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Hatred for Christians

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posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by the_grand_pooh-bah

I am Christian but I am not religious.

I have not been in a church for twenty-five years (except for weddings and funerals).

Christianity originally was not a religion...
...a Christian was a 'Christ-one'...a person in which the Spirit of Jesus dwells...
...two or more 'Christ-ones' were an 'ekklesia'...
...a secular word meaning a gathering of people with a similar interest or concern.

I know the Bible but I consider it a set of histories with a single focus.

Jesus was actually critical of people who made too much of the scriptures...
...because they were treating them as some kind of savior.

He said, "You search the scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness to me;"
John 5:39

If the biblical documents are approached on the basis that history is an obstacle course...
...that it describes a gauntlet through which the Lord achieves His purpose...
...that is to restore the creation from the futile state it fell into...
...then you will see that it is all about the Lord revealing Himself in human form...
...being mistreated and then murdered...
...but transending death and making this victory available to anyone who believed it.

If you read the documents with this focus... will see that the attrocities and ethnic cleaning were simply the removal of road-blocks that were put in place to stop it happening...
...and all the rules and regulations were a method of isolating Israel so that through their unspoiled genetics He could express Himself as human.

The human race in the beginning lost its own soveriegnty...
...and the goal of the Lord who became Jesus (human) and Christ (Messiah) was to restore this soveriegnty under Himself.

He has achieved this...the world is rightfully His and He wants to renovate it...
...but the squatters who tore the place up are not wanting to leave...
...they are the same Watchers who seduced Eve, took our human women for wives and produced the Nephyl before and after the flood.

These are the same ones who are attempting to reinvent themselves as ET.

Of course they will return and He will evict them...
...they are the final road-block before the renovation, the New Creation.

It is a privilege to be alive right now to see the end unfold...
...with all the players that have been predicted would be here for the Grand Final.

[edit on 24/11/09 by troubleshooter]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 12:37 AM
Well, I hate Christianity because its just stupid and the religion has been changed so many times that its not even close to the original religion. Another reason I am not friendly towards them is because they used to kill people for not believing in their god. The last reason is because of all the scientific repression they have caused.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
I think in generel christianity is the best religion. I do agree that it is being attacked alot nowadays, but i also feel that those pagans are trying to resurface aren't they. The pagans have never actually left the world seen, but just left the face of society.

Originally posted by paranoiaFTW
Well, I hate Christianity because its just stupid and the religion has been changed so many times that its not even close to the original religion. Another reason I am not friendly towards them is because they used to kill people for not believing in their god. The last reason is because of all the scientific repression they have caused.

how can you not have hatred in this world? 'those pagans'? 'hate'? 'just stupid'?

first thing, religion teaches love and understanding. unconditional love. try to forgive them - otherwise you're getting caught in same cage they're in. cage of blind hatred born of ego and the feeling of superiority over others when in fact we're all equal.

second thing, christians compared to muslims or any other religious people, aren't the best example to follow for future generations. vatican, being nothing but a mafia, people calling themselves christians when in reality 90% of them never had a bible in their hands, not even mentioning reading it. i agree, there's a lot of lies in the bible, and i agree it was heavily censored... but it still contains some very basic truths. truths so important that every human being should understand those, not only christians. just don't use it as a proof that christianity is superior - it isn't. same truths can be found in every other religion on this planet.

the last thing is, all religions are equal and, as a matter of fact, not needed. people will realize, sooner than later, that religions aren't created by gods. humans created religions for themselves when they've lost the feeling of being one with the creation. we are all sparks of the creation, no matter how you'll call it - creation, universe, God, Creator. people have lost that connection long time ago and that's why religions were created. in a day when that connection will be reestablished, religions will be obsolete - simply because we'll know who we are, and religion isn't based on knowledge. it's based on faith, and it's a substitute for lost knowledge. knowledge that is buried deep inside our souls. knowledge that we will reclaim.

there's no point in fighting.
we are One.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 02:19 AM
because it is bunk, and it is frustrating when you can see the issue of organised religion with clarity and believers seem to have the most irrational faith, equal to believing that a giant squid created the world

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 03:06 AM
I don't 'hate' anyone, or anything, but that right there is the reason why I dislike a great many christians I have met. The undeserved smugness of some of these people really irks me. Because your 'saved', and I (supposedly), am not. That makes you better? No sir, I think not. Saved from what? These people act like they were drowning in a river and some EMS guy named Jesus came by an pulled them out. Now that I think about it, that sounds like a fairly accurate description of a lot of people's conversions. On the one hand, I want to like religion, there are a lot of admirable traits and teachings to be found there. BUT... there is also a lot of unnecessary BS mixed in there, so that quite a bit of the good stuff gets lost in the shuffle. I can understand if people feel the need to have religion in their lives, probably because their lives are fairly empty, and they need to believe in something bigger or greater than themselves. I can almost imagine it as an addiction of sorts, with people literally needing to believe.

I have asked people, "Can't you just have your god, and be cool?" As well as some random questions off the top of my head: What's up with trying to force others to believe as you do? What's really going on? Are you trying to reinforce your own beliefs by recruiting others? Is your 'faith' that shaky? Do you intentionally look for reasons to complain about being 'persecuted'? What's up with that? Need for attention? Boredom? How is it you can preach something, with all the passion of a religious person, then go home and do the exact opposite?

I sometimes feel bad for christians in particular. Simply because there is, what, 5000 different denominations? Someone, somewhere, is doing it wrong.


posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by Muckster

i hate all religions. i think most people that tear down christianity feel the same way it's just that, in america at least, christianity is everywhere so it makes sense that it would seem to be the most criticized religion.
i was thinking about something similar to this earlier today with regards to music and i think the correlation warrants going into. take for example the band U2 (who i personally love). they catch all kinds of # from people for being horrible, and i think this makes sense considering how big and well known they are. i wondered why there isn't more bashing of crappy music in general and then it hit me: it's always more effective and easier to illustrate if you give something a specific face and have a go at that.
or not, that's just my 2 cents.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by Muckster

Just to add my perspective..

I personally don't hate Christians/Christianity. I don't even hate religion, per-se. What I hate is people who tell me that under no uncertain terms I am wrong, because I don't believe something they believe, especially when said 'something' has no foundation in empirical science. Whether it be religion, cold fusion, 'love' being anything more than chemical reactions in the brain, etc.

I have plenty of friends who are Christian and other religious denominations. None of them shove it down my throat, which is why they're still my friends.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by ZombieOctopus

I've said it many times before, I find the whole Christian persecution complex hilarious, they just love to flaunt how they have a huge 80-90% majority and then in the very same breath whine and moan about how terribly oppressed they are by the 4 or 5% of the population who disagrees with them.

in 2009 though, is it really that high?

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 01:33 PM
This is, after all a conspiracy theory website and at the "Church" level (i.e. the establishment rather than the believers) there do seem to be a lot of traits in "Christianity" that would point to conspiracy. Consequently there will be people who will discuss them here.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck there's a small possibility that we are dealing with a small waterfowl in the Anitidae family (possibly misquoted from Douglas Adams). You have to admit, there are a lot of things that the Church are or have been involved in that are very comfortably fit into this website.

I think where I have been unwillingly drawn into threads such as this is where people will label themselves first as a christian, and then as a person. I have nothing against personal faith. I think it's great. But let's keep it that way. Personal. If you present yourself primarily as a christian, you are automatically tarring yourself with the same brush as all the negative types who have claimed the same.

I'm not sure which comedian said it first (eventually they all tell each others' jokes) about the football star being interviewed about the amazing touchdown. His words are, "I want to thank my Lord Jesus Christ for making that happen." Now, if he'd dropped it, would he say the same thing? "I want to thank my Lord Jesus Christ for making me drop that ball!"
Nope, glory goes to Jesus Christ (who obviously isn't involved in the incompletions).

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Muckster

Wow! Glad you asked!! Hot topic for me too! Lets see- is it because perhaps since childhood I was told that I would not be "saved" & will "go to hell" 'cause I didn't go to church-? Is it because when I do something "nice" for someone I 'm told what a good Christian I am- as if ONLY Christian do good things? Is it the jokes that claim because a atheist neighbor gave a starving & praying neighbor food that the "Christian neighbor thanks "God" for giving him food & making the "DEVIL" pay for it? Is it because- [ the Christians I talk too] say that ignorance of the religon is no excuse - even for children- and they will still burn? Or that it doesn't matter how good a person you are - If you don't follow this particular GOD that your're done? How about because the Half the time the "GOD" depicted in the Bible is a raving Tyrant!!! - Oh, just kidding about killing your own son on the altar there - just wanted to see if you were accually dumb enough to DO IT!! hahah. And Christains find this acceptable? That is what makes me the most angry. If this GOD was personified today- he would be overthrown. But people blindly follow this tyrant! - Oh but that was OLD Testament--??? The all knowing all seeing of past and present - Changed his mind???? It sounds more to me like advanced people posing as Gods and being a--ho--s to boot. I think Jesus came along to try to straighten everybody out about the real God- [the Force anybody?] And TPTB ended up manipulating his existance for their purposes. Don't get me wrong- I think we (unfortunately) need religion the keep the "general populous" in line - but when you acually have to kill or convert? Jesus when through a lot of pain and trouble- and even DIED - tring to tell everyone how to live a better life- and almost every Christian has missed the point! They remember him on the Cross- but not what he was saying- and most certainly do a huge amount of them not practice what he preached-[hiypocracy anyone?]. If Someone today was to walk on water or perform any of the miracles he did- that he himself even said that everyone can do - they would be labled as into dark magic & witchcraft. That is why every time I hear someone boldly ask me if I am a Christan - I cringe. But as you stated- I'm not upset about Chritianity- I'm upset with the rampant hypocracy I see in many many Christans. To them I say- get your own house in order before you try to even see if my needs cleaning.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Muckster

Because we know you people just can't be happy unless you feel persecuted. That whole martyrdom complex, where you only feel your life has meaning if you're Daniel in the lion pit, Jesus on the cross, or Jim Bakker in the whorehouse.

Actually it's because most Atheists on the internet live in countries that are ruled by the Christian version of the angry smiteful penis-mutilator god and his zombie avatar. Since these ludicrous yutzes are the ones who are making all the idiotic policies, making the outrageous demands, and setting bibles on fire for not being translated "right"... these are hte penis-mutilators who get the heat.

Atheists in Muslim countries such as Turkey or Lebanon speak out against Islam. Israeli atheists talk about Judaism and Islam. Indian atheists speak out about the wackiness of Hinduism. And so on.

It's all about which crazy cult is imposing their particular brand of superstitious nonsense, bigotry, and inanity on a given atheists' country.

[edit on 25-11-2009 by TheWalkingFox]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Badgered1

This is, after all a conspiracy theory website and at the "Church" level (i.e. the establishment rather than the believers) there do seem to be a lot of traits in "Christianity" that would point to conspiracy. Consequently there will be people who will discuss them here.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck there's a small possibility that we are dealing with a small waterfowl in the Anitidae family (possibly misquoted from Douglas Adams). You have to admit, there are a lot of things that the Church are or have been involved in that are very comfortably fit into this website.

I think where I have been unwillingly drawn into threads such as this is where people will label themselves first as a christian, and then as a person. I have nothing against personal faith. I think it's great. But let's keep it that way. Personal. If you present yourself primarily as a christian, you are automatically tarring yourself with the same brush as all the negative types who have claimed the same.

I'm not sure which comedian said it first (eventually they all tell each others' jokes) about the football star being interviewed about the amazing touchdown. His words are, "I want to thank my Lord Jesus Christ for making that happen." Now, if he'd dropped it, would he say the same thing? "I want to thank my Lord Jesus Christ for making me drop that ball!"
Nope, glory goes to Jesus Christ (who obviously isn't involved in the incompletions).

Thanks for a great response... a star for you... I don’t agree with all your points but even i (as a Christian) get frustrated with some Christians who just do not follow logic sometimes... The sports example was an excellent one

If he had dropped the ball would the opposition players be thanking Jesus??

I honestly believe that things on earth just happen... do I believe that God can affect things on earth from time to time? Of course I do... but I do not attribute everything I see to a direct influence from God.

I also can’t stand the false followers... you know what I mean... some rapper standing on a stage screaming "f*** the police" for two hours and then winning an award and saying "I’d like to thank Jesus for making this possible"

Personally i have walked away from a few Churches in my time because I have not liked the way they conducted themselves... But I have now found a very good church where my family and i feel welcomed... They are what i call real Christians... They do not Judge anyone and everyone is welcome!!

But as i keep saying... You will get idiots in ALL walks of life... if I hear a Hindu say something stupid or outrageous I aint gonna start hating Hinduism and all Hindus.

And i definitely welcome debate and criticism of Christianity... no problem... in fact i think we need it... What i am talking about is the outright insults, sarcasm and rudeness.

To me, Jesus is my friend... that may seem stupid to some of you but to me it’s a very strong and personal thing...When i need help he is there... I think that some people know this and are therefore deliberately rude and insulting regarding this... Comments like “you and your sky fairy”
To me that is no different than insulting my mother or father. It is behaviour such as this that leads me to the conclusion that they must hate Christians/Christianity.

I certainly do not hate atheist... and I definitely think that all people should be allowed to follow whatever belief system they choose. I also believe that if a person or group of people then decides to use and twist that belief system to do wrong in society then society should punish that person or group... not the whole belief system!!

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Because we know you people just can't be happy unless you feel persecuted. That whole martyrdom complex, where you only feel your life has meaning if you're Daniel in the lion pit, Jesus on the cross, or Jim Bakker in the whorehouse.

Actually it's because most Atheists on the internet live in countries that are ruled by the Christian version of the angry smiteful penis-mutilator god and his zombie avatar. Since these ludicrous yutzes are the ones who are making all the idiotic policies, making the outrageous demands, and setting bibles on fire for not being translated "right"... these are hte penis-mutilators who get the heat.

Atheists in Muslim countries such as Turkey or Lebanon speak out against Islam. Israeli atheists talk about Judaism and Islam. Indian atheists speak out about the wackiness of Hinduism. And so on.

It's all about which crazy cult is imposing their particular brand of superstitious nonsense, bigotry, and inanity on a given atheists' country.

Rude, Arrogant, Sarcastic, Bigoted, insulting!!!

Very childish... what a shame you are cannot make your point in a grown up way...

However, many thanks for proving my point

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Muckster
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Rude, Arrogant, Sarcastic, Bigoted, insulting!!!

Very childish... what a shame you are cannot make your point in a grown up way...

However, many thanks for proving my point

Which was (as I said earlier) the ENTIRE purpose the the thread:
To bait atheists into speaking negatively about christianity so you could cry persecuted victim.

To sum up this thread:

You: "Why do you atheists hate christianity?"
Atheists: "because.."
You: "See atheists hate christians!!!"

Thankyou for proving my point.

[edit on 25-11-2009 by riley]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by riley

By this warped logic... is no one allowed to start a thread regarding an injustice for fear of being accused of baiting the perpetrators of the injustice???

Would a woman not allowed to start a thread asking why some men are sexist???

Would this not be a legitimate topic of conversation, especially if she had suffered at the hand of sexist men???

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by Muckster

you're angry on their attacks, yet you're not being better. what for? i'm not a christian, yet i know something you seem to forgot.

If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone[...]

are you without sin?

stop fighting, kids. you're all equal.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Muckster
reply to post by riley

By this warped logic... is no one allowed to start a thread regarding an injustice for fear of being accused of baiting the perpetrators of the injustice???

Would a woman not allowed to start a thread asking why some men are sexist???

Would this not be a legitimate topic of conversation, especially if she had suffered at the hand of sexist men???

Come off it it was a blatent bait thread so you could get atheists all angry then parade yourself and other christians as their victims.. maybe so you could have another reason to cry that mods aren't protecting you. ex:

..even though you threw the first punch. Classic passive aggression tactic.. "I only hit them because I knew they were planning to hit me first so it's self defence."

[edit on 26-11-2009 by riley]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by Muckster

Why do so many Atheists hate Christianity?!?!

all religions are political tools. all of them. it's a tried and true way to convince a great many people to do the will of the government. even if the will is to murder, rape and steal.

the crusades killed millions of people. particularly muslims, but anyone who didn't agree with their doctrine met horrible fates.

the salem witch trials killed many americans.

the same thing can be said about all religions. muslim, judaism, christianity, catholic, scientology, buddhist, heck you name the religion and we can find an atrocity associated with it.

millions upon millions of native americans, north and south, met their end and their homes were stolen at the hand of christians. entire nations of native americans were wiped out because of christianity. talk about a holocaust!

if you believe in god, great i am happy for you. if you don't i am happy for you too. just leave everyone alone and live your faith.

your words mean nothing to me. i am listening to your actions.


posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 10:24 AM
Now, this is just a guess.. But I think most people who don't like Christians don't like you guys because there was alot of torturing/burning/enslavement/conquest/looting/rape/etc. done by Christians back in the day. Especially to non-Christians, who were fair game for whatever came to mind. I'm not saying its the fault or responsibility of the Christians out there today..

But if you think anyone who isn't a Christian is going to be overlooking the stomach churning brutality you guys show off whenever you feel the world is 'evil', your sorely mistaken.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by Jackboot.Heel

Now, this is just a guess.. But I think most people who don't like Christians don't like you guys because there was alot of torturing/burning/enslavement/conquest/looting/rape/etc. done by Christians back in the day. Especially to non-Christians, who were fair game for whatever came to mind. I'm not saying its the fault or responsibility of the Christians out there today..

it is still happening today. this list is not all inclusive:

catholic: rape of young boys and girls
judaism: murder of palestinians
muslim: murder of jewish and christians

to say that it's just christians that i have a problem with is an understatement. all religion is bad....all of it. religion separates us from eachother.

if you google for these atrocities, you will find plenty of information. or just look at ATS threads.

heck, even when the bush presidents went to war, preachers were saying our leaders were appointed by god and the war in iraq and afghanistan were just.

keep your religion.

i believe in god, just not religion.

i don't think i have enough posts to start a thread. but if someone wants to, start one that says:

more dangerous than the illuminati, more dangerous than the bilderburg group, more dangerous than the new world order is religion.

religion is not hidden
religion openly hates
religion openly calls for war
religion openly wants power
religion wants all your money

think about it.


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