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Are guns in our future?

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posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 02:47 PM
They'll pry my lightsaber out of my cold, dead hands. Lightsaber Control laws are Unconstitutional. Oh wait...wrong century!

I swear Gun Rights Activists have the exact same irrational Persecution Complex that Christians have (no offense to either group, just saying they think the world is out to get them personally).

Yes, there are lobbyists in the U.S. who devote their lives to trying to enact stricter Gun Control Legislation (and you know who you are...ahem, Brady!). However, although the day may come that they win some ground and Guns might have to be registered, it will be a Cold Day in Hades before they win any further ground than that.

It all comes down to Economics. Post-WWII, the Weapons Trade is just too profitable (and thereby powerful) to ever go away. Eisenhower, the man who created the Military Industrial Complex, couldn't get rid of that beast even as POTUS. It is in *THEIR* best interests that Americans remain paranoid about their Gun Rights being taken away, to urge them to buy more, when the reality is, it would never be in their better interests for those Rights to be taken away from you.

Don't underestimate the power that the MIC wields over our Government and our Elected Officials. During Campaign years, Congresspersons might jump on the Gun Control Wagon to pass a Token Bill to woo and appease Special Interests in exchange for Campaign Contributions or to woo and appease certain demographics of voters, but the Puppeteers who have those Congresspersons on strings would never let them go so far as to take away Gun Rights entirely.

Everyone in this thread is getting upset over "My pastor forwarded me an e-mail that was sent to him by who knows who about an International Treaty that would take away your Guns!" and "Yeah, I read about that in the WSJ!" Notice there are no quotes, no sources, no references?

Now LEOs and National Guard/Reserves taking away your guns in a National State of Emergency...that is a different story altogether. You can thank President Reagan for that...and that is something that would be nice to remedy...but it's been that way for quite some time now. Odd that it would take over 25 years before someone would bring it up as wrong!

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 02:58 PM
Let them try to put us under martial law they barely took over Iraq and it took 12yrs to take control.

And back home they will be facing American patroits not and citzens
never happen without another country doing most of the work are forces is to stretched to pull this off.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by mamabeth
We all know that gun control equals population control.Our government seems
determined to sign away american rights.If international treaties, on gun control,
are signed into law.Our citizens could be subjected to the same gun control laws
of foreign countries.

These treaties could be signed into law without our knowledge.WE,could get that
4:00a.m. call from a relative,or neighbor, that the law is confiscating all firearms
and ammunition.It is easy to say,from the comfort of our homes,we will fight it.
How would you fight back? Will you take up arms to protect your rights against
those that took them away,knowing that you could be killed or imprisoned?Would
you relinquish all your firearms and ammunition,leaving your family unprotected?

We could be facing these scenarios in the very near future.How can we hide our
firearms and ammunition from the authorities?If you bury them,how can you do
so safely?How can you keep them from being detected?

I feel we will be at war soon within our own borders.I think the time to train ourselves is now.A new year will be upon us soon.I am making a resolution to
get myself fit and healthy.I will continue to practice shooting my firearm and into
improving my aim.

I'm not burying or hiding anything. If they want them, they can have them. Bullets first.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 04:11 PM
---your country will not try to take your gun unless they think the nation is full of afraid people---REMEMBER you have to take a stand in things that are bigger then life sometimes--like protecting the real constitution and bill of rights [which are being craped on]--a person in uniform trying to take your guns are enemies of the constitution --in other words they sold out for a job-sold god and country out so they are the enemy--you are in your rights unless you are a coward and a slave--call your public officials and tell them you will fight for the death to keep your protection no matter who comes for your guns---or be silent slaves---thats why we are in this situation anywy--cowards-----the pvc idea is great--i have them in all lengths short ones for cash ==papers==alittle smoke---the long ones --1--have a large caliber mauser in it---i however have them burried straight up with screw on caps--i place rocks on them so i remember where they are---dont forget to put sacrete cement in the hole around them so you can screw the caps on tight to prevent spinning of the whole thing [lesson learned the hard way]---REMEMBER --you dont have a real government after 911--when your own country false flag attacked its own to fool the slaves and cowards to start a oil war--everybody had a part or helped cover it up---so trust nobody----especially a uniform--and only high powerd guns are any good--44 cal pistol--and .223 or higher rifle --its going to be a wild1--

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 01:29 AM
they wont be coming to your occupied house ,they will arrest you at work call your family members tell lie that you are in hospital, then got to your house & go all through it,they will use magazine subsciption lists ,CC purchases,and online sites that u go to ,they will know who has guns,and wont give us a chance to use them.ammo restrictions will disarm us more than anything,in SHTF lack of ammo is BIG problem not lack of guns,BUY IT CHEAP AND STACK IT DEEP WE WILL NEED IT!!!!

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:12 AM
LOL, I have to laugh, you Americans are so obsessed about guns, that its an addiction.

IF and when Gun Control happens, most of you will meekly hand them over to the authorities like good law abiding citizens. Dont give me that crap about 'prying them out of my cold dead fingers', you know as well as I do that it is all bravado hidden behind a PC screen.

They wont descend on you on day one, but will probably announce a date a year in advance, to hand them in. After that date, anyone caught with a gun will be fined or arrested .... simple. It will become a crime to be in possession of one, much like drugs.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Wotan

If it hadn't been for the english channel and american help.You would
be speaking german instead of english.A little more respect please for
us yanks.
Most of my family has a military background and some have been in law enforcement.Do you really think we will hand over our firearms without
a fight? We still have a constitution in this country and until it is revoked,
we are armed!

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by Wotan

If it hadn't been for the english channel and american help.You would
be speaking german instead of english.A little more respect please for
us yanks.
Most of my family has a military background and some have been in law enforcement.Do you really think we will hand over our firearms without
a fight? We still have a constitution in this country and until it is revoked,
we are armed!

WWII has nothing to do with this thread, so stop detracting from it.

As for having a military/police background, WTF has that got to do with it?

IF and WHEN your ELECTED Government tells you to give up your firearms, you like your fellow citizens WILL give them up PERIOD.

To say otherwise is a rather foolish statement and as I have previously stated an act of bravado sated behind a PC screen.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Wotan

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by Wotan

If it hadn't been for the english channel and American help.You would
be speaking German instead of English.A little more respect please for
us yanks.
Most of my family has a military background and some have been in law enforcement.Do you really think we will hand over our firearms without
a fight? We still have a constitution in this country and until it is revoked,
we are armed!

WWII has nothing to do with this thread, so stop detracting from it.

As for having a military/police background, WTF has that got to do with it?

IF and WHEN your ELECTED Government tells you to give up your firearms, you like your fellow citizens WILL give them up PERIOD.

To say otherwise is a rather foolish statement and as I have previously stated an act of bravado sated behind a PC screen.

Well, Well, Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine. May I shed a little light for you Mr. Wotan is it. You folks over there in the, what do you call it again? The UK? Sounds a little like, are you OKay, ya know, like, can I maybe lend you a hand if it's OK with the, what's it's name again, Oh that's right the Transvestite, oops, I mean the "Queen."

Say Wotan, come on over here to the "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" and learn a thing or two about Sacrifice, Honor, Bravery, etc, etc, etc. Well actually I'm sure that most of you would like to but you just can't seem to cut yourselves free from that Queenie thing you've got going over there.

Anytime you would like to know anything about self reliance or just plain "guts," come on over to the "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." We'll keep you safe until you piss us of. After that all bets are off, Wotan!

Mod edit to correct username insults

[edit on 12/28/2009 by semperfortis]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 07:35 PM
My next gun will be a big bore air rifle in .45 or 50 caliber.

One, Few states have any laws against them.
Two, There is no registration in most of the US.
Three, They are low noise and don't sound like a gun being fired. The new police gun fire locators will not work to track them.
Four, No GSR (gun shot residue) this means they will have a hard time telling that you fired a weapon. This also means dogs that are train to find guns by the odor of burn powder will not find these.
Five, Ammo round lead ball you can cast them yourself no records for them to trace. If the ban the sale of ammo for firearms you can just keep firing.

They ain't you childhood daisy BB guns

Interesting history of air rifles.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by expat2368
The moment those idiots try to take guns away from the moment all Hell breaks loose.

No, that happens when you run out of ammo and can't buy any more.

Guns are not the issue when there's nothing to fire in them and no way to get the materials to do your own reloading.

Back to pointed sticks I guess!

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by BlindWatcher1

I am not even going to reply to your diatribe as it has NO relavence to the discussion in hand. I have not insulted the United States and its President, so why insult the UK and its Queen?

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 09:34 PM

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 09:59 PM
The Constitution is nothing more than a piece of paper. What good is a piece of paper against an armed force? NONE, that is what. If the government wants to they can do anything they want to do and we are screwed. We have let them get to powerful and it can only end badly for everyone now. There is a civil war on it way and there is no stopping it. I was just hoping I would not live long enough to see it but it looks like I will get to see it after all.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 11:19 AM
The name calling, or rather name changing, stops now.

This discussion will continue with decorum and civility, or it won't continue.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 11:33 AM

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 11:51 AM

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 11:59 AM
To all members posting on my thread.
We all have differences of opinion and should try to respect each other.
I don't want world war three starting on my thread.Any U.S. members,
that have problems with the U.K. members, should keep in mind that
the U.K. is the mother of our country.

The topic is...are guns in our future?

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 06:14 PM
In the ideal world, guns should only be for sporting purposes or military purposes.

IMHO, the US is 'unique' in the world for its 'gun culture' ........ something that most Europeans do not really understand, myself included. Maybe it is down to history or a different way of thinking, I am not sure. You see, we Europeans have never really looked at gun ownership as anything more than for sporting purposes, target or hunting, certainly never for 'protection'.

Pre-Hungerford and the subsequent knee-jerk reaction by the UK Government on banning handguns, I used to own one and regularly went down to the ranges. It was sad to have to sell my pistol and give up a sport I loved, but alas, that was the law, to do otherwise would have made me a criminal.

I would like to point out, that in the UK, we can still own rifles and shotguns, contrary to popular belief by some in the US.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 06:45 PM
I've grown to have a lot of respect for Wotan's point-of-view; I think he calls things accurately. It pains me to agree, but I believe that the majority of U.S. citizens would scrape their feet and surrender at least some of their guns, once that edict came down from the PTB. Many would "bunkerize" and that identifies them as enemies of the state, thus eventually leading to a tragic confrontation.

Let me tell you how I dealt with this issue personally when I lived in the U.S. in a big city. I use the big city (both S.F. and L.A.) as an example, as people tend to think the city environment negates being able to hide things.

I went to gun shows, and I met people. Even back then (30 years ago) guns were not sold AT gun shows, but often as a product of meetings made there. I have always owned several guns -- at least until I moved to this country.

I had purchased several guns through conventional channels, and I also purchased six firearms privately -- off the books. I had two rifles, and three handguns that were not registered to me. Wherever I lived, I found a square yard of soil to dig in. It was never very close to my house/apartment, but it was always private. The rifles were more difficult, and I bought fishing rod plastic tubes to put them in. I cleaned them, soaked them down with Hoppe's oil, and wrapped them in Hoppe's-soaked towels. I have the ability to make cosmoline, but having used the stuff, I've always considered it a giant pain-inne-adz, unless one is storing for years/decades.

I would sneak into my designated area -- often shielded by either a fence, groundcover or other barrier, dig my hole, bury my firearms with at least 500 rounds of ammo.

I used to drive a truck between coal mines in the western U.S. The bits for the longwall mining machines came it a box very similar to ammo boxes, except they had a much better rubber seal to keep out moisture. I always carried around a few of these very handy boxes. Ammo boxes, properly prepped, can be weathertight as well. I suggest submerging them to test them for watertightness.

I have never in my life -- until we moved to this country -- been without a firearm. I've never gone back to a hiding place and found it to be sacked, even when I lived in Los Angeles. When I moved from there, I went back to the field behind Electric Avenue in Venice and dug up my stash and went on. Electric Ave. at that time was gangland, but the field was pure safety.

If you want to store a firearm/ammo for a future time, it is feasible no matter where you live. I think the supportive systems -- the preps -- are infinately more important insofar as your survival, however as an American who grew up using this wonderful tool -- the firearm -- I understand the desire to have your cherished tools near you. There were times in my life when I cared more about those guns than anything. They have saved my life. Until we moved to the Cayman Islands, we had guns that we were prepared to surrender if we had to, knowing always that our best weapons were hidden away.

I miss shooting. I miss the focus, the flex of muscle and relaxation, the purity of putting the shot exactly where you chose. Most of all, I miss distance shooting........ it's a whole-body experience, and I wasn't half-bad at it.

Sometimes I dream about shooting, and I wake up happy.

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