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Al Gore confronted on ClimateGate in Chicago

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posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
This behaviour on the protesters part, just confirms the mainstream medias image of nutty conspiracy theorists, yelling NWO in crowded book shops. Doing more ham than good. IMO. It's not helpful

I want to say that the NWO and kookie nutters comparison is not necessarily true any longer,

The average guy on the street is waking up.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:45 PM
I agree, stunts like this do not help the movement. These guys are at an event full of people who are obvious supporters of AGW. It's difficult enough to sell the idea of non-man-made global warming to supporters, making a scene will accomplish little to nothing. This could have been a great opportunity to change some minds, but instead its just a spectacle. It emboldens their view of the Nay-sayers as conspiracy theorist wackos.

Screaming "NWO" and "Eugenics" is the perfect way to be dismissed as a loony and forgotten. Even I, who sympathize with their message, see only a band of rowdy adolescents yelling and screaming random cliches without portraying the true message of climategate. "THE DATA WAS ALTERED".

How about handing out flyers that inform on the general topic and lead them to sites that are neutral on the subject, so they can get a more well rounded view of the subject. INFORM! Don't preach. Don't scream and cry. Don't yell out your first amendment rights. INFORM. Don't speculate and proclaim nefarious plots to enslave people, no one is going to listen. Baby steps.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:53 PM
I would hate to be Al Gore right now. He's seeing an empire he's tried to build for over a decade now crumbling away. One things for sure, we cant let this story fade away into the background noise. This is proof of on more person being in a position of power they obviously cannot handle and do not deserve.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:56 PM
Great video and glad to see it posted here. This is exactly what needs to be done and i really admire these guys for keeping tabs on and confronting this crook. Now Im not here to nitpick but sometimes I really wish we are change would be more attentive to their presentation, especially dress code and image of their members. Im not the one to tell people how to dress and act but if your trying change peoples thinking you have to make them comfortable first. These are image driven americans that worship movie stars and elect politicians based on appearance and swagger. Thats why the politicians get away with this stuff because they put on suits, use big words, and stay calm. Its easy for them to write you off as radical if you show up dressed like an emo or grunge look screaming about conspiracies and expect be taken seriously. Same as if you open a business, if you want customers you need to have a good clean facility and good customer service before people will try your product. But hey you guys are out there doing it so i cant really say much, ive been involved in things but I've never confronted a big name so JMO.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by The Savage Khan

How about handing out flyers that inform on the general topic and lead them to sites that are neutral on the subject, so they can get a more well rounded view of the subject. INFORM! Don't preach. Don't scream and cry. Don't yell out your first amendment rights. INFORM.

Gore Losing the War: 59% Don't Believe Man Is Warming the Planet

The problem is the people that make the rules and run the world don't care what we want, believe or think,

They know what is best for us.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Parallex

I'm sorry but I completely disagree. The quiet, respectful and typically 'English' approach doesn't work any more. We need to start doing things the way the founding fathers of the U.S. did. With in your face rhetoric, revolutionary flyers, and eventually, armed insurrection. The Para.

What is typically English about doing it quietly? I think your still living in the years gone by, we the English have never done anything quietly when the need is there, and may I also add that your founding Fathers, based your Constitution on the very English Magna Carta, which even today gives us many of the rights we know, and even your Country put up a monument to recognize the fact here in the UK.

Please be happy, that this global crap being rammed down our throats, is not just an American thing, I am sure if it comes to Revolution it wont just be on one side of the Atlantic, stop living in the 1790's, it was the Crown your country fought, many of those fighting where English until the day of independence, it's sad you cant take that into account.

And stop stereotyping us Brits with comedy shows you see on TV it's just entertainment, the stuck up snobs are what we are all fighting.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 01:13 PM
Damn. We Are Change Chicago is serious about their shizzle. Wouldn't that be wonderful if all young people woke up like that.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Walkswithfish

He used CGI in an Inconvenient Truth where it shows the glacier breaking apart and falling into the ocean, too, as well as movie footage from a disatser film.

[edit on 1-12-2009 by Libertygal]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by The Savage Khan

How about handing out flyers that inform on the general topic and lead them to sites that are neutral on the subject, so they can get a more well rounded view of the subject. INFORM! Don't preach. Don't scream and cry. Don't yell out your first amendment rights. INFORM.

Gore Losing the War: 59% Don't Believe Man Is Warming the Planet

The problem is the people that make the rules and run the world don't care what we want, believe or think,

They know what is best for us.

Agreed, the people that make up the rules and run the show are in it for the long haul and don't plan on going away. It seems like they will not let the truth get in the way of their plans. They are trying to ignore the whole "climate-gate" e-mail thing hoping it will just go away.

It will be an uphill battle to convince the average person that GW is a hoax created by the likes of Al Gore. They have been brain washed for the past decade and it will be hard to convice them that they have been lied to for all this time. I guess it hurts to admit when you have been duped.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 01:38 PM
You know what would really suck?

If climate change was real, and because large groups of people don't want to believe it "they" are forced to modify data to help convince people it is real.

Seriously, all scientists agree that Earths climate is changing. They just can't all agree on what is causing it.

All scientists agree that CO2 traps heat and acts like a greenhouse, and that is why it's called a greenhouse gas. They just don't all agree that we are producing enough to effect the Earth....

So why even chance it? If CO2 has the ability to act like a greenhouse gas, and humans are unnaturally creating it, and it could be one of the reasons for the Earth's climate change, why even debate what we should do? We should just find ways to limit it, or ways to get rid of it, so IF the time comes that we find out humans do HELP cause it, we wont feel guilty that we ruined the planet. It's like fixing a problem before it happens. It's a unique skill humans have.

There is always fools that will say "volcanoes make more CO2 than humans", and they don't realize that humans are adding to that amount. Sure it might be ok for volcanoes to make some now and then, but is it ok for humans to ADD to the amount? It's probably not a good idea.

I guess a large group of people want Earth to turn out like Mars, with a CO2 dominant atmosphere that will poison us every time we breath and kill us.

[edit on 1-12-2009 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 01:52 PM
Personally, I think those protesters were out of line. Screaming, yelling and being pulled away by security guards does nothing to advance the knowledge these people are trying to put out. The anger is all people see, not the truth behind the anger. If we want people to realize that man has not made global warming we need to do it with peaceful education, not crazed ranting.

Gore was not there to discuss Climategate. He was there to sign books and smile. Its completely legitimate to take these instigators away. They showed Gore no respect and also gave him no time to answer the questions being asked. They simply kept shouting. These people have put Climategate backwards. They've taken the opportunity to teach people and turned it into a screaming match. It was childish and shameful.

What did they even hope to accomplish by asking Gore questions about Climategate? Whats the point? He won't answer the way these protesters wanted. Like he was going to admit right there that his entire post political career is a sham? Get real protesters.

These protestors could have gotten a lot more done by making friends with the people in line and educating THEM about climategate. They are the ones that matter, not Gore. He's going to keep on doing what hes doing no matter how loud people yell. The only hope is to take knowledge to the people and let them hear both sides then decide for themselves. Seriously, all that yelling was ridiculous and pointless.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

Your absolutely right there.

The problem is they turned it into a option to tax the World, and with Professor Jone's and his email's, telling his colleagues, that if anyone tried to obtain the data through the FOIA, the data should be destroyed rather than turned over.

An others talking about how he had to adjust the data to fit in with their claims of Global Warming, it looks seriously like a scam.

I do believe Humans are causing a problem, but nothing like what Nature herself has done in the past during long term high activity of Volcanoes, the problem I have is they are keeping Geologists out of the equation, a science that can without doubt prove whether what they are saying is correct, you cant alter Geological data, it's there, everywhere, a perfect record for millions of years, yet they keep them as far away as they can, hiring and using just a small enough amount to try and cover that aspect.

Professor Jones should be removed from creating this data that is being used, and those scientists who have been snubbed because they have always believed Global Warming and cooling was a natural process, should be allowed access to the MSM, rather than being ignored as cooks, Scientists like David Belamy who was shunned when he spoke out.

If they are altering the facts, then we need to understand why if they have a good reason for doing it, but right now, it does look like a huge money making scam.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:07 PM
I'm definitely not a fan of Al Gore and think he is a hypocrite. I lean very strongly in favour of the position that AGW is misguided at best and scam at worst. However, as soon as the protesters started yelling about eugenics and the NWO, they lost me. If they had kept their message on the topic of manipulation of climate data, they could not be easily dismissed as "nutters". If you are trying to convince people who are sitting on the fence or who believe in AGW, you stick to facts and not unfounded allegations.

As for 1st Amendment rights, the protesters' rights to express themselves in the fashion they did ended the moment they stepped foot on private property. Security personnel had every right to escort them off the property for creating a disturbance.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
This behaviour on the protesters part, just confirms the mainstream medias image of nutty conspiracy theorists, yelling NWO in crowded book shops. Doing more ham than good. IMO. It's not helpful

Yelling that the theory of an anthropogenic link is an "eugenics operation" and power grab by the "new world order" and simply being confrontational is exactly why those who disagree (deniers, which for the life of me I can't figure out why this is a 'bad' or 'derogatory' term) look nuttier than squirrel poop.

Then there is the fact that the new 'climate gate' which has hardly provided anything conclusive to them is the hard proof that an anthropogenic link is a farce.

Or that they believe that there is no evidence to support the theory.

Or a host of other behaviors and beliefs that end up disenfranchising them from the process.

I am not a fan of Gore by any means. He is a politician and i have little love for those.

However I find it BEYOND comical that he is the whipping boy of those who disagree with the current paradigm.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:47 PM
If "Al Whore" wanted to do his bit to save the planet, then he wouldn't have rolled over and handed the presidency to Bush would he? His " Saviour of the Planet" tag must be his reward for being such a pussy. Wonder what they've got lined up for John Kerry?

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Hephaestus
If "Al Whore" wanted to do his bit to save the planet, then he wouldn't have rolled over and handed the presidency to Bush would he? His " Saviour of the Planet" tag must be his reward for being such a pussy. Wonder what they've got lined up for John Kerry?

Wow both ignorant of reality and vulgar.

In Bush v. Gore, candidate Bush challenged the December 8, 2000 decision of the Florida Supreme Court on two constitutional grounds. He argued that the decision of the Florida Supreme Court allowing a recount of disputed ballots violated both Article II, Section 1 and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution.

Finally, and as a majority of the Justices concluded, the Florida Supreme Court's interpretation of Florida law was within the bounds of constitutionally permissible interpretation.

As a result of the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Bush in the 2000 election Gore lost and Bush won.

But back on topic I fail to see what this has to do with Gore being confronted about the leaked emails and how they serve as proof of a eugenics operation and a conspiracy by the NWO to take over the world?

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 03:00 PM
It may be their first amendment right but when you go in screaming and causing a scene, you have a right to be escorted out. I didn't see any assault, just the escorting of a few guys who wanted some attention.

The planet is evolving and not to our advantage. We're destroying it every day we live here.

I disagree with the way the global governments are going to handle this situation and due to that, we need mass protests and a revolution (which is needed soon anyway).

Oh, and Al Gore's a bum.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 03:00 PM
the way these people protest, they do it like crazy .... so its hard for some average joe to look into it

they should explain better and not talk like crazy

and they should explain part of the things, not include a new world order whatever .... man, thats too much to take ... you need to figure it out just what the heck is going on before listening to a CONCLUSION

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 03:00 PM
To all those who say these guys should have done this or shouldn't have done such and such.

What are you doing about the obvious scam? Are you sitting on your arse doing nothing or are you trying to point out the facts to anyone who will listen, and telling them to research the issue.

I make it a point since climategate surfaced to point out that these people are duping us, they think we are stupid and want us to pay for the environmental crimes of big business.

By taxing carbon output they will make the problem worse as prices will rise and people will need to work more to get what they need, therefore more carbon will be put out.

They want us to work and pay for them to find less polluting ways to make huge sums of money, it's really incredible. Meanwhile the average joe reduces carbon out put and the more we don't put out the more big business can.

It's a scam, it's fraud and it's wrong. Everyone should be yelling at them as loud as they can, I don't get near many pollute- ition's, but next time I do I will be yelling until I am arrested or my voice fails me.

They are deceptive criminals in positions of influence. They deserve to yelled at every time they go out in public.


Force, no matter how concealed, begets resistance. - Lakota

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 03:00 PM
Here's a very simple analysis... if OTHER planets CO2 is rising what the hell does it do with human activity? "man made" global warming is a scam, maybe we contribute to this, but did not "cause" this.

It is a universal effect and has been raising on other planets as much as ours. I don't think it's the SUV to be blamed!

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