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Pat Robertson Blames Haiti Earthquake on "Pact With the Devil"

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posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:18 PM
WTH ??

Do I Laugh or Do i Cry ??

What a moron ..

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:22 PM
Yeah... this is the same guy who said if anyone is sick it is because they have "unforgiveness" SIC in their heart.

Soon after he said this his wife was reported to be ill with breast cancer.

Go figure...

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
reply to post by dragonseeker

+5 internets for you sir. It's amazing to me, as a black american, with katrina still burned into my mind, how white "christians" don't seem very "christian" when it comes to us darker folk..

Although I understand your outrage, you must take care, not to do the same thing that Robertson is doing. Making a blanket statement about "white Christians" places your speech very close to that of Robertson, in condemning an entire population for his perceived "deal with the devil". Robertson, IMHO, does not speak for most White Christians, Black Christians or Red Christians. He speaks for his wallet.

Take what I posted however you want. My personal experience with white christians, as offensive as you may think my wording, is exactly as I posted. Obviously not every white christian is like that; but, time now to stop sugarcoating every word said in this is too short..

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:38 PM
Oh forgive me Mr. Robinson, I forgot you have a hot line to God. Those religous bastards that claim it was the behavior of the people in Hati that caused this need to take a course in geology. Even I, who finds fundamentalist Christians as intellectural and emotional infants would help you if you needed it. Want to act like a "true" Christian? Offer aid and comfort, and please stop trying to convert every one to your wacky faith.

What ever your faith is, I'm more concernd with how you act towerd others, then why you act in the way you do.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:39 PM
Or it could be that it is sitting on a strike fault, and it is being crushed and pushed by two enormous tectonic plates.

You know, as another possibility.

[edit on 2010/1/13 by Aeons]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:41 PM
If race is an issue, then obviously haiti wont get any relief funding from "christian" nations. Oh wait....
And also, from what i've read, haitians have co-opted voodoo into their christian faith. So while they claim to be christian, they still practice voodoo. Not sure if that's any more pagan than many aspects of catholicism, which is probably why protestents tend to oppose it.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:47 PM
Fact - Children have died and thousands more are suffering. CHILDREN

I don't give a flying F what religion they are.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by star in a jar
He's the same guy who said that Hugo Chavez should be assassinated

Why does the media allow the airing of such trash?

Divide and conquer

Because he OWNS his own TV network. Some of you may not remember or even know but Robertson was running for president back in '88. He even beat G.H.W. Bush in some primaries. Can you imagine what that would have been like? God save us from the Godly!

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by heyo
If race is an issue, then obviously haiti wont get any relief funding from "christian" nations. Oh wait....
And also, from what i've read, haitians have co-opted voodoo into their christian faith. So while they claim to be christian, they still practice voodoo. Not sure if that's any more pagan than many aspects of catholicism, which is probably why protestents tend to oppose it.

As I understand it, while some haitians practice voodoo, the vast majority are CHRISTIAN, of the roman catholic flavor. I believe the archbishop was killed in the earthquake..and since christianity incorporated plenty of pagan beliefs and symbols into christianity, all while condemning/killing said pagans, that part of your post is correct. What I'm pointing to about race(and I wasn't the first to inject it into the thread) is more about christian hypocrisy than anything else. their love tends to be conditional. If you're black, you get less, if you're gay, can burn.(see prop 8, california, destroyed by mormons and christians alike). I hate hypocrisy like the US. Govt. hates the truth...

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 05:04 PM
Lol. Afterreading through the thread, I decided to google Pat Robertson to see what denomination he was. Protestantism in general tends to feel that "bad things can only happen to bad people." However, he is apparently Southern Baptist, which I am less familiar with.

However, when reading the Wikipedia article about him, I did notice some creative editing of the piece that some of you may enjoy. For your pleasure, before it is changed;


Jackass was born in Lexington, Virginia, into a prominent political family. His parents were Absalom Willis Robertson, a conservative Democratic United States Senator, and his wife Gladys Churchill (née Willis). He married Adelia "Dede" Elmer on August 26, 1954. His family includes four children, among them Gordon P. Robertson and Tim Robertson and, as of mid-2005, fourteen grandchildren.

Edit to add;

I note the Wikipedia article has already been edited back. Lol.

[edit on 13-1-2010 by Illusionsaregrander]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by dragonseeker

Roman Catholicism is the official religion of Haiti, but voodoo may be considered the country's national religion. The majority of Haitians believe in and practice at least some aspects of voodoo. Most voodooists believe that their religion can coexist with Catholicism. Most Protestants, however, strongly oppose voodoo.

The exact number of Vodou practitioners is unknown; however, it is believed that a significant amount of the population practice it, often alongside their Christian faith.

Originally posted by heyo
Not sure if that's any more pagan than many aspects of catholicism, which is probably why protestents tend to oppose it.

This is from my last post. He is a baptist minister, which is NOT the same as catholicism. I pointed out the hypocrisy of a catholic talking about pagan rituals coopted into their religions already.

As for the "different treatment", well, I just googled around and christian groups all over the world are obviously bending over backwards trying to get haitians money and relief so I'm having trouble understanding what you're trying to say.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 05:52 PM
With each condemnation he utters, Pat Robertson fulfills his own pact with the Devil.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Majic

Indeed. He's also a big fan of Charles Taylor.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 06:21 PM
Faith In The Faithless

I should probably just leave it alone, but it's hard to refrain in the face of such unabashed ignorance.

For starters, his "true story" is full of holes, not the least of which involves his statement about Napoleon III.

Haiti achieved independence in 1804.

Napoleon III was born in 1808.

While many amazing things can be attributed to the legacy of Napoleon, to suggest that the people of Haiti made a pact with the Devil to escape the tyranny of a person who wasn't even born yet defies credibility, even for those credulous enough to believe other delusory claims Mr. Robertson has made over the years.

Combine that with the fact that about 95% of Haitians are Christians, and Mr. Robertson's bizarre mutterings achieve a sinister degree of prevarication that even the Devil himself would admire.

Truly, Mr. Robertson's gift for mendacity is of a magnitude that can only be explained by supernatural means.

A pity such powers may only serve the cause of evil.

Whatever god he worships, it is not a god of truth. :shk:

[edit on 1/13/2010 by Majic]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 06:35 PM
First of all, I don´t subscribe to what he is saying. It´s a cruel, ignorant thing to say. But I was curious where he got the idea they made pact with the devil and so I searched google and found this from 2005:

Its a black Christian minister talking about the same thing. So...its a rumor that has been ongoing. And unfortutaly Pat is ignorant enough to believe it.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by David9176

This man is an absolute #. He should never be allowed on T.V again. He is right though just not in the way he thinks. The pact it made that runied it was with the U.S and U.S Corporations which led to the destruction of their food production and complete reliance on international Aid.

[edit on 13-1-2010 by Peruvianmonk]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Majic

For starters, his "true story" is full of holes, not the least of which involves his statement about Napoleon III.

I believe the exact quote was "Napoleon the third, or whatever".

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 08:46 PM
Good old Pat here is yet another reason why America's culture is going down the drain...what kind of freaks keep donating to this and his 'cause'? This was a natural disaster propagated by no one but great Mother Nature.

Would it kill someone to replace his "program" with something positive that everybody can watch? Alright, maybe not everybody. I don't mind religious programs being around, as long as they're positive and open minded, sheesh.

A little positive energy never hurt anybody... Good thread by the way, I'm enjoying this. If anything he makes a great conversation piece, yes? I kinda want a Pat for my coffee table.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by heyo

While true of Haitian Christians, as far as combining Vodou and the Catholic faith, the same could be said of every relegion. Prayers are considered by many to be a form of magic as far as healing ones self thru "The Power of Prayer", numerous stories in the MSM in just the past few months provide examples of this. Pat Robertson is a member of the Southern Baptist brand of Christianity, Hellfires and Brimstone, and yes the power of Prayer as defined below:

: to make a request in a humble manner

2 : to address God or a god with adoration, confession, supplication, or thanksgiving

"The principal belief in Haitian Vodou is that there are various deities, or Lwa (commonly spelled Loa), who are subordinate to a greater God, known as Bondyè, who does not interfere with human affairs."

Ironically Haitian Vodou as described above show they believe the god of their worship does not interfere with Humans lives, and yes here it is they also use prayer:

"a Haitian Vodou service begins with a series of Catholic prayers and songs in French, then a litany in Kreyòl and African "langaj" that goes through all the European and African saints and lwa honored by the house, and then a series of verses for all the main spirits of the house. This is called the "Priyè Gine" or the African Prayer."

So it seems both religions utilize the same methods to garner attention from God, Prayer, so would that not make both guilty of using Vodou and condemnation? Or is that Pat's religion and the Christian religion in general are the only correct way to use the Power of Prayer? I'm not ready to condemn anyone for any kind of prayer as long as it provides them comfort to get thru their lives, I say more power to them!

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

I agree with the ProEmeritus on this one. Hell, he is one of the main reasons WHY i disagree with that religion. They let that old windbag sit on that show and spit straight HATE and contempt, but no one says anything? The 700 club still brings in dollars and still gets air time.

Just for laughts i read one of his books. It get me heated to say the least and that's when i confirmed what i thought, just like my man TheWalkingFox said, Pat is just a bigot. That's how he gets paid...and we love gettin paid!

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