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Why most ATS members will never fight the NWO: you are all talk

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posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by hyperion.martin

Totally disagree!

1. No modern army has ever defeated an indigenous population on thier own land. Think Vietnam, Afghanistan, Chechenya, Iraq, and Afghanistan again

2. If your premise were true only 2% of people who join the military would cut it in combat since they are taken from the overall population.

3. You assume that the two percent of the people who supposedly have the lets call it "warrior gene" all join the military.

4.History is repleat with so called peasants, farmers, rabble, or common people, rising up when circumstances force them and defeating supposedly superior armies and warriors. The American revolution perhaps being the most well known.

5. The most powerful and technologically advanced army in the world hasn't been able to route out a few thousand insurgents with AK's and RPG's in Iraq and Afghanistan (see number 1 again)

6. No country on earth has the traditions of liberty and freedom ingrained in thier mindset like America.

7. Only 3 percent actually fought the American revolution.

8. If only 1% of 100,000,000 gun owners fight (it will likely be more) that is 1 million freedom loving Americans. More then all the available combat troops we have in the entire military.

9. The most well armed well trained most resourceful guerilla army in history of the world is in America. This won't be peasants in robes with AK's. Many of them veterans with the same or better training as those whom they would be fighting. And full machine shops in thier garages to make just about anything. Guerilla tactics are hit and run never going toe to toe with a superior foe. Lots of folks successfully track stalk and hunt deer and elk every year I am sure that can easily be adapted to other things.

10. A certain percentage of the military will side with patriots and bring some of thier toys with them.

11. No army foreign or domestic could control the entire land mass of America. It is logistically impossible and they would be picked off from every rock, tree, door, and window. As the Japanese said of us when asked why they never invaded the mainland; There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

12. would be cutting off thier own supply lines (the American people) and could maybe control a few cities at best but doubtful they could sustain it for very long.

The PTB know they could never win a fight with the American people that is why they don't want one. And why should they? They are doing just fine robbing us of all our wealth via subterfuge. They want productive slaves on the plantation not a revolt!.

[edit on 18-3-2010 by hawkiye]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 05:44 PM
I really still don't get how people can still say the pen is mightier than the sword. It might be if you're the one in power, but if you're not in power it has no strength whatsoever and you're just wasting ink, in the end.

I'm sorry, but I think the only way to actually get corrupt people out of power is to spill blood, not ink. It's not something I would ever want to do, but if I had no other option, it's definitely the only thing I could do.

As for people freezing up, it's a natural response. I guess you'd end up getting used to it after a while. Though it's the first response you have I guess you would just get a little desensitised and bored by it.

Then again, I'm no military person so I wouldn't really have any idea. Besides, I don't even think there could be such a thing as a violent revolution in New Zealand. That'd just be awkward.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 05:49 PM
Our "highly trained" armed forces in Afghanastan have been fighting a rag-tag bunch of camel jockies for 7 years. It has been far from a slam dunk.

Our armed forces are comprised of citizens, and sons and daughters of citizens, of this country. They would think twice before turning on their own people.

Your attitude is the typical "I'm better than you because I was in the military" crap.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:08 PM
To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the highest skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the highest skill.- Sun Tsu

Only a warrior chooses pacifism; others are condemned to it. ~ Unknown

Having no fear in the face of death is another double edged sword, it may work in shft senerios but is not practical in daily life, your saying that when shtf hapens people will be cowering for there lives its bull. What do you honestly belive that your experience in the army has thought you anything more then how to follow, do you think you have more courage then those that try to live and provide for there family, maybe you forgot the reason you joind the army in the first place? if shtf hapens it will be war real war in this land, so far the wars of the past have been mostly business. the time will come when that will end and war will be war again and in real war there is no right no wrong no loser no profiter. There are only 3 kinds of people if it hapens, the dead, the soon to be dead, and the eventually to be dead. This must be avoided it wont be fun, so arm yourselves with knowledge. What your facing is not any human system or secreat societies oh no it wont be that easy what your facing is the total acumalation of the mistakes of the past, a cerebral assassin a ghost nothing tangible a hydra with a thousand heads that grows a new one each time it loses one, what you facing is human nature and the will to power. For even the nwo was one day long ago faced with this and they had the best of intention's in mind for mankind, and womankind. But nothing lasts forever.

The obstacle is the path ~ Zen Proverb: We as humans forget this in our daily struggles for understanding.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:18 PM
I won't back down from anything.

I've already survived some of the most brutal conditions and vicious combat that one could ever imagine.

I was in Girl Scouts.


posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:19 PM
I appreciate your point. Initially, under some circumstances, that may well be true. But, ... People will do a lot to defend their family. We also have an abundance of preparation for some events. I would guess that 90% of military have been draftees not volunteers and they seem to find the will to fight the oppressor. People haven't bought guns in huge #s for nothing. Though I understand talk is cheap and people will not not how they will really react until the SHTF. People will also learn and if they survive the initial periods they will fight and fight well. The NWO haven't used the "boil the frog slowly" approach for nothing. They know what the sleeping giant can do. The word is out to many people and the knowledge of the enemy is growing every day. Really, I suspect that the NWO are holding on by their ego and false pride more than anything. They really can't possible win. The the "good guys" active in the fight weren't as strong as the bad guys we would see all out war now.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:21 PM
Violence is never the answer. It hasnt worked in the past and It wont work this time, just "give peace a chance". The nwo would love you to use violence because they know they have the upper hand in this regard.

Fight secrecy with truth.

Fight enslavement/ oppression with freedom.

Fight evil with love.

Many here are already fighting the nwo, they just arent stooping low enough to think that bellicosity can be fought with aggression/combat.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by hyperion.martin

Although I know this post title is created to get hits and responses (as well as fishing members), I am going to offer my two cents.

When an "Organized Call" goes out to all of us against the NWO because all of the other "peaceful" avenues to correct everything have failed - you are going to be very surprised how many really DO show up (ready and prepared) and so will they!

It really is plain and simple - compared to the complicated machine of the NWO. We will not have to plan like them - we will just respond as Americans

When there is nothing left to lose - they will have their war and we will have no fear!

[edit on 18-3-2010 by arizonascott]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:30 PM
Why would anyone fight right away? The most obvious thing in my opinion would be to wait a while until you know exactly what is going on and then attack. Make a bunker in your basement and hide in it until the time is right, anyone that thinks they can win just because they have a gun is delusional, it's all about tactic.

[edit on 18-3-2010 by EmperorZeno]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by seasoul
reply to post by hyperion.martin

"The human animal is a beautiful and terrible creature, capable of limitless compassion and unfathomable cruelty."

Your textbook model refers to a 2% group. But does your textbook explain the 0.001% group?

A group that can sustain the highest thresholds of pain, that are virtually fearless with a heart that barely skips a beat under the most extreme conditions of danger and shock, that literally long for their own death each day they live?

How do I know such a group exists? I am a member, and I say this without pride.

Death is a paradox, as a “citizen of eternity” it’s ultimately impossible to “die.”


BTW the self-serving NWO "elite" can have my life, if they want it. I’m just hoping to make it through this existence and to the other side, knowing that I had the compassion to forgive the selfish NWO, who are destined for unimaginable hardships.

[edit on 18-3-2010 by seasoul]

I couldn't agree with the first part of your post more.

I would fight to the death after years of mental preparation through viewing the reality as this: "If this life is so worthless that I would experience such a worthless death, then I would have never wanted to live in the first place."

Worthless existence, worthless life, and worthless death? If this is the way it is, then I would not be afraid, sir, not whatsoever.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:36 PM
I respect the views of the OP and don't doubt it.

I'm not going to be posting incriminating or information to be use against me. So all i will say on the matter is that i am ready and have been for a few years now.

With that said i'll leave you for my breakfast!
Be well ATS!


posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:37 PM
Most people care about their personal space. As long as it dosent affect them they turn a blind eye. People love to watch others suffer as long as it dosent affect them.

Me on the other hand live by the notion...

" Give me liberty... or give me death"

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by polarwarrior
Violence is never the answer. It hasnt worked in the past and It wont work this time, just "give peace a chance".

It worked in the American revolution and the french revolution, it stopped Nazism from taking over the world.

The nwo would love you to use violence because they know they have the upper hand in this regard.

No they don't see my post: post by hawkiye

Fight secrecy with truth.

Fight enslavement/ oppression with freedom.

Fight evil with love.


Many here are already fighting the nwo, they just arent stooping low enough to think that bellicosity can be fought with aggression/combat.

Combat is not necessarily aggression. Combat can be self defense. I agree with non-aggression. Self defense is not aggression. Pacifism never achieved freedom only enslavement and death. Gandhi did not win freedom with his pacifism he only traded one master for another. Sometimes self defense is needed to preserve life and freedom.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Whiffer Nippets
I won't back down from anything.

I've already survived some of the most brutal conditions and vicious combat that one could ever imagine.

I was in Girl Scouts.


How does that help? R U a holigan?

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by hawkiye
It worked in the American revolution and the french revolution, it stopped Nazism from taking over the world.

I disagree, it only seemed to make the situation better for those in the country for a short period of time. The usa that was founded after the american revolution went on to become the most evil country on the face of the earth terrorizing small countries for the last 100 years, not to mention the homocide rates within the counrty, did using violence really work out for the better in the long run?

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:49 PM
Violence is the most final way to end conflicts...furthermore why can't the NWO actually bring harmony to the world instead of an elite who uses the masses for their own selfish benefits...all I'm saying is that you don't fight an enemy unless you have proof that the enemy will hurt you. Can you show me why people should fight now?

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by polarwarrior

Show me were pacifism has won any measure of freedom for a 100 years or more? People always regress not becuase thier freedom was won by violence/self defense but because the common people just want to be left alone to live thier lives and raise thier families as they see fit. It is those drawn to power that alwways cause the mischief and eventually have to be overthrown.

The most evil country on the face of the earth? Wake up no more evil then any other country. And actually we are speaking of governments and not the peoples of the country.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:51 PM
Well I'm not sure I would want the 2% that aren't totally horrified by the death of a human being to be on my side. Besides the only thing a "revolution" in america would do is turn the brainwashed military after innocent people causing a blood bath. They are already training on countries in the middle east.

Ironically, the Military which has a desensitized look at human death also has a high rate of suicide. What most of us would end up doing is running to the hills to avoid being put in ghettos by the ones we now praising for "protecting our freedom".

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:51 PM
interesting i will be reading your ways to 'toughen' the mind

in the mean time , since it is possible to strengthen someone in such a way to get closer to that 2% warrior class, do you suppose it's possible to de-strengthen that instince in someone who natural is a warrior?

in that line of thought, one has to imagine that perhaps it is already happening, the elite ists having taken control of media, news and general psycologically significant parts of our lives, training us to become the 98%?

well perhaps i just proved how much i am 98% wuuuuussssssss

maybe not though, i'd rather die on my feet, than keep living on my knees

[edit on 3/18/2010 by indigothefish]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by above
Are you serious in your comments and did you intentionally read wrong?

What i meant was that i would shoot someone, if the situation absolutely need it. If anyone shoots at someone, he deserves to be shot or taken to court if he immediately surrenders (like if it was an accident). This does not imply that the one being "the justice" and stopping a killer from going on a killing spree should be shot. Using force is only allowed for self defense, and it is self defense to take out a killer.

Try relate to the following situation: 2 people start to fight on the street, the other one goes lifeless and the first one continues punching and kicking him. My first reaction would be to punch out the dude doing these sick things. I doubt anyone would say this is wrong? Same goes with guns. How you play is how you can expect to be treated.

[edit on 3/18/2010 by above]

Still sounds like the makings of a lynch mob society. I understand about the justification in your scenario, but considering that Americans are mostly motivated by fear, I dare to give any one of them, power to judge ANYTHING. Your intention is good, but as with all intentions, when coming from a human being, leads to bad things......

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