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Magnitude 7.2- BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 2010 April 04 22:40:39 UTC

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posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by SunnyDee

Irritable that is another thing that is out of the norm for us. That is definately something that is still with us today and so are the other feelings of nausea and sickness.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by devenirmusic
... I mean think about it for a second, what are the odds that the quake hit on EASTER SUNDAY, ...

Remember the ATS thread, Like or not, God is talking to us.

The Sunspot appeared in the shape of the Haitian island group -- at the same time as the Earthquake hit Haiti. And a week later the same thing for a group of islands in the Pacific, another sunspot in the shape of those islands.

Then, about the time of the start of the Olympics, 5 sunspots in the shape of the Olympic emblem (a "W").

This is no accident, it is an act of God -- God talking to us.

Why Haiti and why Mexico. Those countries are extra corrupt. under the control of a corrupt and wicked Catholic Church.

And 911 could not have happened by natural means, neither due to the Planes or due to a human conspiracy. The perfect implosions were acts of God (ET).

The date "911 2001 AD" converts directly to the word "Religion" in the language buried (by "God") in the English language.

Like or not, God is talking to us.

[edit on 5-4-2010 by etcorngods]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 01:42 PM
I'd bet all this ~weird feeling~ has to do with the current solar assault we're under...

[edit on 4/5/2010 by Hx3_1963]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 01:50 PM
Right, now, first off lease understand that I am not definitely attributing this to Sunday`s quake, but it was just a fleeting thought in my head.

I live in Scotland UK, and around 6-7 hours before the quake I felt a slight sickness in my tummy, as if I had eaten something rotten and it was just starting to disagree with me. It went away within about 5 mins, and since I have have no more sickness feeling. It was out of the ordinary for me.

Now, my questions are...

1. Of those reporting odd sensations prior to the quake, approx how long before the quake would you estimate you had the strange feelings?

2. Is there anyone else who does not reside in the US who felt anything strange?

I`m purely speculating here, it may have just been a slight bug in my belly that my body fought off on its own.
Still though, if we are experiencing Earth changes and the like and people are reporting that they felt "off" before the quake and it is unusual to feel that way, then I think it would be worth getting other`s to comment on this, even if it is simply to discard the idea.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 01:56 PM
Anyone notice Toads running amok in SoCal?

Can Toads Predict Earthquakes?

[edit on 4/5/2010 by Hx3_1963]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by psilo simon

It all started for us around 9am CST. It would come and go for a while then around midday it came on strong for both of us til around 6 it started to taper off. This morning i thought it was gone then it came back again around 11am ...

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 02:01 PM
Everybody is reporting how awkward they felt yesterday, but it was the exact opposite for me.

Yesterday was the first time in a long time i felt good about the world and people. Even though i want a change, i had a feeling then that nothing could be better than what it is now.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by psilo simon

Yea I live roughly 2400 miles (driving) from the epicenter. My husband and I slept like poo the night before. We woke up fine though, but a couple of hours later, were just blah. I woke up in the middle of the night with a blinding headache in both my eyes (to the point that I wanted to cry, no clue what time it was). My headache stayed with me all day and I got extremely irritable as the day progressed, but my husband was feeling better. We slept aweful again last night (had no idea about the quake until this morning when we woke up and checked the news). My husband didn't sleep at all and I tossed and turned. When he woke up at 4:30am this morning, he said he felt overwhelmingly nauseated but it has since subsided. I am feeling okay so far today and hubby is feeling better.

Again we live over 2000 miles away from the quake, so this could be we just need to flip our mattress (or buy a new one lol), and he ate something that disagreed with him yesterday. I always lean towards a reasonable explaination first but I never count out the possibility of something more.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 02:11 PM
Fox just stated over 260 aftershocks... and it's not stoping. At least they are saying something.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 02:25 PM
Became irritated yesterday around 11 am pacific time, seems to coincide with poker player's 9 am central time. Can't say that it exactly went away after the quake, but it was milder, but sadly I have to admit I started drinking with the family a bit of the champagney prior to the quake and we all know that can calm the nerves!

Who knows what it all means, could be just coincidence, but the irritableness was real and not common.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by psilo simon

2. Is there anyone else who does not reside in the US who felt anything strange?

yes i live in Ontario, Canada and right after dinner my mom had a strange blockage in her ear. she said it came on really suddenly, and it felt as if she had been at a concert right beside the speakers or something and it made her feel a bit dizzy. she had never felt anything like it (unexplained of course). ALSO around this time, our TV set was having a lot of interference. we thought it was a loose wire but both TVs were acting up...channels freezing and being fuzzy. then we turned on the news and heard about the earthquake. today it's all normal. VERY strange...

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by SunnyDee


My husband was up at 6am EST yesterday. I got up at 7am EST. We really didn't notice our uncomfortableness until about 9:30am EST. And then my irritability really hit me about lunch time. I would say around 12:30pm EST and got progressivly worse as the afternoon and evening went on, to the point of my husband told me to calm down and breathe. Not sure if that meshes with yours and poker player's times. But I wanted to give my times as well as a point of reference which I should have done with my earlier post.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by watchdog

Pretty interesting, not exactly scientific, but I would think that there is some sort of inner earthly resonances happening leading up to a big quake, so I think we might have been experiencing that.

I'll have to be more aware for the next time. Anyone close to the epicenter that had any feelings?

I am 150+ miles away from where it hit.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by watchdog
reply to post by SunnyDee


My husband was up at 6am EST yesterday. I got up at 7am EST. We really didn't notice our uncomfortableness until about 9:30am EST. And then my irritability really hit me about lunch time. I would say around 12:30pm EST and got progressivly worse as the afternoon and evening went on, to the point of my husband told me to calm down and breathe. Not sure if that meshes with yours and poker player's times. But I wanted to give my times as well as a point of reference which I should have done with my earlier post.

I have had a "gift of healing" for some 15 years. I have healed 20 people of terminal diseases -- mostly cancer.

A number of the healings have been over the phone -- I never met the person, -- just on the phone for an hour.

After the sessions, I am drained, disturbed. What a number of you describe sounds like what happens when you experience an act of god -- even when you are thousands of miles away from the event.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 03:11 PM
If this phenomenon is and act of God then why only certain people, or are some people just more intuitive to that sort of thing. Alot of people i talked to say they felt nothing. Im just curious on your viewpoint as this is the first time ive experienced something like this.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 03:17 PM
I too had sickness this weekend but mine happened
on Saturday afternoon roughly around 3 pm eastern time.
That was roughly around when the tremors
started occurring but well before the main event
on Sunday.

I suddenly developed a severe headache and nausea
and canceled running an errand so I could lie down.
I took a nap for about an hr and got up and was
irritable as well. Still had the headache though even
after taking 4 aspirin. This continued on into
Sunday afternoon. Right now I feel ok.
I had no dizziness or motion sickness

[edit on 5-4-2010 by boondock-saint]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by poker player
If this phenomenon is and act of God then why only certain people, or are some people just more intuitive to that sort of thing. Alot of people i talked to say they felt nothing. Im just curious on your viewpoint as this is the first time ive experienced something like this.

That's the way it works. Even though I have healed 20 people -- each one a miracle -- I have failed on about 15 other people. They stayed ill, and died.

Acts of God are often very brutal, but that's the way it works.

Remember the ATS thread,

Like or not, God is talking to us.

The Sunspot appeared in the shape of the Haitian island group -- at the same time as the Earthquake hit Haiti. And a week later the same thing for a group of islands in the Pacific, another sunspot in the shape of those islands.

Then, about the time of the start of the Olympics, 5 sunspots in the shape of the Olympic emblem (a "W").

This is no accident, it is an act of God -- God talking to us.

Why Haiti and why Mexico. Those countries are extra corrupt. under the control of a corrupt and wicked Catholic Church.

And 911 could not have happened by natural means, neither due to the Planes or due to a human conspiracy. The perfect implosions were acts of God (ET).

The date "911 2001 AD" converts directly to the word "Religion" in the language buried (by "God") in the English language.

[edit on 5-4-2010 by etcorngods]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 03:21 PM
I was just looking at the earthquake site and was thinking thats a lot of quakes...wasnt even going to attempt to count Scary to see all those especially in one or 2 states like that. reply to post by djcubed

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by poker player

Poker Player,

I am a Christian (Baptist to be more precise). I'm not sure myself, that all these feelings are an act of God. Maybe it has to do with the solar activity and the geomagnetic storm that's going on right now and maybe some of us are more sensitive to it than others?? I don't know. But, being devout follower of and believer in Christ, I would think that if these feelings were an act of God, there would be no doubt, no question what's so ever. God usually doesn't just hit people with these things without that person or people knowing without a shadow of a doubt what it is/was and that it was Him. But that's just me.

Now, to be quite honest, I was sitting in Sunday School when I started feeling this way and so was my hubby. And I do believe that natural occurences like earthquakes are very much God's work and in God's timing. Just not sure that what everyone is feeling is an act of God. But again that's just my humble opinon. I could be wrong, and if I am then God will deal with me lol.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by etcorngods
And 911 could not have happened by natural means, neither due to the Planes or due to a human conspiracy. The perfect implosions were acts of God (ET).

boy, ur gonna have ur hands full trying
to convince some truthers about that one.
No offense

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