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Why More U.S. Expatriates Are Turning In Their Passports

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posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Here in America, living in America, we are constantly told about how we enjoy the greatest freedoms in the world, but clearly for Americans, that once spending some time outside of America, they are coming to realize us, what many of us here suspect and contend that this just isn’t true.
(visit the link for the full news article)

"A truly free society doesn't need to be told it is free"

I can't remember who said but it seems appropriate to this thread. I'm glad people in America are waking up to the constant manipulation and lies of their government.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by Jessicamsa
America isn't socialist. It is fascist.

In what regard? The same reasons for the people who were complaining it was turning socialist? Tell me why are leaving again? Socialist healthcare? Taxes? Spies? Because I already pointed out clearly in my prior posts how it doesnt make sense to leave for Europe, Australia or Canada to escape those.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

you say that switzerland is a third world country?you ignorant american,its not bloody Sudan!

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by Jessicamsa
America isn't socialist. It is fascist.

In what regard? The same reasons for the people who were complaining it was turning socialist? Tell me why are leaving again? Socialist healthcare? Taxes? Spies? Because I already pointed out clearly in my prior posts how it doesnt make sense to leave for Europe, Australia or Canada to escape those.

When the federal government requires people to pay for private health insurance you have FASCISM.

Fascism is the marriage of corporations and the government.

This is not government healthcare like those other countries you mentioned have. But forced participation in purchasing private health care premiums.

It is the worst of all worlds.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:03 PM
Reply to post by Navieko

"...worth than the USA..."

Lol, sorry but I had to say, I can't help but imagine that line as being spoken with a lisp. Its got me cracking up.
2nd Line

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posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by glen200376
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

you say that switzerland is a third world country?you ignorant american,its not bloody Sudan!

I wouldn't call Switzerland a third world country by any means, but Geneva is arguably the filthiest city I've seen in Western Europe...including some of the French shockers.

Of course, all the good times go on behind closed doors...think "Eyes Wide Shut" orgy scene in those Lake Geneva chalets...

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:05 PM
Reply to post by Jessicamsa

Facism is definitely how you describe it. Corporations merging with the government to form the Military Industrial Complex and to tax and monopolize people into submission.

Some people don't get that its not all about taxes. There are other prices you pay.

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posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by warequalsmurder

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by Jessicamsa
America isn't socialist. It is fascist.

In what regard? The same reasons for the people who were complaining it was turning socialist? Tell me why are leaving again? Socialist healthcare? Taxes? Spies? Because I already pointed out clearly in my prior posts how it doesnt make sense to leave for Europe, Australia or Canada to escape those.

When the federal government requires people to pay for private health insurance you have FASCISM.

You do know that the Australian and European governments assisted in their own collapsed financial institutions right? You do know that only reason why the mandatory measure was added to the bill was because the same people like you came out calling the public option 'fascism'?

This is not government healthcare like those other countries you mentioned have. But forced participation in purchasing private health care premiums.

You do know its mandatory for you to pay the for the healthcare of others in Europe and Australia right? If the public option passed here, would you have responded differently to this thread?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:16 PM
Reply to post by Southern Guardian

Sounds like a topic for another thread. You should start one on this. How America was stupid enough to force itself into Fascism. Maybe you could say more accurately that America was duped into believing a "public option" was socialist and therefore bad, and so when the government took the public option out people were okay with the bill passing without realizing the parlor trick that happened just before their eyes. The American people, through ignorance and silence allowed the age of openly fascist America to dawn.

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posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by dbloch7986
Lol, sorry but I had to say, I can't help but imagine that line as being spoken with a lisp. Its got me cracking up.

Haha... I missed that one, not sure how that happened... but thankfully my lisp is only limited to text! Thanks for the headths up.

[edit on 21/4/10 by Navieko]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

We (m'Bride and me) live in the Cayman Islands. We HAVE to file taxes every year, or risk the inability to go to the U.S. Funny thing is, we've been here for 17 years and have been back to the good ol' USA once in tha time. In fact, I suspect that some of my friends secretly belive that we're on the lam from the IRS........... or in witness protection.
Neither is true; we left clean and continue to not make enough to have to pay.

The only thing that could ever require us to renounce our citizenship with the United States of America would be if "they" decided to tweak the laws in a manner that allowed "them" to construe us as criminals.

Well-intentioned friends in the U.S. tell us, "hey, you can always come here, reorganize if you need to", and we appreciate them, and love them, and know it's a truthful gesture from the heart. However, we've chosen to make our stand here, come what may, whatever the world and its minions have to offer, we'll live and die here. It's home.

Why should the IRS be concerned with us? Well, for one, we live in one of the tax shelter nations, however with the recent capitulence of the Caymanian government to the pressures of Brown and Obama, this nation is a ghost of its previous ability to bank money and STFU about it.

Truth is, for the first time in history, along with Switzerland, the Cayman Islands (as well as a buncha other small nations) have changed their policies in order to get off the black and gray list, onward to the required white list (oh, the symbology is rampant) ...... to be considered a Goodfella by the U.S. You want this to stop? Fine. Find out where Obama and Brown hide their money.

So.......... while I have a hard time imagining a situation where we'd move back to the U.S., I can easily imagine a medical reason to go there, although with the recent changes, I don't know exactly how that fares with our insurance company's agreement with a Miami-based hospital. For all we know, we're paying for coverage that can no longer be honored.

It's a sticky wicket, as they say, and what pisses me off more than anything is the uncomfortable feeling that it's just a matter of a few tweaks of the tax code to make us be defined as criminals.

Hey, I launder money two times a week. Seems that no matter how I turn my pockets inside out, there are always coins that are washed and shining in the bottom of the washer, along with a sheetrock screw or two.

Thanks for the space to vent and fret, Pro. I know it's an old, tired saw, and everyone is tired of hearing it...... but........ I fought and risked my ass for the U.S. It's the first time in my life that I've been afraid of Her government. T'would almost generate a tear if I weren't sucha hardened ol' bastard.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

p.s. From your link:

Relinquishing U.S. citizenship is a fairly simple process: after filling in a few forms, and in some cases, paying an exit tax (based on the applicant's worldwide income and assets), the former citizen receives his canceled passport in the mail.

The ultimate insult. Paying an exit tax. "you can leave, but ya hafta pay up the adz first." Oh my. Sorrowful.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

You do know that the Australian and European governments assisted in their own collapsed financial institutions right? You do know that only reason why the mandatory measure was added to the bill was because the same people like you came out calling the public option 'fascism'?

Oh I did that did I? No I don't think that I did, so, people like you can stop trying to speak for me any second now.

As to the rest of your paragraph here, it is only your speculations as to what those governments did and a nonsequitor to this argument anyway.

Southern Guardian
You do know its mandatory for you to pay the for the healthcare of others in Europe and Australia right? If the public option passed here, would you have responded differently to this thread?

Yes they pay for it in their TAXES, that way no private insurance company get's to stick it to them once they've been strong armed into paying for it. All the prices and dotted lines are pre-regulated and the citizen is protected as a result. No chance for price gouging.

I've seen nothing that would assure that gender/age/occupational/etc. discriminations that will turn into rate adjustments wont still apply. Perhaps you've seen this altruistic clause and would share it with us?

Your last question to me is more metaphysical as it pertains to a reality that does not exist due to the FASCISM that has already taken root here.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by DaddyBare
This sounds more like just positive propaganda for Australia than it does a real news story

No one likes taxes but we pat the to keep up our schools and roads etc...

I highly suggest you first watch the excellent documentary "The Money Masters", and then do some homework.

Everybody thinks that your private Federal Income Taxes go to pay for infrastructure as you mentioned. Those are paid by completely6 different tax base.

95% of private personal Federal Income Tax goes to pay the perceived debt of interest to the illegal, PRIVATELY OWNED Federal Reserve System for the honor of creating our own money for us, something that Congress used to authorize directly.

At the turn of the century (1900) most Americans paid zero individual taxes, and yet we were the most prosperous, fastest growing, wealthiest country in the world.

The real point of taxes under fractional reserve banking and the engineered economy we live in is to create a system of control, buffer cashflow to create artificial inflation, and maintain your level of living at the point where you have to work so hard to get by, that you don't have time to actively combat their systems of control.

According to the real books for the United States, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, if we were to cut all the red tape, BS bureaucracy, military imperialism and foreign presence, supporting illegals, special interests, handouts to other countries, unGodly amounts of military and other assistance to countries such as Israel, angels share that goes into politicians pockets, etc., and focus on infrastructure 8% sales tax alone could support the entire US Budget.

Although I read this several years ago, by the time you compile all of the taxes you pay including various hidden or inclusive taxes, the middle class pays over 50% of their income in taxes.

This country has been purposely steered to fail for decades. It is an indisputable fact among intelligent knowledgeable students of the fall of our Republic.

I cannot stress how important viewing the documentary "The Money Masters" really is, it should be REQUIRED viewing to graduate from high school.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by Irish73]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by dbloch7986

Well put, in fact... Very well put.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Great find!!!

S & F for sure!!

It should be noted that renouncing one's citizenship is simply a way of removing oneself from the confines of the corporation called "The United States of America".

And it is a brilliant idea.

If one is born on the soil of America, then they are forever considered a sovereign of America, but one can willfully renounce their status as a "citizen" of "The United States of America"

A "sovereign" and a "citizen" are two completely different legal terms and it would behoove anyone reading this thread to research the differences between the two.

And besides that....

The 16th Amendment is blatantly unconstitutional.

The Constitution for the united states of America states explicitly that all direct taxes must be apportioned according to population.
This was purposeful in design.
Unapportioned Direct taxes are simply another way of "spreading the wealth", which seems like a good idea in theory.

But unfortunately our tax dollars are used to pay interest on treasuries, most of which are owned by the shareholders in the Federal Reserve System.

I hear all this talk about China owning the US, and it could not be further from the truth.

The BANKS hold over half of the US debt by means of the Federal Reserve system.

I applaud these individuals for their actions.

In my opinion, nothing could be more American than renouncing one's citizenship to the foreign corporation that resides in the District of Columbia and masquerades as The United States of America.

Excellent thread PT.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:49 PM
There has not only been increases in taxes all over the place, from property to gas, to increased postage and of the likes.

You couple that with increased government spending and what we have is the depreciation of the dollar to extreme levels.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Irish73

I am consistently shocked at the lack of knowledge that the average US citizen has regarding both the US Constitution and the banking laws of the United States.

I recently took Economics 1101 a few years back at University and it was basically propaganda.
We were taught that the "Chicago School" radical free market theory of economics was....

Divergent viewpoints were not welcome in the classroom.

We were never taught real value.

We were never taught the difference between fiat, fiduciary, and commodity currency.

I argued with my professor for an entire class period because he kept spewing lie after lie about how much "money was lost" during the Great Depression, and how the most wealthy were hurt much more deeply than the average individual.

I then stated that true value is never "lost".
It either becomes more concentrated or more dispersed.

My comment went over like a lead zeppelin and not one student in the class could grasp my argument.

This all starts in the schools.

I wholly agree with your sentiment that "Money Masters" should be required viewing for all high school students.

A central bank is the most visible trait of a socialist state.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

This is a total crock of BS. A beat up big time.

If "Chicago Ben from Melbourne" gave up his US Citizenship because of double taxation, then he is seriously deluded and getting extremely bad tax advice.

I am a Natural Born US Citizen, living in Melbourne for over 25 years now. Except for the first year I moved to Australia I have not had to pay 1 cent of tax to the US. I have consistently been in the top tax bracket in Australia the entire time, so I am certainly not in the poor house. And I probably pay more in Australian taxes than I would if I were on the same income in the USA.

And I have returned to the US several times without incident, the most recent about 8 months ago.

Under no circumstances are you subject to "double taxation". If your taxable income is more than a certain threshold, which is set by a formula in the tax treaty between OZ and the US (I don't recall the current number), then you pay the 'overages' to the US, which means that you end up paying EXACTLY the same tax you would have paid if you lived and earned in the US. The same is true for Australians living in the US.

This effectively means that US Citizens in earning in Australia don't pay tax to the US, except for those few at the very very high end of the pay scale. And those folks, in general, aren't going to give up their US Citizenship because they will soon enough finish their tenure as head of Telstra and move back to Wyoming (gee, what is Sol Trujillo doing these days?) or Ford Australia and want to move back to Detroit (... oh wait, maybe not).

These guys are either deluded or lying about their motivation. They have every right to give up their citizenship if they want to, for what ever reason they want to.

It is, however, pathetic to lie about those motivations just to get a little anonymous attention in news magazine. It serves only to feed the hysteria of those who want to hate America, as witnessed by some of the remarks in this very thread.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Josephus23

I won't go into your nonsense about 'sovereign' vs 'citizen', because it is just that and why bother?


The 16th Amendment is blatantly unconstitutional.

Ok, this is sillier that the 'sovereign' thing, but I am intrigued about how you can make a statement like that and still be breathing (that is a Bob Dylan reference, use your imagination... oh, wait...)

How on earth can the Constitution be even slightly unconstitutional, let alone blatantly unconstitutional?

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