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Am I an empath? How extensive are my abilities?

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posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by guidanceofthe third kind
reply to post by InfaRedMan

yea like im gonna be wonton to just throw my name out there. As for blowing hot air, all i'm gonna leave you with is this; i am going to be somebody in a few decades. Count on it. I love being cryptic. And part of the drive to be so cryptic and working to be great is people like you who tell me i cant. Negative energy works both ways and you can be sure i will use yours to get me to the top.

Have fun knowing you helped out.

Whatever Dude

Live The Dream!


posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 12:24 AM
no ill will towards you. I'm just not afraid to say that i know its gonna happen. People seem to worry about these things, but i guess it is simple for me to feel like i've got it planned out.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 01:03 AM
No, you're not - I'm sorry. You are a young person who is becoming aware. Good Luck - Bad Days. I'm sorry that you could not have become aware at a better time.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by R0BCROW75

Very good comment R0BCROW75, 100% right. Who ever comes to this website is supose to have an open mind, respect for what is share by members and learn that if we are here in ATS is because we expect to be understood and not attacked. The person who provoked your noble reaction should be kicked out.

(Sorry for my english).

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by forgetthenwo
Isn't it strange how people on conspiracy websites are always claiming to have these supernatural abilities?
sorry dude but I just can't take this seriously. I don't deny your post as in denying that you actually believe this is happening. Just denying that it's actually happening. Sounds like maybe you'd like to believe this stuff is going on but it really isn't. People always seem to be throwing compliments at you, you must be special.

One of the reasons many people are drawn to sites like ats IS because they have these abilities. We are awakened and we know there's something else beyond the "norm". I grew up in a culture where we believe that this is just a part of being human. I'm open to the possibilities.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 04:23 AM
Good morning everyone! 

Your mind can only take on so much information at once. You say you only feel when you focus on a person, if it's overwhelming, try not to "focus" on everyone around you. 

During this time, I'd recommend you focus on yourself, not to be selfish but rather to build yourself up.

Many times, i'm trying to figure out if it's a good time to talk to someone, so I have to "feel" out the situation.

That's what I probably have to do, it all has really taken a toll on me. It just feels self-centered. 

Can I ask you a question? Is it easier to feel sad, happy, or does it pertain to who's around you?

It really just depends. At school, it's easier to feel sad/angry. But, if i'm around optimistic adults or my family (sometimes), it's easier to feel happy.

Well either you will have to overcome this now or as an adult. This seems to me, phycological, at least in part. Particularly the feeling of feeling like you can not protect yourself. 

Perhaps you feel consciously, or subconsciously, like you must submit to the authority. While it is important to respect those above you, it is also important to make up your own mind. 

I'd recommend trying to get to the bottom of why it is you feel like you can not shield yourself from adults. Try to get to the very root, when you do, examine that, come to acceptance.

The issue is that I feel I must submit to authority. Naturally, I'm a rebel. But, the last year I have been ridiculed by my parents, teachers, administrators, etc. For my lack of submission to authority. I have been pushed to believe that you don't go anywhere in life if you don't submit to authority.

It is important to be compassionate with your abilities but is important not to overextend yourself. 

Extending your abilities to influence others is not a good idea. Free will is not something I would not recommend interfering with, in the sense of mentally trying to affect a person's mood. 

Rather I'd recommend mastering and harnessing your ability before you expand further. 

You'd be surprised how you influence everyone around you. Human interaction is a very effective tool to influence a person in a positive way. 

It is said that joy can be infectious, to me this is very true. People's moods and state of mind all have an affect on those around them. Some people are more sensitive than others.

How should I go about mastery? I've been medatating lately, but once I reach that peaceful state, ground myself, shield myself, what do I do? Any other ways to help master this?

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by guidanceofthe third kind
it looks like us crazies are coming out of the woodwork, better watch out infared man. but really special is not the right word for us, just farther along.

I totally agree, and that's what I've been trying to point out this entire time. I don't believe people like me are "special", just more advanced, and mature then some other people. Like we use more of our minds in everyday life then most people, and as a result, use more of that "third eye" and intuition

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

That's pretty much how i've felt. As a young kid, i didn't understand how people could be so caught up in their own universe and neglect things such as the enviorment, animals, people in need, etc. I told myself to wouldn't fall into that pattern. And here i am, more than 10 years later, still clinging onto that belief.

As for money, i feel that most of your energy and time should be spent helping other people. Money is just something that comes to you, when you need it. IMO, it shouldn't be something that is sought after.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by Annee

QUESTION: if you are on a higher level of consciousness - - why would you not have a feeling of superiority?

Logically it makes no sense for you to put yourself down so you can be equal with those of a less aware consciousness.

Because a feeling of superiority is an ego-centered feeling. I don't feel "better" than anyone, just more advanced and mature. I'm not putting myself down, but also not putting myself on a pedestal. What i'm doing is using this "ability" to help other people who are not as advanced as me. Adding to what Chaos posted, empathy is probably something everyone is born with. It just is something not everybody utilizes

[edit on 7-12-2009 by mossme89]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by mossme89

it starts as a room mood, but as you get older you can feel the individual pockets of moods per person, it is very hard to explain and have never as some people on here have said think of it as a super power, its just something that i can do, i havent realy given it to much thought, sometimes it is a welcome ability but sometimes it is hard work if the moods are not good, when i walk into a room of people ,lets say at a party, i do not even need to look around the room at the people i just "feel" what mood they are in, if i zone in on a person i can know how they are thinking, i dont know what they are thinking but how they are thinking, dont let it freak you out or bother you, just try to make eye contact with people when you speak to them and use your ability and you may find the results quite incredible, try it then let me know what happens, we'll see if we are a little similar, dont forget to use the eye contact

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 06:50 AM
Empathic people tend to also have
Extreme perceptions of time i.e. time passes very quickly or slowly
Extreme perceptions of their age i.e feeling older or younger than their chronological age.
When their neurons are firing fast they feel younger and have an higher IQ.
When their brains are firing slowly they feel older and have a lower IQ.
They often prefer the company of older or younger people rather than people of their own age and tend to be social chameleons i.e. they are acquainted with disparate groups of people

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 07:51 AM
Hello everyone i am new to this website. Cheers. To the original poster, thank you for posting this because I am the exact description of what you described yourself. (except im 23 and at 16 i was the same way, but didnt know how to deal with it) Im not sure whether its a gift or just normal, but the point is that its good to know im not alone in this. I say this because i've mentioned this to others, but they simply cant relate unfortunately and think im crazy. I thought it had something to do with me being a pisces, but i read that you weren't. A lot of the empath descriptions describe me to an exact measure, even the post above. Thank you all for contributing to this thread, even the negative posters.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by mossme89

Originally posted by Annee

QUESTION: if you are on a higher level of consciousness - - why would you not have a feeling of superiority?

Logically it makes no sense for you to put yourself down so you can be equal with those of a less aware consciousness.

Because a feeling of superiority is an ego-centered feeling. I don't feel "better" than anyone, just more advanced and mature. I'm not putting myself down, but also not putting myself on a pedestal. What i'm doing is using this "ability" to help other people who are not as advanced as me. Adding to what Chaos posted, empathy is probably something everyone is born with. It just is something not everybody utilizes

Like I said there is Superior and there is dysfunctional Superiority.

If a person is Superior - they ARE Superior (at least in some aspect) - Einstein - Da Vinci - Michelangelo.

Some people are clearly superior. Its OK to recognize people who are clearly superior. But Society Taboo prevents us claiming any aspect of being Superior.

It really is silly & ridiculous. I get tired & annoyed with this discussion every time it comes up.

What is the difference between being better then someone -- and being more advanced and mature. There is no difference.

If you ARE better - more advanced - more mature - - - then you ARE.

The difference is in the interpretation and application of. As in Dysfunctional Superiority - - - when you use it to make others feel inferior.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 11:08 AM
I find it amazing that we can all come together and unite against the haters in defense of the OP. This shows the "empath" trait in all of us and how we, in spite of ridicule and in spite of the risk of getting labeled as whackjobs we come out and admit things about ourselves we would not normally talk about. This post resonates with a good vibe and I'm very proud to be here on this site with all of you. I'm not the most cheery happy person in the world and have in fact aroused heated debates with members of the community due to some of my inflammatory post replies- this is another result of being an empath. Sometimes some us feel so much negativity that we feel compelled to stand our ground and fight and though not always correct in our assumptions we believe that what we do we do for the benefit of all mankind. It's a rough road but the vibe at the end of the day is so worth it when we stand together.
Hey where did the haters go?

[edit on 7-12-2009 by R0BCROW75]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by mossme89

You just described me

You "are" an empath my friend, just like me and my brother. What you wrote is exactly how my life is, my brother 2 weeks ago stated he was an empath also. I feel human evolution, or maybe something to do with certain energies astrologically affecting certain chemical makeups.

All my life Ive been like this, I have in many cases said to people that confront me "wait, hold on...your going to ask me to go to the shop with you, isn't it funny I know what your going to say, even better, I already have my coat on and I knew you were going to knock my front door without me even seeing you".
That is just a small example, it leaves people puzzled and it also makes people become attached to you due to the depth of understanding.

I agree with the OP wholeheartedly.

Also, people who dont have an "ability" will be hunted like witches and condemned by people who either dont understand it or "want" the ability also. We have to accept this and try not to boast about it. The joy of the internet is we can do it here anonymously. The only thing we have to tolerate in here are people who are envious and people that name call "ohh im special". They don't understand, therefor they will never gain the ability.

Indigo adults/children? Who knows, one thing is for sure...people like us that know we have abilities and super fast reflexes will always be attacked by people who do not. That is where many people get ideas for radio shows, TV shows and films etc. The TV show Heroes for example, yet it totally exaggerates what people like us can do. Its basic human evolution, those who cant comprehend are the ones that refuse to evolve or acknowledge anything that does NOT have a "pHD" after it.

..and that is where they fail and that is the downside of human beings (Not being an Empath).

[edit on 7/12/2009 by the_denv]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by dr treg

They often prefer the company of older or younger people rather than people of their own age and tend to be social chameleons i.e. they are acquainted with disparate groups of people

That is the perfect description, a social chameleon.

Nice one!

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by guidanceofthe third kind
reply to post by oconnection

i could say that i will be a perfectly selfless person, but i am a realist. I know that if i dont take care of myself first no one will. And no, i will not take advantage of people mostly because i dont really have that ability. Manipulate yes, use not so much.

It's a decision you've already made in your mind. This really applies to anyone and everyone. Manipulation is another form of deciet. If you want to build your life around distorting the truth, I mostly feel bad for you.

I'd hope that ATS members would be wise enough to know that building a foundation of any relationship on partial truths will only hurt you in the end. Also if you had empathy I would doubt you would want to hurt those around you intentionally, because in the end you'd have to feel what the other is feeling. It's not something I could personally live with.

Taking care of yourself, believe it or not does not require you to take advantage of. Despite what today's society will teach you, there is a better way of living.

Open your heart, let go of your fears. Fear is of the unknown, fear is uncertainty. I'd say embrace your fears, conquer them, you'll be a better person because of it.

Fear is a form of control if you think about it. Fear is many times ill rational and plays on your emotions. Getting fear out of your life is one of the most important things you can do in your life.

When I fear something, I often find my self researching, attempting to understand something. I find that with understanding fear has a hard time lingering for much longer.

I wish you the best and hope my words can help.

On this idea that empaths believe they are better than anyone. I can only answer for my self. Much of my younger years I wished how I was "normal", like I had some sort of problem, like I was cursed. The amount of pain and suffering one must endure will either break that person or build them up. It's a trial by fire. It's only from an understanding that from pain and suffering one can grow into a better person that I realized years ago that my sensitivity was a gift.

It is also important to note that we all have gifts or a reason for existing. When it comes down to it, helping others, loving others unconditionally is one of the profound reasons why we are all here. You will find your life will be over flowing with love, you will feel like the richest person alive. Money can not buy the relationships and the experiences one has when operating in selfless love.

In today's society, this can be viewed as a weakness, it puts you at a disadvantage by making yourself so vulnerable to others. The fact of the matter is love is eternal, love is energy, it can not be taken away. Love is the most powerful forces in the universe.

I'd hope that people can stop being so fearful, selfish, and isolated. Everyone is on there own journey so to speak but it's a journey that need not be alone.

[edit on 7-12-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by oconnection

in that you are right. I want to succeed because people told me i couldnt. I dont want money. Money is a stupid way to keep control of society. I need it however and if i happen to get by being a success by using my abilities as an advantage than so be it. Advantage is the key word there. Some people are good athletes. Some are good entertainers. Some know how people tick and that is my advantage. If they are using theirs why cant i use mine.

As for fear, there is one thing i fear and it is no longer failure or disappointment, death or disease, or even rejection. The one thing i fear is the same thing we all fear. What we cannot change.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by oconnection

Originally posted by guidanceofthe third kind
reply to post by oconnection

And no, i will not take advantage of people mostly because i dont really have that ability. Manipulate yes, use not so much.

It's a decision you've already made in your mind. This really applies to anyone and everyone. Manipulation is another form of deceit. If you want to build your life around distorting the truth, I mostly feel bad for you.

I agree here. I understand - - but "manipulation" is not really a good word choice in how it is presented.

The power needs to stay with you. You are actually manipulating yourself by creating paths that others will fall into or follow. As you achieve your goal by doing what you need to - - everything else will fall in to place.

Just beware of Karma. Every thought is an action - - keep your thoughts in the positive.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by guidanceofthe third kind
reply to post by oconnection

in that you are right. I want to succeed because people told me i couldnt. I dont want money. Money is a stupid way to keep control of society. I need it however and if i happen to get by being a success by using my abilities as an advantage than so be it.

Yes - when I was younger my thoughts on money were similar to yours. I saw a shared society where focus was on love and family - and needs were met by everyone being involved. (like some native tribes today - - only everything was all white in this world and people wore long white robes)

Money in itself is not good or bad - - it is just paper or coins. The LOVE of money and power - - that's different.

Its taken me a lifetime to "accept" money and how it can be used for good. Seriously - its almost like a culture shock.

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