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A Stability Police Force for the United States

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posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 01:24 AM
In other words we will end up with:

* Further militarization of law enforcement.
* Additional "big brother" agencys harrassing citizens.
* More political agendas that waste citizen's tax money.
* Another director position so that political favors can be paid back.
* More progression towards the NWO agenda.

In other words because the myriad of agencys already in place have failed at providing law enforcement, these political crooks have dreamed up some sort of "stable force" to do what the crooks in the other agencys have failed at doing.

Sounds like these groups like Rand are being manipulated by the shadow gov to dream up these wild notions that we need more law enforcement so they (nwo) can run with these types of wild tyranny based ideas to instill what amounts to a "terror-tory police" agency. This is how things end up on the Senate floor!

Glad I have stocked up my ammo supplys and vaults is all I can say.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by badgerprints
Remember Hitlers' Waffen SS?

You will if this goes into effect.

God ain't that the truth!?

A small line at the bottom of the Rand web page for that study reads:

The research described in this report was sponsored by the United States Army..

I found that most interesting.

[edit on 11-12-2009 by mikelee]

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Gools

I actually posted this after you because I did a search using ATS search engine and nothing came out.

Anyway, there is another website that is also reporting the Rand project, and the following part is very interesting.

The RAND study, which was conducted for the U.S. Army’s Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, recommended using the Marshals Service rather than the US Army’s Military Police as host for the SPFOR in order to avoid conflicts with the Posse Comitatus Act, which forbids (albeit in principle more than in practice) the domestic use of the military as a law enforcement body.

The USMS hybrid option … provides an important nondeployed mission for the force: augmenting state and local agencies, many of which currently suffer from severe personnel shortages,” states the report without explaining how the SPFOR could at once “augment” those under-manned agencies while at the same time being “augmented” by them if necessary.

That little lapse in logic is one of several indications that the report’s authors weren’t so much addressing a “problem” as making a case for a preordained “solution” — in this case, creating the vanguard of a militarized internal security force.

Building the SPFOR within the Marshals Service “would place it where its members can develop the needed skills under the hybrid staffing option,” summarizes the document. “Furthermore, the USMS has the broadest law enforcement mandate of any U.S. law enforcement agency…. [This model] provides significant domestic policing and homeland security benefits by providing thousands of additional police officers across the United States.” (Emphasis added.)

[edit on 11-12-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:26 PM
Sounds to me like obamas brown shirt idea was shot ouf the water, turning regualr everyday citizens into police and ghesttapo like enforcements. so, this was the next best idea conjured up....legaly that is.
So, we need more police hugh? NO one wants to go after the CIA for importing drugs, dealing with the,..go after the LA street gangs..go after illegal immigrants runningo ff of our tax system( so they feel the need to beef up security for the average law a biding typical of govenemnt, really it is

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:28 PM
or, this thought hit my head..they fear and know someting is coming , aka bank and wall street collapse? no jobs being mdae whatsoever, so they need more security? makes more sense, to create jobss, so people will pay for what it is, and earn thier possessions...
seems kinda like 1984 or someting..

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:29 PM
Does anybody else smell war in the air? This isn't going to end good for anybody. Although I have to say it is inevitable.

I guess we are going to have to have some jackboots to deal with. what is also interesting is the congresses proposal to raise the debt ceiling by 1.8 trillion now why would they need to raise it that high if they weren't planning on spending a butt load of money in the near future.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 12:01 AM
Its going to boil down to a complete collaspe of society's structure as there is already enough law enforcement in the U.S. now. Push will turn to shove and escalate from that point, I don't see it any other way in regards to these types of studies boasting intel/law enforcement needs in order to provide any kind of over-sight type of services. In my opinion this is all part of the NWO order of events clearly. U.S. citizens do not need another agency to protect them as there are enough law enforcement agencys now running amuck. What the US citizens needs for sure, is an agency to protect them from rougue agencys and bullsh** agencys like this "storm trooper" conception Rand dreamed up.

These type of groups like Rand are no different than groups like Blackwater (Xe) and others who are paid by an agency to do their dirty work in order to present their ideas in an "objective" perspective. The only tell tale aspect (or give away) is that the ARMY paid for the study which means the end result of said study was already pre-concieved and thus, paid for. No suprise there at all.

Thats like paying Jeffery Dahlmer to provide a study on cannabalism.

The US citizens need protection from those agencys themselves and those who sit in excecutive levels of government feeding society all of this self serving & politically tailored anal-logy based hype designed to persuade law makers to create law, based on what amounts to tailored "studys" presented as fact.

Edited for spelling.

[edit on 12-12-2009 by mikelee]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by mikelee
The only tell tale aspect (or give away) is that the ARMY paid for the study which means the end result of said study was already pre-concieved and thus, paid for. ...

Thats like paying Jeffery Dahlmer to provide a study on cannabalism.

That's what gets me.

Is the US Army looking for a way to circumvent Posse Comitatus?

If so, why?

Why commission such a study?

Those are the important questions IMO.

edit: link fixed

[edit on 12 Dec 09 by Gools]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by mikelee

That protection is the 2nd amendment. The collective wealth of the nation is greater than the nation it self. That is why they constantly want to strip our rights to defend ourselves away from us and make it really hard and difficult to defend ourselves.

There are way more armed citizens in the country than the government could afford. Now if we were all trained it would be a nightmare scenario for anybody attempting to install a dictatorship in the US. That is why they have gone after the monetary system, education system, and implemented a progressive income tax. They want to be able to control how we think, they want to control the financial sector and they want the power to be able to reach into our pockets and take as much money from them anytime they please.

Now the obvious reaction to this "study" by RAND is the fact that the reason why they even want this is not so much to get around the posse comutatus(sp?) act, but because they need more people to try to keep an out of control citizen under control. Which is impossible they know they are fighting a losing battle, but they believe it could be over come.

The problem is they are fighting the most formidable fighting force in the world that they themselves have trained. That also have access to all the firepower that they need.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by Gools

Why commission such a study?

I seriously think it is because P.C. is nothing more than an after thought of formality than anything else in terms of operations involving military elements on US soil. I know of several operations where fed law agencys used military elements/personnel/equipment on varying incidents and do so with a regularity that the public seldom hears about. Unless something goes wrong and usually that to is "washed" so that the truth don't get out.

If the study comes from the ARMY then law enforcement "runs with the idea" so to speak, then both of them get what they want.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
reply to post by mikelee

That protection is the 2nd amendment. The collective wealth of the nation is greater than the nation it self. That is why they constantly want to strip our rights to defend ourselves away from us and make it really hard and difficult to defend ourselves.

There are way more armed citizens in the country than the government could afford. Now if we were all trained it would be a nightmare scenario for anybody attempting to install a dictatorship in the US. That is why they have gone after the monetary system, education system, and implemented a progressive income tax. They want to be able to control how we think, they want to control the financial sector and they want the power to be able to reach into our pockets and take as much money from them anytime they please.

Now the obvious reaction to this "study" by RAND is the fact that the reason why they even want this is not so much to get around the posse comutatus(sp?) act, but because they need more people to try to keep an out of control citizen under control. Which is impossible they know they are fighting a losing battle, but they believe it could be over come.

The problem is they are fighting the most formidable fighting force in the world that they themselves have trained. That also have access to all the firepower that they need.

Law enforcement is the biggest whiner in the world today. They never have enough of anything, everyone is against them, they work against the odds blada blada blada. I can say that because I worked in the field for my entire career and its the truth. Law enforcement would like nothing better than to be able to go into any house, grab anyone, ask any questions, in terms of how they want to, without hesitation or fear of legal action against them. Maybe not your local town law enforcement officer but on the fed level, its a game in which many of the "my local cops aren't like that" types would get chewed up & spit out due to the mindset at that level.

I retired after working 12 years of my 31 years at the exec level, its an atmosphere of "what can we do next to grab more authority and less oversight" all of the time. It got to be where I hated going to work. I hated the attitudes of those who could care less about your rights or the constitution so long as they got what THEY wanted. I'll tell you, its coming (police state) and its coming at a pace in which many won't believe it. But, thats the plan. Catch'em off guard and its the element of surprise, let them know and you'll have a fight on your hands...

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 12:54 AM
Consider this fact:

Back in the 70's, 80's 90's most law enforcement wore regular shoes, neck tie (breakaway type) and basically answered calls from dispatch and check on stores, elderly citizens etc.

Now almost all law enforcement personnel are encouraged to wear military style boots, military style clothing/uniforms, military style patches for specilized teams/units. The majority of law enforcement personnel utilize tactics against private citizens that were originally developed for the military or federal agencys. The attitude of many LEOs is that equal to the military tactical personnel.
Its so you can't tell them from military types!
Yes...its coming all right.

[edit on 12-12-2009 by mikelee]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by mikelee

I agree, somebody had a signature on here that went something along the lines of "If the polices job is hard that is the way it should be because if it was their job was easy we would be living in a police state."

The really sickening fact about it all is it's all the governments fault for instituting policies that have dumbed down society to a point where we can't even compete against third world countries.

It's going to get bad, I would also like to reaffirm that I am not anti-cop, but I am anti-jackboot and that is exactly what is coming. I see it I think most people are oblivious to what is happening, but at the same time I think the people that you have mentioned are also going to be in for a very rude awakening. It's going to get ugly I know that, but I don't think they realize exactly how much the odds are stacked against them.

They think want to turn this place into the wild west well I have news for them, they need to be careful what they wish for.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 02:01 AM
Incidents I personally know for a fact where military elements were used:

1) Oklahoma City. Members of 1st SFOD present. President Clinton originally deemed the site as "a terrorist incident" thus allowing for military assistance & support.

2) Waco Texas. The ARMY, Air Force and personnel from Special Operations participated. The use of military assets due to a drug connection cited by the ATF. They said the Branch Davidions were making meth.

3) Bombing of the USS Vincennes Captain's mini van. Cpt. Will Rogers' mini van was bombed after the ship shot down an Iranian airliner. Cpt. Roger's wife was uninjured in the attack. He was guarded by SOF personnel for days after the incident.

4) Idaho - The Randy Weaver incident involved the use of military personnel for support due to the nature and terrain of the area.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 03:26 AM

..."The Gehlen Organization, copying Hitler's New Order, established a concentration camp system in San Luis Obispo County. It was called the California Specialized Training Institute. It developed plans called the *King Alfred Plan, Operation Cable Splitter, Operation Garden Plot,* and *REX-84* and was later renamed as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). ....

..."There over 600 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States. U.S. CONCENTRATION CAMPS: FEMA AND THE REX 84 PROGRAM"..............



"Oh, all of us in the intelligence community know about the concentration camps and their purposes...we ALL know that they are to TERMINATE THE RESISTERS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER UNDER MARTIAL LAW." ( Michael Maholy.)

But what IS a resister of the New World Order? The definition they (our friendly US government) have applied will surprise you! A "resister" inclues:
-A Christian (firm Bible believer)
-A Constitutionalist
-A Patriot
-A gun owner who refuse to relinquish 2nd Amendment rights
-Anyone who adheres to the concepts of maintaining our national sovereignty, the Constitution and rejects the concept of United Nations world government control in it's place is labled by the government as a "resister of the New World Order."


With this and so much other information staring us in the face,how can it be denied?

Does this tell you how badly they want their World Government or what??!

There are rumors that Martial Law may take place at the end of this year.
(I hope they are wrong,but some of the "evidence" is pretty alarming!)

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 09:42 PM

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by pip_gazebo
Has it ever occurred to you paranoid losers that if the US establishment decided it wanted to kill all the non-conformists it could do so in a weekend? We have all your names and internet monikers on file, keep it up dummies, we'll see you at the end of our sniper sights.

America is great, you just can't handle that, and if things ever get rocky we will start with all the commie-pinkos on the internet who spread lies about the U-S-A.

I'm looking at you.

Shut your collective mouths before I shut them for you. You all need to play some pigskin and drink some beer, instead of jerking off into small vessels and emailing yoursleves plans of where you will live after the great pinko uprising.

I love Oklahoma and the USA, I killed small brown people to keep it that way and I intend to be celebrated for my patriotic heroism and machismo and not be chastised by faglords who have never handled a weapon or faced any greater threat than somebody putting a negative emoticon on a reply to their post.

[ If it's combat you want, fight me Osama, I ain't scared, bring it on!]

You do have a point, one thing the US govt is very good at is killing people... only problem is they usually kill the wrong people... lol

I didn't know freedom hating evil do'er small brown people 6000+ miles away were threatening Oklahoma!! wow, they must have been at least 5999 miles from occupying Lawton!! whew!! musta been a close one, good thing you were there, stud.

Without your heroic effort, I'm sure they'd be speaking that dirka dirka paki-shurpa junk in the heartland of america.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 11:31 AM
I realize I am off post here; new user, so be kind! I saw the following weblog article:

It refers to a US law banning books prior to 1984-5.

If anyone can refer this to the right place, I would appreciate it. I included it here, because actions taken with this law are part and parcel of the police force issue cited above - and I am familiar with that issue.

It looks like the same mechanism: lawmakers innocently creating a law without looking at unintended consequences, but allowing that law to stand.

I thank you for considering this, and I know I am off topic. (I can't find the education section now!)


posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 06:19 PM
US Stability Force of one--
Dr. Phil at large in the House and Senate. ( with a big stick)
Charlie and Jessie as aides

[edit on 14-12-2009 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 04:52 PM
Forget an act of congress when an executive order will do the trick!

Don't believe the lies on this one, it is a perfect solution domestically and fits splendidly within leftist/globalist agenda.

WASHINGTON — Conservative bloggers and opinion outlets in recent days have expressed mounting alarm about an executive order by President Obama that extended certain diplomatic privileges and immunities to the International Criminal Police Organization, better known as Interpol.

Bloggers have accused Mr. Obama of ceding American sovereignty, painting a portrait of an international police force operating on United States soil without legal restraints. They have also argued that the order is part of a plot to allow international courts to arrest and prosecute American officials for war crimes.

Andrew C. McCarthy declared that an “international police force” could now operate inside the United States “unrestrained by the U.S. Constitution and American law.” He also suggested that the order created in the Justice Department “a repository for stashing government files” beyond the reach of Congress and the public.

And he is absolutely correct!

If this development doesn't at least bother you, then just wait until you see what is next....

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