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Freemason Knights Templar meeting here in Italy 2 days ago, changed my life...

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posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by network dude

LOL I dont know all the secret info you are missing. I know a lot of deeper meanings and where they go back to ancient times. I by no means am a sage. The craft teaches you that symbols mean something but thier origins tell a different tale. Thats what I am willing to discuss, that and
Chritianity. I am here to learn as well.
I do not know all there is to know about Masonry by any stretch of the imagination. I do know some things I will not post here nor anywhere as I said my knowledge of them is forbidden and could bode hard on my families tradition in the craft so dont think that I'm gonna give you secrets you arent suppose to have that are germaine to the magi of the craft or cant be found in research about the higher degrees.. As my grandfather was what many would term a Magi in the crafts. one other thing I feel its not worth it If I explain every other little thing to people rather I would give references to works and writings where truth can be discovered. A real seeker of enlightenment should be able to research.
I'm not here to teach but to provoke you to think hard about what you are into. You see I take my oath to God as sacred as the Masonry takes its oaths. I can argue with you about things but I cannot convince anyone of anything they do not want to believe but we can discuss and out of that may come fruit. I hope. If I start one though and start to become attacked by zealots I will pull out. I will need to thnnk about this and pray and then I shall see , which I should have doen bbefore I offered but I get caught up in all this stuff too.
For now though may we discuss the great architect guys. Who is he? Who is the first great Master Mason and beginner of Masonry? lets discuss if we can do that here civally I would be inclined to open a thread.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Barkster

For now though may we discuss the great architect guys. Who is he?

Here is a good place to start. The Great Architect of the Universe. He has different names depending on who you claim as your deity. To me he is God. God the father. The lord. If I had to guess, I would say he is the same guy you pray to. (Jesus's dad) If a mason was Muslim, then his name might be Allah. Here is where the church has it's big problem with us. We are OK with you no matter what you believe, as long as you do believe. It's not my place or any other masons place to tell you who to pray to. that is your business.

is the first great Master Mason and beginner of Masonry? lets discuss if we can do that here civally I would be inclined to open a thread.

Here it gets a bit sticky. Are you referring to speculative or operative? Will my interpretation do, or would you like the 50 plus other thoughts on when and where it began? here is a link to some masonic info.


It may be correct. Or perhaps speculative masonry began in the 1300's. Or in the 1700's. Allegorically the operative stone masons (also called free masons) were speculative as well as operative. meaning they built stuff and held esoteric meetings. That was back in King Solomons time.

As you can see, even in masonic circles, there is a debate as to the answer to that question. Lots of people who are way smarter than I are still searching for the answer. If you have any proof for your thoughts, I can assure you it would be monumental.

I would hope that anyone who converses with you would treat you with the same respect you give.

Should you decide to discuss the finner angles of how and why I am doomed to hell, feel free to stop by another thread that is ongoing, dealing with this subject. I am not sure if you consider yourself a fundamentalist, but it may provoke thought just the same.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by Barkster

Well, I don't want you to tarnish your family's name, but you received 2nd hand knowledge and I have 1st hand knowledge.

You came from a family that had Masons in it, but you see Freemasonry as an enemy? Weird.

And how are we the enemy of mankind? How is striving to better your community a bad thing? Many people, past and present, have benefited from the charity of Freemasonry, and will continue to do so. You must be a literalist, and let the stories you were told go to your head.

Okay, I shouldn't have said ALL, but most do. Freemasonry doesn't have any gods, only the members have gods. My god is my own and is no one else's business, both in Freemasonry and not. The triangle is a symbol of the Trinity. Also, wasn't Enoch a figure from the Bible?

I study as much as I can, but when I can. My free time is extremely small.

reply to post by Barkster

Well, that is the Bohemian Grove, not the Freemasons. And to head you off, the Grove is not a branch of Freemasonry nor is it a superior body that leads the Freemasons.

How are we naive? Who has been killed by the Freemasons? If you are speaking about the Morgan Affair that topic has already been discussed in another thread.

My Oath was given to my God as it was in his name I took it and he was in my heart. My God is the only one I am bound to, as all Freemasons are bound to the God of their choosing and belief. You cannot know what is in our heart so you cannot speak as to what God we are bound to.

If you want to start another thread, I'll come post

reply to post by Barkster

Its not a violation of anything, but do you know what bodies and degrees your grandfather, father, and uncle held?

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by network dude

Network dude, I hurt my back yesterday and cant even sit so I will have to pick this up later, in a few days, srry but I shall be back

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Barkster

For now though may we discuss the great architect guys. Who is he?

In the words of Illustrious Brother Webb, he is "the Great Architect of Heaven and Earth, the Giver of all good gifts, and the Judge of the quick and the dead".

Who is the first great Master Mason and beginner of Masonry?

Freemasonry began in the British Isles in the middle ages, as craft guilds of operative stonemasons. The traditions go back even further, into the ancient world. There's not really a "first great Master Mason" or a particular "beginner of Masonry", but the person who probably holds credentials closest to those terms is Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher, mathematician, and mystic. In the Gothic Constitutions of Masonry, Pythagoras is referred to as "Peter Gower".

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Barkster
reply to post by network dude

Network dude, I hurt my back yesterday and cant even sit so I will have to pick this up later, in a few days, srry but I shall be back

I hope you feel better. Hot tub and beer is my cure for that illness.

I will spend my time thinking of ways to keep my eternal soul from going to hell.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by network dude

Hey Dude you should know the bible says you cannot serve two masters at once.
1st off if you guys only questions are about my statement about my family to debunk me or find fault with my story or try to say # like you dont know you aren't a Mason and I am, I will ignore you. It proves to me you have little or no knowledge because you lack sound understanding and havent reached lavel yet that you can have a reasonable conversation with someone. It tells me a lot about your climb of the ladder.
OK, lets start with the place I believe network to be or perhaps he's 2 degree, not sure. the Tracing Board of the 1st degree.

Now a lot of what Im gonna tell you is covered in the book apollyon rising 2012 by Tom Horn. Hes a brilliant guy and I respect him a lot because he didn't have the inside understandings I had growing up but sure has taught me a thing or two. now a lot I knew already because of my family. His work and quite a few others like William Cooper have helped me to get to my understanding so I must give credit where credit is due.
Also Anyone that wants to excel and truly ascend the ladder and reach the grail of knowledge and wisdom(enlightenment) and climb up to the etherial mansion which is veiled by the stars and the heavens should be emersed in the teaching of Manly P Hall, Pike, to name just 2 uber names of masonry.
ok so in the middle se see a singularity a point within a circle which is symbolic for Osiris, Isis, Ra joined in procreation it is on a cube shaped pedistal or alter. It is bound by North and south parrallel lines. Of course the Ini is told that with the volume of sacred law its represent the radius of conscousness where the aspirent begins in his journey to the light/deity.the the two parallel lines represent the two johns, Saint as well. but for my purpose its osiris etc.
Notice it is at the very bottom and if the clouds were not hidding it you can see it sits at the vry bottom of the Pyramid. OOps did I say pyramid? gee what is jacobs ladder? is that a pyramid hidding behind the clouds? looks like the face of a mesoamerican pyramid to me. from the point of the circle to the grail is 13 steps, Notice the Ladder sits on the this circle, then upward to the heavenly mansion where the diety is suppose to be.
The Ini is told that the blazing star is the Sun and rightly in a lesser understand of the symbol but adepts should know it is the dog star sirius.
The star at the top left is the Sun and to the right the moon and stars. Seven stars to be exact, but again the adept should know that these are the constellation pleides. notice sirius of sittng not centered but kinda centered. its actually sitting in the dark rift of the galaxy and the allignment you see is the alignment that will take place on dec 21, 2012.
This is the great secret well at least one and part of it. You see the purpose ot he masonry is establish an eartly kingdom for the arrival of the deity Osiris/Apollos/Nimrod.
wow I guess I jumped ahead.
the three pillars which every well formed, established lodge should have are suppose to define divine attributes which they do but deeper meaning is they are Kind Solomon for his wisdom to buid the temple, Hiram king of Tyre/Lucifer and Hiram abiff for his strength and support in the building of the temple and Hiram Abiff for his Masterful work in building and adorning of the temple.

One more thing the tesselated edge is suppose to be stars the revlove around the sun. This is true. but in the Torah stars are used for the fallens sons of god. and if fact they serve the diety the dog star Osiris.
I can't take anymore gotta go lay down. when I get back Ill explain another twenty twelve prophecy in this board. If I have used any wrong terms pleaser excuse Im taking massive amounts of painkillers.
One other thing I am including many of my own riddles in this as I am a Master as well but not in Masonry and I am bound by God. If you are of a high degree in the ancient writings you can figure out my first name.
also cant take time to spell check please excuse. ttfn

[edit on 1-5-2010 by Barkster]

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 02:10 PM
one more thing , srry, I use the first degree tracing board becasue it is appropriate that the very secret plan of the masons greatest hope is hidden in plain site in the tracer. Thats becasue there is apact between God and satan that all should be a choice for us and we should be told of his doings.He does but he hides them so uyou are complicit in our worship of him.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Originally posted by Barkster

For now though may we discuss the great architect guys. Who is he?

In the words of Illustrious Brother Webb, he is "the Great Architect of Heaven and Earth, the Giver of all good gifts, and the Judge of the quick and the dead".

Who is the first great Master Mason and beginner of Masonry?

Freemasonry began in the British Isles in the middle ages, as craft guilds of operative stonemasons. The traditions go back even further, into the ancient world. There's not really a "first great Master Mason" or a particular "beginner of Masonry", but the person who probably holds credentials closest to those terms is Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher, mathematician, and mystic. In the Gothic Constitutions of Masonry, Pythagoras is referred to as "Peter Gower".

and who in egyptian mythos is judger of the dead? ok now I really have to lay down Blessings~~

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Barkster

It always amazes and entertains me when a non-Mason explains the tracing board to Freemasons.

I can almost understand a theory that Freemasonry is concealing things from the general public, but it's hilarious that the fraternity is concealing things from it's own members -- things that a non-Mason would find obvious.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction to Practical Ideals page 433 . By Manly P Hall
" Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity -- an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect ... it is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate and yet interdependent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of 'free and accepted' men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most August [defined as 'of majestic dignity, grandeur'] fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcannum arcandrum [defined as 'a secret, a mystery']."
Those Brethren who have essayed to write the history of their Craft have not included in their disquisitions the story of that truly secret inner society which is to the body Freemasonic what the heart is to the body human.In each generation only a few are accepted into the inner sanctuary of the Work, but these are veritable Princes of the Truth and their sainted names shall be remembered in future ages together with the seers and prophets of the elder world.
Though the great initiate-philosophers of Freemasonry can be counted upon one’s fingers, yet their power is not to be measured by the achievements of ordinary men. They are dwellers upon the Threshold of the Innermost, Masters of that secret doctrine which forms the invisible foundation of every great theological and rational institution.
now got anything to offer besides posturing superior because you are member.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by Barkster]

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Barkster

Hall wrote that book in 1929, almost thirty years before he became a Mason. He had no practical knowledge of Masonry as a member of the Fraternity at that time.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Barkster

With all due respect to Worshipful Bro. Hall (I am a huge fan) he was not a Freemason when he wrote those words.

I did not mean to imply superiority in any manner in my reply. In fact, as a Freemason, I believe that all people are equal and all beliefs are valid.

In this case I simply disagree with your comments about the tracing board. It just strikes me as funny and ironic.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Barkster

I do have a question though, our disagreements aside.

There are so many legends and teachings that involve Sirius. I am guessing that your name has something do to with Sirius.

What is so important about this star? It seems like the Egyptians were trying awfully hard to bring attention to it.

I've also read that the Washington monument pointed at Sirius at a specific time and date (maybe July 4th?). I can't remember where I read that, though.

It was mind-boggling to watch the show "Ancient Aliens" on History Channel and see how they managed to line up the chamber in the pyramid EXACTLY with Sirius.

Any thoughts are appreciated. (Off topic I know but this thread is already there.)

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus
WOW well then if Hall became a Mason then and if he was wrong according to laws of your organization and being an upright forthright Man he should have made a public correction should he not? Joining the Masonry was just a formality he was a part of the highest secret circles already being a spiritual Master, master of ancient religions and Mystery schools, and Alchemist. He was Illuminati. Tonight
I will post another famous masonic writer that says that at the top of masonry is the illumined ones and he uses the term Illuminati. comeon thats it. thats a typical response by masons. Just as you are lied to in the blue degrees you are fed crap all the way up till you get to the places at the top with the ones that stand on the precipice to the mansion of the supreme light bringer.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Tonight I will answer you on osiris/apollos/Nimrod/alexaner the Great and no my name has nothing to with Osiris as I implied it has to do with the Torah. But Im glad I peaked your curiousity. Anyone that attains to enlightenment should have a great curiousity. Especially if you want to move up in the Craft.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by Barkster]

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Barkster
WOW well then if Hall became a Mason then and if he was wrong according to laws of your organization and being an upright forthright Man he should have made a public correction should he not?

Why? They were his opinions and he, like everyone else, is entitled to them.

Joining the Masonry was just a formality he was a part of the highest secret circles already being a spiritual Master, master of ancient religions and Mystery schools, and Alchemist. He was Illuminati.

Whether or not you believe he was any of those things, the fact is he was still not a Mason for almost thirty years after writing that book.

Just as you are lied to in the blue degrees you are fed crap all the way up till you get to the places at the top with the ones that stand on the precipice to the mansion of the supreme light bringer.

Lied to about what? And what are 'the places at top' and who are 'the ones that stand at the precipice'? Please be detailed in your reply.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 05:29 PM
I guess you'll have to get up there a few more levels to find out out Augustus! I assume you know something about the blue adepts you could "fill us in with", don't you?


posted on May, 1 2010 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by Northwarden

I am still waiting for you to explain this to me on my other thread.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 05:34 PM
I'm actually doing the respectful thing by not answering you. I think our lives run different paths.

I trust your secret society zilch. Why not be open? Of course you know why.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by Northwarden]

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