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2012, who's worried?

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posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:10 PM
If 2012 is suppose to be something truly nasty to the point where our fearless leaders are going to go into hiding in a D.U.M.B then why the 911, war for oil and caring whether or not Iran has nukes issues? If the government knows some renegade planet is going to come by and seriously slam this world, why would they even bother giving weapons to Taiwan to thwart the Chinese or start a war in the Middle East? Seems like the big boys are rolling right along, and they probably know a lot more about it than us.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:20 PM
If I'm worried about anything it is the worry that is found within the possibility that nothing may happen.
If nothing happens then I have wasted at least 15% of my free time talking and thinking about this subject. I do not like wasting my free time.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:22 PM
Love like there is no tomorrow, live like there is.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:23 PM
Not worried, just curious.

This line is for filler, because I'm pretty sure that my one line above this sums up everything I need to say about the topic.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:23 PM
Sounds to me like possible preparation to order the potential
chaos for the "end of times."

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:32 PM
If I believed in 2012 I would have to say they are "worried" about these problems to seem normal. They are also getting us acquainted with stricter rules for "martial law."

Also with Iran being without Nukes, continuity of Government will be a little easier without a hostile nation wanting to use them after whatever is supposed to happen.

Or it's all an elaborate smoke screen.

The Mayan calendar has been eerily accurate so far, and people want to know why it ends. Maybe they were just done with making calendars whenever they were wiped out. Maybe the calendar guy went on strike? Maybe they contracted the calendar making out and in a heat of passion sacrificed him for the gods.

Maybe the movie 2012 is more accurate than we know? Why worry about some possible cosmic event that could kill us all and effectively destroy any evidence of our little ball of dirt existing?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:51 PM
Everyone(wRiters,Mayan Calander experts,Project camelots, etc,etc) who has mentioned 2012 as being significant , but no one knows exactly whats gonna happen in 2012 !
Out of the same mouth i hear good things,and on the flip they say disasters aplenty .Ive read dna will morph us into highly evolved species, ive heard that we are entering a certain area of the milky way galaxy thats filled with charged particles ,etc, the doomsday theory , sIGNificant EVENTs will occur . Ufo Disclosure , Alien Invasion,Alien Hoax Invasion, N.W.O , EARTHqUAKES , etc
I can honestly say since ive been alive 34 yrs , there has been a significant event every 2nd DAY !!!! Now ive heard the calander is wrong and 2012 will really be 2014 ??!!!
All i can say is, pray that none of the bad things happen to you and yours , and hope the good things come to pass ,
I think the best way to deal with it is to research ,get the info, and play the card that suites whats really happens on the 2012 thing , If you have a broad spectrum on what people say is gonna go down, at least you have made the time to research all avenues of 2012 theory , and be mentally prepared for the various predictions people are making ! Good Luck !

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:52 PM
I'm not worried one bit. Whatever happens happens, worrying about it won't do a darn thing. Except give you ulcers

The movie 2012 was horrible i thought, glad i borrowed it from a buddy. I would've been pissed if i had paid for it.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:22 AM
has anybody taken any precautions yet? (i.e stocking up on whatever) im mostly concerned with something like martial law and civil unrest. the apocalyptic weather and whatnot i cant do much about.

ive been trying to get a hold of ammo, ive noticed the stores have been empty of most ammunition sells out right as they get it.

for home defense backup incase they attempt to take the guns away is modified paintball guns/rounds, since they dont keep track of who has those and u can buy them at they hold a good 200 rounds. my brother made one of them automatic, im not sure how. and then we cut the balls open and filled them with bb's and glued them back together. some balls freeze too.

as for food and whatnot i havent gone out of the norm, but if SHTF i guess id go for canned? maybe get some seeds and gardning stuff? i dunno..

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:33 AM
I couldn't be any less worried. If anything were to happen, what are we to to about it? Send Mel Gibson into space with a Rocket Propelled jet pack?

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:37 AM
Theres a UK Conspiracy Rapper "Big Dirtz" you may know him you may not , but he has part of a verse that somes alot of 2012 all up really.....

"ive been on the street having talks about life,
tryna figure out whats truth and whats lies,
when 2012 comes, are we all gonna die?,
if nothing even happens, then whats next down the line?"

He clearly states that is just one thing after another...and this is his prophecy for 2012 and beyond, involving alot of gold, oil and drugs, armegeddon, death and loss......

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[edit on 3/8/2010 by semperfortis]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:58 AM
With the way things are going we will be lucky too see out 2010 much less 2012.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 01:07 AM
Basically got the food sorted, basic amounts that should last quite awhile provided I store enough water which I'll do so soon. More preparation for any event, not just 2012.

Looking at the doomsday seed bank it kindof suggests that either the earth will be massively flooded or the sun is going to wipe out a lot of places which is also referenced in those Airport pics.

Sooo I have to go underground, but that can cost quite abit and needs to be done right. Also would need diving compressed air tanks to survive in case there is water and my shelter makes it, or the sun scorches us and there's no air for awhile. Quite hard to plan for

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 01:23 AM
I would suggest a sense of normalcy, ie make everyone believe its business as usual so people will not prepare for an apocalyptic event and will just die off. Makes it a lot easier to take control of a population of unprepared ill-equipped desperate people...

Thats assuming they know somethings going to happen, natural, I believe it will but if not, I cant think of a reason why there'd be so much 'chess moves' when its all going to # anyway... they must want us to be distracted...

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by Ridhya

Right! This more in my line of thinking. Whatever earth-shattering even that is going to happen around 2012, they, in the know, must know and try to prepare. It makes perfect sense for them to induce the madness with all these wars and desensitization. That constant numbing makes the apocalyptic pill better to swallow, however cruel that is.

Yet I don't blame them (or I blame the masses equally). I'm flabbergasted at the usual political brawl and fighting over useless things that people rather focus on then what is going on as the bigger picture. There should be a MASS awakening right now. It's almost fortunate that all those earthquakes are happening. Maybe that'll wake some up.

But I think even "they" cannot fully prepare materially and mentally. What is man's part in the grand scheme? Can a few create all this, almost to a cosmic level? Is it more a natural chain of events that will summon up to a due end in a time frame? Why couldn’t we at least be aware before it’s too late?

The saddest part is that it always seems to take those concerned off guard.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by korath

There is absolutely no evidence that 2012 will be any different from 2011 or 2013. The only people saying so are those who have misunderstood the nature of the Mayan calendar, have books to sell, or are looking for a good excuse to freak out.

This is just the latest in a long-line of apocalyptic predictions that will fail to materialise.

reply to post by StaceyWilson

Those people are wrong. There has yet to be a single shred of evidence, only conjecture, that 2012 is important in any way.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 03:57 AM
No worries,
One thing we know for sure is that if Nibiru is comming it has come before. If the Sumarian story is true then according to the time line this has happened many times and we are still here.....
Another thing we know for sure is that there have been times in the history of this planet when someone or something hits the reset button on life....

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by Dockman45

Nibiru is not coming. Zecharia Sitchin's work, where the whole idea came from, has been thoroughly debunked.

If Nibiru was coming, we'd be able to see it already, and we can't. It's not coming. The whole thing is nonsense. If the planet's orbit was that strange, it would have either flung itself out into space (never to be seen by us again), or caused all the inner planets to tumble into the sun.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by Exv8densez

If its worth anything I believe the events in play right now are for the future ie. to prepare for the AFTERMATH of the apocalypse to better control people. You will only see what is right in front of you and may not know it happened to the rest of the world... so they can come out of their hidey-holes and say ____ country did this to get you to join their side!

When you look at all ancient artifacts and alchemy and secret knowledge it all points to the same thing, the zodiac, not the fortune telling news paper crap but real movement of the stars, ancient calendars were extremely accurate and laboured, so why, why spend so much time? They must have been looking out for some time or date, I mean if theres no future event to be wary of whats the point of keeping track of days...

I think some recurring event will happen soon, I dont know what, but I think the Nibiru people are there to make people disbelieve that anythings going to happen at all...

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by Ridhya

No, it doesn't. Ancient Zodiac predictions were useless, as they are now. This notion that the "ancients" were far more intelligent or perceptive than we are now is nostalgic nonsense. They were, compared to modern man and with all due respect, idiots.

You are posting a whole lot of conjecture, and I feel sorry for you, as you seem to be taking it awfully seriously.

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