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Where's the mind control?

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posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 01:39 AM
I hear alot about the mind control projects, but I still dont feel under the influence. Maybe they still dont work or some of us have a strong will power of natural resistence.

Does any one else feel the effects?

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 01:45 AM
Mind control only works on 99% of the population. You are probably one of us 1% who do not accept it.

Yes another Matrix analogy, heehee:

Please. As I was saying, she stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly 99% of all test subjects accepted the program, as long as they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of the choice at a near unconscious level. While this answer functioned, it was obviously fundamentally flawed, thus creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly, that if left unchecked might threaten the system itself. Ergo those that refused the program, while a minority, if unchecked, would constitute an escalating probablility of disaster.

The Architect


posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 01:58 AM
Hey for all we know, you and I may actually be on mind control to some extent. Maybe they designed mind control to make us think that we are not on it even though we are.

So let me ask you this, have you ever stolen or done something bad lately? lol

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by kyateLaBoca

So let me ask you this, have you ever stolen or done something bad lately? lol

How did you know? Heehee


posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by nutzobalzo

Originally posted by kyateLaBoca

So let me ask you this, have you ever stolen or done something bad lately? lol

How did you know? Heehee


Becuase you are apart of my mind control experiment lol jus playing.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by kyateLaBoca
Hey for all we know, you and I may actually be on mind control to some extent. Maybe they designed mind control to make us think that we are not on it even though we are.

So let me ask you this, have you ever stolen or done something bad lately? lol

The truth of this should be fairly obvious at this point. Yes, we are ALL victims of Mind Control to some degree. That 99% or whatever other statistical value is given isn't something that can be looked at as the One overall percentage, even if it is totally accurate and true. Those stats are usually referring to specific methods of which there are many. So while you may be immune to one or some of them, it is unlikely that ANYONE is immune to all of them. It's like birth control for example. There are multiple methods, each with it's own Percentage of working correctly. However, if you use a Condom with a Diaphragm and The Pill, they each add to that percentage. So should one fail their percentage, the odds on them all failing is near impossible. You see what I'm saying?

I mean this is very clear just by simply looking at the Methods that are as Public and Obvious as the nose on your face. We don't even need to get into 'Fringe' type theories at all to make this clear. For example:

1.) Think about some of the B.S. that is being taught even to this very day as being the Factual Record of Historical Events. You really need to think about it and realize, as we all know, History is written by those who successfully Dominated all other cultures. Some true records may actually make it by being passed down verbally or secret documents or something but most of it is nothing more than the 'Winners' opinion and perspective of 'How things happened'.

One of the best examples is the Complete and total B.S. about people thinking the Earth was Flat and until the Major Explorers Sailed out to Prove it as being Round, everyone assumed you would fall off the earth! To believe such a thing is just Retarded!!! How many people do you know have ever heard of a man named Aristarchus? He lived in Greece about 200-300 BC and was one of the first people, 'documented', as saying that not only was the earth not flat but revolved around the sun and so forth. He also calculated the area of Earth, the Moon, and various planets, their rotation, etc. and with incredible accuracy. However this was pretty much kept away from public knowledge for about 2000 years and at the time, was simply ignored because of the Churches control and the use of Aristotle's theories of the universe.

As it is finally known, by at least most people now, Columbus didn't prove squat! He knew the earth wasn't flat as I'm sure everyone else who was taught to read back then knew it This doesn't even account for other cultures either such as ancient china who have an incredible amount of documented knowledge centuries old (B.C.) of which most the population is never told.

2.) Think back a little to all the Countless Admitted Government Cover-ups and Experiments on the Public that have finally come to light since now anyone who could be held accountable is know dead. Or how about the claim that Ascent Society and knowledge was all just Mythology and lacked any Real Scientific method. Yet, these supposed morons in history developed Calendars, Mathematics, Medicines, etc. that we are still realizing today as well as building our Universities and Teachings from as the root of our knowledge.

Another Fact that not many know about is how some of our recent Scientific Hero's like Newton for example was heavily into Alchemy and wrote numerous books dealing with it that were never published and only recently made known.

My point being that as far as Mind Control goes, we are all the victims of Control in the form of LIES about not only our History, but our Culture and Sciences and everything in between. I doubt that very many would be Immune to this very blunt and simple method of Mind Control, don't you?

3.) Now, onto the more modern and Invisible methods, we have things such as Subliminal Messages within everything from Advertising in Magazines to Broadcast TV, and I'd image a large amount of all media. You can read the material from multiple Doctors and Professors of things such as Psychology and Hypnosis who for years now talk about their work in Mind Control. Methods that are used by Religious Cults, Big Business, and of course Government/Military. Things like Using 'Infra sound' (I think that's correct) which is the use of frequencies below our hearing range to control emotion and states of mind. All of which is really very simple to understand once you find the material and just read it. How to bring people from normal awareness to Alpha States and Heightened Suggestibility in a number of ways, especially just using Low Frequency Waves.

For a real interesting read, search for a technique which was developed a long time ago where the use of Low Frequency Waves are actually delivered through an entire structure like a building and picked up physically by the bodies ability to 'Feel Sound'. Basically what I understood of it, was that even without hearing the sound, our body or most specifically our Skin is able to Hear by using it's sense of touch. It comes from when a human is still in the womb, it senses vibrations and so forth physically instead of hearing them. That ability is still accessible to some degree all throughout our lives, and is just one method of Controlling the Emotional and Mental state of most people without them aware of any change at all, and by method of sending sound waves to them physically. You can read about some very interesting Experiments from the first guy who figured it out and used it. Nothing that caused harm or in a bad way or anything, but since that moment who knows what others have decided to do with it.

4.) Ever wonder what may be Spliced into the frames of certain TV and Movies or Animation that you may have never known was there? To give you an idea of what I mean just think about the method of Electrical Lighting. Light bulbs are not actually a sold stream of light but are flickering at a rate much faster than the human eye can pick up. So what looks like solid light to us is really a very fast flicker. Those who have done some Animation or something like that will know that all it takes to create a smooth stream for the Human Eye is in the range of 16 to 24 frames per second. That isn't very fast believe me. If you get a chance, play around with it sometime and speed the frame rate up and insert a few random single frames inside a cartoon or something and see if you can pick it up consciously while viewing it. Experiment with people you know for even more fun and see what kinds of results you get!!

This is just a tiny bit of the more common knowledge of how every single one of us is being constantly bombarded with all kinds of Mind Control all the time without realizing it. These are the old tricks too. With the advances of Science that is around today, the limits are almost something that one might see or read in some far out Sci-Fi book. In fact, if we don't already have the ability now, certainly it is in the near future that 'The Matrix' is not only possible but would probably be rather simple compared to other Advanced Methods of Controlling Peoples Minds and their Reality.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 04:38 AM
Exelent point. In spite of my previous posts, I think I am most likely affected by mind control(I hope I'm wrong). But I do notice a change in behavior, and of coarse I see less anger. I havent had an anger moment in a while and if I did, it was rather reduced. This mind control may just be mood alteration. But like i said, it could all be a figment of my imagination(which I hope it is). I wouldnt like to have my feelings be controled.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 04:58 AM
Personally, I think it must be at least some Mind Control that allows us to live in the middle of all this nonsense and keep going. When you see that one real crazy guy, talking to himself and arguing with a shoe in the middle of the street and totally unaware of everything else around him. That guy is most likely free from all Conditioning, and because of it, that is probably what happens to someone when they see Reality without the Mind Control as a filter.

I've always held the belief that anyone who could possibly look at the world and what is happening and then honestly say that it seems fine, would have to completely Insane or Brainwashed. It just is not possible for someone to be aware of things and still claim that 'This' is normal. It just wouldn't make sense IMO. Just the fact that nature and the universe and life is possible most the time by very precise and tiny mathematical values or else resulting in nothing, testifies to the fact that if 'This' is normal, then everything else is for some strange reason Way too Complicated. If normal was allowed to be as backassward as Human Living is, then the Laws of the Universe would be way too loose and illogical to ever work.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 05:16 AM
If we are talking about government mind control, then everyone who drinks water is affected by it. Flouride. The great deception of flouride.

You are right about all of us being victims of mind control to a point. You see even the One that you speak of, nice, that was from the Matrix what I posted earlier ya know, heehee, was a victim of control.

I find however that the greatest mind control of all, or at least the most popular is practiced right at home between husbands and wives , friends and family. It doesn't take a great mind to control someone, it only takes a good judge of character. If one could find that vulnerable person at the right moment in their life, they could control that person untill they die.

I speak from experiance. I was too being controled by what I thought was a good friend. But something deep inside wouldn't let me do it anymore. Even though I was unaware of it at the time. Once I broke free other friends started telling me that it wasn't my fault, I was being controled. I thought I was just being a good friend, but the truth is that I was being controled, by someone that I loved.

So it happens to us all. It happens everyday. We will all be controled at some point in our lives. That doesn't make us naive or dumb, it makes us human.


posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 05:36 AM
Yes, that is a very good example actually. When you think mind control it's usually in terms of Military Brainwashing and stuff but you are correct that it's much closer to home than most realize.

If there is any doubt, just go find that friend or family member who after years of living with an abusive spouse and living a life that would make the Dali Lama himself into a depressed shell of a person, while all the while saying things like "Oh no, it's my fault. It's not that bad. They just love me so much and I'm so unworthy that it just frustrates them, that's all." Or something like that. Well, there ya go. That is someone who is under Big Time Mind Control!!

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 01:44 PM
The mind controll is chemicals in your water and food, the mass public decieved by the government, and the pressure on us all from the USA's plans many of us all have found out about. DENY IGNORANCE, it all speaks for itself. It is my desktop, and that is my mind-controll against the government.

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