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What has GOD done for you lately?

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posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by empireofpain

I was a VERY devote (nearly fanatic) Christian since a child. I too thought that I was feeling all these "warm fuzzy feelings" from "above".

Luckily my addiction to reading and researching resulted in my current position of near Atheist. I have a single cell in my brain that MAY just beleive that POSSIBLY there is a higher power, but as for religion, I am convinced that they are nonsense 100%.

So yea, I felt that feeling too, but sadly its just our chemicals in our brains doing it and NOTHING else.

Sorry, but true!!

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by JesusSaves2008
What has God done for me lately?

Lets talk about the last 3 years. God has taken away from me the addictions of smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. God has taken away from me the want to get high. I was a pot head for many years before I came to know Christ.

God has turned my character from a thief and a liar and a lover of perversion to an honest man who tries his hardest to set a good example for his children. God has taken away the want to watch pornography. God has taken away the oblivious ignorance of my foul language.

God has made me a better man. God has opened my eyes to be a respectful and loving contributer to society. God has taught me how to love others and how to forgive them even when they might not deserve forgiveness. God has shown me what true love is and now I have a wonderful wife that He brought into my life and we share the love of God between each other and our children. We have a marriage free of fighting and bickering because we respect each other as children of God and we know that we belong to Him first before we belong to each other.

God brought my 10 year old son back into my life and I now have full custody of him. I had made some horrible mistakes but God heard my praying and saw my tears and one fateful day I received a phone call that erased all that pain and my son was brought home! Thank you Jesus!

God answers my prayers every time I call on Him. The answer might not always be yes but I have matured enough to know that His will is what will be accomplished in my life and that He knows better than I do. Having this frame of mind towards life is in no way an easy way out but rather it is quite the opposite. I have surrendered my free will into His hands and I trust Him with everything that I have and with all I am. Do you think that is an easy thing to do? You should try it.

More than anything that God has done in the last three years the most important thing that He has ever done was sending His Son Jesus to die on the cross and take away my sins. How much more can anyone ask?

In my pursuit to be like Christ I have become a better husband, a better father and an all around better man. What has God done for me?

Only everything.

God bless.

I'm glad you were able to become a better person and I'm glad you're happy thinking that your god is responsible for it. However, I think you should give yourself more credit. I personally believe that you went from becoming a slave to your addictions to a slave to Christianity. I think that religion has become your new addiction. Is that a bad thing? No, because it's better for your physical health. Your mental health is a different story though...

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Solidus Green eye
I care about liberty of mind.

Thank you for you concern for a Believers mental liberties. Your concern is appreciated.

However, this Believer is just fine with how he exercises his 'liberty of mind'...and chooses to exercise it with a belief in a higher power/God/insert-whatever-special-term-here.

What has God done for me lately?
Well...I'm picking anything I respond with will be rebutted with "God didn't do that, you did, or he/she did, or so-and-so-did, or physics did, or coincidence did" so really I'm seeing the question itself as a nice bait-n-switch...

But, what I personally believe God has done for me lately:
- Granted me the added strength and patience I need to continue to be a devoted father to my 10 month old son
- Helped me to stay calm and focussed within my work when all else and others around me seem to fall apart at the seams.
- Has granted me the blessing to know Him more and more each day
- Many things. Not just lately, but many previously...and many more to come.

- The big question in my mind however is not what He has done for me, but what have I done for Him?

I hear the "But it was YOU who survived through your life and your own strength and luck". Yes, I hear that, and can respect that.
I do know that I have a level of resilence that - hate to sound rather boastful - but pretty high. Not too much phases me or dissuades me from accomplishing what I focus my will towards. I just know...and theres no other way of saying it or proving it of course...that my faith, my God, has hand His hand in it along the way also.

I do see where you are coming from though - I can see how sometimes some Believers - hey even me, catch me in deep prayer at times - can seem to be almost on brain-less autopilot. I know thats what it may appear to look like...I guess each person can answer for themselves if thats the case or not.

I personally don't believe it to be so...and more importantly I'm not one to in any way demand that you do, or in any way ridicule or berate or suggest anything disparaging if you don't.

I'm not one to in any way attempt to force or coerce anyone towards my faith...just as I'm also not one to give fancy to those who may attempt to force or coerce me from my faith.


[edit on 20-6-2010 by alien]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:21 PM
you know
the Bible speaks of this very moment.
When others ridicule Christ and blaspheme
his name and asks you if you are a Christian.

And then God said, if you deny me here
then I will deny you in heaven before
my father.

So I'm gonna stand up right now and say:

God is my heavenly father, he gives me strength to
endure and overcome. He teaches me
to love every day and be compassionate
to my fellow man. He is my savior and
my God and I will NOT deny him

[edit on 20-6-2010 by boondock-saint]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:33 PM
created a universe for me to reside in and has provided everything Ive ever needed to survive.

I havent asked much of him since then, since ive already been given so much

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 09:02 PM
I'm a Christian...I know Jesus and talk to Him everyday.

What has God done for me? God made me not make "me" the center of the universe. If you look at the opposing views, one thing that jumps out at you... most of the non-believers put themselves at the center of the world/reality.

Christians, right or wrong... sincere or to serve others. That is really what it is all about...Knowing Christ and following His example of serving others.

This is achieved through the fruits of the spirit... joy, love, peace, self-control.

The other trait seen in many non-believer's posts is this underlying current of anger, resentment, and contempt.

True christians do think for themselves...and what we believe is our choice. We gladly follow Jesus, and help others in His name...and yes, many of us probably would not...I probably would not...but that is the wonder of it all. God can take a selfish, self absorbed sinner and turn him into a caring person that has traveled and sacrificed to help those in need.

What has God done for me, lately. Out of the blue, He sent a pair of beautiful blue peacocks to our farm.We live in the middle of no where and they suddenly appeared in our yard...noticed them the other day cutting grass. Shocked me at first...what a blessing. We see it as a sign from heaven that things will be fine...not easy, but we'll be ok.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 10:20 PM
To even reply to this thread you would have to be under the presumption that God has a "duty" to the world's people to right all wrongs, and to cure the world of it's diseases and disasters.

Think of it this way. Say YOU were the creator and architect of the universe and earth. You have a complex being, the human, and understanding it's structure and habits you also understand that overpopulation can easily occur, especially on such a small planet (earth). What is nature's recourse to control the population to keep the planet alive? Disease, disasters, etc are necessary to keep the population at bay - for the majority of the time.

Christians are being demonized now like Islamic people were during 9/11, l and the ironic part is that in Christian belief during the end times this is GOING to happen. This wouldn't of happened in the 40s or 50s if the internet existed then!

I do believe in Jesus Christ, the son of the only living God, the creator of the Universe. I believe he died for the sins of man, was resurrected and will come again to destroy all evil. Honestly? I can't wait. I'll do my time here on earth being the best person I can be and always searching for truth....and when the time comes, the time comes...I'm excited!

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 11:03 PM
What have I done for God lately? Well, today I took pictures at a cemetary and posted them to Find-A-Grave so people who are mourning can see photos of their loved ones tombstones. May I suggest you read the book of Jobe wherein Jobe gets ticked off and takes God to court. It will answer your question of "What has God Done for You Lately" better than I ever could.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 11:07 PM
I don't believe in God...but even I know if there were a God, it wouldn't come to the rescue every time we get our selves into crap...what would that achieve, and what would that teach us? How to rely on God to solve all of our problems?

Get real mean...there's no one to blame for the problems on this Earth but our selves and the elite...

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 11:07 PM
If God were just, he would want justice in everything he saw.
If he were omniscient, then he could not fail to see it.
If he were omnipotent, then he could set right any wrong.

So, either he is neither omniscient, omnipotent - or he just doesn't give a damn about anyone - or most likely he is just someones clever idea to gain status and control over others by claiming to communicate with him.

Frankly I think he exists, he is just a blind and powerless wannabe - either he can't see me giving him the finger, or he just can't do anything about it - I dare him to strike me dead - give it a try, you useless non existent blow hard.

Well, I have survived to type another line - seems I have cleared up the God debate.

If you need inner strength - then you should look inside yourself - there is someone there that believes in you, that never loses faith, always forgives you - no matter how bad your mistakes, and that always loves you - it is, yourself.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
you know
the Bible speaks of this very moment.
When others ridicule Christ and blaspheme
his name and asks you if you are a Christian.

Those who wrote the bible knew that one day their gods reign would end just like it did for all the other gods that preceded theirs. So they wrote their little insurance policy into their folklore. That being, when the trend moves away from their god, it is further proof that he exists as he foretold of such an event. The psychology behind it is not only obvious, it puerile.

And then God said, if you deny me here
then I will deny you in heaven before
my father.

So I'm gonna stand up right now and say:

So I'm gonna stand up right now and say:

God is petty, immature and vengeful!
God suffers all the ailments and frailties of humans.
God does not practice compassion and forgiveness. He is a hypocrite.
God is weak if he worries about what I do and don't believe.
God is a narcissist if he wants everything to be about him.
God is an insecure egomaniac as he wants everyone to worship him.
God is a bully to those lesser beings who don't worship him.
God created an imperfect being and punishes them for being so.
God is the bad tradesmen that blames his tools.
God is not my father for he did not impregnate my mother.
God is flawed and does not deserve my worship!
God is the creation of man.


posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

God is petty, immature and vengeful!
God suffers all the ailments and frailties of humans.
God does not practice compassion and forgiveness. He is a hypocrite.
God is weak if he worries about what I do and don't believe.
God is a narcissist if he wants everything to be about him.
God is an insecure egomaniac as he wants everyone to worship him.
God created an imperfect being and punishes them for being so.
God is the bad tradesmen that blames his tools.
God is not my father for he did not impregnate my mother.
God is flawed and does not deserve my worship!
God is the creation of man.
Well done applause for the best poem I've ever read.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
you know
the Bible speaks of this very moment.
When others ridicule Christ and blaspheme
his name and asks you if you are a Christian.

And then God said, if you deny me here
then I will deny you in heaven before
my father.

So I'm gonna stand up right now and say:

God is my heavenly father, he gives me strength to
endure and overcome. He teaches me
to love every day and be compassionate
to my fellow man. He is my savior and
my God and I will NOT deny him

[edit on 20-6-2010 by boondock-saint]

Of course the Bible warns of such things....for 'Gods' sakes, they cant loose their control over the masses.

Seriously, its a fear tactic...that is all.

God denies no one, and if you dont know that, then you are unaware of the unconditional nature of God.

God allows us to continue learning, through reaping what we sow. It is all perfect, even the book written by men claiming false natures of God, was meant to be. It will be used as a marker for those not seeking within them. They wont be punished, they will only relearn and keep trying, till they do awaken to the Spiritual nature within the, their true being.

The fear that is placed in people, is a blocker, it blocks the Holy Spirit from being able to show you things, to offer you the food, to offer you the pearls. But as I said, there are reasons for it being here, the books and Earthly objects that men place faith in.

ALl forms of beliefs, that a man rely's on another man as truth....are markers for the soul....what ever you believe in, is a reflection of the nature of your soul. If you believe some will be denied, then you lack the understanding of unconditional love. Its not wrong....but just a marker.

There was many posts here I was wanting to respond to...but yours was towards the end and I can make my points to many, with responding, to yours. Not calling you out...just using your reply to bring my voice.

The Holy Spirit is within the books, but to find Thee, there must be discerning, not just accepting.

Something you might want to work on the forgive them, for they do not know what they do. Its a tough one, still working on this one every day myself.

All my best

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by octotom

Christ only died for the sins of those who accept the atoning work that he accomplished.

OK, I understand now. He didn't die for my sins, he died for yours.

Christ's work is sufficient enough to save every human being who has and will live, but it only saves those who ask for salvation.

I only point you here. I have a brother who used to be a minister who clued me in on the brainwashing techniques of the Church. We have a neighbor right now, an older lady who is real fundamental, to the point where Jesus is God, he is the only way, and you can only get into heaven by drinking the blood of Christ. A cannibalistic thing if I ever heard one. She tried hard to get our little boy (9) to leave us and be her son, because to her, we are followers of Satan because we do not think as she does. We do not believe in a Satan, or any ultimate author of evil, we know true evil is in the hearts of man.
By the way, the very word is from the Hebrew word '"ha-shaitan" and simply means "the adversary."

A few nights ago there was a UFO above her home doing acrobatics for a few minutes, I saw it, as did my son, and three guys who live across the street from her. We were standing out in the yard taking about this, and she came out to inform us that was Satan's army coming to get us and take us to hell.

And further, he was not, and is not, a God, he was and is a man, and he is buried in France, along with his wife and lover.

Oh yeah?

Yeah. Prove me wrong. As I said before, show me where Jesus stated he was God. When asked by his followers about his Father, he said, "My Father is not your Father, your Father is the Devil." So if his Father is God, he is not God. simple logic.

Show me Bible scripture where he said he was God incarnate.

John 1.1:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

This does not prove anything at all as to the question asked of you. Again, she me the Scripture! John 1:1 does not do it.

God's interacting with us doesn't negate free will. A parent's interaction with their kids doesn't prevent the kid from doing what he wants.

Gee, wish you had been my Mom! I have two sons, and when I say they must do a thing, all free will to go play is gone, and they do as I say. Not because I make them, because they respect me. Your logic here does not impress me.

Made-up? No reputable historian disputes that Jesus existed. But, yes, Christian teaching is that Christ is the only way to heaven.

Let me see....the Egyptians kept very good records of everything, as did the Romans, and neither mentions such a person, in fact, only the NT mentions anything about Jesus, and it was not written for 60 years after Jesus died. Now I cannot remember what my wife said to me yesterday, I cannot imagine conjuring up what she said 60 years ago.
You need to do some reading here:
Believe it or not, I once called myself a Christian, but there came a time when I had some questions for the minister, who could not answer me at all, in fact, I had read the Bible all the way through, he had not. I was politely asked to leave the church, and never come back.
My own mother, a devout Christian, disowned me for this. Told me to her I was dead, never call of write me again, period. I cannot help it if I am an avid reader, and friend, I have read a lot of books, including the English version of the Torah and the Koran. The real God and Goddess lives within us all, not "out there" someplace.

octomom, I am not about "calling you out," no, I am attempting to awaken you to things that are not only in your book. As for the Bible, I know it well, and I can take passages from it to prove, or disprove, most anything. Much of it has already been proven wrong, there are many falsehoods and outright plagiarism, and God did not write it, men did. Men with an agenda. Please read my thread here:
The God and Goddess, Father and Mother, and the Conspiracy to keep us from Knowing
Love and Light to you, Autowrench

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

Hello ALready,

I have a question for you.

You say, as a Christian, you are here to serve others.

Would you be willing, on this path of service others, to keep incarnating, helping out here on Earth at your own will, till all souls find their way and awaken to what they are? Or do you think you will be able to rest, while others here are still lost and suffering?

My reason for asking is, I believe that something the Holy Spirit has taught me, is that every single being is a part of the Spirit, for the Spirit offered itself for the life to be in every single one of us. Until all awaken to this, there is no rest for a 'self'....because in the eyes of the Spirit....all the others are a part of the 'self'. We are ONE, in Spirit.

What if you knew that incarnating again here, as a reflection to the ones that are still in need of learning, that you were doing the will of the Holy Spirit. What if you knew that by incarnating as a starving child in a nation that gets ignored, was offering a mirror to look in to the ones still in need of learning love, compassion, and empathy. Would you be willing?

[edit on 20-6-2010 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by Naughty B0B

I agree here....


I think you need to look within you and offer yourself a little more credit, just as Naughty suggested.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by Solidus Green eye
I am really sorry If I hurt anyones feelings with the following post. This is just the way I feel right now.

Today I was in church. My Girlfriend asked me to come along. I am not a religious person, but I do have beliefs.

It was a Christian church where they would sing songs and say prayers and do all the other 'casual' things. Again I found it frightening that EVERYBODY was just singing along as if it were the TRUTH, and everybody accepted it. Like they have totally brainwashed.

There were some people who I personally knew attending the ceremony. A married couple who both have a masters degree were with their heads down on their knees, hands up in the front row praying to something they have absolutely NO knowledge of. Giving them selfs over to GOD?! WTF!!! Can't these people THINK?!

What has God done for you lately then?!

Get God of Jezus in the mix and suddenly people stop thinking for themselves.

There was this song that said (in dutch): Be deaf to all others, follow only the path of god.

The pastor was saying things like: You will only be happy in life when you find your life's goal given by god.

I knew church was like this. But again, it was another wake-up-call. Its just all fear mongering and making people believe stuff so they will be manageable.

The way I see life is just to live good, don't harm, and be there for others when they need it. Don't live the needy life and give more than you get. I think the Bible should be interpreted like this, and NOTHING more.

So I won't go to heaven If I don't pray and give my soul to god? Thats ridiculous.

It's not what "What has GOD done for you lately?" that is the situation; It is, "What have YOU done for GOD lately?"...

For a situation for God to open the doorway of Heaven, first you need to walk the path to the house.

I am just-saying that, if you Do-Really Do want God to give out all those "special miracles", you need to be-open about what YOU really want, and-to be a special person to allow God to give you those miracles.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by Solidus Green eye

What has God done for ANYONE lately? What could be said to be God's handiwork in the world? Where is he present at ALL? People usually answer that with sentimental nonsense about the beauty of sunsets, pardon me while I empty my stomach of its contents

The sunset is beautiful with or without a God...

And people can be good with or without a God as you pointed out in your OP.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by gordonwest

Are you saying that nations that are starving and have no clean water are not praying enough or being honest with God in their prayers?

God is the life force of all things...not something just sitting and waiting on who gives sincere prayers and who does not. I dont think this 'life force' intervenes at all. Things that may seem like a intervention can very well have a science based to it that we just dont understand yet. Such as the energy of healing...can very well be a science we dont understand. There are no obvious miracles. And I for one dont believe the man Jesus did magic. I dont see a humbled person feeling the need to do such things. I think alot of the 'miracles' were allegorical...showing what we humans can do, if we would just come together and work, instead of remaining separate in pride and greed.

Just adding a thought or 2

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by gordonwest

Are you saying that nations that are starving and have no clean water are not praying enough or being honest with God in their prayers?

God is the life force of all things...not something just sitting and waiting on who gives sincere prayers and who does not. I dont think this 'life force' intervenes at all. Things that may seem like a intervention can very well have a science based to it that we just dont understand yet. Such as the energy of healing...can very well be a science we dont understand. There are no obvious miracles. And I for one dont believe the man Jesus did magic. I dont see a humbled person feeling the need to do such things. I think alot of the 'miracles' were allegorical...showing what we humans can do, if we would just come together and work, instead of remaining separate in pride and greed.

Just adding a thought or 2

If you do_not belive, then how can God "belive" in you? It is a two-way street type.

He doesn't just work with the situations from the people not praying and/or enough, because he would be "all knowing", "all seeing", "knowing what to see/do."

There are MANY things in the world-/-Multi'Uni'Verse that can not_be explained, just because humans do not know/can not know. That's just part of life. I think that is also part of the situation for humans being "not perfect"...

There never has been a "perfect system" that wich humans have created for being "we humans can do, if we would just come together."

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