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At Least 7 Dead, 12 Wounded in Shooting at Ft. Hood in Texas

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posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
reply to post by JJay55

You didn't answer my question.

She doesn't answer questions.

Just copy paste anti-islamic articles.

That's why i stopped replying to her post.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:55 PM
Isolating points from the article posted, which should be credited to outstanding political analyst Christopher Hitchens

wasn't the gallant major also subject to ill treatment and even abuse? Only up to a point, when you consider that his parents had been given refuge from Palestine and enabled to build a life here, that he himself had knowingly joined an all-volunteer army, that he had been promoted (it seems rather faster and higher than his true abilities warranted) and allowed on the job to vent extremely noxious opinions about members of other faiths, to say nothing about his adopted country.

No doubt he came in for a taunt or two, but if you want to avoid that, then don't express contempt for your fellow soldiers while in uniform. Black Americans used to be segregated. Jewish recruits were mercilessly hazed, as were men or women who looked as if they might be gay. Did any of them ever come up with an act of mass murder as a response? Did any of them ever offer a black or Jewish or gay ideology in justification of it? Would they have earned sympathy and understanding if they had?


the three most salient characteristics of the Muslim death-squad type were self-righteousness, self-pity, and self-hatred. Surrounded as he was by fellow shrinks who were often very distressed by his menacing manner, Maj. Hasan managed to personify all three traits—with the theocratic rhetoric openly thrown in for good measure—and yet be treated even now as if the real word for him was troubled. Prepare to keep on meeting those three symptoms again, along with official attempts to oppose them only with therapy, if that. At least the holy warriors know they are committing suicide.

Hitchens has been vocal in his criticism of the rise of Islamofascism. People on this list will have a hair-trigger response that this is an unjust characterization of all Muslims. But it is no more a comment on the entire population than criticism of Fascism is a slight to Italians or Spaniards - two nations that embraced this philosophy at one time.

Disturbing points of comparison between the classic Fascism and the new Islamofascism:

The most obvious points of comparison would be these:

Both movements are based on a cult of murderous violence that exalts death and destruction and despises the life of the mind. ("Death to the intellect! Long live death!" as Gen. Francisco Franco's sidekick Gonzalo Queipo de Llano so pithily phrased it.)

Both are hostile to modernity (except when it comes to the pursuit of weapons), and both are bitterly nostalgic for past empires and lost glories.

Both are obsessed with real and imagined "humiliations" and thirsty for revenge.

Both are chronically infected with the toxin of anti-Jewish paranoia (interestingly, also, with its milder cousin, anti-Freemason paranoia).

Both are inclined to leader worship and to the exclusive stress on the power of one great book.

Both have a strong commitment to sexual repression—especially to the repression of any sexual "deviance"—and to its counterparts the subordination of the female and contempt for the feminine.

Both despise art and literature as symptoms of degeneracy and decadence; both burn books and destroy museums and treasures.


[edit on 17-11-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

This is fascism:

You need look no further than that.

The problems we are currently facing here at home with our own constitution and government are FAR worse than the threat of extremist Muslims. The threat of extremist Muslims is only being perpetuated to divert attention AWAY from this kind of stuff, which MSM will not even TOUCH.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:31 PM


posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by JJay55

No one has to die for our rights to be trampled on and taken away by force. Then what are we even fighting for anymore? What makes it even WORTH fighting for this country anymore? It was our freedoms that made this country what it was in the first place. NOW WE ARE NO DIFFERENT THAN THE FASCIST ISLAMIC COUNTRIES YOU'VE BEEN CONDITIONED TO HATE.

If you would give up our rights that easily, or even make EXCUSES as to why we shouldn't CARE that our rights are being taken away, you don't deserve to talk about anything in this country anymore. You don't even deserve to live here. You have no sense of where this country came from, what it's about, or especially what in the hell is going on today. You are not an American.

Btw why can you NOT answer my simple question about how many Iraqi, Iranian or Pakistani military installations or naval patrols you have seen in US territory?? -SNIP- There are NONE here. OUR country is the one going around bullying others and forcing things upon them against their will. That isn't freedom EITHER!

[edit on 17-11-2009 by bsbray11]

Mod Edit - Please Post To The Topic And Not The Poster.

Civility And Decorum Are Required on

[edit on Tue, 17 Nov 2009 18:28:11 -0600 by MemoryShock]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

I think it’s pretty clear to intelligent people the War on Terrorism is being used continually not just as a distraction from pressing political and economic problems here in the United States but to institute increasingly unconstitutional forms of policing and control.

It is no coincidence that so many politically motivated people are constantly trying to over emphasize the exaggerated threat of Islamic Extremism or that many of them aren’t even Americans.

Some of these rabid anti-Muslim posters would like nothing better than to see America turned into a mindless police state where highly indoctrinated and programmed body armored clad warriors are at the worlds beck and call to use violence to further their own political and corporate agenda.

They know an independent and free America would never go along with such things. So they do purposefully distract us with the politics of the War on Terror that their own bad politics created and often they themselves pose as the Islamic terrorists to try to make the threat realer and deadlier than it is.

Eliminate the state of Israel and the terrorism problem goes away. It was a state born of Zionist Terrorism against the Christian British Rulers and it’s a state whose politics and thefts have turned the entire Middle East into a seething vat of tensions that the only thing that keeps it from boiling over is the heavy hand of the American Military.

Meanwhile the Zionists miss no opportunity to promote this police state here in America in the name of Security, and to ferment hatred against the people whose lands they stole and they have butchered to enlist our aide in their never ending war of Muslim attrition.

Their lawyers make sure our borders remain porous so we face a never ending influx of immigrants who not only don’t share the same American values but tax our resources infrastructure and create chaos.

Their media shills and producers make sure we are bombarded 24 hours a day with anger, frustration, doom and gloom and constantly divided over how to correct our course and resume being a constitutional adhering and ruled nation.

The real Terrorists are AIPAC and the Zionists and the neoconservatives who want a world so mindless and malleable, unquestioning and unthinking that we the people operate and function as their slaves and henchmen.

How successful have they become? 75% of all American youth are unfit for the disciplines of military service their brains and girths are so addled from video games, animation and mindless movies and a watered down education system that barely teaches them functional illiteracy.

When the Zionists aren’t busy doing that they are busy manipulating financial markets and causing both capital and industry to flee American shores, as they continue to erode the fabric of life and turn us into a homogenous society of political correctness, draconian laws, oppression and fear.

I truly get so disgusted with the never ending manipulations the true terrorists are forever machinating.

America has a problem with terrorism, a Zionist installed fascist terrorist government who wants us to give up our rights and live in fear and never question or think for ourselves.

The truth is the truth, and likely more than anything a well intentioned naïve young man who joined the army wishing to make something of his life was exposed to all the horror, all the lies, all the hypocrisies, cruelty and crimes of the war of attrition being waged overtly and covertly by the Zionists on the Muslims that I am ashamed to
Say America has become nothing but an unwitting pawn too.

We have given them an inch, and they have taken a mile and another and another and they will not stop until those of us who are free and have minds of our own are all dead, in prison, or destitute.

In answer to JJay’s question how many people have the Military Industrial and Security Industrial Complex killed?

Millions and millions.

[edit on 17/11/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
reply to post by JJay55

No one has to die for our rights to be trampled on and taken away by force. Then what are we even fighting for anymore? What makes it even WORTH fighting for this country anymore? It was our freedoms that made this country what it was in the first place. NOW WE ARE NO DIFFERENT THAN THE FASCIST ISLAMIC COUNTRIES YOU'VE BEEN CONDITIONED TO HATE.

If you would give up our rights that easily, or even make EXCUSES as to why we shouldn't CARE that our rights are being taken away, you don't deserve to talk about anything in this country anymore. You don't even deserve to live here. You have no sense of where this country came from, what it's about, or especially what in the hell is going on today. You are not an American.

Btw why can you NOT answer my simple question about how many Iraqi, Iranian or Pakistani military installations or naval patrols you have seen in US territory?? Is it because you are allergic to thinking? There are NONE here. OUR country is the one going around bullying others and forcing things upon them against their will. That isn't freedom EITHER!

[edit on 17-11-2009 by bsbray11]

I was thinking she and a few of her flunkies need the kind of help the Major didn't get.
They need an intervention in Istanbul.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
This is fascism

The problems we are currently facing here at home with our own constitution and government are FAR worse than the threat of extremist Muslims. The threat of extremist Muslims is only being perpetuated to divert attention AWAY from this kind of stuff, which MSM will not even TOUCH.

This is a genuflecting attempt to avoid the implications of what "Soldier of Allah" Hasan represents. Yet another example of Muslim paranoia and histrionics. EVERYTHING critical of an ideology held by some Muslims is immediately construed as an attack on every Muslim on the planet.

Genghis Khan did a lot of terrible things. That isn't who we are talking about.

Remember the supposedly Evil US government actually put up with and even promoted this traitor in their midst, tolerating his sedition, fearful of appearing discriminatory. Anywhere else in the world he would have been summarily put out of his misery.

If he didn't want to go to Afghanistan he could have exhausted channels and as a last resort shot off a toe. But he chose to shoot a dozen people he didn't know. He considered them as enemies and justified their murder as part of an destructive ideology he vocally advocated.

Bad news. Bad guy. Bad portend for the future.


posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

Yes, yes, we all get it, you're not saying ALL Muslims are terrorists. But then would you shut the hell up already about the ones that ARE terrorists? You are blowing this up WAY out of proportion and you don't even LIVE in the US!!

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
reply to post by mmiichael

Yes, yes, we all get it, you're not saying ALL Muslims are terrorists. But then would you shut the hell up already about the ones that ARE terrorists? You are blowing this up WAY out of proportion and you don't even LIVE in the US!!

We do in fact know why some posters are blowing this out of proportion. We know their political motivations; we can pull up their profiles and see they have short friend’s lists with one another on them.

We know all they do is use these threads as copy and paste platforms for the purposes of propaganda that promote their political aims.

We know they are doing this not because they have any concern for us here in America but because they are promoting a war of Muslim attrition for the sake of Israel and it's desire to never make real peace with the Palestinians that they have made a fortune and career out of persecuting and slandering, robbing, killing, imprisoning and tyrannizing them.

We know that they operate as forum gangs trying to lend credibility to one another’s prejudices, biases and fear mongering.

The truth of the matter it is people who think like THEM that have created the terrorist problem and they very much wish to perpetuate it and make sure that they can profit off of perpetual war and chaos that their manipulations, machinations, thefts and deceptions cause.

They know darn well what they are doing and why they are doing it.

They know darn well that sooner or later more people like Major Hassan are going to crack and snap from listening to all the tales of indiscriminate violence, murder, rape and theft that runs rampant in war zones across the globe.

They can’t risk America returning to it’s common sense roots and getting AIPAC and the Zionist influence out of our government and foreign policy that created the terrorist problem so all they do is copy and paste, copy and paste and do everything they can to belittle and then evade direct debate with the intelligent Americans who see their transparent manipulations and falsehoods for what it is.

What it is is just like the Jewish Talmud extols to get others to murder your enemies for you.

Real Americans are going to be required to end the War on Terrorism, and it is Zionist politics not Islamic fundamentalism that is at the root of Islamic terrorism. Stop funding Israel, stop giving Israel weapons, stop fighting wars for it and protecting it and our highly exaggerated and manipulated Islamic terrorism problem goes away.

There was no such thing as Middle Eastern terrorism until the Zionists introduced it in Palestine and stole their land.

There was a little bit of Muslim pirating and slave trading and that was about it. We were universally respected as a nation because unlike England, Germany, France and the Netherlands we weren’t interested in Empire or Colonialism, but minding our own business, not taking sides, and treating everyone equal just like our forefathers did and bade us to when they founded our nation.

This is the price of listening to Zionists instead of our Patriotic American forefathers and founders.

Zionism is a control cult, a European control cult, it has nothing to do with Judaism, it’s bad enough they victimize and exploit the decent and moral Jews of the world for their insidious and nefarious political ends.

Shame on us for allowing their lies and distortions, blackmail and manipulation to exploit and victimize us, and they know one thing for certain.

Should the United States and the Islamic world restore the good relations we always had before there was a Zionist land of Israel built on stolen land and broken treaties, and murder, there would be no Zionist Israel anymore.

That is why we are infected with these snake oil salesmen from abroad, and why they are always right there to play every little occurrence to the hilt.

They are what they are and oh how they would love for us to pretend they aren’t what they are!

Ft. Hood wasn’t a product of Muslim Terrorism, Ft. Hood was a product of the despair and insanity a vaguely defined, loose and shifting War on Terrorism creates.

What it creates is called Chaos and should we totally succumb to how the Zionists want to order that chaos we will never know freedom, truth, liberty and justice for all ever again here in the United States of America.

[edit on 17/11/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
Yes, yes, we all get it, you're not saying ALL Muslims are terrorists. But then would you shut the hell up already about the ones that ARE terrorists? You are blowing this up WAY out of proportion and you don't even LIVE in the US!!

Tens of thousands of threads on this forum covering a wide range of subjects. This one is on a recent mass murder at a US army base with Islamic ideological underpinnings. How can the terrorism issue not be discussed?

If you don't like the subject why are you on this thread and responding?

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
You seem to think extremists attacking us sporadically, here and there, is totally unprecedented and uncalled-for.

And you don't? heh.


Mod Note: One Line and Short Posts – Please Review This Link.

[edit on Tue Nov 17 2009 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
it is Zionist politics not Islamic fundamentalism that is at the root of Islamic terrorism.

Somebody better inform the Mullahs in Iran of this. They thought they enacted their Islamic Revolution to create a perfect Islamic State from which to spread their Shiite interpretation throughout the Middle East and ultimately the world.

Just as the Saud family believe they are fulfilling the goals of Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab who advocated an aggrssive form of Islamic puritanism still being adhered to. The roots of which began before there was a State of Israel or even a United States.

Can anyone with half a brain believe millions Muslims have died at the hands of other Muslims in territory and resource disputes, civil and Holy Wars, from the Sudan, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Algeria, Syria, Jordan, a dozen other countries, due to the existence of a Jewish state it the region?

These pronouncements just get more absurd and grotesque by the day.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
it is Zionist politics not Islamic fundamentalism that is at the root of Islamic terrorism.

Somebody better inform the Mullahs in Iran of this. They thought they enacted their Islamic Revolution to create a perfect Islamic State from which to spread their Shiite interpretation throughout the Middle East and ultimately the world.

Just as the Saud family believe they are fulfilling the goals of Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab who advocated an aggrssive form of Islamic puritanism still being adhered to. The roots of which began before there was a State of Israel or even a United States.

Can anyone with half a brain believe millions Muslims have died at the hands of other Muslims in territory and resource disputes, civil and Holy Wars, from the Sudan, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Algeria, Syria, Jordan, a dozen other countries, due to the existence of a Jewish state it the region?

These pronouncements just get more absurd and grotesque by the day.
[edit on 17-11-2009 by mmiichael]

Welcome to the future battle. When it comes time to stand up against the Caliphate there will be many confused people.
Nice posts mmmichael.
Over and out.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
reply to post by mmiichael

Yes, yes, we all get it, you're not saying ALL Muslims are terrorists. But then would you shut the hell up already about the ones that ARE terrorists? You are blowing this up WAY out of proportion and you don't even LIVE in the US!!

I'm not sure why you think it your responsibility or right to dictate to others how they should feel or what they should write. Can you explain that to us? I'd just like to know from where you derive this right?

You are free to ignore the threat of Terrorism on the part of Muslim extremists if you so choose. You are free to explain away the actions of Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorists such as the good Major. You are free to believe the threat to be "over blown"

Some of us feel that the murder of 3000 innocent people in New York, DC in PA was an act of war. Acts of war are not restricted to states or uniformed personnel.

You can continue to pretend that Muslim Terrorists are justified in killing non believers. That is your right.

The reality is that the Islamic Fundamentalist movement has made it clear what the end game is for them and that is to establish a world wide "caliphate," based on Sharia Law. Don't believe me. It has been stated publicly often enough. Do some research. It won't be hard to find.

As I say , put your head in the sand. It's easier that way.

I just thought we were supposed to deny ignorance.

I guess that only applies to those who think differently than you do.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by Night Watchman]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

Can anyone with half a brain believe millions Muslims have died at the hands of other Muslims in territory and resource disputes, civil and Holy Wars, from the Sudan, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Algeria, Syria, Jordan, a dozen other countries, due to the existence of a Jewish state it the region?

Oh how easy it is to light a little flame up and get people to totally destroy their own contentions!

Muslims killing other Muslims? The heck you say, not according to many posters of this thread.
Islam is all about killing westerners according to them. Now here we find that Muslims are killing each other, just like Christians are killing each other? Wow! What a revelation.

So in other words Muslims are just like everyone else!

Of course I already knew that! Some of the people posting to this thread seem to be entirely oblivious to it.

Now let me connect the dots for you.

Yes Muslims were killing one another but NOT Americans before we started giving Israel's and the Zionist's land thefts, murders, and apartheid state government carte blanche to do what ever it wants by using our veto in the U.N. Security council to defeat every sanction that a state that was born out of Zionist terrorism and stealing the land of the indigenous inhabitants with murder and at gunpoint would naturally have leveled against it by an appalled and horrified world body of civilized nations.

Yes Muslims were killing one another but NOT Americans before we started giving Israel billions of dollars in aide annually and high-tech weaponry and intelligence.

Yes Muslims were killing one another but NOT Americans before we started using that veto to prevent any sanction against Israel while using our clout in the United Nations to push for sanctions against nations that Israel doesn’t like based on them doing the very same things that Israel does that we won’t allow to be sanctioned.

Israel is the root cause of the Terrorist problem more specifically American financial and military aide for Israel and a veto that has denied the World Body it’s will and the even application of International Law and standards time and time again.

Major Hassan if he is not a patsy obviously cracked under the pressure of listening to troubled men and women share their experiences of horrific and wanton violence perpetrated on innocent Iraqi and Afghani citizens in so called collateral damage that kills more non-combatants than combatants.

Violence that kills children, pregnant women, and elderly non-combatants every day, and often perpetrated by over zealous troops infected with this notion that Muslims aren’t just like everyone else a notion that some people with a primary and never ending allegiance to Israel literally make a profession out of promoting.

The copy and paste anti-Muslim Zionist Internet Brigade.

The very ones who so yearn and miss no opportunity to exploit every misfortune brought upon America by its biased and unjust favoritism and support for Israel which has not been earned through love by the American masses but by AIPAC and Mass Media Manipulation and Propaganda, blackmail and extortion.

Major Hassan as we all are is just one more in the long line of victims created by Zionist manipulation and machinations and its eternal quest for dominance and Muslim attrition.

[edit on 17/11/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Major Hassan as we all are is just one more in the long line of victims created by Zionist manipulation and machinations and its eternal quest for dominance and Muslim attrition.

The last time anyone looked Muslims were in full control of 99.8% of the territory of the Middle East extending into North Africa. They were also selling trillions of dollars of oil to the US, Europe, the rest of the world.

Iraq and Afghanistan have governments elected by the citizens of these countries.

I know the Muslim world would be be in a state of tranquil bliss if they could get control of that outstanding 0.2% controlled by those manipulative world-dominating Jews who made poor Maj Hasan go berserk.

Life just isn't fair.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Originally posted by bsbray11
Yes, yes, we all get it, you're not saying ALL Muslims are terrorists. But then would you shut the hell up already about the ones that ARE terrorists? You are blowing this up WAY out of proportion and you don't even LIVE in the US!!

Tens of thousands of threads on this forum covering a wide range of subjects. This one is on a recent mass murder at a US army base with Islamic ideological underpinnings. How can the terrorism issue not be discussed?

If you don't like the subject why are you on this thread and responding?

I will tell you why-----Like he says folks directly connected to folks like you are hooked up with-- are more or less a freak show here on threads like this one. And of course all the other ones you have posted in IMO.
The Major is American. You are not. You have no vote in this matter. You employ Marxist Bolshevik Zionist tactics to attempt to sell your vial.
bsbray is correct.
Start your own thread if you can't handle the heat.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
it is Zionist politics not Islamic fundamentalism that is at the root of Islamic terrorism.

Somebody better inform the Mullahs in Iran of this. They thought they enacted their Islamic Revolution to create a perfect Islamic State from which to spread their Shiite interpretation throughout the Middle East and ultimately the world.

Just as the Saud family believe they are fulfilling the goals of Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab who advocated an aggrssive form of Islamic puritanism still being adhered to. The roots of which began before there was a State of Israel or even a United States.

Can anyone with half a brain believe millions Muslims have died at the hands of other Muslims in territory and resource disputes, civil and Holy Wars, from the Sudan, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Algeria, Syria, Jordan, a dozen other countries, due to the existence of a Jewish state it the region?

These pronouncements just get more absurd and grotesque by the day.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by mmiichael]

Absurdity raises it's head in your desperate need to keep from sliding into the abyss of your witting. If all you say above were true it in no freaking way addresses PRESENT AMERICA and one of our citizens. The Major. Your crap harkens back to the Marxist Bolshevik invasion of Russia.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Major Hassan as we all are is just one more in the long line of victims created by Zionist manipulation and machinations and its eternal quest for dominance and Muslim attrition.

The last time anyone looked Muslims were in full control of 99.8% of the territory of the Middle East extending into North Africa. They were also selling trillions of dollars of oil to the US, Europe, the rest of the world.

Iraq and Afghanistan have governments elected by the citizens of these countries.

I know the Muslim world would be be in a state of tranquil bliss if they could get control of that outstanding 0.2% controlled by those manipulative world-dominating Jews who made poor Maj Hasan go berserk.

Life just isn't fair.

Crap mm your green eyed Canadian envy wants to beat up all the world so you and yours can make it 0.200000001
Spain, France, Germany, the Baltic ,Poland and Russia have taught you nothing. The American Major scares the crap out of you .
Life ain't fair but only you guys wine.
Stop wasting your time here. Enlist and take your hatred to the front lines and send an American home.
Take jj itoo! We don't want our kids dying for your convoluted cause.

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