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Family Says 911 Tape Caught Cops Planning Cover-Up After Shooting

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posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
reply to post by The_Tick

For anyone who is not paying very close attention there has been a recent rather large influx of the Law Enforcement oriented conspiracies, where various different branches are getting caught left and right for crimes they are committing while on the job.

If you ask me it sure is reminiscent of the Star Wars themed Great Jedi Purge.

This is the dreaded "Order 66" where Emperor Palpatine orders the Jedi slain.

I am of course utilizing this as a metaphor of course, because of the rise of these particular stories caught my attention immediately, and them being caught would be a metaphor for being "slain" by getting caught.

I am of course speaking in term of years here not just in the last few months.

There has been a pattern, if you will, a disturbance, in the force.

[edit on 2-10-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

Order 66, that literally destroyed the jedi. What I would like to know is how in gods name did Palpatine approach the Clones to betray the jedi. They had been fighting with them for a number of years against the separatists and for this order to be given to "exterminate them", I'm surprised it was never leaked. Also in relation to the cops shooting the man in the back, it almost fits. Because in Germany Hitler had the night of a thousand knives where the brownshirts (including the leader of the brownshirts who brough Hitler up the ranks) where gotten rid of. They where used as muscle for his organization and once his organization was sufficiently powerful enough, get rid of the muscle that was a competing interest to your powerbase. You see the same bullies and thugs that could be used against your enemy can be used against you if your policies are un-popular.

Right now the police are running around thinking they are invicible, it's a myth. They are being let to be brutes and bullies and thugs, so when the elite are done looting this country and has rendered everything it wanted out of it, it will use them as the scapegoat to blame for everything. The people will go after the police and once they are "done" then the elite will hire and acquire new brownshirts/police to use and start the cycle all over again.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 07:29 PM
Can't anyone take some responsibility anymore? For GOD's sake! I hope there is JUSTICE for this family! This is such a disturbing story.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by The_Tick

You want to know what the SICK thing is? This is the time they got Caught. How many other things had they already gotten away with... OBVIOUSLY they had to of been comfortable committing crime because they had no qualms about all the sick things they committed themselves to on the night in question.

Every case they ever had a hand in needs to be reviewed....

I am glad I do not live in AZ!

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR

Of course, if you were in their position, you probably would have made dumb decisions too. That is, if you were intending to cover your tracks.

Ah .... the joys of newspeak V6.2. So 'dumb decisions' is the latest euphemism for 'blatant criminal activity'?

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by praxis

Criminal activity IS dumb.
I thought I had already made myself clear on what I thought about what they did.

Lets say that I don't have any food. I don't have any money either.
I could take two routes. I could go to a food pantry to get charitable items, or I could hold someone up and use their money to go buy food.

The second option is criminal. And it is stupid.

In the Police officer's case, he could have simply told people that he saw the gun and shot the wrong man. This is probably what really happened.

I highly doubt the policeman entered the home with the intent of murdering the person who was in trouble.

The dumb decision, was the choice made to engage in criminal activity.

Hope I cleared that up for ya'.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
Chalk another one up for the LEOs.
How many times does something like this have to happen before people wake up to the fact that we are living in an increasingly obvious Police State?

Cops seem to act with little to know impunity when they screw up.
Not saying that this cop was a bad cop, just that the system is such that when he makes a critical error, his automated response is to cover his tracks.
That is disgusting.

No integrity.

It is amazing. We had a case here in Arkansas a few months back where a crooked cop in a small town shot the FIRE CHIEF IN COURT. The fire chief was pleading a case on behalf of his son and he was shot in court.
The reason I bring it up is because I tried to investigate this myself over the phone and I was stonewalled.
The judge resigned his seat and they just decided to zip their lips over it. I still don't know what is happening with that case, although admitedly I did just sorta give up on it when I became infuriated with the run-around.

Anyhow, what a disgusting display. I believe the man should have just shot the burglar. Of course, I'm sure he agrees in retrospect.

It's called making a case from the mistake. We always wonder why in gods name if cops where doing things illegal, why let yourself get recorded. It's three reasons. One, the cop and his supervisor was in a hurry and where doing a coverup on the fly. Two, cops are just as dumb and ignorant as the next guy, they can make mistakes also in thinking they are slick. And three, it's becoming common practice for the police to coverup and there people will protect them no matter what. Protect deny coverup, protect deny coverup.

And the reason why the cops where dragging him around and putting him on the hood of the car and driving with him on it (that doesn't even make sense because for one why move the person from the crime scene unless its mess it up and two why move a person you just shot 6 times in the back 2 of those times while he's on the ground) is because they where hopeing they could mess up or obfuscate the crime scene and hope that the victim of the shooting will die or not be able to communicate ever from the abuse of them moving him. Remeber he is still bleeding while they move him and he could be paralyzed, so they want to make sure he can't squawk. It's the same reason with not letting the family around him in the hospital, because they don't want him to give any statements to family or media or whomever as a last dying statement to what happened. A dead witness is just that, a dead witness.

These pieces of filth don't even realize what type of society they are making for the US and for themselves. Ask yourself who are the 2 people you can't defend yourself from in case of an attack, the police officer and the president of the US. You have to take the hit and hope and pray that you don't get killed. You can fight back but you will get killed or arrested and the courts will say that it was resisting arrest or an attempt on said person to inflict bodily harm. When the police get caught, they want to be treated like any other citizen saying they have the same rights etc. etc.. But at the same time when not in trouble they want to be treated as the judge jury and executioner of any and all policies and some they have made up. They can't have it both ways, if you want to be treated like everybody else then you will be scrutinized like everybody else. If you wanted to be treated like your special, then you will be scrutinized and taken to a higher standard than any ordinary citizen. So if you screw up, then you fall harder.

We are a police state, and it's going to get worse.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by The_Tick

Sheriff Joe is Maricopa County. NOT PHOENIX. Sorry.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 08:04 PM
He got shot six times and lets all ATS say a prayer to the almighty that he pulls through, to enjoy his new found wealth...

That cop was clearly incompetent. The homeowner is on the phone with his back turned. All cops should be forced to undergo rigorous training in friend/foe ident. And if you can't get it right you get to ride the motorcycle in parades...Vroom V room.

If he does survive he will the the 17'th luckiest man alive. The first 16 will be his lawyers.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by The_Tick

Lets say the owner had a gun and shot an unarmed intruder in the back six times.. His ass would be in jail a lot longer than the home intruder. The justice system in this country is a joke, and stories like this just prove why I own guns and don't have 911 on speed dial.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by hoghead cheese

I agree with your post almost entirely.
I only hold reserve for the comments about the LEO's intent to kill the man.

From where I sit, they probably figured the guy was going to die because of the wounds themselves.
The shooting was a mistake.

So, they moved the body to the hood of the car to show that the guy was "in the wrong" by pointing his weapon at them, not to kill him. As far as they were concerned, he was already dead.

And I would like to point out that this is a cultural thing that is progressing and that the Police don't realize that they are creating this situation, just as you suggested.

It isn't as if this LEO went into a home with the intent of murdering this man. Yet the culture of such a mistake is such that they think they can simply fabricate their way out of any harm's way.

As I said, when will it become obvious to ALL that we are living in a Police state?
Never if the system remains in place that it is never shown to the public.
As it stands now, no media play allowed.

The story I spoke of that happened here in Arkansas didn't even make news HERE IN ARKANSAS!
It is ridiculous.

I know there are LEOs on this very website that don't like the talk of a Police State because they aren't crooked.
I would argue that most cops aren't.
But that the system is set in such a way that, in the rare event that a cop makes a stupid decision and is caught in it, they will simply avoid letting it come to the light of day in the public's eye.
Which allows the same BS to happen unchecked until this cycle is broken.

All of which fosters even more corruption as the streets get wilder and legislation becomes even more strict.
It is a growing Police State and it is being orchestrated. But not by the Cops. They are unaware.
Much like the Hitler Brownshirts scenario mentioned earlier.

[edit on 2-10-2009 by JayinAR]

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 10:06 PM
This might surprise many of you.

The officer in question has been cleared of any wrong-doing by a police review panel.
Panel clears policeman in accidental shooting

[edit on 2-10-2009 by mckyle]

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 10:17 PM
Cops are enemies of the public. Judges are enemies of the public. Prosecutors are enemies of the public. All authority minded fools are enemies of the citizenry and their own selves for believing they are superior with rights above other human beings. They are the mighty evil here on earth and can use their gangs with massive weapons of terror against unarmed civilians, but they are pathetic spirits who will never be desired or wanted back into the universe where their evil souls were first created. I take great joy in knowing their spirit is bound to return to this prison over and over again throughout eternity.

the real authority wants nothing to do with these false retarded idiots claiming to be one here. If there is such a thing as an anti-christ, they would eb the representatives of the anti-christ. Know evil when you see it, and all morons in positions of false authority should never be respected or treated like a person, they are not, they are evil and no need to debate their action, they are evil. They will never see the heaven they think exists, they will just continue to exist in human misery for eternity, losing their loved ones over and over again. They are the evil spirit. Common sense, only evil can justify their action to harm and destroy others that they themselves never created. They are evil and deserve their destiny. They are pathetic and a bad excuse of deceitfulness.

I feel much better now.

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 2/10/2009 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by mckyle
This might surprise many of you.

The officer in question has been cleared of any wrong-doing by a police review panel.
Panel clears policeman in accidental shooting

[edit on 2-10-2009 by mckyle]

Not surprised at all. Remember, vengeance is sweet if you play by their rules. Get revenge without witnesses, at night when they have no arms and justice shall prevail. Never expect justice in goverment panel administrations or courthouses. They will never get the point until people start playing the same game back, then they will begin to see their evil and maybe then, they will call for changes, and not the public.

As Patrick Swayze quoted in the movie Roadhouse, "it's gonna get worse before it gets better". Bullies never just give up abuse, you have to educate them to give up their evil.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by mckyle
This might surprise many of you.

The officer in question has been cleared of any wrong-doing by a police review panel.
Panel clears policeman in accidental shooting

[edit on 2-10-2009 by mckyle]

No justice no peace.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by PAYBACKCOMESSOON
What's the shock all about? If people still can't figure out that law enforcement murdered and tortured some famous religious figure called Christ, continued to burn innocent ladies at a stake in witch hunts and continue to be the biggest criminals against humanity to this day, let it ride.

Let them continue to rape, murder and assault with impunity. Let them continue to frame people and harrass anyone they don't like. Let them continue to work with the media in suppressing truth and broadcasting their lies and deciet. Bottom line, they, with the prosecutors, judges, correction guards, social workers and other authority minded idiots are as evil as any murderer or rapist.

Let me start by saying (as a former LEO) you are a total F###ing idiot !
I just don't understand you people, I guess you have watched to many "bad cop" movies. Why do most of you sit here and bash every single cop. 99% of LEO or unbelievable men and women. They put on their uniform every day and kiss their spouse and kids goodbye not knowing if they will see them anymore. What everyone needs to realize is that they are only human ! Name one, just one profession where there are no bad apples. What about all the police officers on 9/11 , where they all crooked and corrupt when they all went back into those burning buildings to save the innocent people in there. NO I think not.

You have no idea what it is like to walk up to a car during a traffic stop not knowing if they have a gun. You have no idea what it is like to respond to a home invasion, when you know someone is there with a gun, but you don't know who !

Is every preacher the spawn of Satan, because a few "bad apples" molested children. The media only shows you the bad news, never the good news and all of you should know that. It's not one big conspiracy, us against them. They are just normal people like you and me with extraordinary jobs. So instead of bashing every single police officer, you should thank God tonight that they are out there doing the job that you are to scared to do !!!!

Just for the record I hope these cops get what they deserve.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 10:47 PM
The wife told one officer that her husband was inside holding the intruder at gunpoint and the officer failed to tell the other two officers this information.

All three go in and see a man with a gun and one of the officers who wasn't told the info about the husband shoots him.

The officer who shot him shouldn't be punished. The officer who with held this info is the one who should be thrown in jail.

If they all held that information then the shooting would never had happened.

As far as the 911 tape, I haven't heard it and the article only quotes the family telling them what it says. I reserve judgement until I hear a verified copy of the tape.

How they plan on covering it up by dragging him outside onto the grave, pick him up, put him on the hood of the car and drive down the street a little is beyond me.

That part doesn't make much sense.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by spacecase7717

Just for the record I hope these cops get what they deserve.

That is the problem... That is why we are angry. The cops in this case got excused of their accident and their attempt to cover up the crime.

Nothing happened.

The cops are above the law.

That is the problem.

No justice no peace.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 11:05 PM
*YAWN* Just another crooked cop story. Yea yea what ever. Deal with it people. Gee, there are so many out there, we might as well accept it as the norm. Its a fact of life that the police aren't here to protect and serve, so just go with it. Heck, if you can't beat em, join em. Or at least bend over for them to make it easier on them when the rape you.

Note: You may not be able to read the sarcasm in my post, but let me assure you, its laid on thick.

edit:Opps *blush*

[edit on 2-10-2009 by calstorm]

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by calstorm

Note: You may not be able to read the sarcasm in my post, but let me assure you, its laid on this.

Its laid on what?

Sorry couldn't help myself.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 11:11 PM
Officer cleared of any wrongdoing.

Excuse me for a second.

I am seriously fighting with myself as to whether or not I should even continue in this thread.

But I think the right approach would be to flood this PD.
Giving up is what you are supposed to do, as an unresponsive servant to the system.

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