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"Everything in that marsh is DEAD tonight!" --Obama's Katrina.

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posted on May, 22 2010 @ 01:47 PM

that collapse despite all efforts to stop it will be inevitable.

[edit on 22-5-2010 by Fractured.Facade]

What efforts to stop it ? I have not seen any. You mean efforts to make it worse.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
IMO a lot of you are missing the point...

This is the perfect example of why corporations and companies can not be trusted to uphold their end of the bargain. Many scream for loose regulations and less government intervention, but when # hits the fan people are screaming for government help.

Its a lesson learned. Obama's Katrina...I think not. More like the American's People awakening to a little truth about big business and offshore oil drilling.

I couldn't agree more. I'm an ex con(servative) and I've watched people in the last 30 years yell and scream about over reaching government, but then in situations like this it's "where's the government". The truth is, the government doesn't have the capabilities to step in on this. The only people in the world with any kind of expertise at this depth is oil companies and a few private organizations. The US government doesn't even have submersibles that can descend to this depth. Obviously, BP can't even work responsibly at this depth, which means they shouldn't have been allowed to. Drill baby drill indeed.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by chiponbothshoulders

I would like to slap you on the back of your head, but i cannot fault someone who is also speaking the truth.
Your words were very harsh but sometimes you gotta yell to motivate the troops.
Btw i do have a well used bicycle, i have been mad at big oil for bout 10 years now.
And no worries soon this will not be America's problem it is coming to europe via the gulf stream, then there will be a new session of finger pointing.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by staver

Agreed !

I invite everyone to visit this link below. These guys are the "rocket scientists" of the oil industry. Although their differing views at this discussion site (kinda like ATS) is not without disagreement, these guys are pretty sharp. Of particular interest is a linked article by LA Times (wreaks of BP public relations influence) some in depth links to
API guidelines (regarding rules for each site to have the mandatory "drill mud" in order to stop this kind of leak) and some FASCINATING animation by an industry expert
who offers two potential solutions. (Links below) I promise you won't be disappointed.

Here ya go:

Edit to add Animation:

Potential Solution #1
Potential Solution #2

[edit on 22-5-2010 by kinda kurious]

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by loam

Something that hit me today in the news, in the weather channel it was a cover story today about the oil spill now in the beaches of Louisiana, one of the persons walking with the crew was a parks and recreation Representative, I heard the anger and desperation in his voice, when he told the news crew about all the death animals including the beautiful golden pelican Louisiana state birth, then he ask the news crew "have you seen anybody cleaning this mess"? and the crew put the camera to see as the eyes could reach and it was completely deserted now who are we holding accountable for the destruction of our southern beaches and wild life?.

Then again where are the protest

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by staver

To your point:

"I really think that both BP and the government knew early on they had no hope of stopping this thing."

"I think the people who know what's really going on know that everything has been experimental... Everything.... They don't know how to stop it... They don't know what to do with the oil... You can't spray dispersant on oil and then pick it up. The two don't match. It doesn't happen that way. You either pick up the oil or you disperse it. Now, it's dispersed throughout the whole water column."

The incompetence is so grotesque, it's almost hard not to believe such ineffective action is intentional.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by loam

Is just incredible, the parks and recreation representative said the same thing, is not way to stop the oil spill

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by loam

So... if it kills of the next generation of everything, we have just seen the LAST generation everything in the Gulf. Corals, manatee, anything that lives or wanders in - gone.

Only invasive species that can tolerate the tainted water will survive.
I wonder how fillet of pleco tastes

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 02:30 PM
This whole thing nauseates me to no end...All things are becoming so clear, as prophesized...Bottomless greed run amok, to the point where not destroying the entire earth is secondary to a few greed-mongering powerful Elitists insatiable desire to stuff more wealth into their already bloated coffers.

The bottom line, and anyone who has truely done their homework can see this is: These mega-corps OWN our leaders. The leaders SERVE THEM.

Corporocracy at its most dispicable and dangerous finest.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by ~~Galaxy

This is a neat video to say the least.
But, …..
None of the points truly intersect perfectly, and Masons are all about the Square,Level and Plumb. If said masters of destruction made disasters happen I think they would be done on the square Etc. so it must be the Moose Lodge’s doing.
On another note I have input all of the deaths of Kangaroos in Australia and by connecting the dots at points it spells out Tony Blair / Martha Stewart 2012.
Coincidence? I think not.
Anyone can connect dots by searching for random disasters and spell a myriad of words or even make a picture. Chance or coincidence does happen a lot more than most people think.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 02:51 PM

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by loam
reply to post by staver

To your point:

"I really think that both BP and the government knew early on they had no hope of stopping this thing."

"I think the people who know what's really going on know that everything has been experimental... Everything.... They don't know how to stop it... They don't know what to do with the oil... You can't spray dispersant on oil and then pick it up. The two don't match. It doesn't happen that way. You either pick up the oil or you disperse it. Now, it's dispersed throughout the whole water column."

The incompetence is so grotesque, it's almost hard not to believe such ineffective action is intentional.

Your right the goverment already new in advance it was unstoppable The goverment has to know good or bad
Do you really think they get the same news update as us?

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by David9176
I find it absolutely frickin amazing that we can send MEN TO THE MOON but we can't stop a pipe leak 1 mile underwater.

What a disaster.

Pressure inside a space ship: 5 PSI
Pressure one mile under the sea: 2000? PSI
Pressure of oil in seabed: one estimate 170,000 PSI

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by loam

This is the first story I have seen of oil breaching into any marsh or even the beaches on mainland. Where is this marsh located?

The only reason i could think of for refusing a permit would be that... no one cared about the marshlands?

step 1: let it rot

step 2: buy it cheap

step 3: lift environmental protection formerly in place

step 4: build as much stuff as you can on the coast

step 5: sell and drown in $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

(next are optional if #5 did not create a flash high)

step 6: take out huge mortgages for the land (and all the luxury stuff on it), then proceed to drive up the price by 'reinvesting aforementioned $$$

step 7: get bailout when the bubble bursts and again drown in $$$$$$$$$$$$

oh, just for the record, if you don't remember: it's called

New Economy

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 04:16 PM
Something stinks and its not just the oil in the marshes.

The Feds are blatantly colluding with BP e.g Coast Guard and BP staff on the same boat telling CBS not to film which came out a few days ago.
Your tax dollars at work America.

The information on this tragedy is being spun and we are being fed bull#.
An example is the 5000 barrels a day flow rate that BP keep feeding us.

The delays being experienced as outlined in this video demonstrate how pathetic the Federal Government is in handling anything major like this spill or Katrina. It astounds me that the people responsible are blaming sub contractors and anyone else other than them.

Dick Cheney has a hand in all of this, Halliburton have oil all over their hands.

If I was a CFR, CEO, Trilateralist, Bilderberger, Bohemian Grover, Skull n Boneser, Rockerfeller I would be very scared right now about an increasingly informed and pissed off populace with very little to lose. Time to get that pitchfork sharpened folks, the clouds of revolution 2.0 are building.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 05:44 PM
The thing that keeps standing out in my mind is something I remember from research I did on the Taliban. Someone was interviewing a top leader from the Taliban, might have been Bin Laden himself, and they were discussing the eventual large scale war coming and who would be involved. The man said that the United States would not be very involved due to the "black death" taking care of us or distracting our attention. Does anyone else remember this conversation? It is vividly in my mind but I can't find it anywhere.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by Trinity9603

Well... That's weird. Acording to an article from a few days ago. Obama send halve of the carrier fleet to the gulf.( Persian gulf )

[edit on 5/22/2010 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 07:20 PM
This is pure speculation on my behalf, not supported by anything other than my own opinions. You've been warned.

The oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico is not an accident, but rather, was planned all along. The goal has many different facets. The first is a oil spill beyond the magnitude of anything seen before in human history. This will kill off marine, and bird life on an epic scale. The oil will also trap heat in the water better, and raise the temperature, causing the largest hurricane in history. This is deliberate to cause death on an epic level. The Bahamas will be directly affected. The East Coast will be directly affected. The ice in the arctic will be directly affected.

The use of a small nuclear device will eventually be called upon, where it will be lowered into the shaft and detonated. The shaft will not collapse, but will rather open up and spew out the entire contents of the oil reserve within hours. The oil also has a high level of methane in it. That methane will spew out and will find a spark. When that happens, a fireball several states wide will occur. That fireball will deplete the oxygen in the area, and everything in the area will die from suffocation and heat injuries.

The goal is:
1. Significant changes to marine ecosystems.
2. Huge losses in human and animal life.
3. Oil pollution on an epic level.
4. An undeniable reason to end the oil economy immediately and permanently.
5. Increase in ocean temperatures as heat is trapped by oil.
6. Increased melting of arctic ice once the oil makes it's way up the east coast.

The South will feel the full weight of this. Millions will die. The rest of the US will remain apathetic.

Once again, I don't have anything to support this, but I don't feel for a second that we've even begun to see the devastation this will bring once it's all played out. I don't believe for a moment that this oil leak is accidental, nor do I believe that a genuine effort is being made to stem the flow. I believe that steps are being taken to open it up and release this entire deposit.

People are right to be worried.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 07:39 PM
Again, I have to voice my concern over this event, no, I take that back- Global disaster. This is future of our world... we have killed the planet.

I feel that BP has pierced the earth's carotid artery, she is bleeding to death. It has not been stopped. What if the abiotic oil's reason is to keep the earth rotation in check- a kind of fluid similar to a torque convertor in the automatic transmission.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 07:39 PM
Seems like a lot of impeachment for Obama, but how many of you will quit your jobs to go down there and start working on the coast line; if the president never does anything about it? We people, got to start getting more organized and try atleast getting the president to start doing something now...We need action and not blame.

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