.

[edit on 22-6-2010 by whatsup]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 08:37 AM
Obama didn't cause the leak. He is acting on the best scientific advice available. If it were me I would have no idea on a solution to the BP disaster. Probably means I qualify to be President. Seems even the experts cannot figure out a solution. I would agree Obama doesn't seem to be the President we need at THIS point in history but certainly NOT because og the leak. I did take note of your other comments regarding his inaction in other areas and agree he is not preforming well but up to now I like him a lot more than Bush.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 08:40 AM
Let's see...What could Obama have done and still do?

What would a true leader do?

A couple of days into the spill, el presidente' obama, after seeing the severity of the situation could have mobilized some army/marines down to Louisiana and set up a field HQ to deal with the spill.

Then, moved the "white house" to that field HQ, and mobilized all available sea craft capable of trying to contain the spill.

Then accepted the numerous offers of help from countries around the world that deal with this sort of thing and coordinated the "assault on the spill" from the HQ... and even brought a national figure out of retirement to "command " the clean up...Colin Powell, ...Schwarzkopf?

Then contracted all the fishermen that can't fish now and know the waters to lay and spread out the ouil containing booms.

He could have proposed emergency limited legislation to cut the red tape and expedite the constrution of sand barriers along La/Miss and brought in the barges and allowed exemptions to suck up the excess fuel.

Then, he could have asked for the help of the American people who excell at ingenious problem solving and used any and all good leads and ideas...chopped hay, etc to soak upo oil.

He could have then set a timeline for BP, and if the spill not stopped by X-date, the US takes over and plugs it for them.

Obama could have activated the charitable/faith based emergency response Baptist Men's field relief unit, to La and Miss and Ala to help feed the workers and victims of the spill.

He could have appointed emergency funds to the people that are suffering, tourist workers, fishermen, fish processors, restuarants and paid them...even employed them as workers of their own lacalities to fight the spill/ aid in clean up.

He could have contracted out with the boaters/fishers to surround the spill with layers of fishing nets, canvass, anything to try to isolate the oil/ globs and keep from spreading.

If el Presidente' Obama and family wanted vacation, they should have done so on the Gulf Coast in non-impacted areas to let people know that not all the beaches are closed.... be the example.

He could give a daily tally of costs and billed BP for it on daily "updates ffrom the Gulf Coast." Let people see their President at work, let them know he is in charge and doing something...anything...right or wrong to fight this thing and help "save America." Sort of a beach front "fireside chat" aka Roosevelt.

Could have showed/shared joint leadership and crossed party lines...a unified front with bobby jindall. In times of peril, there are no politics.

In my opinion...Obama blew this opportunity to turn his presidency around and even silence his opponents and gain lots of political capital.

Instead, its gonna be a long 2 more years.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 09:40 AM
Kudos to the folks who have pointed out that NO president has done jack squat to represent the "little people" for the past several decades, at the very least.

It has just been a succession of worse and worse, in-our-faces, corporate puppeteers, masqerading as "leaders" as the masses get duped and bamboozled into the right-vs-left scenario, voting for the 'better' of the two turds in the proverbial punch bowl. Then everybody sits around fighting with each other and belittling the latest scam artist, special-interest serving enforcer in the control seat, while the REAL 'rulers' sit back laughing, because that is exactly the type of division they want, as it keeps the scam going, year after year. Misdirection 101.

The latest robot in office is just the most flagrantly special-interest-serving henchman, in that he really doesn't even try to HIDE that he could care less about what the masses are saying. The "system" is literally thumbing its nose at us all, and everything is coming out in the open now. Ugh

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 09:42 AM
Don't blame me I voted for McCain!!! We got change alright and it's not in our pockets...

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 09:49 AM
I agree that this president is a waste of space. Besides passing a health care bill and trying to improve his golf game, he has sat aside and done almost nothing besides make appearences. I heard last night on fox news that he wont be sending troops to our border until HIS imigration bill passes. He should be impeached, my opinion.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

My point exactly. I just can't understand why people can't put this together. Can't they see that every damn puppet we get sucks and sucks on purpose. And very true, the elite are laughing their asses off watching and reading people bitch and moan about every jerk they hang in front of us. I seriously think they are just seeing how much BS we can handle. All the while the finger pointing never goes higher then the whitehouse. We could preach this all day long but still the Kool-Aid won't wear off and we will hear the "oh don't blame Bush", and "this is Obama's Katrina". Wake up Sheeple, everything is strategically placed for the experimental American society to eat, # and sleep on. Just don't forget to pay your taxes. Watch. Everyone will believe everything they see on CNN,MSNBC,and Fox this election too and the same # will happen. You need to WAKE UP people, if any Big corporate media is backing anyone obviously something is wrong with them. Stop voting for SHILLS, and Benedict Arnolds.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Mary13134

Did you really just type that shiv? You voted for McCain. And you think it would be any different? Lesser of two evils is still evil my friend. Divide and Conquer. Same # different color. Come on, we have to be smarter then this. Don't you think there is a problem when both of the probable candidates suck. SHATTER THE LEFT/RIGHT PARADIGM.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by nikiano

ADUH... and it took you this long to figure that one Out.....

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by bismarcksea
When I read the title of this thread the first thing that popped into my mind was: Gee ya friggn think?!!!???

Everyone who voted for than man is a flipping brainwashed idiot!

You got the leader you deserved!

Now when you want some seafood, the only thing your gonna find is the blue plate special made from Gulf of Mexico scrog with a side BP.

I'm proud to say I didn't vote for Obama, but do you honestly think we would have been better off with John Mccain at the helm? Once the primaries were over and two parties that matter had their heads I knew we were pretty much screwed regardless of who was chosen.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by Eagleheart56

You cant blame anyone but ourselves, for being conplacent and allowing this to happen...

We voted these people in and we need to take a bigger part in our future sitting on message boards and Complaining "WONT FIX THE PROBLEMS"

We are to blame, How about some Solutions,

Like " LETS VOTE These chumps out there and get some brians in there"

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 10:50 AM
Lol, I didn't expect the president to do anything.

I'm thoroughly removed from the notion that the government is out to do well by their citizens.

Though, I must say, for someone to come out and claim responsibility for the management of a disaster and then go off and handle unrelated issues like talking about which basketball team they believe will win ... I'unno, seems pretty iffy.

Seems like an agenda. An agenda that makes people look toward government during times of crisis, and when the government proves to be ineffective, they make grabs for legislation that would grant them even more power. And these grabs are made with majority consent.

I'm entirely against this Capitalistic cluster**** of corporate interests.

It just seems that we, who expect them to do something, are basically clearing the path for them. We're hinting towards the need for them to have more reach, because, they are in fact incapable with their present reach.

I think we should be shifting towards a better form of "governance". We should all be getting out of this ridiculous Red vs Blue mindset. Look where we are now? "Damn, I picked the wrong guy. Now the Gulf is broken."

Lol, we've got presidential elections down to a Las Vegas betting table.

Am I gonna win big money? Am I gonna lose big money? Are we gonna get hit with a massive disaster and have poor response? Am I going to get better management? Am I gonna lose more rights? Am I going to gain better treatment?

LOLOLOL, ahahahaha.

Potential candidates are basically one of the greatest examples of capitalism.

They sell themselves to you with sweet talk.

"Wanna shed those pounds?"

They butter you up, addressing your weaknesses and interests.

"Tired of being fat and lonely?"

Then they psyche you up, promising all sorts of things they don't mean.

"Well, I have the solution right here. You'll shed pounds in your sleep."

And you'll run to the ballot boxes and vote, "This guy makes a persuasive argument."

Then, once you make the purchase and get your product.

"What the ****? This is nothing but placebos and skittles!"

What? You didn't get what you asked for? Give it some time, refer to any manual or directions on the bottle.

"I assure you, sir, those are highly sophisticated medicinal agents."


Just like with anything else. You're basically gambling. They're allowed to lie to you. They're allowed to leave out important information. They're allowed to manipulate their own value by inflating their worth with all sorts of claims.

You guys (the ones that bothered to adhere to the system and voted) made an excellent purchase.

(P.S. No refunds.)

Hail Capitalism.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 11:00 AM
I can't believe so few of you people who voted for this scoundrel couldn't see all this coming two years ago!

Oh well, I guess late is better than never. And hopefully this administration won't be able to do too much permanent damage to the republic.

Thomas Jefferson said it takes a rebellion every 20 years to preserve our liberty. I don't know if that's necessarily right, but unfortunately it seems we do require a really terrible president every so often to remind the foolish masses that voting can have dire consequences.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by ISHAMAGI

Originally posted by mike dangerously
The President is a figgurehead and has been so since after JFK's death.All the presidents after 1963 have been nothing but servants for various interests it's just that Bush and Obama are more obvious puppets then other presidents.

Didn't read it all but I figured this needed restated.

One of the truest comments Ive seen on ATS.

Ok, so I am truly beginning to believe that, myself. In the past, I never really believed in TPTB, or a secret society, determined to bring down the population of the earth, but now I'm pretty much convinced that our presidents are merely puppets. There is no other rational explaination, because nobody who truly cared about their country could be THIS inept.

So, here's the big question: What do we do about it?

Voting doesn't work....we've seen that. So, what does work? How do you fight against a powerful secret society that is determined to bring down the country?

And our congress....same thing with them, too. Most are completely corrupt. Voting them out doesn't work for them, either, because the entire system is corrupt.

The only way to change the system, is to completely re-boot the system (start over)...but nobody who is IN the system will agree to re-booting the system, because that would take them OUT of the system.

And so, unfortunately....that brings us back to revolution. Which I hate to say....but the way this country is going, we either need a revolution (hopefully a peaceful one), or we're going to become the next Venezuela/Cuba.

But is there any way OTHER than revolution to fight back against TPTB?

Seriously...I'm not asking this facetiously....anyone have any ideas? I don't like war. I don't like violence. I know it has to happen sometimes, but I prefer to exhaust all peaceful means FIRST, before rushing into war. Are there any other options besides a bloody revolution to fight against a powerful elite who seem to be determined to bring down civilization as we know it?

[edit on 22-6-2010 by nikiano]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 11:51 AM
I don't like any president we've had... they all have the same agenda and it doesn't include us. They have us at each others throats over what? How we treat each other? We want the same things, we just have different ideas on how to get there.

As far as the gulf thing, someone said it already, stand the frak back and let the people step up, we have been trying for the last 2 months but keep getting turned away. The biggest innovations have come from small time inventors. Why not now? I bet there are hundreds of ideas that could get that damn thing sealed up lickety split, and hundreds more to prevent any more oil from reach the beaches, tributaries, marshlands etc. And I bet someone has an idea on how to collect the blooms under water too. We aren't given the opportunity, we are held back by a suffocating nanny state who wants to control every facet of our lives. Let us take care of it and WE can send the bill to BP. If America wants to survive we need to get over this trivial right versus left crap and realize our blood is red white and blue.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by AlreadyGone
Let's see...What could Obama have done and still do?

What would a true leader do?

A couple of days into the spill, el presidente' obama, after seeing the severity of the situation could have mobilized some army/marines down to Louisiana and set up a field HQ to deal with the spill.

Then, moved the "white house" to that field HQ, and mobilized all available sea craft capable of trying to contain the spill.

Yes, mobilize the military. Then we'd have nothing but "OBAMA IS INVADING LOUISIANA - WE MUST RESIST" threads on the main page.

And what "sea craft" are there that are capable of containing the oil? It's not a "spill" - it's a gusher. There are skimmers, but those only get the oil on the surface. Rather like an iceberg, what's below the surface is MUCH worse than what's floating on top.

Then accepted the numerous offers of help from countries around the world that deal with this sort of thing and coordinated the "assault on the spill" from the HQ... and even brought a national figure out of retirement to "command " the clean up...Colin Powell, ...Schwarzkopf?

Canada, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands and Norway are all in the gulf right now.

There are currently 15 foreign vessels in the gulf assisting with the disaster.

Bringing in a 'national figure' to run the show is just a PR move. And people would be asking why Obama is withdrawing himself..."He's in over his head; he knows he's incompetent," etc.

Then contracted all the fishermen that can't fish now and know the waters to lay and spread out the ouil containing booms.

Because booms are easy to deploy, right? Do you know anything about oil booms? For instance, do you know they have to be constantly tended to prevent them being tangled up?

Besides, oil booms only help with SURFACE OIL. They do nothing for the plumes below the surface, which is where the vast majority of the oil is.

Again, your proposal is just more PR. We've already seen what happens when a group is more concerned with PR and looking like they're working on the problem. That's BP's response in a nutshell.

He could have proposed emergency limited legislation to cut the red tape and expedite the constrution of sand barriers along La/Miss and brought in the barges and allowed exemptions to suck up the excess fuel.

More sand barriers won't necessarily help and may actually help to destroy the wetlands. For instance, the barriers won't be one contiguous line, so oil can get in through the gaps AND be trapped in the wetlands. So they would make the situation even worse.

Then, he could have asked for the help of the American people who excell at ingenious problem solving and used any and all good leads and ideas...chopped hay, etc to soak upo oil.

Are you saying that Americans will only step up when asked? Numerous proposals have been tried...including Kevin Costner's invention which very well could make a major impact. lion-gallons-of-water-a-day-photos

And the military has many experimental solutions that are being tried:

He could have then set a timeline for BP, and if the spill not stopped by X-date, the US takes over and plugs it for them.

Plugs it with what? Do you know of some technology that the government has that would stop the leak?

And do you honestly believe that the Tea Partiers & the GOP wouldn't lose their collective minds if Obama actually seized control of a company's infrastructure?

Obama could have activated the charitable/faith based emergency response Baptist Men's field relief unit, to La and Miss and Ala to help feed the workers and victims of the spill.

Because the only way Christians will help is if the President orders them to do so?

He could have appointed emergency funds to the people that are suffering, tourist workers, fishermen, fish processors, restuarants and paid them...even employed them as workers of their own lacalities to fight the spill/ aid in clean up.

Nothing like a disaster to turn people into socialists.

In my opinion...Obama blew this opportunity to turn his presidency around and even silence his opponents and gain lots of political capital.

Instead, its gonna be a long 2 more years.'re upset that he's NOT using this disaster for political benefit? That's the weirdest criticism I've seen yet.

These are all half-measures which don't fix the central issue. Forget about just taking over the wellhead - Obama should seize control of ALL BP ASSETS in the United States, and keep them until enough money has been collected to compensate all affected by the gusher and finance a complete cleanup after it's all over.

The problem with a lot of federal aid to the people on the coast is that it would legally let BP off the hook for a LOT of the money. This isn't a natural disaster - it's a man-made one created out of negligence, disregard for safety and worship of profit above all else. Taxpayers don't have to pay for this - BP does.

[edit on 6/22/10 by mothershipzeta]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Replicator EYD
I can't believe so few of you people who voted for this scoundrel couldn't see all this coming two years ago!

Yeah. He ordered BP's well blown up just so he could get constant jeers from the peanut gallery - people who say that he's somehow doing too little and too much. Much like how he's simultaneously a Fascist and a Communist, as well as a racist Christian and a devout Muslim.

He's a socialist who isn't seizing private property. He's a defeatist peacenik who expanded the war in Afghanistan. And he's a dictator who somehow can't get what he wants passed by the legislature without it being watered down until it's almost unrecognizable.

We get it - it's all an outrage. Just like something ELSE was an outrage prior to April.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by mothershipzeta

Just curious ...

Why is a new member that labels themselves a "disinfo agent", and then actually posts just like a disinfo agent would still here?

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and hell even says it's a duck - it's a flippen duck ...

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