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Saturn....The winged disk...NINIB..Planet Hex

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by CaptChaos

So, by this rationale, the Bible is total bunk, just made up hogwash.

One of the most correct, and smartest, statements written in this thread so far...

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by Phage

Hey Phage. Just curious. What star is the second one to the right and strait on till mourning? I know it's called Never Never land in Peter Pan, but what's the real name of the "star"?


posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 03:26 AM
This is the only and I mean ONLY reason theories are driven in as Fact...

a belief that can guide behavior; "the architect has a theory that more is less"; "they killed him on the theory that dead men tell no tales"

"In a World" where innocent men go to jail on Theories. In a world where astronauts and presidents that don't play along with the "space secret" are killed mysteriously. In a world where scientists are shown to be liars who manipulate data so that you can be sold "Green" power or a country that can be shown images and conclusively believe things they have no personal experience with or witness of, because of "that is what the T.V. said"...expect only halve truths. Expect what you want and it will be shown, but truth? The only truth is that you wanted it to be true. Only an individual can know the truth by trial and error. Concepts can be learned, but we all know experience can not be taught, there fore it can not be learned.

The reason this "scientific fact" stance bothers me, is that it is no different then a religion, who also bases what it has on "who ever the teacher was".
They are Sciencetions and preach the ever changing "Good Message" also saying, don't prove it yourself, we've already compiled the journals for you, look at our renderings of Mars...!!!Look at the Himala's we've monitored now for a little over a hundred years.

Jesus is coming, Global Warming is coming....These are in no way different, and are even offed by the exact same story tellers. The very ones whom took the emblem of Saturn. Theirs was a "national revelation"...a "national" conspiracy. They rule to this day by supporting the head they prop up, placing their "experts" at all the joints of the body, So that the head will have no choice but to do what the Joints tell it to do. Been that way sense Roosevelt.

For you who disagree with the author's theory, Why? What is it about what he is saying that isn't right. I'm not asking for a lesson, but maybe you could bullet point a few of your discrepancies instead of just saying it is bunk...I'd like to know what IS bunk?

So what are your points on how this is wrong?

I've seen
It's rubbish
It's Hogwash
It's not theory or science.

But I'd like for you to pick apart his theories and tell me where they are wrong?

Oh and Phage...Pegasus was representative of the crashing waves...not a real flying horse. The flying horse is a reductionist theme as are all myths and religions, as will the version of our society be to future generations.


posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 05:45 AM
The EYE of Ra

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posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

OH! Give us a break!!!

Stop with the nonsense.....


(asking nicely)

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand
Wonderful thread!

I noticed this is in the "Origins & Creation Conspiracy" forum and not "Science & Technology" so why is there a debate on the validity of this as science? (rhetorical question)

The whole idea of this being debated as scientific fact derails the purpose of your entire thread in my opinion. I have read some of Velikovsky and Sitchin and I enjoy the connection between astronomy and ancient myths. I think I will soon add "Dwardu Cardona" to that list because of this thread as I find the subject very intriguing.

I can not believe the level of ignorance that is ranted by some people and I applaud your efforts here in this thread and the replies by Watcher7. It was because of the replies from you two that I found it bearable to read the rest of the thread.

Thank You Both!

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by watcher73

About the only thing that can circularize an eccentric orbit would be tidal forces. The tidal forces of the Sun on Earth are slight. An orbit of the eccentricity we are talking about (far greater than that of Pluto) would take millions or billions of years to circularize, not 12,000. Those same forces also lead to tidal locking. We are not tidally locked with the Sun.

There is, however, a tidal lock with the Moon and Venus to Earth. Could either of these celestial bodies, or maybe even both, have helped stabilize such a hypothetically highly elliptical orbit of Earth?
If this hypothetical scenario is plausible then is there any mention of it in ancient myths?

...gravity is the bending of space-time. But it doesn't really matter what it is or what causes it, all we are concerned with here is how it affects mass.
I assume that the context of this statement is in reference to your point in reply to CaptChaos.

Originally posted by CaptChaos
Explain gravity for us. What exactly is it? Not how does it affect acceleration etc but what is it?

Even so I find it hard to believe you would make such a statement that it does not matter what gravity is or what causes it.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

OH! Give us a break!!!

Stop with the nonsense.....


(asking nicely)

Weedwacker....where in the title of my post does it say "Proof of the orbital mechanics of the planet saturn and how it affects us"?

Do you have interest in "The Winged Disk" "NINIB" "KIYYUN" "Kaiwan" or any other myth regarding to Saturn and how all the stories from MYTHS relate? Do you have something to add, or will you insist on detracting?

You'll never see me in one of your threads, not because I don't like you, but because I have no interest in the things you are interested in, HENCE no comment.

I do think your pretty funny though...


[edit on 31-1-2010 by letthereaderunderstand]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 07:26 PM
niice thread! well done!

What's also entertaining.......

is people like weedwhacker, and phage, and oz weatherman....

(perhaps they are more entertaining than the thread itself!)

How they can state, as if they know for a fact, How the solar system worked almost 13,000 years ago.

You guys are no better than the trolls who frequent these sites and get banned for doing so. . ( you goons have no better idea than anyone else, and you know you dont know the truth, or half of what you speak about, even if it's only your subconscious that knows this).. I know, you wish you knew as much as you thought you did, but I assure you, you do not. )
get a life. (a real one)

Thanks for putting this altogether, OP.
interesting reading, if nothing else.

[edit on 31-1-2010 by Ahmose]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Devino

While Venus does always show the same side to Earth at each closest approach it is not necessarily due to tidal locking, it is more likely coincidental. The tidal influence of the Sun on Venus is far greater than that of Earth. It has been proposed that, if certain tidal effects are being caused by the Sun on Venus, there could be a very slight tidal lock with Earth but this has not been established. Such a tenuous lock would not exist if the Earth if had a highly eccentric orbit. The circularization by means of tidal locking would occur in the orbit of the body orbiting another. The Earth's orbit around the Sun would have to be circularized by locking with the Sun.

For the purposes of this discussion, it does (did?) not matter exactly what gravity is. Since the discussion was about orbital mechanics, only the effects of gravity are of concern. While I would like to know what gravity is, it doesn't really matter. I know what will happen when I drop something.

[edit on 1/31/2010 by Phage]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by Devino

Thank you kindly Devino...


posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by Ahmose

I like to entertain plausible ideas. I think it is poor judgment of any scholar to discount those things found in myth.

Often times people fail to realize that those mythic characters represent other things then what is understood by the average reader. Not that the information is hidden, because it's not, but it is not advertised. It just takes seeing "what is" is that which "it's from", cause where it's from is "where it's going".

This is infinity. Particles will collide...


posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by Phage

By nature of orbital mechanics, with the standard model's explanation of the origin of our solar system, I would agree that any appearance of a Venus tidal lock with Earth would most likely be coincidental. The likelihood of this being merely a coincidence is highly improbable in my opinion. Therefore the fact that this does occur lends some credibility to the possibility that there was a stronger orbital/gravitational connection between these two planets at one time, this being the simpler explanation. I feel that these motions should not be dismissed as nothing more than happenstance but looked at for what they are.

Venus' tidal lock (or apparent tidal lock if you like) is not the only evidence that shows a potential connection with Earth nor is it the only evidence showing the possibility that the orbit of Venus is new (e.g. a Velikovsky explanation). In fact the planet Venus becomes even more enigmatic the more we learn about it. Venus has a thick atmosphere but no magnetic field protecting it, a fairly recent global resurfacing yet no evidence of current volcanic activity, retrograde rotation that has an apparent tidal lock with Earth (as stated above) and a cometary tail of ions that reach Earth during a Venus transit.

What troubles me is that what we are finding out about Venus sounds more like what Velikovsky described than what I learned in school (i.e. the standard model). If there is even a bit of truth to this statement then we have a conspiracy to hide said truth and this compounds the problem even worse.

There is also a myriad of myths relating to this planet (Venus) and a heavenly event on Earth and there is no shortage of information pertaining to this connection. This is where it gets really weird...Don't forget the in-exhaustive efforts throughout history to systematically destroy any and all information of this contained in these ancient myths. Even today these myths are considered nonsense by science and scoffed at as if they were blasphemous. It begets a reaction of fear.

Originally posted by Phage
For the purposes of this discussion, it does (did?) not matter exactly what gravity is. Since the discussion was about orbital mechanics, only the effects of gravity are of concern. While I would like to know what gravity is, it doesn't really matter. I know what will happen when I drop something.

OK, That's what I thought you meant but never the less reading that in your statement appears to me to be more a matter of faith than science and it caught me off guard. When I think about astrophysics the first question that comes to mind is the nature of gravity and I never forget that we have yet to figure out this phenomenon.

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