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The Earth is at the end of a cycle, the Harvest is upon us, the time to expand your knowledge is now

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posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 04:56 AM
I feel it important to emphasize that all religions have been distorted, taken over, infiltrated and are corrupted.

But Jesus Christ is real and exists, our Father in Heaven and God exists, our Light Family in the Heavens exist. They will return to Earth in due time, that part of what's been written in the scriptures is true. The scriptures need to be carefully read with an eye of Light in order to find the Light square Truths that are mixed in.

The Hopi believe this event to be the great day of purification which is the same event as the Second Coming.

I recommend that people have no involvement with all organized religions but seek the Father and Son through prayer directly and scripture reading; if they are able to properly see and interpret the Light square truths correctly in the scriptures.

God is Good and represents all that is Good. The True Creator God our Father and Family in the Heavens are not jealous, wrathful, vengeful or hateful.

Blessings, Love and Peace.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Ive said my peace. If the words find someone in need of them, then so be that.

The words you share can be dangerous and poisonous to the souls of those who follow you; for you read not the ingredients of the package you sell. In wisdom one should not speak unless one is 100% certain that what they speaks IS the truth. Your misleading words and what you share with others will have consequences and you will be held accountable for what you've been sharing with others.

You are loved and there are reasons for why you need the path you are on. Good luck with that.

All souls are loved but truly there is only one safe path that has to do with doing Good unto others and it's all about Love; based on the true meaning of both Good and Love. Many other paths contain greater suffering and can lead to tormenting consequences. One of the greatest deceptions occurring right now is the idea that everyone has to live 51% positive to make it. That is a great deception and people are being deceived in believing that they can live it up and do anything they want in life as long as they live 51% positive they will make it. That is a straight lie and the adversary is cunning and is leading you astray in thinking that you can make it if you are 1% positive over negative.

Even while many live for 'self' and cling to it and want it....they know not, that even this (the part of them they will learn to control and be an instrument) is still utterly playing a perfect part in Spirit.

You do live for yourself Lynette and it is you who has decided to believe in what you have nobody else but you, you, you, Lynette, Lynette, Lynette. You are in denial of yourself and have convinced yourself somehow that you do not exist or are just a phase of creation but you only lie unto yourself and to everyone on this forum in saying that you do not live for yourself. You DO and every day you wake up and do things for people around you and yourself such as washing, eating, drinking and sleeping that is for yourself.

Do not deny the truth that it is you, you, you doing these things Lynette. You have created your own version of reality and belief system in which you seek out support from others. STOP NOW and think about what you are doing, you are only causing more damage to others and yourself in spreading such disinformation and dangerous poisonous teachings to people's souls. You know not what you speak about, nor do you understand the things of the True Creator God Spirit which is Good; if that is what you truly believe Lynette.

Your need to still cling to 'bad good wrong right dark light' shows you cant yet understand...and that is OK. In flesh, sure, we will title things in spectrum....but in oneness, all things are tied together.

Those who call Evil Good and Good Evil and do both actions believing all to be only Love and Good shall experience great woes in the near future. Those who continue to act as such even during the woes shall experience great sorrow in the tribulations on earth to come. This is what you are currently facing. If you could only grasp the truth of your situation and clearly understand why your mother and others are concerned for your welfare, you would change your ways.

The seed and the flower and the child and the adult...are all of earth, water, the sun, the moon....the earth water sun moon are all 'of' spirit because nothing can 'be' without 'thee being'....its all a 'one expression' with many expressions within it. You cant separate the child from the adult or the seed from the flower. You cant have one without the other. Now, hear if you have ears! Go to the trees, go to the sun, go to the moon, go to the children, go to the cycles, go to the stars, go to the grass and hold it within you hand and ask the spirit what it is that you hold.

Your understanding of the spirit is flawed; hence the expressions which can be brought into being through organizing of energy/matter are also misunderstood by you. The truth that was being shown to you was that when your born into this world you are not born as an adult but grow into an adult over time. There is spiritual progression for souls and each is on a different level of development. You simply try to throw everything together and call it one because it's all made up of energy so assume that everything is simply one. Your reasoning is flawed; just because everything comes from energy doesn't mean it's all the same thing in spirit. You assume that just because everything is made of dust or energy that it also is one and the same in spirit behind the energy/matter which is untrue and flawed.

Your belief in oneness is distorted and the most dangerous and poisoning part is calling Good Evil and Evil Good; putting everything together as if there are no consequences or accountability for a persons actions and that everything that is happening is out of one's control. You say that we have no self or freewill according to your reasoning and the Creator is ultimately deciding what happens to all of us since according to you we are only a phase of creation with no soul or self. Your mind has become dimmed and dark, you understand not the ways of the True Spirit of God which represent the true meaning of Good but have been deceived and misled down a dark and dreary path that leads to the underworld spirit prison.

What you grow into is determined by your thoughts, choices and actions. You do have a self and you do have freewill and you are thinking, choosing and acting. Your thoughts, choices and actions determine the outcome of your life and where you go based on freewill, cause and effect and consequence for your actions. Just as a baby seed will grow into a flower and the state of that flower is determined also by the influence, energy and events around that flower. I will be direct with thee because I do care about you and want you to know the truth about what you are doing Lynette. You are a poisonous flower ripening for destruction Lynette; unless you turn unto your God who is your Father in Heaven the Good Creator and ask forgiveness for misleading others down a dangerous and poisonous path that is destructive to their soul.

You will be held accountable for your actions if you are trying to share and convince people that they need not worry about what they do and that there are no consequences for their actions or accountability, that is a lie and woe unto you for preaching and sharing such things with others. You are directly helping the negative forces and adversary in teaching such things and are directly responsible for others being misled that are listening to you and being corrupted by what you teach. Thine adversary desireth to corrupt thee and the others and sift thee as wheat.

I say unto you, pray always unto your True Creator the God of Good even your Father in Heaven in the name of Jesus Christ for help as thine adversary is extremely cunning and deceptive and desires to have thee and sift you as wheat to take away thy soul. Hearken unto the Good Spirit of these words that forewarneth thee and wake up O potential daughter of God. You are loved and missed by your Heavenly Father and they know you are the prodigal daughter at this time in the far away lands, come back unto your Father in Heaven and Christ and they shall come back unto thee.

Your Spirit is infested with spirits not of God if you say unto others do whatever they want with no consequence to their actions Good being Evil and Evil being Good and all only being one and the same Love. Such is a lie from thine adversary and you have bought into the greatest lie and deception. Turn unto your Father in Heaven in sincere prayer and in the name of Christ and they shall turn back unto thee and forgive thee if thou sincerely asketh. The Good Spirit calleth unto thee, turn not away but hearken unto the Spirit of Truth that speaketh unto thee.

Yes a seed is a flower and yes the flower is a seed and yes the adult is the child and yes the child is an adult.

You understand not the true nature of reality Lynette and understand not the things of Spirit. Oneness in spirit and in energy is not as you believe and perceive.

Find the treasures in the design of life itself...of Spirit within all things and THEN go compare that to the books, the preachers, the prophets. I see no signs...I only see history repeating itself and things that can be for told.

There are many evil acts and abominations that are occurring that go against the Heavens and God of Good which you fail to see and understand. There are many evils and wrongs occurring in the world that you do not see because you have been blinded by thine adversary into being convinced that there is no good or evil and that both are only illusions. There shall come many signs and wonders written for all words given by the Heavens shall be fulfilled; even now prophecies are being fulfilled if you can see with an eye clearly to see and understand Religions of the world have intentionally been overtaken and corrupted in order to distort the truth about God so that people are turned away from the true God of Good and Love; even your Creator and Maker our Father who art in Heaven.

Understand what the word repent means Lynette and interpret it correctly. I say unto you repent in other words change your ways and stop helping the negative side and thine adversary that wishes to sift all souls as wheat. You are being given this call back and warning from compassion from one who cares about you and is concerned for the welfare of your soul. You can help many Lynette if you can only seek our Father in Heaven and let Him come unto thee and reveal the truth unto thee through the true spirit of Good which IS Truth. I have faith and belief in thee Lynette; be who thou was meant to be and find the truth so thou can correct thy past mistakes and help many that they may not be deceived and partake of the many woes to come.

May the spirit of Love, Peace and Christ be with you
edit on 17-4-2011 by AdonaiChristBless because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:25 AM
I am not to engage in any discussions here, as my opinion that this thread should stand for what it is.
Knowing Universal Light (yeah I know his name too, but if people wants their names in here, they will post it themselves) he never would claim to have any objective truths.
He always would ask you to look within and see what ever ressonates with you.
Not being in the business to convince anyone.
Truth will find it ways.
There are lot of information in these later posts, and I would suggest people to start a new thread of their own.
I am one to follow the inner flow of my own, as earlier said I am not to engage in any discussions here.

This will be my last post here.

Just reminding any readers... read this post from the start, see if any feels right with you, and brings joy and understanding (or other usable stuff) to your life.
Know that you are truly loved.
And things are gonna be just fine.

Love and respect

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

I might be able to finish reading your post, but you are speaking from yourself. Self appointed and speaking judgments and telling others they shouldn't seek, think, speak.

The words you share can be dangerous and poisonous to the souls of those who follow you; for you read not the ingredients of the package you sell. In wisdom one should not speak unless one is 100% certain that what they speaks IS the truth. Your misleading words and what you share with others will have consequences and you will be held accountable for what you've been sharing with others.

All souls are loved but truly there is only one safe path that has to do with doing Good unto others and it's all about Love; based on the true meaning of both Good and Love. Many other paths contain greater suffering and can lead to tormenting consequences

You do live for yourself Lynette and it is you who has decided to believe in what you have nobody else but you, you, you, Lynette, Lynette, Lynette. You are in denial of yourself and have convinced yourself somehow that you do not exist or are just a phase of creation but you only lie unto yourself and to everyone on this forum in saying that you do not live for yourself. You DO and every day you wake up and do things for people around you and yourself such as washing, eating, drinking and sleeping that is for yourself.

1. This is about turning the pyramid upside down, it means, reach within. Would rather be wrong with own wisdom that blindly follow another. Thats the problem with the world. The following, and setting aside our own stirring and knowledge.

We don't need someone with the message of hellsfire. What people need is encouragemetn, love, understanding, compassion, forgiveness.

2. Who are you to judge another person in any way? Please understand this is not the way out of here.

3. Serving other people, in your family, is service to others. And many people are not capable of doing all sorts of works in the world, heres the thing, they didn't come for this. You have no right to even speak as you do. This is from a young man without dependents.

What people really need to do is seek within, pray, meditate and grow their love, look at their problems, whenever they wake up, and love one another. Seek for good things to do, love to give, forgiveness to loved ones. The Spirit will guide them, and if they never did a thing in your eyes, then you need to pluck the judgment from your eyes.

I can't believe I even read this.

Everyone may speak everyone may think, everyone may seek, and thank goodness they do. Vive la differences, viva la freedom.

Not only that. Law of consequence pales in comparison to forgiveness. Do you realize Jesus never mentioned law of consequence once, no karma. He mentioned forgiveness numerously.

Seems to me with the harvest coming someone wants everyone to FEEL guilty, instead of seeking love and joy.

As to what people can do visibly in the world, that relates to individual circumstance and if they're directed to. Bigger changes would take more people wide awake, and we're not supposed to throw the pearls before the swine. That literally means, being martyred without anyone paying attention.

Some people, shut up in their homes, pray, that is their works, and they are guided to do this by spirit.

Stop looking at people and seeing what you find wrong in them, and start looking for their light, and then encourage this with positive loving words. Respect, honor, love ,cherish people. See the good in them.

I'm not going to read the rest, too much.

LV: much love and light. No two people have to agree, and we weren't meant to here, we're meant to Love and at any point in our lives, or health conditions, wake up more, and strive to shine more light and love into the world as we can, and see what can be turned around, find the positives in the negatives and turn things around here, and of course this isn't one persons dictation to another, its being drawn to the way, as your heart tells you. Much Love!!!!

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 09:21 AM
I am seriously beginning to think there is a very real agenda going on to try and make people judgmental of themselves, feel judged, give up on themselves, rather than forgive everyone and themselves, and live with love in their hearts, seeing a world of peace. Most people do not even have the means to help the world economically, there are people who spend most of their income on rent, and have a weeks food, many of them, countless children, in our own cities and towns, in the first world. The ones who have the means to redistribute are the self appointed elites. The Rotchild family has roughly half of the worlds wealth and resources.

They know its the intent of our hearts so they wish to put people down and make them feel bad.

Wake up, see the love and light in everyone. Encourage, use humor (I wish my funny bone would grow more here, my Higher Self and all the other Family have wonderful humor, they love us, they tell us to solve every problem by Love, with Understanding. That is, having compassion on yourself, looking at the past or the problems, and finding the lesson in it you were meant to learn, and being grateful for all the lessons, for growing more, learning more. Then reaching into your heart, living in your heart, and finding ways to turn your day around, and show love to others. Its like circles, ripples from a pebble. Each stage or step. Does one go further, past their own family and friends into the community?

If one goes further, its not in your hands. There are many circumstances that are not in our hands, though people like to think this: opportunity, health, income, family repsonsiblities, hard wiring, ie. are you a good speaker or not, are you developed or not. The Family doesnt care about those things by the way. The Family doesn't reward good people with skills, healed easy lives and good positioning so others will listen to them. Those are human values. Take the world out of your eyes and start to love everyone and Stop Judging Others At All.

Do not go to bed at night without telling everyone you love them. Solve the problems each day that you can, as they come each and every day, if you are aware. What seems bigger, pour out your heart in prayer, phone home. Peel away the layers in your life, of the distortions and compromises or the errors, you are drawn to. We can ask, to gently be shown that need changing. Many people already do this. However, the journey and the end result are two different things. Its the journey that counts. Some people won't see the healing until the twinkling of an eye before they leave or as their next step even, and that is To Keep Us Humble.

So we don't go around patting ourselves on the back and telling others they have poopy diapers and stink to high heaven.

Love. See love. Don't think too highly of yourself, but don't think lowly, have hope, have humor, love everyone warts and all. See and encourage good in all.

Encourage, and see the light and love in others. Lead by example.
edit on 17-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 12:08 PM
Also, if anyone has every felt hurt or attacked by any words spoken by me, I wish to sincerely apologize, and feel that there is sincere intent in many. Encouragement is the best way, if we only knew what is there waiting for us. Not everyone is going to wake up, solve all their problems and then walk away from family and responsibility and try to solve the world's problems. The most important thing is the yearning for a wonderful world of love and equality. And all the help we need will be coming. Do I mean here and now in this world, or the next step? I don't even care, but have been shown, and its good enough for me. I've been shown, its getting people ready to yearn for and want all ability to harm others or agree with a system that does, to be removed from self and the world, to snap out of all the programming and apathy and stay in our hearts. They're waiting and ready to take people to the next level from that point, and if you can do it here and now like a superstar, or superman in the system, good, but don't judged others, its about encouragement, humor, sharing their burdens.

The basics, knowing right from wrong. Even the ones in prison unless truly psychopaths know right from wrong and are so hurt, depressed, and lacking in confidence inside. What people need is to connect within, find that faith and inner encouragement and inspiration, to dust off this world from their eyes.

Peter Gabriel - In Your Eyes (Radio Edit / Single Version)

Let not the world color the pages of the book, don't let the world program your doctrine, your politics, your ability to care and share. The world shows us our weaknesses, and then we crumple down into melted pools, and lose our pride, in humility we can reach inside, and start to heal, start to turn the negatives around and write them into positives and learn the lessons. And reach to the Infinite Potential and Light there, and Shine.

Don't let it get into you from the outside. Connect in, have faith, ask for healing and all that blocks your love to be gently revealed and removed, and shine out the light within your, to the outside.

Reach Out From The Inside!!!!! From the superstar potential within.

edit to add:

This Grand Facade. The play in progress. Judge no one. Pull the plank out of our own eyes, and really peel back our own layers. All the things we think are unforgivable, that could be only made up by years of imprisonment and torture by demons. Get a heart, and love everyone, free everyone in your mind, and free yourself. Be the love you wish given unto you, and realize, the things we're failing at, are to make you melt down into a puddle without prides, so you can reach, connect within to All That is Good and Love.

Then, Reach Out From the Inside.

Picture a small, little flame of light, like a flire fly, in a roll of film, each clip, growing bigger and bigger and bigger unto a superstar, bigger than any star in the universe,,,, and in Family with an infinite number of these lights growing to Superstars, and there are always bigger clips. Is the Love Between us God? is the infinity God? I don't know, but we're not allow the world to shine on us, but to reach into those Progressed Superstar Light Family Graces/Providences/Abilities, and shine outwards. And, not to judge, pick yourself up after every fall, not every healing comes at once, and so keep humble and don't think we can judge others at all, for we always have to work on ourselves, and only shine our love and encouragement to others.

And I've already done/participated in retrieval with my Higher Self's help, from those entities that needed to wake up, so many of them are in the meltdown puddles ready to come home. Really, it never is about punishing, its about learning to wish for, yearn for, reach for Love and Light! Twice was able to see, remember them awakening to memories of Family and returning. Nearly all my sleep time is kept from me, so have no idea what is happening there. But they're not just sealed away until our system is complete.

No school is built as an altar to sacrifice children too, no law either. Every soul is precious and all efforts are made nonstop to bring every soul out of this school. No souls are sacrificed to an idea or creation. Souls are not creations and even one soul trapped would mean a complete failure. I've known things like that in me since I was a child. Thats my soul talking.
edit on 17-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Hi Unity_99,

Not only that. Law of consequence pales in comparison to forgiveness. Do you realize Jesus never mentioned law of consequence once, no karma.

I'm not sure how much of the teachings of Jesus Christ you have read but I would suggest that you read over some of the parables and metaphors of Jesus Christ again. So that you can see and understand that there are eternal understandings involved when it comes to a persons freewill based on cause and effect/attraction and that includes consequence for a persons actions with accountability.

This doesn't mean that forgiveness cannot take place for mistakes made by students, it only means that students need to decide to change their ways based on their own freewill and even ask forgiveness for the wrong doings and evil works they've done. First going to those people they've wronged and asking forgiveness of them, clearing things up and making amends with those that they've wronged to the best of their ability. Then praying in their hearts asking forgiveness in sincerity for the mistakes that they've made. If one has done works to another that are not Good, then one can also know that they have also done that which is opposite to the FOL that only represent and stand for all that is Good.

Some things are eternal understandings based on the Law of Harvest of what a person sows, so shall they reap according to their works. Nobody made up eternal law, some things are eternal ways and understandings and have always been forever based on the freewill of intelligences 'souls.' Earth life comes with cause and effect/attraction and consequences for a persons actions based on one's thoughts, choices and actions --- freewill. There is Only so much that can be taken away from the students by the true Family of Light, Benevolents, Higher Ups, Eternal Family in the Heavens Beyond, and by them taking away such things from people it is a blessing and true gift of unconditional love being given to them by the higher up intelligences that are taking away some 'consequences and karma' from the lesser intelligences working their way up the eternal ladder. Not everyone thinks in terms of infinity or eternity so words such as lesser or greater need to be used in order to make things clear and understandable for the students.

There is a line that should never be stepped over or crossed by freewill students on earth 'intelligences/souls' and the biggest mistake a 'soul' can make includes taking away another persons life or murder. If you have done it unto others, you have only done it unto yourself. This saying suggests that by eternal law and universal understanding based on a persons freewill, choices, decisions and actions --- there is accountability and a person does reap what they sow according to their own works.

I could present you with many scriptures from the New Testament that all show Light Square Truths if interpreted correctly coming from Jesus Christ that clearly show consequence to action but will not open up all of the parables or metaphors. What I will do is share one of them and present you with a list where you can find and read the rest of them.

If a person does not Good works to another then they receive consequence for their actions based on what they choose, everyone according to their own works. What is hard to understand? There is a perfect justice of fairness based on a persons actions. With the exceptions mentioned that some things can be taken away by the Higher Up Intelligences or True Family of Light, Benevolents in the Heavens and those are gifts and blessings--- but not all things can be taken away and 'intelligences/souls' on earth do have accountability for their own actions based on the eternal understandings and principles that their spirits clearly understand and know when they reach the other side. Nobody escapes their own actions, and what they've done unto others they've only done unto themselves by eternal understandings/law. Nobody of Good and Light IS wishing harm to come upon 'souls' or punishing them but 'souls' are punishing themselves based on their own freewill choices, decisions and actions. The parable of the wheat and tares is 'metaphor' and should be interpreted correctly.

Mathew 13: 24-30

The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field.
But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until The Harvest: and in the time of Harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

Mathew 13: 3-16

And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;
And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up. Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth. And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them: But others fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:For the people’s hearts are waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.

Mathew 13: 20-23

But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it. Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended.He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful. But he that received seed into good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth Good works, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

Mathew 13: 24-30

The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field.
But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until The Harvest: and in the time of Harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

Mathew 13:37-51

He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;
The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the evil; The Harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity and not Good Works. And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Based on eternal understandings/law and consequence to action. Then shall the righteous Shine forth as the Sun in the kingdom of their Father.

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear:

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls. Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. So shall it be at the end of the world and time of The Harvest when the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just. And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Jesus saith unto them, Have ye understood all these things?

Understand what is being shared with you in parables and metaphor according to the truth if interpreted correctly. There are Real Dangers that you should be made aware of ---

Review the Parables and Metaphors of Christ, seek the Light Square Truths that can be found. (If interpreted correctly)

Parables and Metaphors Of Christ!

1-The Salt and Light
Mathew 5:13-16; 6:22-23
Mark 9:50
Luke 14:34-35

2-The Light of the body
Mathew 6:22-23
Luke 11:34-36

3-Pearls before Swine
Mathew 7:6

4-The Narrow Gate
Mathew 7:13-14, 21-23
Luke 13:22-30

5- By Their Fruits
Mathew 7:15-20; 12:34-35
Luke 6:43-45

6-A House upon the Sand
Mathew 7:24-28
Luke 6:46-49

7-The Sheep without a Shepherd
Mathew 9:36-38

8- A Tree and It's Fruits
Mathew 12:33-37

9- A Parable of the Sower
Mathew 13:1-9
Mark 4:3-9
Luke 8:4-8

10- The Sower Interpreted
Mathew 13:18-23
Mark 4:13-20
Luke 8:11-15

11- Light under a Bushel
Mark 4:21-25
Luke 8:16-18;11:33

12- The Growing Seed
Mark 4:26-29

13- The Wheat and the Tares
Mathew 13:24-30

14- The Mustard Seed
Mathew 13:31-32
Mark 4:30-32
Luke 13:18-19

15- The Leaven
Mathew 13:33
Luke 13:20-21

16- Interpretation of the Tares
Mathew 13:36-43

17- The Pearl of Great Price
Mathew 13:44-46

18- Parable of the Great Net
Mathew 13:47-50

19- Disclosure on Leaven
Mathew 16:5-12
Mark 8:14-21

20- The True Bread of Life
John 6:26-58

21- Rivers of Living Waters
John 7:37-39

22- The Light of the World
John 8:12-20;9:1-12

23- Salt of the Earth --- Purity
Mark 9:49-50

24- The Lost Sheep
Mathew 18:11-14
Luke 15:1-7

25- Parable of the Sheepfold
John 10:1-6

26- The Good Shepherd
John 10:7-21

27- Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
Mathew 18:21-35

28- The Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37

29- Parable of the Rich Fool
Luke 12:13-21

30- Parable of the Barren Fig Tree
Luke 13:6-9

31-Parable of the Lost Coin
Luke 15:8-10

32- Parable of the Prodigal Son
Luke 15:11-32

33- Parable of the Dishonest Steward
Luke 16:1-12

34 – Lazarus and the Rich Man
Luke 16:19-31

35- Unprofitable Servants
Luke 17:5-10

36- Parable of the Widow and the Judge
Luke 18:1-8

37- Parable of the Pharisee and Publican
Luke 18:9-14

38- Parable of Laborers
Mathew 20:1-16

39- Parable of the Talents
Mathew 25:14-30
Luke 19:11-27

40- The Grain of Wheat
John 12:24

41- The Light in Darkness
John 12:46-47

42- Lesson of the Fig Tree
Mathew 21:20-22;24:32-35
Mark 11:20-26;13:28-31
Luke 21:29-33

43- Parable of the Two Sons
Mathew 21:28-32

44- Parable of the Wicked Husbandman
Mathew 21:33-46
Mark 12:1-12
Luke 20:9-19

45- Parable of the Marriage Feast
Mathew 22:1-14
Luke 14:16-24

46- The True Vine
John 15:1-17

47- The Watchful Householder
Mathew 24:43-44
Luke 12:35-40

48- The Faithful Servant
Mathew 24:45-51
Luke 12:41-48

Love & Best Wishes!
edit on ECDT1111AprPM71 by ET_MAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 04:38 PM
Read the bible through and the new testament many times, and all those movies already, in fact years ago even, except for the Mormon one.

You and I view many things alike already, and there is no disagreeing with some of what is being said, if seen in the right way, and with the right understanding, which is the heart of Love and remembering Jesus wrote in the sand.

This doesn't mean that forgiveness cannot take place for mistakes made by students, it only means that students need to decide to change their ways based on their own freewill and even ask forgiveness for the wrong doings and evil works they've done. First going to those people they've wronged and asking forgiveness of them, clearing things up and making amends with those that they've wronged to the best of their ability. Then praying in their hearts asking forgiveness in sincerity for the mistakes that they've made. If one has done works to another that are not Good, then one can also know that they have also done that which is opposite to the FOL that only represent and stand for all that is Good.

This is normally how most things occur, with growing up, and trying to solve the problems in our lives. Its also what is meant by not going to sleep without putting things right or expressing love for others, and while on the way to court its best to reach an agreement with the one who is suing you, to give more than he has asked for even.

However, our Loving Family who knows all within our hearts, also intercedes in the twinkling of an eye for many many people, and looks for any sign to do so. Even the above is a metaphor, and Love is faster than the eye can register, in a nano second able to respond and reach out its hand to anyone repenting and truly sorry, and everyone will be there sooner or later, where there is no "sooner" and there is no "later".

Some things are eternal understandings based on the Law of Harvest of what a person sows, so shall they reap according to their works. Nobody made up eternal law, some things are eternal ways and understandings and have always been forever based on the freewill of intelligences 'souls.'

Forgiveness, which means also the person is truly turning away from this and is filled with regret and their eyes are opening to what is in them and what the world has revealed, is always 100% over any form of Law. All Laws and Schools serve Life not vice versa. Love itself tells you that. And of course there are consequences, but they're different than hellsfire and hellzones, and being flayed apart by demons. We would wish this on no one, not even the worst cosmic criminal. This is about Love. Forgive everyone and yourself. I see everyone doing this. Only Love and Light is real, the layers of grime are not. We all have to learn the difference between harming others and not, and there certainly is that which is a passing grade, and that which is not, but we're not judge at all who will do so, but love and encourage all. I see a different ending, and will keep praying for that as well. I keep my mind wide open to what Love is capable of, not to the any programs here.

If a person does not Good works to another then they receive consequence for their actions based on what they choose, everyone according to their own works. What is hard to understand?

This is obvious, mainly regarding growth, and pain/shame over harming others. But again. Forgiveness is the most important thing that is needed here.

Also Good Works? Define Good Works? Are the same things needed for everyone? Is a person who is living at the handout level themselves and needing a handout, required to give their one weeks food away? And should they offer their children to Government instead of having a home? What do you think is Good Works? Do you think that God rewards Good people with success and Good Things? I know many Christians in very conservative Church's who think this. The Devil rewards his own is all I have to say, (and again, this is a metaphor!!! I dont' hand conservatives and those who think success is Godliness over to devils either in my mind). But when you're buying the agenda and being rewarded, its usually because you're of the world and the prince of the world is giving you a pat on the head for a time being, he really isnt being generous and has alternative motives, and most of the Good people are not the dog eat dog successful ones.

And some people have enough problems it would take a whole lifetime to sift through them. They can barely keep afloat in their own lives, let alone start a world wide movement of any kind. In fact we should not judge at all, but trust and seek within, reporting for duty and attempting to shine our Light/Love. But for many, there isn't a lot they can do, about the way the world is, they struggle to work on improving their own spirits and ability to help those around them more. Its the yearning, prayers, and wishes for a wonderful world that counts. Period. Period. Period. Even holding such thoughts hold light and frequency in this world. And never forget the intent of ones heart.

The hardest walk is the walk of kings, where you learn the most. That is usually the down and out walk too, the one with hardships.

Peace, and Much Love.

Also to ACB and LV as well!
edit on 17-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 05:23 PM
I also wish to bring up to posts on page 46 of the Hidden Hand/Law of One thread, that were very inspiring. First of all, the questions and answers back and forth are less important as love and friendships has already overcome obstacles between people. Both these posts go into great depth on the kind of lessons we are in, to turn the other cheek, withdraw from arguments and try to solve the problems in our lives. I was actually looking for another post that was made by ET_MAN giving a wide range of things that were Good Works from prayers, to lending a helping hand, it certainly wasn't all about money, which isn't distributed equally. There are many ways to help. But these two posts are very good and have so much in them.

Bold emphasis is mine.

... I've never made it a mission in my life or even tried to be a teacher to anyone. People have asked me questions and I've simply answered them. I've shared some information (what I felt may be beneficial to some) given to me coming from my own personal experiences and by beings not of this world that I'm in communication with and cannot deny that. .... Only that perhaps some people are currently on different levels of advancement/awareness/consciousness than others for the 'TIME' being experiencing temporal tick tock around the clock earth life existence...

Someday such beings will experience their own personalized coloring book/creation/adventures and have absolute free choice to create anything their heart/imagination so desires because nobody enters such a level with a corrupted soul/heart or would ever seek to harm, control or rule over another in anyway, shape or form. There is only one common LOVE shared and felt among all, ONE common spirit that is known, shared and felt among all 'souls' (Souls for a lack of better word) on such levels. Such a level is of true spiritual adulthood and one needs ZERO rules or people to tell them what to do or direct them. There are no GODS, KINGS or RULERS only FAMILY and GROWN UP ADULTS. They are on a level of being their own Teachers/Creators/Designers and so are the true Teachers/Creators/Designers beyond this universe. All that they have can someday be YOURS, all share alike and there is no higher, greater, better or more special but perfect unity and equality when it comes to possessions shared amongst all.

I will call this earth life a test because every choice one makes has an outcome and there are pass and fail choices/decisions to one's actions depending on circumstances/choices/decisions that one is faced with on an everyday basis. How a person handles themselves has everything to do with where a 'soul' goes upon leaving the flesh. Nevertheless progression is a never-ending/eternal thing even for those who commit serious crimes and are locked away behind bars with life sentences for murder. They may not be progressing in this earth life existence spiritually to move upwards but they are on a path and road that leads in one direction or another and for some it may be necessary to experience driving on the wrong side of the street in order to learn that it's not the side of the road they want to be on. Perhaps eventually they will realize they are on the wrong side and going the wrong way and head on conclusions are not enjoyable. There is a 'soul' path for all 'souls' and higher external outside universal forces are working within each soul like a school of fish finding their way back to their original birth place. Imagine the butterflies finding their way home - Some call that 'instinct' all 'souls' have a type of divine instinct and will be called back in due 'TIME' but freewill agency of a fish/student/soul must be available and freewill remains within INFINITY - a common shared infinite law among all eternal souls within eternity. …..

Who enjoys pain, suffering misery and sadness? Who wants to be miserable for the rest of their existence? Does it feel good to feel bad? Is sadness happiness for some? Honestly I think everyone enjoys having FUN and being HAPPY, feeling GOOD and having a blast with more freedoms and vacations don't you think? Of course both must exist to choose one from the other and experience one from the other but have you learned your lesson yet and selected which direction you prefer to take? If someone chooses pain/misery/suffering over happiness they are merely lost and confused in a temporal state of amnesia but in the endless amounts of infinity all 'souls' have a divine destination and will find themselves and know what they truly are - like a school of fish finding their way back to their original birth place so will the eternal souls find their way back to their divine destination within 'Eternity.'

Love as in gratefulness and appreciation for that which a person has been given and what and who a person is even though things are difficult at this time believe me this is a all TEST. (Even for those here on rehabilitation/disciplinary terms and conditions are still learning and have a way out but such need to learn their own lessons in their own way and for themselves.) All things are a form of a test and one can receive more and more if they can only hang in there and overcome the obstacles of this VERY DIFFICULT life for most. Earth life is one of the hardest experiences there is in the book of life and truly the most rewarding for those who graduate from it. Everyone has their own unique version/experience of this earth life coloring book and some have it way better than others and some way more difficult than others nevertheless regardless of your current life circumstances never give up and hang in there and know that everything is happening for a specific reason/purpose and there are truly no chances, accidents or coincidences. You've been dealt the cards you've been dealt for a reason - now deal with those cards to the best of your ability and overcome this world and prove to yourself and your loved one's on the other side that you are capable of moving upwards and overcoming the obstacles of earth life.

Its all about Love, and the intent of our hearts, and the problems we're trying to solve, and see through, is a big part of earth life here. This schools been hijacked by those who keep putting huge issues in everyone's face, things they cannot possibly solve without time outs from their lives, and responsibilities. And no one can resort to their methods of violence to topple this.

That is an artificial thing, and those who have set the traps and dug the pits will fall into them, not so much their intended victims, for we are not to be stumbling stone for others.
edit on 17-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 02:18 PM
There is something that should be added, because it seems to be misunderstood in what was said above. To me what is right and wrong, is the 123's and ABC's of life. When I asked what is Good? this was not to have the ABC's explained, because most people understand much of this. It was relating more the the understanding that most are caring individuals who are stuck in their own homes, lives, with their own family responsiblities and their own differing skills and abilities. For some, they have a lack of social skills and training and have put alot of things off and on hold for their family responsibiities, which means for serving others, not doing what they would have naturally done had they been more free.

My question about what is Good had to do with the next step, ie. for those seeing a more equal and loving world taking steps in their community or the world to be active, speaking up, trying to get groups going, or waking up others, so that we could make a difference in numbers, because its the next step that is what came to me as what is Good, and are people being called to more than the 123's or ABC's. It wasn't written with a lack of understanding, yet was explaining that not everyone could contribute to ending world hunger with money, or community work even.

Really, it goes so much further. LV has brought up that people may be doing things for the wrong reasons, for a sense of reward, or out of a sense of fear, going to hell.

Whereas usually a fear based message brings out those feelings, or a false sense of action or purpose. To me anyway, maybe every one is wired differently. Perhaps some need the harsher messages, more because they are stuck in a grove and need to have something told clearly. But words can be misconstrued in so many ways, they are taken one way by some, and another by others.

Not only should people be wishing to reach for more Love & Light and wish to do better in their days out of a sense of feeling they are letting themselves down or letting family here, or Family above down by not helping. Out of love and a wish to do our best, because we care about others.

But there is another issues as well. What if, pretend for a moment, that the wholes system was run by baddies, the toughest guy takes the whole kind of scenario, and everything was all an illusion. In a situation where there may be no reward for being good or doing good, where there there may be no Family of Love, just corruption, we should wish to be Love & Light anyway, because its the right thing to do, and not to let the universe or anything that we even could imagine in our minds being out there, influence or muddy us up. So instead, keep trying to clean up any spots we find in us, and try to set a good example and encourage others.

Just wanted to clear that up in case others were misunderstanding me.

A few other misunderstandings are this:

1. My experiences are what I write about, not somebody else, and have had my own inner guidance and direction in my life. I am not rewriting somebody elses message as was suggested to me. ET_MAN's message stirred me and caused a deep inner connect, and had downloads. They are according to my level of understanding. And not only do I understand what I'm writing, to the level my cpu is capable of, but also, it flows out of me from my heart, and can write it, rewrite and put into yet another perspective. Infinity issues for example.

2. It was suggested that my understanding of Higher Self/Infinite Self was that I thought they were the Family. No, the Family is a step Higher Than That, the Family are the Creators/Designers, and resemble a real Family, Father/Mother, Brothers/Sisters, etc, but also there are Aunts and Uncles, Grandfathers and Grandmothers, etc etc, like Infinite Fractals. There is a Prime Creator and we have a Family. In short, to clear my mind of all possible traps, I always say, the Highest Good and Love in Existence for God and Family.

But our Higher Selves are real, exist. In no time, where would your Future Self be? Have they passed the tests? Are they Guides? This is what I see, and also, have experienced since I was a child, off and on, and if I said it wasn't true that I've experienced this, I'd be lying. I don't lie.
edit on 18-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Does it make you feel better about yourself to show that many others are still living for things of flesh?

You post horrible pictures as if Im just blind to human actions and behaviors. As if I just think all of those things are just ok or as if Im not aware that they are happening.

We hold attributes of the infinite creator. As expressions of Thee....we do have an attribute of power. Some will have to go through very different paths then others to learn about the strength and dangers of 'power'. As some show something horrible like an action....there are others that are learning from that person. No one, No one, is here alone to learn something all on their own. We are entangled.

You see that many still live for things of flesh and no not what things of spirit are. Know then, there is still much work to do and much to be done.

Ive been taken through the scenario in different ways of my life being threatened. I have learned that this is not the life we are to fight for. This, is an illusion. This is not my true self but its still a needed part of the true self, serving something the true self is in need of. When it comes to another life being threatened, its my own that I am willing to give.

While you see things that seem 'bad' to you (nature of flesh)....are those actions by other people only affecting the doer and the do untoee? Or are the actions having the potential to speak things to other people that are not the doer and the do untoee?

What have you learned from the actions Jesus chose? And the ones that took his life....what do their actions have to teach you? What have you learned from the actions of Martin Luther King? And the ones that took his life...what do you learn from them? There are two natures....while in this expression of being of flesh and spirit. One nature in finite and a effect from a cause. The other, is true and eternal.

One can try their best to brake things down into a good and bad....but really its between of flesh and spirit. The natures of flesh do serve a purpose....for its like a filter over many experiences of discernment and what we choose to live for.

When you see someone doing very 'bad' things (or things that are very much in service for the flesh)....its likely they know not what is of spirit and its likely that they are not anywhere near ready to even think about discernment between the two. It does not really do any good to preach and throw the gems to those that are not ready nor can they understand. If they are still in need of learning the cause and effects of the attributes of power in their illusion of 'self' amongst other selves....the hard work of understanding differently will have to start within them, a feeling of guilt, remorse, a reason to look beyond their impulsive actions of flesh.

Understanding each individuals choices, is far to complex for any of us to think we understand another.

There are many people that make really bad choices, because they themselves, have been so hurt or feel so alone or feel the need to only survive and live for the self. Some are not ready to look past the illusion of self and admit and be concerned, for others.

Its really easy to point out all the 'bad things' that people are doing. Its a whole other understand that there are reasons they do those things and that if they knew their true self and that they share that same true self with all others....they would not make the choices they make.

When you see others making choices of flesh, do you really think they know what they do in Spirit?

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Does it make you feel better about yourself to show that many others are still living for things of flesh?

You post horrible pictures as if Im just blind to human actions and behaviors. As if I just think all of those things are just ok or as if Im not aware that they are happening.

We hold attributes of the infinite creator. As expressions of Thee....we do have an attribute of power. Some will have to go through very different paths then others to learn about the strength and dangers of 'power'. As some show something horrible like an action....there are others that are learning from that person. No one, No one, is here alone to learn something all on their own. We are entangled.

You see that many still live for things of flesh and no not what things of spirit are. Know then, there is still much work to do and much to be done.

Ive been taken through the scenario in different ways of my life being threatened. I have learned that this is not the life we are to fight for. This, is an illusion. This is not my true self but its still a needed part of the true self, serving something the true self is in need of. When it comes to another life being threatened, its my own that I am willing to give.

While you see things that seem 'bad' to you (nature of flesh)....are those actions by other people only affecting the doer and the do untoee? Or are the actions having the potential to speak things to other people that are not the doer and the do untoee?

What have you learned from the actions Jesus chose? And the ones that took his life....what do their actions have to teach you? What have you learned from the actions of Martin Luther King? And the ones that took his life...what do you learn from them? There are two natures....while in this expression of being of flesh and spirit. One nature in finite and a effect from a cause. The other, is true and eternal.

One can try their best to brake things down into a good and bad....but really its between of flesh and spirit. The natures of flesh do serve a purpose....for its like a filter over many experiences of discernment and what we choose to live for.

When you see someone doing very 'bad' things (or things that are very much in service for the flesh)....its likely they know not what is of spirit and its likely that they are not anywhere near ready to even think about discernment between the two. It does not really do any good to preach and throw the gems to those that are not ready nor can they understand. If they are still in need of learning the cause and effects of the attributes of power in their illusion of 'self' amongst other selves....the hard work of understanding differently will have to start within them, a feeling of guilt, remorse, a reason to look beyond their impulsive actions of flesh.

Understanding each individuals choices, is far to complex for any of us to think we understand another.

There are many people that make really bad choices, because they themselves, have been so hurt or feel so alone or feel the need to only survive and live for the self. Some are not ready to look past the illusion of self and admit and be concerned, for others.

Its really easy to point out all the 'bad things' that people are doing. Its a whole other understand that there are reasons they do those things and that if they knew their true self and that they share that same true self with all others....they would not make the choices they make.

When you see others making choices of flesh, do you really think they know what they do in Spirit?

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

You DO and every day you wake up and do things for people around you and yourself such as washing, eating, drinking and sleeping that is for yourself.

Its more about being conscious of what nature you are serving when you are in service to it. When I eat, sleep, wash, drink....I know Im serving this body of flesh for what it needs. Its the things you have choices of that you know you dont 'have' to junk food, like honesty in your relationships, like being dependable to friends, like being sincere when others need someone or need something you have, like doing for another even when it means its going to take away something from yourself, like being willing to make an offering of self to serve another.

Consider that we had more then half of the people on this earth who understood the power of offering of self. Sometimes, huge actions on large scales needs to be done, to awaken just a few more and those few more might not even awake till hundreds of years later after the selfless acts were done. You have to trust, that the nature of Spirit, will work and repercussion in some way out into the world.

Have you ever pictured in your mind what would happen if a army at war....all on one side laid down their weapons? Knowing, they may die due to being unarmed, but yet still make the conscious choice, of doing what is the nature of spirit which is to Not Kill. All at one time, thousands of men lay down their guns. What will the world have to think about with such a action of many men? Even if all of those men would still make the world look and think. It would jolt someone, sometime. Such a action would linger in the minds of men....just like the actions of Jesus and Martin have done. When one understands, there are greater things to live for then the 'life of self'....a strength and will comes from them that is far beyond the flesh, the intellect, the personality, the ego.

If you want to hold yourself on high as if you have some great wisdom...then please show that you understand, the nature of offering of self and that you have the will to do what ever is needed, in Spirit, for all. Worry not what comes for you, as a self. This may choosing at some point in your life while standing before many people, what life you choose to fight and live for. Know your choice and prepare to have the will and understanding for that choice.

Edit to add...admitting that yes, we do have to take care of the become a prime instrument. This is the kneading of the dough which takes time for the yeast to rise. Its a process in each of us and that process, serves one but on a spectrum of many. We do have to care for ourselves...but the Spirit knows the heart, the thoughts, the intents.

There are reasons why there are those that are more giving and those that are more taking right now.

Imagine the world without all of those people that are more giving to just leave the earth. The process would be disrupted. Me, you, Unity, ETMAN, Universal Light (and others that have spoken here)...we all should understand and have the will to offer ourselves to show others....what things are worth living for. Why us? Because we come and say we speak things of Spirit. Because we come and speak of things that are supposed to be a better way for man to live. It is those people that speak, that should be willing for acts of Spirit to work through us. I only encourage myself and others to be ready for such.

Things worth living for are the things that help mankind as a unit. Actions that will linger in the minds of man that may get them to think and question, their own choices of what is worth living for.

There are many 'beliefs or ideas' that leave the last thought of a man, desiring what glory will come for the 'self'. These are weigh and measure. Jesus was not concerned about glory for his self. He told us all to pick up our own crosses as well.
edit on 19-4-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by AdonaiChristBless
Jesus Christ Lives to this day and was transfigured into an immortal glorious ascended body and will return back to Earth as it's been written according to His word. His promises are always kept and so are the promises of Heaven. He is the gatekeeper of Heavens and our best friend and the advocate with the Father. He is the gentle lamb that Loves us all and wants the very best for everyone.

What I am wondering about all this time is what about humans and other beings on other planets in the universe? Has Jesus been on other planets? What happens to other humans on other planets?

These questions are off-topic but I am so highly interested by them:
1. Can a human soul that just lived on Earth reincarnate to other planets that have humans or can that soul only reincarnate to Earth?

2. Given the technology, would it be okay for a human to leave Earth and settle and live on another planet where humans live?

Thank you thank you so much.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Hi LeoVirgo,

horrible pictures

What is the opposite of horrible?

As if I just think all of those things are just ok

Do you think those things are OK? Are they OK?


It's good that you see and recognize that.
Is Heaven really on Earth and is everything Perfect?
Is everything truly only Love?

there is still much work to do and much to be done.

Work to be done? What are people working for and why?

What have you learned from the actions Jesus chose?

What have you understood about the true Teachings of Jesus Christ?

but really its between of flesh and spirit.

What is Spirit?
What is a Spirit?
What is a Soul?
Is there a difference between the three?
If so what?

When you see someone doing very 'bad' things

It's good that you see and recognize 'bad things' and call them for what they really are.

they are not anywhere near ready

Ready for what?
Are Spirits/Souls going somewhere?
What are they getting ready for?
Where are they going?

There are many people that make really bad choices,

It's good that you see and recognize that.

Bad Choices, Good Choices!

because they themselves, have been so hurt

What is the opposite of hurt?

Its really easy to point out all the 'bad things' that people are doing.

It's good that you can see and recognize that.
Perhaps it's not Heaven on Earth after all?
Perhaps all is not Perfect and Love after all, but Spirits/Souls are working towards being more perfect and Love? What do you think?

What is the Meaning of Life?
Is there a Reason/Purpose for things happening?
If so what is the Reason?
Is there something that Souls/Spirits are working towards?
Is there such a thing as Progression?
Is there such a thing as Heaven?
Could there be something else out there in the Universe or Beyond where Spirits/Souls go when ready?

they are not anywhere near ready

Many students are still working on it aren't they? But just like every school, not everyone is perfect or gets a perfect pass score on the test, do they? There is much work to be done, isn't there? Many are not anywhere near ready? There is a pass and a fail, but students do have an opportunity to learn and progress don't they?

Sincerely hope things are going well for you LeoVirgo.

Love & Best Wishes!

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

We all are giving many experiences as seemingly individuals to discern and learn and awaken to 2 different natures that make us. Flesh causes certain things and Spirit causes certain things. Also, these 2 natures have another purpose beyond the 'seemingly individual' and that is for the all.

We learn things through our own experiences and we learn things through observing others actions and experiences. We learn things as individual and we learn things as a whole unit.

Yes, there are people that act on the nature of flesh. If they do this, there are reasons for they only understand so much and are not ready to look at things past the individual self they think they are and that they live for. If they are not ready to live for more then the flesh/self there are reasons. Those reasons may be on a individual level....but it still all the same is effecting the 'whole'.

Hitlers actions had a individual purpose of showing what he lived for in things of flesh. At the same time, his actions offered to the whole something to observe and think about and even learn from if we are ready. Same thing with any person that did a action or behavior that effected the united consciousness of mankind....

Heaven is a state of being. Individually we can work on this 'becoming' in us and then as a whole, we can work on this becoming 'on earth'.

Until we are ready to make it a 'whole experience'....we have to help each other work on it becoming a state of being in each individual.

Heaven is not something that magically appears or becomes without work and our will. As we see many still living for things of flesh...we see that there is still alot yet to 'become'. Every single thing has purpose for the 'whole' to become its prime image. Every single thing has purpose in things of flesh being filtered and transformed through the 'will' of things of Spirit becoming. It wont come through force but the design is made in a way that it will for sure without a doubt happen.

There is no 'time limit' for passing this class...and this is frustrating for those that as individuals, feel reading for graduation without the other classmates.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

LV, Home/Heaven is a place your soul remembers if the veil slips and more memory comes back along with parts of the mission. In other posts you liked to suggest that, your experiences were valid, but everyone else in the world's experiences, including mine, and all the nde's that were different than yours were some ego fault of being given info they wanted at some implied lower stage. It was not true, and for true seekers, they learn from each other, along with their experiences, it fits together. Thats what I've found in my research.

However, between anything anyone says and the windows that open up where I see and remember, everything fades away when you touch the truth in your soul.

This is just a holographic, interactive school. And while all matter one day, the energy waves, one day will transform, this school is not Home like Home is. If and when it does transform, earth to heaven, so to speak, it will be a different, wonderful eutopia.

So where our true home will be at that point, doesn't really matter, for there is a perfect plan, and our true soul knowledge also knows this, I believe everyone does inside. So we don't have to argue the details of seeing earth transformed into a better place, where home is, because really, the soul knows inside, and there is a perfect plan.

There Is No Place Like Home! There Is No Place Like Home! There Is No Place Like Home!

Love is the most important ingredient, basically trying to put into action.

edit on 23-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

In other posts you liked to suggest that, your experiences were valid, but everyone else in the world's experiences, including mine, and all the nde's that were different than yours were some ego fault of being given info they wanted at some implied lower stage. It was not true, and for true seekers, they learn from each other, along with their experiences, it fits together. Thats what I've found in my research.

Hi Unity

Just to clarify

Personal experiences are for the individual, a working between the spirit and the consciousness. Things like personality, ego, intellect, limit of knowledge and preconceived ideas and images can be used in this 'channel' and can also get in the way.

An experience you for has something to offer YOU (not the world). The same with everyone elses experiences.

Messages are never solid and clear for they come through filters. As something rises from our unconsciousness its intent may be to show us something about ourselves we need to work on but then it may get clouded with a personal desire, a fear, and even our own creativity by what we 'think we know'. A message as simple as 'love' can have many things added to it by our personality, our wants, our ego, our preconceived ideas ect. To filter out all the 'added' things to find the simple message of 'love' may be harder then what we think because its easy to get excited about the added things to the experience like a 'image'.

There are reasons why thousands of years ago...many experiences came in the form of angels for that was a preconceived image in mans mind that could be used. Now today while many get excited about aliens, its almost as if angels have gone extinct. Whats happened to all the angel messengers? Is this a reality that angels are not bringing the messages no more and now aliens are? Many routes can be used and mostly its a 'preconceived image' that the individual desires or even fears. Our mind uses language in many ways and images is one of those ways.

Every experience you have had...has something to show you about your own wants as well as show you a universal message that is likely something very simple and not complex at all. Likely the messages have a underlying nature to show you which is love, unity, ect.

Plus, we can want experiences and create them.

We need to ask why we all experience such different things. Its because experiences are personal.

The more someone desires for their experience to be extravagant and mind blowing....the more extravagant and mind blowing their experiences will be. If a person seeks experiences due to wanting to be 'known' as someone that can make contact with higher sources, the experience may be totally revolving around the 'egos needs' to have a experience and be able to say they did.

My personal experiences are not what I base information on that I give about Spirit. The information I give about the nature of Spirit and the workings of Spirit are things that anyone can find in the design of the universe itself. Not through personal visions, personal contacts, personal dreams. My personal experiences are things for me to learn from, learn about myself through, they actually show me alot about my own desires from being 'in the flesh', my own fears that I have gained from the world around me and past things I was taught, my own wishes for what I think the world should be like, my own ego in wanting to 'know' things.

Personal experiences do have underlying messages but most of the time the 'saintly' part of us gets so full in the idea that we had a experience at all...and we miss the message and cloud the whole experience with our own images, wants, and fears.

The unconscious mind works in complex ways with our conscious mind. The 'work place' in between the two...uses images and ideas that are 'already in our mind (things we already have a image or name for or have thoughts of at some time, even on a show or movie). Our thinking mind can get clouded by many of our own personal wants and thoughts. It took alot of work for me, with Spirit, to discern and be honest with myself, of what things in my experiences came from my own personality, my own creativity, my own fears, my own preconceived thoughts (things I thought I knew-which is ego). Ego does not mean 'pride' but it is the part of us that thinks it 'knows'. If we think we 'know' things that really we dont have any real way of knowing...then we have already clouded the avenue between the unconsciousness and consciousness for personal experiences.

Its very interesting to learn about psychology and learn about how hallucinations occur, how multiple personalities occur and work (how the mind works during such things). Our mind is very powerful and can also be 'full of it' that if we 'think we know things' then our personal experiences are going to be filled with 'what we think we know'. In a way....our 'wants and things we think we know' get fed through experiences.

Those that long to have contact with a higher self...surely will. Those that long to have contact with angels...surely will. Those that long to have contact and receive information from some other galaxy, surely will.

Many say they contact higher selves but give different information. Many say they have contact with angels but offer different information and different experiences. Many say they have experiences of another dimension but give totally different recounts of that experience. Many people say they have seen heaven during a NDE but their experiences are very different. If experiences were some sort of truth for the world...then I would assume, they would be reliable in that we would notice similarities in what people gain in the experience.

Experiences that come out of no where that were not sought for (even meditating can be seeking in away, thinking you are being open for 'incoming' information) are the ones I would be most attention to. Like a child that has no preconceived ideas or images or names in their mind to be used in the 'working place' of the mind.....such could be a good clean avenue for Spirit to bring a personal message undistorted and its likely not going to be complicated or clouded with images or names. Its likely just going to offer a 'feeling' of trust, acceptance, hope, love, ect.

We are not here to uncover or remember a forgotten past. If that was the case, we would of never forgot it.

Everything we need for our purpose already here. Its things we can learn of and understand, right here and now through nature and the design. Take all images or ideas from books or another man gave you....and then take out all of those images and ideas from any of your experiences. Image you were the only person on this earth and all you had was mother nature...and right there are all the keys for what you need to learn here.

Personal experience, have more to show us about ourselves then anything else. Mine are no different...and I did not always enjoy what they had to show me about myself. Mostly, I learned about the things I desired. They were not bad things....but they still were....personal desires and my own creative ideas about what 'life' SHOULD be. Alot of them filled me with hope that I was in need of and some of them filled my 'ego' in the things that I thought I knew.

I understand now why the eastern mystics call experiences the place that many get stuck...because having a experience in itself 'fills the I' and makes the person feel 'special' in a sense that they experienced something that others have not...and it can be addicting to keep having experiences because it makes the person feel 'full' they have a they can do or are doing something others can not..and that makes them have 'purpose' because now they can give others answers or knowledge they think they gained.

The bottom line is....if another man has to tell you of something or a book has to tell you about something that you could not of learned from 'life itself'....then its not that important. The 'gems' are things that anyone can experience and anyone can find and that they do NOT need another man to tell them about it.

One someone has a experience that involves a image (like a being or place)...the mind can then create many more experiences based on that first experience again and other experiences can become more vivid, more detailed, one could even create a whole world and family and its going to seem very real to them.

Even in people that are under alot of stress or just been through a crisis...its not uncommon for them to have a experience that brings them comfort. Depending on what their unconsciousness is comfortable with, the comforter may be in the image of Jesus, a Indian woman, a child, a angel, a alien...ect ect.

Its not that personal experiences are not valid...its just that they are valid for the 'individual' in a very personal way, and can become very clouded with what the person wants and needs.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:19 AM

Many will call something a 'truth' because it has made them feel 'good' and meets their 'desired thoughts' of what truth is.

There are many people that say they know a 'truth' because it feels right with their soul.....but yet if we take all of the 'truths' of many people, we end up with thousands if not millions, of different 'truths'.

Why do so many peoples souls resonate with 'different' truths?

Because each of those people have different ideas of what truth should be, what they can accept as truth, what they 'think' they already know, and what they hope would be.

What ever we decide to believe or place faith or trust in....has a personal purpose for us as indivdiauls, it will teach us something about ourselves at some point in time.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by Universal Light

Originally posted by watcher73

What harvest and how will it happen?

The Harvest is an event in which if an entity has learned the lessons of that density, it is eligible to graduate to the next density. Usually this is just designated for the inhabitants of a planet. However, at the end of a bigger cycle, the planet itself can be Harvested as well which is the case with Earth.

This process has actually already begun. There is a very Neutral energy that has been anchoring itself on the planet. Everyone "dead "and "alive" will be Harvested and placed in the appropriate setting for the continuance of their learning. This will be perceived in different ways given the perceptions of a given entity.

The Earth itself is graduating as well therefore it will not be capable of inhabiting third density life as it has for such a long period of time. The majority of the planet is not ready for fourth density existence and will continue on their third density learnings in another environment. Also, it is worth noting that first and second density entities will be eligible for harvest as well.

I cannot give you an exact time when this will happen as the future has an infinity full of timelines that are all possible but the event as it has already begun, will climax sooner than most would imagine.


So..... What you are saying in a very roundabout way is that you believe an event that pretty much mirrors judgement day in the bible is about to happen?

I do agree with some of your sentiments, and I do believe the earth is headed into a time of great loss of life, but I disagree with the belief that life on earth will end. Greatly diminished yes, eliminated, No.

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