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Israel Commits Crimes Against Humanity; ¿And Iran Is The Enemy,LOL?

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posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

This report, no matter how accurate it may be, like so many others, will be swept under the rug and forgotten.

I don't know if everybody read the memo or not but it goes like this :


posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Nyteskye
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

This report, no matter how accurate it may be, like so many others, will be swept under the rug and forgotten.

I don't know if everybody read the memo or not but it goes like this :


why does Israel get away Scott free with war crimes?


posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 11:47 AM
Israel gave up Gaza, Sinai and allows the Palestinians to live in the west bank.

What have the Arabs done for peace? NOTHING!!!

Why did Israel attack Gaza? Because the Arabs were shooting rockets and Mortars into Israeli cities for years.

Anyone who blames Israel or calls the Israelis terrorist needs to get an education because that is just plain ignorance.

Israel defended themselves only after years of trying to get Hamasses to stop the rocket attacks on Israel. Any nation would have done the same in their position so get a clue.

The only way their will be peace is to run every Islamic Arab out of Israeli land and threaten all with nuclear devastation if Israel is attacked again by any Arab state or Terrorist from within such state.

The Arabs would then get a life and be happy in their own billion square miles of land that they already own.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 11:49 AM

look by yourself, in french, but do you remember Corry ?????
shame on you zionists.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Chovy

Originally posted by Nyteskye
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

This report, no matter how accurate it may be, like so many others, will be swept under the rug and forgotten.

I don't know if everybody read the memo or not but it goes like this :


why does Israel get away Scott free with war crimes?


Exactly. It's one of the most infuriating things I've ever seen. You just label anybody who dares to ask the question an anti-semite and move on. I don't know how much longer that tactic is going to work however.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 11:59 AM
come on, do you remember her ???
shame on you zionists, your G-d did promise you that land ??? who are you that you kill others for that to become reality ? what kind of G-d do you have ?
not mine for sure ! you behave like a victim who wants to revenge in blood everything they did to you, but you know pretty well that is NOT the solution and we USA do support you by millions of $$$$$
time to change your mind, the world is NOT stupid !!
you want us to destroy IRAN for you ??? do it by yourself and kill all hope for peace in the world !!!

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 12:32 PM
Great thread friend Sancho and a lot of pertinent information and hypothesis too. It’s truly a milestone that this report made it to vote by the U.N. General Assembly and that it passed by the wide margin that it did. A number of Israel’s key allies chose to abstain or not vote which clearly shows a cautious distancing by some of the premier Western Nations away from Israel.

Still it’s up to the U.N. Security Council to now vote on it and implement War Crimes Trials and as much as I would like to see them vote on it and implement War Crimes Trials there is an excellent chance that the United States will use its Veto in the Security Council to put an end to the process.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that some tantalizing new evidence regarding Obama’s place of birth has leaked out at the same time this Vote was going on at the General Assembly.

Israel will pull out all the stops to get that Veto in the Security Council. Brace yourself!

In the meantime you are right it does demonstrate one more reason why it’s fundamentally wrong to allow Israel to push the West into a war with peaceful Iran. The Zionist Israeli Government is a vicious and bloodthirsty one. This report more than demonstrates that.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 12:41 PM
isreal is like a bully who's dad is a teacher in grade school. He would kick you but and then when you complain he is al Oh poor me. and the teacher looks at you and says you are wrong he is not trouble. Then when he walks away he kicks your a** again sneaky country

In a zionist controlled media. I still can only see the evil they do. That is a strong statement

[edit on 17-10-2009 by AmenStop]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 12:42 PM

Those Israelis dancing on the white van had preknowledge of the attack.
Who told them?

the full story

Forward, a publication geared towards the Jewish population in the US, reported in 2002 that the FBI concluded at least two of the five were Mossad agents and that all were on a Mossad surveillance mission.

[edit on 17-10-2009 by conar]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by conar

The frightening truth is that the Israeli Government might be indeed guilty of far more war crimes than just those carried out on the Palestinians. There is a strong chance they are guilty of war crimes against the American people and played a direct role in the 9-11 attacks that our government refuses to investigate for political reasons doing with the phony and costly destructive War on Terror.

The circumstantial evidence of 9-11 and is all circumstantial points much more strongly to Israel being the perpetrator than Bin Laden and El Qaeda.

Israel’s Zionist Government and Military/Security Industrial Complex truly is a terrorist and criminal enterprise.

I shudder to think and pity the Jews of the world who will be forced to face the scorn and wrath of what this criminal and amoral enterprise has done in their name should all the truth of their crimes ever come to light.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 01:02 PM
Great post Sancho.

As predicted the pro Israeli members are unable to deal with the facts of the matter and simple resort to personal insults. Just pathetic.

The only comment I will make about your post is why it is on a conspiracy site. There is no conspiracy about it. It's just all fact.

Israeli's need to get used to the fact that their government is run by war criminals. They need to do something about that quick before it's all over for them.

I appeal to all right thinking Jews.... get rid of the Nut Jobs now.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 01:22 PM
Great Post Sancho,

I found some info on wikipedia about the Muslim Brotherhood and their involvement in Palestine and Iran, im beginning to think both sides are hijacked and played. Check it out: Muslim Brotherhood

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher

Why did Israel attack Gaza? Because the Arabs were shooting rockets and Mortars into Israeli cities for years.

I would ask the question why did the Arabs shoot rockets into Isreal's cities?
Has Isreal done something to anger them?
George Galloway addresses this , see

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
Israel gave up Gaza, Sinai and allows the Palestinians to live in the west bank.

What have the Arabs done for peace? NOTHING!!!

Why did Israel attack Gaza? Because the Arabs were shooting rockets and Mortars into Israeli cities for years.

Anyone who blames Israel or calls the Israelis terrorist needs to get an education because that is just plain ignorance.

Israel defended themselves only after years of trying to get Hamasses to stop the rocket attacks on Israel. Any nation would have done the same in their position so get a clue.

The only way their will be peace is to run every Islamic Arab out of Israeli land and threaten all with nuclear devastation if Israel is attacked again by any Arab state or Terrorist from within such state.

The Arabs would then get a life and be happy in their own billion square miles of land that they already own.

I Second that. It goes like this: If the terrorists lay down their arms, there will be peace, if Israel would lay down it's arms it would be pushed into the sea.
You do not negotiate and feel sorry and compassionate to the killers, and "war crimes" (LOL) in Gaza were god sent blessings.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by Sunlionspirit

You clearly have a twisted P.O.V. It's the Muslim terrorists that shout "Allah Akbar" while detonating themselves. Israel gets away with the Gaza war because it was a Beautiful PURGE, now we have much more silence.
Thank you Tzahal.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 01:42 PM
the creation of the state of Israel is like a cancer in the middle east. the zionists did chase out nearly all inhabitants and did push all over the world other jews to come over and settle in the new taken land.
some arabs continue to live in Israel, yes they do, but you feel pretty well that the zionists want a pure religious jewish state and still try to conquer more and more land by destroying homes of palestinians, taking further land by colonisation ( right wing colonists ) : it will never stop because they think that this land is their land - yes it was 2000 years ago, so what ??? G-d did promess that land to them and so they think they got autorisation to kill and purshase other living beings.
What kind of G-d do they have ?? I remember G-d told me one day that he promised me some land in Canada, near Quebec, so it's getting time that I go up there to kill that family living on that ranch to take it for me, because yes he did promise me that !!! My ancestors did live there 2000 years ago, see what I mean ?

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Limbo

Originally posted by Sky watcher

Why did Israel attack Gaza? Because the Arabs were shooting rockets and Mortars into Israeli cities for years.

I would ask the question why did the Arabs shoot rockets into Isreal's cities?
Has Isreal done something to anger them?
George Galloway addresses this , see

What does Lebanon have to do with Gaza? Every side in a conflict has spin so arguing which side is right or wrong is pointless since both sides have different goals. The Israelis goal is to keep the state of Israel secure believing this is there homeland given to them by god.(we could debate the facts of this issue all day its pointless. The Palestinians correction Hamas not the Lebanese believe that Israel must be removed from the middle east and will accept nothing short of there destruction.Both sides in any conflict will do things they shouldn't be proud of but if push came to shove i would much rather be captured by Israelis then Hamas who has a tendency to execute prisoners with public be headings.At least the Israelis have some assemblance of laws though they may or may not follow them depends on who's spin you believe.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by dragonridr

There is no record of Hamas beheading anyone publicly.

Do you have a credible source that depicts such an instance?

Or are you just trying to play on the emotional fears such false statements can conjure up.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 02:00 PM

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by NoamC

yeah man, speak about the muslim terrorists ..... you forget that it is Israel that did push those terrorists Hamas to kill the Arafat influence !!!!! I have to find again all the history, but it is all the same : just like USA that did sustain the Taliban against USSR, or that did sustain the right wing governments in South America.
Right wing people always try to sustain other right wing groups for getting stronger but in the end they get it back in their face !!!!

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