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Beginner souls and Advanced souls

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posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

I think we can divide the human being into three aspects: Body, Mind and Spirit.

You cannot divide humanity in such a way. It is too neat.

Isn't ones mind part of their body?

If not, how is it different from a soul? Could our soul be in our mind and our mind the greatest tool of humanity?

Maybe the conception of the 'soul' is our way of explaining seemingly(true or not) metaphysical properties of our existence. It almost seems that our body is the outermost part of the matryoshka doll. The mind is inside the body, and the soul is in the mind.

Each one has its own rationality, it's own logic. If you see yourself as a physical being then your highest good is food, sex and power. If you see yourself as an intellectual being, then your highest good is contemplation over ideas(art, science etc) If you see yourself as a spiritual being, then your highest good is self-realization

This is just too neat of a division. The spiritual soul and the intellectual being are the same. They both seek answers to life's biggest questions and I believe that the highest of beings is a hybrid, or balance between all three.
The maintenance of your body is an end in itself. You do not take from others or use others as pawns in order to provide the basic essentials for yourself.
The advancement of ones mind is also an essential goal and must be an end in itself.
The advancement of philosophic questions must be an end goal as well.

An advanced soul (to use the language of this thread) is one that is balanced in all aspects of its existence. Body, Mind, Spirit

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by impaired
[exas you'll read in Chapter 12, something will happen in 2012 that will catapult us into that future, ready or not. And the next chapter explores what that society will look like.

What happens in Chapter 12? What will happen in 2012??

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Gamma MO
reply to post by Skyfloating

I have no problem loving those who are close to me and easily lovable. I have enormous compassion towards most people and living creatures.

I have been plagued with a fight for the past three years and it is against some people who are doing harm to others. I've been trying to stop them and my mind has been filled with anger, hate and disgust for these people for a long time.

I will never "accept" what they are doing but it sure would be nice to gain some peace in my mind.

I once saw a production of The Tempest in which the actor playing the King was so good, that I was furious sitting there in my chair and wanted nothing more than rotten tomatoes to throw at the bastard...anyway, several months later I ran into this actor, turns out he was the boyfriend of one of my co-workers and I remember seeing him and thinking...hey, I know you!! Finally we started talking and I realized where I had seen him and said "Oh my god, you were so good in that!"

The skill that this actor displayed was really amazing, I appreciated it very much. After months had passed and I met him, he was the nicest guy in "real life". Like him, we are just playing a part here, this is just a staging area it's us pretending to be whatever the part calls for, ultimately we are much more, probably all very different than our chosen roles. The people of the world we call evil, like the illuminati and all the nasty controllers we love to hate are just playing a part in the drama, according to the law of one, they are necessary for us to polarize and know what we want to be, good, peaceful loving people would scarcely know peace and love without fear and hate to compare to, no?

Look at it like Life is a Cabaret. Don't let the play bait you into hating like the Tempest did me.

[edit on 2-1-2010 by Pilot]

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by DINSTAAR
reply to post by Indigo_Child

I think we can divide the human being into three aspects: Body, Mind and Spirit.

[quoye]You cannot divide humanity in such a way. It is too neat.

Isn't ones mind part of their body?

Perhaps, this is too neat a way of dividing a human being, but it also the most rational way. The mind and the body are not the same things logically speaking.

Thinking, imagination is not the same as physical things. Even if you argued, which I suspect you would, that the brain was causing the thinking. There is still a property dualism between the two. Thinking is not the same thing as neurons flying. It is a phenomena which is other than that.

Maybe the conception of the 'soul' is our way of explaining seemingly(true or not) metaphysical properties of our existence. It almost seems that our body is the outermost part of the matryoshka doll. The mind is inside the body, and the soul is in the mind.

Yes, I agree, the soul is a metaphysical aspect of our existence. Hence why it has its own category. It is the controller. The mind follows the soul as the instrument of the soul and the body follows the mind as the object of the instrument or the object that is controlled by the soul.

This is just too neat of a division. The spiritual soul and the intellectual being are the same. They both seek answers to life's biggest questions and I believe that the highest of beings is a hybrid, or balance between all three.
The maintenance of your body is an end in itself. You do not take from others or use others as pawns in order to provide the basic essentials for yourself.
The advancement of ones mind is also an essential goal and must be an end in itself.
The advancement of philosophic questions must be an end goal as well.

An advanced soul (to use the language of this thread) is one that is balanced in all aspects of its existence. Body, Mind, Spirit

If the body, mind and the soul are all ends in themselves, then you will have a contradiction of interests. The body wants food, sex, power or basic sense gratification. The intellect wants knowledge, beauty, justice or mental gratification. The soul wants self-realization, bliss and unity or spiritual gratification.

As somebody who is spiritual to a large extent I will tell you food, sex and power do not give me fulfillment. As somebody who has studied Philosophy and logic formally and read countless books gaining a huge amount of knowledge, I am not fulfilled by it, it is mere words nothing nore. The greatest sense of fulfillment I feel is when I connect to my inner self. It's when I let go completely and just allow myself to flow with life. At this moment I am not trying to attain anything for myself anymore, I am simply surrendering to the spirit of life.

This is basically what Krishna was saying too in the earlier passages I cited. Surrender to the self.

Eating, drinking and having sex has no meaning if it does not give you fulfillment. Reading a million books on science, literature and art has no meaning if it does not give you fulfillment. What will give you fulfillment is what soothes your soul, connects you to your inner self. Therefore spirituality should be the highest goal of life. Thus one characteristic you would expect from an advanced soul is a predeliction towards spirituality.
The stronger that predeliction the more advanced that soul probably is.

The stories I have read of many spiritual saints have one thing in comon, from a very young age they are born with a very intense predilection to spirituality. They do not want food, power or sex, they do not want knowledge, they want union with the universe.

At the risk of contradicing myself, I think advanced souls have an interest in knowledge as well, but a higher kind of knowledge which is only means to an end. They begin by asking questions like "Who am I" and "Where am I from" and "Where am I going" and when they have answered those questions they dedicate the rest of their life to directly experiencing those truths.

[edit on 2-1-2010 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

The body wants food, sex, power or basic sense gratification.

The body needs no gratification. The whole idea of want is a psychological/physiological phenomena. It is the mind interacting with both body and soul (great movie btw) to create a desire for excess.

I still say that the relationship between mind body and soul is circular. It is not a matter of progression of which this thread speaks.

Eating, drinking and having sex has no meaning if it does not give you fulfillment.

meaning.... seems to be a very personal word. Does meaning precipitate function, or the other way around?

This is basically what Krishna was saying too in the earlier passages I cited. Surrender to the self.

Therefore spirituality should be the highest goal of life. Thus one characteristic you would expect from an advanced soul is a predeliction towards spirituality.

This has many unanswered questions.

1. Spirituality brings fulfillment(A), body and science do not(B)
2. Therefore spirituality should be the highest goal in life(C)
3. Because of this, advanced souls(D) have a predilection towards spirituality

A. What is fulfillment? If we define it as a strictly spiritual phenomena, aren't we just assuming a premise based on subjective observation?
B. It is assumed that body and science cannot produce fulfillment, but it is important to explain why, or how they cannot. Isn't nourishing ones body fulfilling? Isn't the task of understanding the universe scientifically, philosophically fulfilling?
C. How are some goals higher while others not so? Wouldn't the highest goal be the most necessary (sustainance)? What use is striving for reaching the spiritual goal if the bodily goals are not met?
D. Why is the advancement of a 'soul'(using your word) dependent on one aspect of spirituality without mention that it is also dependent on the others? I see no utility in being a bodiless, mindless being in a state of happy. I would rather be a bodied, intelligent being in a state of fluctuation, gripping to a torn world, torn body trying to make sense of everything while finding time to find myself in a state of introspection.

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." Albert Einstein

I don't really see "mind body and spirit" as Mind, body, and spirit.
I see it more like mindbodyspiritmindbodyspiritmindbodyspiritmindbosyspirit... etc.

edit: a better visual of how I see mind body and spirit is
mbsiopndidyrit... but that makes almost no sense

[edit on 2-1-2010 by DINSTAAR]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

What a funny got gas?

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by 13579

You have got to chill out.
This is chit chat. Not the end of the world for crissakes!

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 02:38 AM

The body needs no gratification. The whole idea of want is a psychological/physiological phenomena. It is the mind interacting with both body and soul (great movie btw) to create a desire for excess.

Your correction is correct. The body cannot want anything, because it is only when it is association with the soul that there is want. It would be more accurate to say that a soul is identified with the body, that it wants gratification for the body. The basic food, drink, sex and power.

meaning.... seems to be a very personal word. Does meaning precipitate function, or the other way around?

Function is irrelavant. Meaning is what a subject intuits and it can override function. It is not functional for example to sacrifice your life for a meaningful good(for religion, for ideals, for sociey) but if something is meaningful we can sacrifice our bodies for it. Mystics and monks sacrifice
basic pleasures of the body for meaning.

This quality makes us very different to most animals. Most animals would not sacrifice their basic wants of food for something "meaningful" because they are not capable of abstracting meaning. The quality of abstracting is more uniquely a human quality.

This has many unanswered questions.

1. Spirituality brings fulfillment(A), body and science do not(B)
2. Therefore spirituality should be the highest goal in life(C)
3. Because of this, advanced souls(D) have a predilection towards spirituality

A. What is fulfillment? If we define it as a strictly spiritual phenomena, aren't we just assuming a premise based on subjective observation?

It is impossible to escape from subjectivity, because every human being is subjectively experiencing the world. What we call objectivity is not actual objectivity, but shared subjectivity.

It is possible to have facts in shared subjectivity. It is a fact for example that in 1066 in England the Battle of Hastings took place. It is a fact that the Eiffiel Tower is in Paris. It is also a fact that all humans(unless there is a defect) have bodies with eyes, nose, mouth, stomach, genitals, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, brains. It is also a fact that all humans have thoughts, desires, beliefs, ideals.

Another fact is the human condition. Most humans on this planet are suffering. In the third world humans struggle for basic needs like shelter, food and clean water. In the first world human struggle with psychological disorders like stress and anxiety. Human history in general has been a history of war and violence.

Another fact is virtually all humans desire happiness and love and all try to pursue it in their own way. Those in the third world pursue it in the form of food, water and shelter. Those in the first world puruse it in the form of luxuries, sex, art, relationships etc. The pursuit of happiness is common to human nature. Therefore human fulfillment is achieiving happiness.

B. It is assumed that body and science cannot produce fulfillment, but it is important to explain why, or how they cannot. Isn't nourishing ones body fulfilling? Isn't the task of understanding the universe scientifically, philosophically fulfilling?

If nourishing the body could produce fulfillment/happiness, then the first world having abundant food, drink and comforts would not have the highest rate of personality disorders in the world. Evidently, nourishing the body does not produce fulfillment. If science could produce fulfillment then we should all be happy, but on the contrary science has engendered great disasters like holocausts, nuclear weapons, ecological crisis. Still humans are not fulfilled.

There is a simple reason for this, our desires are infinite but our field in which we attempt to fulfil our desires is finite. If you desire to be the most beautiful person in the world, you will fail, because you will age and somebody else will take the title from you. If you desire to the most powerful person in the world, you will fail, because others are competing for the same power and you will constantly be in competition with them, eventually you will be overthrown. If you have simple desires like desire for chocolates, again you will fail in your quest for fulfillment, because eventually you will get sick of the chocolate.

In fact, as cynical as this sounds, you will never be fulfilled in this material world. This is because nothing in this world is permenant, everything is transient. You will never retain anything you possess, whether that is relationships, objects, health, beauty, peace of mind and that will engender pain. Pain and happiness are basically the same thing, one cannot exist without the other. If you have happiness you will also have pain. Everybody realises this sooner or later.

You will never gain fulfillment by gratifying your body or mind, you will always be caught up in this cycle of pleasure and pain/loss and gain/life and death.

Happiness/fulfillment is an ideal and the material world is not an ideal world. If you really want happiness you must seek within at the source, the plane of ideals, for this ideal is emanating from being itself. This is why spirituality which is all abiut connecting to the source of being is the only means via which you can attain true fulfillment. If you realise this then it means you are on in transition to an advanced soul, because you have finally realised you are a spiritual being and now realise your true needs and goal.

C. How are some goals higher while others not so? Wouldn't the highest goal be the most necessary (sustainance)? What use is striving for reaching the spiritual goal if the bodily goals are not met?

The highest goal would be the one that will make you truly happy. If you are constantly searching for more luxuries, more sex, more knowledge then it means you are not fulfilled, else you still would not be searching.

D. Why is the advancement of a 'soul'(using your word) dependent on one aspect of spirituality without mention that it is also dependent on the others? I see no utility in being a bodiless, mindless being in a state of happy. I would rather be a bodied, intelligent being in a state of fluctuation, gripping to a torn world, torn body trying to make sense of everything while finding time to find myself in a state of introspection.

The soul does not need a body as much as a spider does not need a web. The web is an extension of the spider, but the spider can exist without the web. Similarly, the soul can exist without the body, because they are, logically speaking, different things. I can override my body's needs and thus can exist independetly of its needs, but the body cannot exist without me to control it, for it decays and dies. The controller is not the controlled.

If you are in a state of eternal happiness you do not need your body or your mind anymore, for you have achieived your goal. You only need your body and mind as a means to achieve your goal.

[edit on 3-1-2010 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 10:17 AM
Very well put.

I have also studied Philosophy formally. Words prove nothing but themselves, or circular argumentation so to speak.

The only times I ever feel fulfilled is when I connect to my higher self. I also believe this is why religion is so powerful, because people connect with their higher self under the auspice of some BS story. The people being brainwashed from birth do not know this is their higher self, and are told it's God or something separate, and more powerful than themselves.

In conclusion they feel separated, less powerful, insignificant never actually connecting fully and understanding they are God.

Originally posted by Indigo_Child

As somebody who is spiritual to a large extent I will tell you food, sex and power do not give me fulfillment. As somebody who has studied Philosophy and logic formally and read countless books gaining a huge amount of knowledge, I am not fulfilled by it, it is mere words nothing nore. The greatest sense of fulfillment I feel is when I connect to my inner self. It's when I let go completely and just allow myself to flow with life. At this moment I am not trying to attain anything for myself anymore, I am simply surrendering to the spirit of life.

This is basically what Krishna was saying too in the earlier passages I cited. Surrender to the self.

Eating, drinking and having sex has no meaning if it does not give you fulfillment. Reading a million books on science, literature and art has no meaning if it does not give you fulfillment. What will give you fulfillment is what soothes your soul, connects you to your inner self. Therefore spirituality should be the highest goal of life. Thus one characteristic you would expect from an advanced soul is a predeliction towards spirituality.
The stronger that predeliction the more advanced that soul probably is.

The stories I have read of many spiritual saints have one thing in comon, from a very young age they are born with a very intense predilection to spirituality. They do not want food, power or sex, they do not want knowledge, they want union with the universe.

[edit on 3-1-2010 by Realtruth]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Pilot
The skill that this actor displayed was really amazing, I appreciated it very much. After months had passed and I met him, he was the nicest guy in "real life". Like him, we are just playing a part here, this is just a staging area it's us pretending to be whatever the part calls for, ultimately we are much more, probably all very different than our chosen roles. The people of the world we call evil, like the illuminati and all the nasty controllers we love to hate are just playing a part in the drama, according to the law of one, they are necessary for us to polarize and know what we want to be, good, peaceful loving people would scarcely know peace and love without fear and hate to compare to, no?

Look at it like Life is a Cabaret. Don't let the play bait you into hating like the Tempest did me.

[edit on 2-1-2010 by Pilot]

meh, whatever. Its best to keep your mouth shut. Nobody should be taught that junk until their souls have aged enough & have used enough violence, aggression, gluttony, hatred, & other parts of free will. It will negatively affect people's growth & prevent them from ever learning what they need to learn. Meanwhile, it will only help older, primitive, deteriorating, & less energetic souls continue parasitng other people's energy, act stupid, act careless, and avoid taking responsbility by begging for mercy like annoyingly frail old people whenever they're afraid of being mugged by local gangsters (even if they've had the luxury of enjoying their their lives mugging the locals when they were that young). This is done by older souls by asking others for energy, asking others to pray for them despite being enemies, & annoying people through other means that are just methods of parasiting bio-energy. Like in cases where people get badly injured very often because of doing stupid things that made them end up getting hurt. Things they did caused their injury. But then their family members & relatives keep whining, complaining, annoying people, writing too many coomplains and not knowing that is life, asking for prayers, asking random people for friendship, asking for money donations, and, in summation, asking for bio-energy from people. Sometimes the people they annoy are people who are even less fortunate than those who got injured or those that ask for prayers, don't even own their own house like the ones that ask for prayers, and have more problems than the people who keep annoyingly complaining. And suddenly, we start to see the injured person (who got hurt by doing things others don't do) healing up day by day so they can fool around, mess around & go around attention-whoring like before. And it doesn't take us nowhere.

I rememeber once meeting a very mature guy who was one of the sickest of perverts I had ever known. And up until meeting him & his friends, I didn't even know people could be that way. They were self-appointed mystics & clairvoyants. And they told me & some others that our guardian spirits (parent souls) were our "soulmates". As I learned about their group over the next few years & saw how they were only trying to control, brainwash, & damage me, I got help from some other nice people who were psychics but didn't belong to weird cults. I learned that what they called my "soul" was only about 1/5th of my astral body their deteriorating, negative & parasitic astral eyes were limited to see. They were only bluffing when they kept bragging about being my buddies in some past lives. And what they said was my "soul" was only a fraction of my astral self passed on to me from an ancestor whose soulmate was the person those weirdos told me was their buddy. That was another lie to scam money from me. So I just avoid praying for my enemies nowadays since anybody that doesn't like me should pray for me (or else, I dunno what I might do;=D).

[edit on 3-1-2010 by killyou]

[edit on 3-1-2010 by killyou]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 09:50 PM
if some baby souls are most likely to join hate groups and are mature enough to have babies by the time they're 20 years old, that any baby souls who can't be members in any hate groups are also most likely to find ways to be like that or worse. And anyone not mature enough to start a family before age 18 is most likely to find other intense methods of emotional release. By that I mean mor gruesome methods like mutalation, torture, cannibalizing, mass-murdering, drinking blood, using advanced weapon technologies, or doing much wors things to their enemies. An example would be how Amerian soldiers were turtured during the Vietnam war. The younger any baby souls are, the more likely they are to create their own hate groups & use the most cruel methods of dealing with other hate groups.

Of course, religion can not make sense to any young souls except only the ones mature enough to have many questions regarding where they'll end up, where they came from, how they can just cheat their way out of things, or what would be in their best interest. Of course, for some it would be a question of reuniting with their source (or just bluffing about it to help the business going). As for others, it would be a question of how they can cheat their way out of responsibilities & avoid facing consequences of their actions as long as possible by manipulating energies with misinformation, preachiness, & wastefulness. Because only the more mature souls would be the ones to have had the luxury of having lost their own energy, lowered their vibration rates, or turned parasitic enough fall into lower planes many times in the past (because of being limited to their egos that need to always dominate, be praised, ask to be praised, ask for submission, get treated as special, tell others what to do, get gifts & presents like spoiled brats, etc.)

any ill-intentioned person can tell anybody that their soul or the clueless victim's soul is mature, old, and some daddy or grampy-figure. Just to manipulate the victims to give them whatever they want & for as long as they want it. Besides that, religion is of no value to any baby souls. Since they most likely haven't been away from the source for much long compared to others, know what they came from, make more sense out of atheism, & should not go back or try to reach enlightenment, bliss, or other primitive things whenever they are told.

[edit on 3-1-2010 by killyou]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by killyou
meh, whatever. Its best to keep your mouth shut. Nobody should be taught that junk until their souls have aged enough & have used enough violence, aggression, gluttony, hatred, & other parts of free will. It will negatively affect people's growth & prevent them from ever learning what they need to learn. Meanwhile, it will only help older, primitive, deteriorating, & less energetic souls continue parasitng other people's energy, act stupid, act careless, and avoid taking responsbility by begging for mercy like annoyingly frail old people whenever they're afraid of being mugged by local gangsters (even if they've had the luxury of enjoying their their lives mugging the locals when they were that young). This is done by older souls by asking others for energy, asking others to pray for them despite being enemies, & annoying people through other means that are just methods of parasiting bio-energy.

"meh, whatever" sounds like my mid-teen daughter right there.... hay girl is that you?

Wisdom is usually what tells us what it is "best" to do, and that mostly comes from living long enough to experience enough to know how stupid we really were when young.

That "junk" is what all of us is about, it is us and cannot be voided while you try to avoid it. You can argue against it all you like but you will not change one thing about it.

The things you spoke about are the ways some people behave, not how souls are.... big difference if you know by experience. People use dramas to vampire energy from others, souls do not.

Seems what I said previously was missed, so here it is again.....

There is no such thing as young or old souls, all are the same and equal.

The only way a soul could be thought of as being new or young is if it has only just chosen to experience life on earth... it still would be a very ancient soul that has experienced other "realities" before coming here.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
I've been wondering how do you know whether you and another is a beginner soul or an advanced soul? What are the distinguishing characteristics?

Once you know where you are at terms of your spiritual evolution, how do you proceed from there?

I'm pretty sure I'm a beginner soul. During childhood, I have absolutely no concept of humanity, I wouldn't know about sacrifice, I'm cold, heartless with a hatred for humanity and also incredibly stupid on nearly all things!

On an interesting note, I developed a passion for UFO's at a very young age and tried to build a rudimentary antigravity propulsion at the age of six using curious arrangement of magnets and a conceptual 'field-bending technique' which of course didn't worked

That was before I even learned how to read and write(I was very stupid, remember?)... I wanted to leave the planet when I was very young, I just didn't fit in. Today, I still don't, but now I only think of making a difference to be of help even in litle ways. But I still kept that intense passion for aerospace technologies
But is only limited to trying to learn doing insane maneuvers in an RC helicopter, atm, lol!

[edit on 4-1-2010 by ahnggk]

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by ahnggk
During childhood, I have absolutely no concept of humanity, I wouldn't know about sacrifice, I'm cold, heartless with a hatred for humanity and also incredibly stupid on nearly all things!

you're lucky. That sounds very mature. It took me until age 22 (last year) to finally achieve that level of self knowledge where I could finally be cold, heartless & hateful for at least the sake of my own survival, safety, & well-being

Originally posted by ahnggkI wanted to leave the planet when I was very young, I just didn't fit in. Today, I still don't, but now I only think of making a difference to be of help even in litle ways. But I still kept that intense passion for aerospace technologies
But is only limited to trying to learn doing insane maneuvers in an RC helicopter, atm, lol!

I never fit in either. People used me & manipulated me since I remember being in kindergarten. But I couldn't ever avoid being fooled or manipulayted by them. Because anytime I choose to ignore or be careful of them, they could easily make me change my mind & trust them again by just pretending to me overfriendly & overly nice.

of course, young souls would definitely not make sense out of religion. It would be like being away from one's home planet for only a few hours, still carrying the advanced communications devices, & suddenly being attacked by savage monsters who want to preach one about using allegedly "better" communications devices like weird screaming noises, or multiple seashells that are connected by wires (like in the scenes from a "Scary Movie" sequel I remember watching). So the better way to manipulate them would be moral values, fabricated scientific evidence, fabricated research data, fabricated statistics, fabricated history, actors hired to pretend they know more than anyone else, illusions of meritocracy when its non-existent, and flawed bureaucrat9ic systems to to help uneducated criminals to more effectively scam talented & decent people by presenting records that say they are knowledgeable, talented & skilled enough to be trusted.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by Tayesin

"meh, whatever" sounds like my mid-teen daughter right there.... hay girl is that you?

Wisdom is usually what tells us what it is "best" to do, and that mostly comes from living long enough to experience enough to know how stupid we really were when young.

That "junk" is what all of us is about, it is us and cannot be voided while you try to avoid it. You can argue against it all you like but you will not change one thing about it.

The things you spoke about are the ways some people behave, not how souls are.... big difference if you know by experience. People use dramas to vampire energy from others, souls do not.

Seems what I said previously was missed, so here it is again.....

There is no such thing as young or old souls, all are the same and equal.

The only way a soul could be thought of as being new or young is if it has only just chosen to experience life on earth... it still would be a very ancient soul that has experienced other "realities" before coming here.

how do you know for sure? do you remember being there but then not being present to witness some later events? lol.

you're saying people do parasite energy but souls do not. Would that mean that its possible for people who exist who are just empty bodies without souls?

what about life on other planets? before any soul came to be born on earth? doesn't that hint at why some are mature from such a young age even without being forced to get married, make money, become sexually active, lie their way out of trouble, etc.?

if that junk is what all of us is about, then many people's souls are definitely still too young to accept or believe it. And no matter what you say, nothing will help change their minds (except aggression, violence, brainwash, manipulation, etc.)

and as for all souls being the same, I guess that would depend on what source they come from. We can't possibly believe all souls originated form the same one source. Because I've met people in the past who compare people from different religions & countries to diferent types of animals. The same people were very religious & always argued about different people being created by different gods (although they were Christians & just didn't like other religions despite believing in there being so many gods creating people in each country or religion. Sounds dumb. I know). I can assume there are many people all over the world who believe such ideas. Not all religions have always been monotheistic. So I guess I could only believe in one source if I were the type of person who selectively agrees & disagrees with different literary documents or different parts of the same documents dependent on whatever helps their reputations, feeds their ego, maintains their positions of power & profits their businesses.

or maybe you're mistaking a "soul" for a "spirit." ANy conscious beings that parasite energy from others would definitely not have an entire spirit or soul but just broken fractions form their higher selves. So it wouldn't be a matter of being "young" or old as much as a matter of being "unmanifested" or "whole".

[edit on 5-1-2010 by killyou]

[edit on 5-1-2010 by killyou]

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by killyou
how do you know for sure? do you remember being there but then not being present to witness some later events? lol.

Not sure what you are asking here. I know for sure because for over 35 years I've journeyed through all the realms and reconnected with the higher self that represents the soul I am

Originally posted by killyou
you're saying people do parasite energy but souls do not. Would that mean that its possible for people who exist who are just empty bodies without souls?

No. A souls is far above the limited awareness we hold as human beings and sees all choices as valid for experience. So it is only human beings who tussle over energy, thinking it is their energy when it is the univers's energy. There cannot ever be a body not empowered by soul.

Originally posted by killyou
what about life on other planets? before any soul came to be born on earth? doesn't that hint at why some are mature from such a young age even without being forced to get married, make money, become sexually active, lie their way out of trouble, etc.?

Life on other planets is only souls like you and I that have chosen difference experiences. We are all 'aliens' from this perspective because each of us have existed in other worlds prior to volunteering for experience here.

Why some People seem more mature is only about what the soul intended for experience in that life and how they are then nurtured by family in the formative years. Yet there are some very aware souls being born to the world, but they are not more evolved than anyone else, they simply chose to retain more awareness in order to complete the tasks they set themselves this time around.

Originally posted by killyou
if that junk is what all of us is about, then many people's souls are definitely still too young to accept or believe it. And no matter what you say, nothing will help change their minds (except aggression, violence, brainwash, manipulation, etc.)

Ahh, brainwash is the key. All people are Indoctrinated into their culture, which provides very limited scope and established boundaries to what you are supposed to look into, to what you should experience, and what you should believe.

This is done to continue the "dream" of modern life so that everyone fulfills the roles society expects from them. It is a control drama of the highest magnitude that leaves little room for variation.

This is why so few are able to consider a different reality to what they have been brainwashed into believing is real. And this is the only thing preventing humanity from awakening as a whole.

Originally posted by killyou
and as for all souls being the same, I guess that would depend on what source they come from. We can't possibly believe all souls originated form the same one source. Because I've met people in the past who compare people from different religions & countries to diferent types of animals. The same people were very religious & always argued about different people being created by different gods (although they were Christians & just didn't like other religions despite believing in there being so many gods creating people in each country or religion. Sounds dumb. I know). I can assume there are many people all over the world who believe such ideas. Not all religions have always been monotheistic. So I guess I could only believe in one source if I were the type of person who selectively agrees & disagrees with different literary documents or different parts of the same documents dependent on whatever helps their reputations, feeds their ego, maintains their positions of power & profits their businesses.

Well said.

The universe is the source of all things within it. It has awareness. It diversified itself into smaller and smaller aware portions of itself in order to experience itself and its abilities. It is us, it is everything, it is not a God, nor a male nor a female, it is only the Universe of which we are a portion, hence why we are aware.

As for those who wish to reduce the value of other human beings by their philosophy, they show themselves to be of very limited awareness by their actions. Sad, but there is nothing we can do to help them to see a bigger picture reality until they reach the part of life where they know something is missing from their experience. Only then will they seek outside the comfortable little zone they have held so tightly to because of the fears brainwashed into them.

Originally posted by killyou
or maybe you're mistaking a "soul" for a "spirit." ANy conscious beings that parasite energy from others would definitely not have an entire spirit or soul but just broken fractions form their higher selves. So it wouldn't be a matter of being "young" or old as much as a matter of being "unmanifested" or "whole".

Ahhh, conscious beings. Again you have hit the nail on the head perfectly. Most humans are unconscious in their day to day struggles, most are thinking of yesterday, tomorrow or "what if?" and "how to get more?". Most are speeding through life in the pursuit of all things material, as their brainwashing tells them is the meaning of life, and so they do not have the time to see the signposts and scenery. Nor do they have the motivation to observe clearly, to perceive what is outside of their belief-system's limitations.

Some people do consciously parasite energy.. think manipulative women or commanding males, etc. Most others do so because they feel terrible and want to feel better. This is done by four main Dramas each person on the planet has used in their time, including us if we are honest about ourselves. For now this is very normal, but we are to Speak the name of their Drama in order to bring it out into the open. They are not required to accept it, and most won't of course because unbalanced ego will not allow them to.

Whole is something of utmost importance and I am so glad you perceive it so well. Most people seek to be fulfilled, and in so doing they seek to fill their emptiness with another person, things or energy from others.

Yet if they worked towards becoming whole themselves then they would know for sure that they do not need anything. And then they will know that as a whole being you have joined your own inner darkness with your own inner light and can now choose with full awareness what actions you take at any time.

I wish there was a thumbs-up smiley to show how much I am appreciating your questions and discussions.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 01:42 PM
I was with him, even with him and now i am here with him i am pretty old.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 08:38 AM
I have a bible form HarperCollinsPublishers

Matthew 17:20 It was because you haven't enough faith, answered Jesus. I assure you that if you have faith as big as a mustard seed, you can say to this hill, Go from here to there! and it will go. YOU COULD DO ANYTHING!.

Matthew 17:21 IS NOT THERE

So in fact they deleted Jesus words how to drive this demons out and say there is no way to drive them out.

Matthew 17:21 But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.

Collins is one of the 13 satanic bloodlines.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

I'm a mature soul, according to that. I figured I was, because I understand some of much, and realize I will never know it all while here. But I still have more to learn while i AM here.

Who knows, I'm still young, perhaps I'm an old soul who doesn't quite know yet? Young in the worldly/physical sense, by the way.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

I'm a mature soul, according to that. I figured I was, because I understand some of much, and realize I will never know it all while here. But I still have more to learn while i AM here.

Who knows, I'm still young, perhaps I'm an old soul who doesn't quite know yet? Young in the worldly/physical sense, by the way.

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