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Time to call EPIC FAIL on forced swine flu mass population vaccination

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posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:05 AM
To the OP. Do you know what is EPIC FAIL? The vaccine itself. They claimed H1N1 will be here, will kill more thousands if we're not going to take the vaccine. Yet the H1N1 is only appears there where the vaccine appeared and killed mostly in those countries. No President ever took the vaccine, no senate member or their families ever took the vaccine. So, please tell me, what is EPIC FAIL?

The H1N1 was a long term project to sterilize the population unnoticed, to ruin our health unnoticed. And WE, the conspirators stopped this. So don't spread your lies.

Do you know why they're not going to force the vaccination now? Because they're already facing with greater resistance then ever before. People are not going to take this BS vaccine for a BS flu which is almost not even exists. So what is an EPIC FAIL? Something what we presumably stopped? i.e. force vaccinations? i.e. helped our race? No, it's not epic fail. We're calling it as a major victory.

If you want to take the vaccine, go ahead. But we're not going to follow you. Don't even count on that.

I'm asking the moderators to put the name of this thread to between two HOAX mark.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by Sharrow]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

So you cant back up your claims... You thread is worthless. search Massachusetts emergency powers.... and then read. You are really not good at this whole proving a point business.

Funny thing is no one was talking about Australian forced vaccinations it was all about the US which you clearly do not have a handle on... So how bout this ... just plain dont post about things that dont concern you.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 11:50 AM
Again, no one is being forced to do anything they don't want to. Not even in the military are you being "forced" do to so. Some will feel compelled to do so, as they won't want the possibility of losing their job or ending up with an article 15 in the military, but they are not BEING FORCED. That would indicate they have no choice whatsoever. A gun to the head sort of thing. That isn't the case.

I think some medical facilities and the like are overreacting, but some don't want to deal with their hospital or school or whatever going down.

In Colorado, we just had two schools close yesterday (and two more deaths) because of H1N1. 12 teachers were out. They were combining classes. More students caught it. The principal said they were "dropping like flies," in regards to getting it. So there is a precident for wanting your employees vaccinated.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
"Get the vaccine or quit...."

(...quit your job during the worst economic depression in modern history - and there are no jobs for you when you quit this one)

That is the choice that many American's are being forced to make.

If you are in the healthcare industry and refuse to take the injection then maybe you should not be in the healthcare industry. If you are in the military and refuse it, I wonder what happens? The best thing about this controversy it that now you can know which healthcare workers are paranoid or just ignorant.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by earthdude]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by conspiracyrus
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

cite fact rather than opinion ... once again your battling against "emergency powers" in several states legislation... rather than some ridiculous assertion from someone who obviously does not know what they are talking about. If you ask me for sources im going to laugh at you

This is ATS, where facts are few and far between. The wild swine flu paranoia was far from supported by facts other than the FACT that the media was trying to put fear into the people by hyping the disease. The MSM tactic seems to have worked because the wild speculation began immediately all over the internet.

And if people are entitled to make wild baseless predictions on what TPTB are using Swine Flu for then I am entitled to speculate that those predictions are pure nonsense based on paranoia and a handful of "this could get bad" news reports (and when is the News ever right?)...

But again, at the bottom of my post, I said it is best to be prepared, meaning I don't have all the answers or know for sure. 99% chance Swine Flu is another minor disease over hyped by media, 1% chance the wild claims surrounding it in the CT community are true.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

Im not saying you cant ... not at all ... im just saying if your trying to prove a point you should you know ... prove it

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 02:47 PM
Hmmm. Epic fail? The vaccine just killed one woman in Hungary and the vaccinations have just started.

Use google translation to read the essence.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Sharrow

The H1N1 was a long term project to sterilize the population unnoticed, to ruin our health unnoticed. And WE, the conspirators stopped this. So don't spread your lies.

Talk about delusions of grandeur and self-importance !

YOU, and other swine flu vaccine paranoid ATS members stopped NOTHING !!!!

Do you honestly think that a few hundred ATS'ers indulging in a self-delusional conspiracy fest could possibly influence the decision making processes of governments and authorities around the world to any extent ?
As interesting and enjoyable as ATS may be, to the vast majority of the worlds population, ATS is unknown and as for your conspiracy opinions, they could give less than a "odiferous bodily excretion in the wind".

The ONLY reason that the mass population vaccination conspiracy is not taking place right now is because there NEVER was such a conspiracy to start of with.

Get over yourself !

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

YOU, and other swine flu vaccine paranoid ATS members stopped NOTHING !!!!

That's where you're mistaken. And you know that, that's why you're "shouting". But I'm glad it's pissed you up.

We know what the truth is. And the people also know what the truth is. And yes, as the resistance built up, we can declare victory over our enemies. Do you believe that I or other conspirators are restricted only to ATS? Think again, mister. Each of us has it's own region of operation and all of us whose were in this did the best what we was able to do to tell the truth to the people, to save just one more life. So yes, we made a difference even with one saved life, you like it or not. And that's bothering you. Sorry, but that's the fact.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by Sharrow]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Sharrow

Well said.

star for you sir

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Sharrow

What is this, Star Wars? Do you have a Rebel Alliance base operating out of your basement where all you 'High Up' ATS members converge on government authorities outside their base of operations and throw apples at them or something?

Seriously. Nothing you have said or lobbied for will have any inkling of effect whatsoever on the authorities that mandate vaccinations for health care/military workers. You saved a life, how may I ask? By running around and checking if people are taking the vaccine? Do you pull a die-hard slow motion leap-of-faith towards anyone about to inject themselves with this highly toxic vaccination, throw it away and therefore decree you have saved a life?

Tell us Sharrow 'Special Agent', when you aren't playing online FPS games, are you actively doing anything at all to stop this 'world-wide domination strategy' that you believe is occuring? I'm not talking about Capture The Flag either.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by forlorn23
Oh forlorn23, my respected foe who don't like when someone is messing into the "Great plan", right? Get used to it, because there will be more similar in the future. You may mock me, but I don't care about it. I did what I needed to do and I did the best what I can do. So as the others all around the globe.

But as I see you're not a real truth seeker, because you don't have the slightest clue how the people achieved all this all around the globe to protect it, right? Well, that's not our problem. Oh, and I don't play games. I'm a bit old for that.

And VERY Special Agent Sharrow, not just Special Agent.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by Sharrow]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by conspiracyrus
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

So you cant back up your claims... You thread is worthless. search Massachusetts emergency powers.... and then read. You are really not good at this whole proving a point business.

Funny thing is no one was talking about Australian forced vaccinations it was all about the US which you clearly do not have a handle on... So how bout this ... just plain dont post about things that dont concern you.

You just don't get it, do you ?

I'll try to simplify it for your benefit so please pay attention:

Now I don't give a rats posterior about Massachusetts emergency powers. This entire swine flu vaccination conspiracy is predicated on the delusional opinions of a number of ATS'ers that the ENTIRE global population was to be targeted to receive one or more doses of a "tailored" swine flu vaccine, forcibly, if we're to believe these same ATS'ers.

For this ridiculous conspiracy theory to have any resemblance to actual reality, EVERY state in the US would have to pass into ACTUAL law, legislation that will empower them to summarily and mandatorialy force the injection/inhalation of a chemical substance into EVERY citizen in the US. Whether those citizens allow or resist the introduction of this substance into their bodies is completely immaterial.
So, is every US state about to pass a "real" law permitting forced mass vaccination of the entire US population ? Want to show me similar "proof" to that of Massachusets ? Bet you can't.
So we have here a major stumbling block to this conspiracy and that's just the USofA ... what about the governments and states in the rest of the world ? How close are they all to introducing similar "real" legislation and laws ? Not happening ... as you damn well know ! Here in Australia, there is no sign, sight or sound that such legislation is to be enacted.

Now, because this is a GLOBAL vaccination conspiracy, that would mean that EVERY government in the world have to be a co-conspirator of this vaccination scheme. But what about countries like Iraq or North Korea or even China ... are they also a part of this global conspiracy ? Also, if there was something unusual or strange regarding the composition of this vaccine that they would prefer to remain undisclosed, then logic suggests that you stockpile the vaccine until you have sufficient quantities to vaccinate EVERY person in the world simultaneously ... instead, what we're seeing is the vaccine being released in dribs and drabs here and there with no apparent indication that it's a concerted effort or was ever intended to be one or that it will become one in the near future.
This haphazard way of vaccinating people leaves the vaccine structure wide open to analysis and disclosure long before even a minute portion of the entire worlds population gets anywhere close to a needle or inhaler.

And what about the reports that you same ATS'ers have posted claiming that there seem to be multiple variations on the swine flu vaccine depending on who the manufacturer/supplier may be ? What's the story there ? How does this non-consistent vaccine formulation fit into your swine flu vaccination delusions ? One formula for the USofA ... another formula for Australia ... and yet another formula for Europe, etc, etc.

C'mon, time for YOU and the other ATS'ers get into the real world and face the truth that this mass vaccination conspiracy is completely riddled with holes, contradictions and fallacies and needs to be put out of it's delusional misery once and for all.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by Sharrow

Ok. Whatever title helps you feel special at night.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by forlorn23
Oh, I'm special without any title. Believe me. I just use that title to piss up guys like you.

afoolbyanyothername. Plh-eeah-se o-ho-open your eyes at least once in your life.

Now, because this is a GLOBAL vaccination conspiracy, that would mean that EVERY government in the world have to be a co-conspirator of this vaccination scheme. But what about countries like Iraq or North Korea or even China ... are they also a part of this global conspiracy?

There ya go. Here it is. It's telling you everything.

Have a good read.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by Sharrow]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Sharrow
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

YOU, and other swine flu vaccine paranoid ATS members stopped NOTHING !!!!

That's where you're mistaken. And you know that, that's why you're "shouting". But I'm glad it's pissed you up.

We know what the truth is. And the people also know what the truth is. And yes, as the resistance built up, we can declare victory over our enemies. Do you believe that I or other conspirators are restricted only to ATS? Think again, mister. Each of us has it's own region of operation and all of us whose were in this did the best what we was able to do to tell the truth to the people, to save just one more life. So yes, we made a difference even with one saved life, you like it or not. And that's bothering you. Sorry, but that's the fact.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by Sharrow]

Oh, my !!!! the only thing that got "pissed up" as you so eloquently put it were my pants as I "pissed myself" laughing so much at your delusional ramblings and self-congratulatory pats on the back ... I'm surprised you haven't dislocated your shoulder in the process

What's the process that I need to go through to nominate you for the US Congressional medal of honour (or whatever it's called) for your heroic achievements in making the world a safer place for the rest of us plebes to live in ?
Note to myself: Remember to get in touch with the pope to discuss possible sainthood for Sparrow ... Saint Sparrow

In reality, you and your fellow so-called "operators" have accomplished nothing ... changed nothing ... and saved no one.

Time to get over your "saviour complex" and return to the real world !

p.s. I was actually contemplating there for a moment whether to apologize for my condescending response but then decided ... WTF, you deserve it for posting such tripe !

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername
You may laugh, but dozens of people said thanks to me, because of my information and because I kept them up to date so they heard what the other side of the coin is, not just what the media and the others are telling.

In my country the vaccine already caused death. In other cases the patient vomited blood after took the vaccine. We see what this thing is causing as here the media can't hide these details as the doctors are also against this vaccine. We have quite better info resources then the people in the U.S.

You may call me whatever you want. I don't care.
Oh, and I'm not from the U.S.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by Sharrow]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Sharrow

There ya go. Here it is. It's telling you everything.

Have a good read.

Very prettily coloured map ... that's about all you can say for it, though.

The WHO stopped tracking swine flu cases ages ago - the same here in Oz where swine flu statistics became meaningless many weeks ago when the health authorities decided to stop tracking and reporting individual cases. And the same applies to many other countries.

So ... the statistics being shown in that map are meaningless and completely out of date.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername
That's an up to date map. Check it first, before you would claim something.
But as I see you stuck at the colors. I believe that's telling everything about you.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by Sharrow]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

I second the nomination for sainthood. Now if we can get these guys to work on world hunger, war, poverty, etc.

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