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New and profound meditation experience

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posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:08 PM
Hello ATS,

I am TheOneElectric and I would like to share with you all a meditation experience that I had yesterday afternoon from the time of 2:00pm - approximately 2:35pm.

Usually when I meditate, I sit and zen. I merely sit and breathe, visualizing nothing and thinking of nothing. Well, yesterday I decided to try something a little different after considering some advice I received from a poster on ATS. The advice was that once I reached a place of emptiness through zen I should "listen" to the universe. That is what I did, and I must say, the experience was truly amazing.

As I sat a started to breathe in and out I had to clear my mind of all of the Halo I had been playing with my suitemate from the previous day. That took quite a while, or so I thought. After clearing my mind and achieving a sense of nothingness, I begin to force a smile upon my face. It took a while, my face kept jerking the smile in a twitching fashion. Eventually I achieved the smile and begin to truly listen and feel. As I did, I sort of felt lighter than normal and the experience started to begin.

It seemed as if I was traveling the stars, this I was imagining of course. However, as I was told, I should explore such even if I think it was more likely than not a fictitious creation of my mind. As I did, I reached a planet or place in which there was green grass with bluish gray rocks and a blue sky. I stood looking down into a ravine with a raging river and jumped below. As I did this, I thought to myself that I am letting my mind go into highly unusual morbid territory. I hit the rocks below and turned into a red liquid that reformed into myself in the river. "All is well, you are safe here" a voice said. "You are one with all" the voice said again. This is when I realized, that I was not creating the voice I heard any longer.

I am not one to usually here things while I meditate, so I simply started to repeat in my head, love and light. I did this for my own protection, because voices are something that I have no experience with and the source was foreign to me. However, the voice continued "You are one with all". I then became the water, the grass, the wind, and eventually a large bird whose wings were lofted by the wind underneath it. "You are one with all" the voice continued to repeat.

I was still under the impression that this aspect of the meditation was still completely in the control of my own imagination gone wild. I dissolved into nothingness of zen again. This, however, did not last very long. I visualized something in my head. A disc, shining multiple colors, floating high in a blue sky. I slowly zoomed in on it revealing it to be something akin to a flying saucer. I thought without actively thinking "Release me." in a commanding way. I repeated myself "Release me" towards the craft. (Note: Sometimes when I usually start my normal Zen routine I think I receive glimpses of large black eyes, however because of my fascination with UFOs and such I was under the assumption that it is just my imagination) As I repeated the command flashes of large black oval shaped eyes made there way before me, and I repeated "Release me". My consciousness then became shifted towards the craft and quickly made its way inside of it. It was, empty as far as I could tell, yet something thing was there that I could not see. The interior was multi colored and strange. I did not think the command anymore but I projected the feeling associated with it. Then, it started to begin. It was like my eyes were awake and I was in this completely white area on this weird table that seemed to be made out of soft white light. It was adorned with another ring of brighter white light. I sat up, and the room was bright and I attempted to place my hand in front of my face but no hand could be seen. I then achieved the sense of nothingness again.

Now, I was at square one again. I was back to my normal zen so I decided to let my imagination run loose completely. I decided I wanted to see God. I imagined a bright bright light and felt myself consumed by it. This was, my imagination of course. However, a voice emerged that I had no control of."Become imbibed in both the light and the darkness. Become one with all" a voice said I can not directly quote this part because I honestly can not remember it word for word. However, the voice told me that I riddle myself with many questions. I search often and desire many answers. The voice began to then tell me that even though my suffering is mild that I would, for some reason or another, be blessed with happiness for all of my days. It then went into a repeat of happiness in various forms....and this is where the true physical sensations began.

Whatever my imagination had started, something else picked up on it. Something out of this world powerful. After the voice finished the light became overpowering. This, I did not imagine for sure. I felt as if I was not longer merely sitting on my bed in meditation but floating somewhere extremely high in meditation. The sensations of my physical being was akin to floating impossibly high in the sky. Then, it happened. Imagine being on one of those roller coasters with the humongous drops. Remember the pressure it puts on your body? That is what happened to me, except that I was pushed upwards with ridiculous force. The pressure was on my physical, head, neck and back. I actually began to force my neck up straight while meditating in attempt to try to stand the forces I were subjected to. The source of the forces, I soon found out was the presence of something almost divine. I could feel nothing but extreme happiness. The entity was a disembodied head of no familiar form with til and purple flames at the side of its face. Its words I can not remember, but its presence I could barely handle. I slipped in an out of its presence, the pressure coming and going as I did. The presence of this thing was truly stifling but I kept going back for more. After at lest three shifts in and out, I assumed I lost it and was returning to zen. However, a pressure built up in between my eyes, nose, and forehead. I then found myself subjected to a similar presence as before, but not as powerful. I was physically in a field of green under (something similar to) a large bonsai tree. I was still in the lotus position, but my eyes were now open and I was physically at this place.


posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:23 PM

The area was like rolling meadows of bright green rolling, hills (excluding the lone bonsai like tree I sat almost underneath). The sky was a bluish pink mix. The pressure on my head, neck, shoulders, and back grew but I maintained my physical being in the same spot, I was not moved. Something was making its way towards me. Out of the sky, she slowly appeared like a ghost and gently floated down in front of me. She was dressed in an extremely odd fashion, barely similar to what the some Bodhisattvas are portrayed in dress. She was stunningly beautiful, more so than any woman I have ever placed my eyes upon. Her skin glowed many colors at once. Her eyes were soft and kind, yet powerful and fierce. She assumed the lotus position before me and said "You are eternally loved." I felt as if I wanted to ask many many questions, but something prevented me from doing so. She kept repeating, "You are eternally loved, and cared for" every now and then. It seemed as if we sat there for a while, her presence strong and brilliant. Her mind seemed to be connected with mine. The emotions I felt were that of pure joy, even though her presence was heavy and physically demanding. All I managed to remember asking was her name. The name "Ezra" "Azra" or "Izra" is was came into my mind and I asked if it was her name. She merely replied that I may call her such, and then repeated to me that "Know that you are eternally loved."

She then started to fade, and the physical sensation of her presence lessened and I returned to the darkness of zen. I then opened my eyes stretched out my legs and my alarm went off just as I ended my meditation session.

A lot of it was definitely my imagination, however the last two parts were undoubtedly intense and for all purposes real. I can not explain the physical demand those two entities exuded throughout the entirety of their beings. They were real, and what I experienced was real. After the meditation session, I felt really happy and light for a few hours. It was an amazing experience.

I must ask though: Is it safe to be in the presence of non physical beings as such? Should I maintain zen, or travel as I did yesterday?
Also, is the name "Ezra", "Azra", or "Izra" familiar to anyone else?

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:38 PM
That's great. I recommend sitting in full-lotus yoga position -- that is the traditional Ch'an meditation position. Zen comes from Ch'an which comes from the Sanskrit word for "focus" in meditation.

Master Nan, Huai-chin is a Ch'an yoga master and bestseller and professor in China. He emphasizes that Japanese Zen became too conceptual -- and so it's easy to have the imagination get the best of you.

Sitting in full lotus ensures that you have the necessary body transformation to create the electromagnetic energy which then enables real astral travel. This is actually a very advanced practice for "real" meditation -- but, as Master Nan, Huai-chin points out, modern practitioners "fall back into worldliness" because of "heroic overexurberance."

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:43 PM
What a wonderful meditation!

When I read that you see the large black oval eyes, I had to post. I see them, as well. They are always there when I begin to meditate. But I have never felt a negative energy from them, so I allow them.

You've inspired me to get back at it. The past month or so, it's been near impossible for me to reach anything near silence. I began active meditation to keep in the groove, but nothing really compares to the silence... from here you can travel absolutely anywhere .. and talk with any number of ascended masters.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by drew hempel

I can see that being true, however to clarify, when I usually Zen I do go without imagination or thought. It takes five minutes or so and I have to be at a state of awareness to the point in which I don't fall asleep or start imagining random nonsense. I usually hit that point of zen and my meditation seasons usually are just me sitting and breathing in a sense of calm emptiness.

This time, like I stated, I actually tried to do something other than Zen.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:47 PM
Right -- "listening" -- I have a whole blog based on that concept

So if you sit in full lotus then you KNOW that your energy channels are open. It's a great way to know you're not b.s.-ing yourself.

reply to post by TheOneElectric

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:57 PM
That is a fantastic result from mediation. I would like to see what else you progress into with this technique.

I should start getting into meditation again, I do enjoy the experience of relaxation and emptiness.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 02:43 PM
Amazing, I will defenitly try this.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 02:50 PM
Your story sounds awesome....I recently started meditating as well and doing yoga and had a couple questions...I have probably only done it 4 or 5 times and nothing really cool like that has happened to me...however I have started dreaming a lot more lately and in these dreams I have more awareness that Im dreaming and have been having more fun in my dreams flying around..and a weird 2012 dream where it was the actual I was wondering if this is normal when you first start to have more dreams and be somewhat in control?

How long does it take to get to the stage your in where you can travel around...thats the main reason I started doing it is I want to see if what other people are saying really can happen...its hard to believe when youve never experienced it...not saying I dont believe you...i believe we have all sorts of power that hasnt been tapped yet...thanks for sharing it inspired me to finally register after a few months of just browsing

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:04 PM
This is great!!!!

I have a problem getting into lotus position. I suffered a bad car accident some years back and don't have full flexibility in my right leg. I'm wondering if this has kept me from being able to reach greater depths in meditation due to the energy aspects???

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

Also, is the name "Ezra", "Azra", or "Izra" familiar to anyone else?

Ezra is a prophet in the Bible,Ezra the scribe.

Isa, which yes is spelled differently, is Jesus in Islam.

I would pursue these names further if I were you, there is an important message,

[edit on 033131p://bSunday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:49 PM
Wow nice one, i´ll give it a try tomorrow. I allso get theese obe´s but they never last that long. Do you get weird symbols like triangles with strange markins on them, flying in to your brain aswell?

Love and light.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by thealiveone

Sometimes I may receive a glimpse of an Egyptian like eye.

As for shapes, I sometimes see an intricate web of lines, like a diagonally crossed grid.

However, I usually try to avoid seeing things in meditation. I think I may try to see things more often after this experience.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

As for shapes, I sometimes see an intricate web of lines, like a diagonally crossed grid.

yea, that's what happens

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 02:31 PM
I use nonwestern music as my model for meditation. I took qigong classes from Chunyi Lin who is a master healer working with the top hospital in the world, the Mayo Clinic.

Chunyi Lin did the 49 day full-lotus cave meditation in China, taking no food, no water and no sleep. I did the 8 day meditation on just half glass of water while having no hunger and increasing my chi or electromagnetic energy and then my shen or spirit energy -- the laser-holographic-love energy.

This is the BEST meditation tool -- the Level 1 Sitting Meditation c.d. -- just scroll down on this page --

You just sit in a chair but there are 12 energy points along the outside of the body -- and this is actually the 12 notes of the music scale with yang as the Perfect 5th 2:3 and yin as the Perfect 4th, 3:4.

This book, freely readable online, explains what you experience as you practice the above "small universe" meditation or "microcosmic orbit"

So that practice will take you to your highest levels if you can really focus on the practice. As the electromagnetic fields get strong enough then you can sit in full-lotus yoga position. The full-lotus is the most efficient for opening the chakras -- 20 minutes of full-lotus is worth 4 hours of any other meditation practice!!

The Level 4 of is the rainbow meditation which is the deep rainbow body found in Buddhism, Taoism and even from taking '___' ayahausca! haha.

Here is a series of video testimonials from people who were healed of very serious disease from Chunyi Lin -- like late-term cancer, M.S., etc.

reply to post by Emptiness Dancing

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 06:49 PM
Fascinating experience you had. I have to input something. You were asking about the lady's name...I read a lot of books by Sylvia Browne (the psychic). She talks a lot about the Gnostic religion, and one of the things she writes about is that God is a duality with both male and female aspects. She says that that Father God is referred to as Om, while the Mother God is named Azna. It sounds to me like you may have met both of them during your experience. I would love if you could share with me how you reached this place. I mean, what are the mechanics of your meditation, and how can I learn to reach this Zen state?

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by AM47240

Well, when I reached this state I was actually doing what you are not supposed to do while trying to Zen. Zen simply involves sitting and breathing while staying conscious (no day dreaming). Another poster, in another thread on ATS suggested that I try to "listen" to the universe after I achieved the state of "simply being" that one reaches in Zen. Well, after I reached that state of sitting and breathing without imagination or drifting I took it upon myself to start imagining myself moving upwards into the cosmos. I said to the OP of the other thread that the idea of seeing things while I meditated seemed almost absurd because it would be one's own imagination. He said it would, but the imagination would open new worlds to the person in the meditative state. So, after imagining myself in the cosmos and in some of those places I started hearing and seeing the things I mentioned in the first few posts that were actually not of my imagination.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

Awesome experience thanks for sharing, this was almost a year ago i see! I have had similar experiences in meditations, lying down. also, lucid dreams, what a beautiful omniverse we are

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 04:11 PM
What a cool experience. Has there been any development in the past eleven months?

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 04:44 PM
Thats pretty a cool experience you had. I too have had a really profound experience while meditating, but very different from yours.

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