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Has Bush Flipped his lid?

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posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
I believe bush is so delusional that he thinks he is god incarnated. I will not be surprise that he be one of those expresidents that goes crazy after he leaves the White house.

"One of those" would imply that there had been others. Who might they be, and what references do you have to that?

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 11:22 AM

Text"One of those" would imply that there had been others. Who might they be, and what references do you have to that?

That whats just a joke
Actually if a expresident goes crazy we will never know.

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 11:27 AM
I reckon in the interests of Denying Ignorance, the question should be,
"When did Bush filp his lid".
My guess, is when Daddy told him he was 'Commander in Chief'
WHAAAAAA!!! *lid flips onward and upward*

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 11:31 AM

I though daddy bush was still in power, to finish what he was not able to finish when he was voted out the last time. Bush junior is just a popped.

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 01:30 PM
Seems Doug Thompson has a history of making up stories from erroneous sources.
Well so much for this story then....

Conned big time "CIA Witness" to White House Lying about Intel story found to be FRAUD by Doug Thompson

"Damn, I hate it when I've been had and I've been had big time...
I have always said that when I screw up I admit up and boy, I screwed up big time."

[edit on 6-6-2004 by Regenmacher]

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 01:53 PM
The only enemy the united states has right now are YES people who are afraid to stand up for what is right. If GW really doesn't want to be disagreed with, he is his own worst enemy. I don't believe in allegiance to any particular leader anyways, i just believe in allegiance to God and country and in that order. We have GOT to get some kind of new party going in the United States that takes back control of this place into the peoples hands. When was the last time you all felt comfortable voting for what was running? And I use the word "what" not who because some of these people dont even seem human, they seem like robots run at others behest. Can't we do a revolution????????

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 02:55 PM
I agree, I think Bush flipped his lid when he became one of the if not the single most powerful man in America. I wouldn't be surprised if this spoiled little kid didn't even believe in God though, and just said all this for the people. He's a total act though, he has no sincerity whatsoever in my opinion.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by Regenmacher
Seems Doug Thompson has a history of making up stories from erroneous sources.
Well so much for this story then....

Conned big time "CIA Witness" to White House Lying about Intel story found to be FRAUD by Doug Thompson

"Damn, I hate it when I've been had and I've been had big time...
I have always said that when I screw up I admit up and boy, I screwed up big time."

[edit on 6-6-2004 by Regenmacher]

Damn you...Damn you DAMN YOU AND DAMN YOU AGAIN!

I looked at the article of the first post in the thread and all these whackos saying "yeah Bush is a big fat stinker" then proceeding to stick their fingers in their noses, and said, "This is a great challenge, the down-fall of the first post will mean the humiliation and exposure of so many anti-Bush know-nothings, that my day and many days after this would be made.

Then you have to go and screw-up EVERYTHING by taking my glory! hahahaha good show!

It was only a mater of time before someone did it.

I did a similar research pattern.

I read the post, saw that you can't really attack facts in the argument because there are none.

"this guy said this off the record...that guy said that." What guys? Ghosts?

So I did some research on the man who wrote the article...

There is no veracity to the tales here, these anti-Bushers should scatter...good work good sir!

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 09:52 PM
The mudpit don't draw crowds... You like it when the ticker goes up I think? This probably wont see the mudpit heh.

Keep the new members commin and leave some good stuff out here...

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 10:07 PM
Wow... Reading this thread... And the ariticle it is based on is false, yet how quicky they believe.

It's Aussie Bloke for liberals!

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Seth Bullock
Wow... Reading this thread... And the ariticle it is based on is false, yet how quicky they believe.

It's Aussie Bloke for liberals!

Based on false? False what? Granted the aren�t any names, named here but I assure you, if I were involved with this guy and made some statements of this sort, I may not want him to know who it was either! So, I can't blame anyone for being anonymous.

As for the liberal thing, I voted for the whacko, at the time he seemed ok�I thought he may be similar to his dad, but oh, how things change.
I'm not saying Gore would have been any better, but I bet we wouldn�t be in the middle of this fiasco bush has going on overseas!

It has been proven there were NO WMD there, which is �the reason� he went there in the first place�we all know why he is there, and it sure as hell isn�t about any presumed WMD.

His behavior is erratic at best!

It's sad he has involved all of our troops in this mess, by the way I'm a retired Army officer 30 years, so I�m not against our soldiers, they happen to have no choice as to what the commander in chief tells them to do.

So, assume the story is false�fine, I don�t know if it's true or not, I didn�t write it�how do you know it's not true�your research?

Don�t assume some one is a flaming liberal because they posted it.

There I feel better!

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 11:29 PM
Whoa now...

I was refering to the way the um more leftish people here jumped all over this story as if it was gospel truth. None of our more leftish ATS brothern even bothered to say "Gosh, I wonder if this is true..." it was bought hook line and sinker without a thought. I most certainly was not trying to imply any wrong doing or political affiliation on the author of the post. If I offened I apologize.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 11:57 PM
The next question is: When does good ol' Jeb become President?

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Seth Bullock
Whoa now...

I was refering to the way the um more leftish people here jumped all over this story as if it was gospel truth. None of our more leftish ATS brothern even bothered to say "Gosh, I wonder if this is true..." it was bought hook line and sinker without a thought. I most certainly was not trying to imply any wrong doing or political affiliation on the author of the post. If I offened I apologize.

No problem Seth! And I apologize, I had a REALLY crappy day yesterday and wound up venting a little too much�actually after I posted that I didn�t feel better! No harm�Friends?

Next time I will go to the rant page and let one fly there!

Well I'm off to the golf wreck another day!

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 09:25 AM
I got to thinking about it and the way it talks about George W. Bush's behavior in the White House and how it is effecting the people around him.
Is GOD really speaking to President Bush and telling him to push this WAR ON TERROR or is Bush to deranged from the takeover of Iraq not going the way he thought it would and with the presidential election coming up soon and his ratings falling, is Bush able to think coherent enough to preside over the office that he holds and over the people of the USA.
How do we know if Bush is not "cracking" from all the pressure he has been under lately, or from his own need to "get even" with Saddam and that being the reason he had our troops attack Iraq and maybe now regretting what he had started in Iraq ? Who's to say, he's not answering his own questions and thoughts going threw his mind but beleiving it is GOD speaking to him and giving him the answers, is he becoming mentally incompetent from a brain-overload that is spiralling out of control, to a borderline of insanity ?
I honestly beleive that he is listening to his own thoughts and he thinks it's GOD talking to him and if this is so, then I would say that G W Bush needs to be releived of his duties as president of the USA before anything else happens.

It seem s from what this artical states, that Bush considers any and all people enemies if they disagree with anything he says, and Bush seem s to blame GOD for all his decisions that he has made, because GOD told him to do it .

If what this artical is stating is true, I'd say that George Bush is becoming mentally-unstable and needs to be releived of his duties , for the good of the people in the USA and other countries. This is could un-nerve a lot of folks and cause mayham .


posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:07 AM
the article highlighted in the first post is not only or the first to spotlight Bush's religious ideals and claims that god speaks to him. There was a PBS special on it, and if you do a search you quickly find many more articles and snippets in which the Bush and god relationship makes non republican/christian/catholics cringe.

while every president and person has a right to "speak" to god, this to me is the first president who openly touts it and gives credit to god for his decisions....something I don't think he could ever do on his own. Whether it's Cheney's voice or the voice of god in his head, it shouldn't matter, those voices keep telling the man the wrong stuff. As to the question in the original post.....Bush flipped his lid a long time ago when he was an alcoholic and cokehead, the lid hasn't fit quite the same since then.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:13 AM
Consider the source people.

Original story here.

Wash, Rense, repeat........

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:23 AM
Strain of Iraq war showing on Bush, those who know him say

Bush Says God Chose Him to Lead His Nation

Bush and God

Bush puts God on his side

PERSPECTIVES:Faith and Politics

oh and btw to put things into perspective, God told Pat Robertson that Bush will win in we should all just stay home and forget voting, even you Bush supporters too, cuz Bush doesn't need you, God will make sure he wins regardless of the voting situation

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 04:07 PM

the Director of the CIA and his deputy have resigned their positions of Office. Tenet, the director of the CIA resigned at night. This is highly unusual for High office positions. something is seriously off kilter here.
The WH outed a CIA Operative (Valerie Plames) because her husband was holding the WH accountable to the American People for the Invasion of Iraq, based on fraudulant paperwork. ( the nigerian documentation of Iraq Smuggling Uranium).
The company run by Valerie Plames (Jennings and associates) was heavily involved in locatin WMD ( what irony, the WH took out one of the CIA's best asset to actually find WMD)
it is a felony to out an Operative for the CIA, even if you work in the WH
President Bush, and Vice President Cheney have retained criminal lawyers for counsel.

the Proverbial biowaste, is about to hit the fan

Good Riddance to them all.

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 11:17 AM
Did anyone just watch that White House press conference with Bush and the Afghan President?

I can't imagine anyone is proud of that fiasco.

Bush kept getting angry at the press for asking questions at his, um, press conference (whatever) and screaming non sequetors...

It's too hot to be answering questions!

It's 100 degrees out here! (It was 81 F)

And kept trying to get the Afghan President to say he was too hot and needed to stop and go eat lunch.

Somehow I don't think the guy from Afghanistan was too hot.

Come on ya'll, we got the President of another country visiting here and you got us answering questions outside in this heat.

I'd love to hear just one reporter say: Dude, why'd you call this press conference? And make it outside? And do so much coke before coming out here.

Sorry, I know he wasn't on coke. But if some dude from Afghanistan was staying at my house and I was acting like that, they'd have the opiate sniffing dogs on me before you could say "Man it's hot, let's eat."

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