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Sarah Palin Book - Going Rogue- Sales Skyrocket !

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posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by TheColdDragon
Speaking as an Alaskan, Sarah Palin is an utter embarrassment for most thinking Alaskans.

Oh, I believe it, yes I do! You betcha! She is also, too, an utter embarrassment for most thinking "lower-48ers" over these many years of our great nation... God bless 'em!

Sarah's Lectures a Tough Sell

Palin's bookers are said to be asking for $100,000 per speech, but an industry expert tells Page Six: "The big lecture buyers in the US are paralyzed with fear about booking her, basically because they think she is a blithering idiot."

Many big lecture venues are subscription series, "and they don't want to tick people off," said our source. "Palin is polarizing, and some subscribers might cancel if she's on the lineup." Other lecture buyers are universities, which have a leftist slant, and corporations, which dislike controversy.

"Palin is so uninteresting to so many groups -- unless they are interested in moose hunting," said our insider. "What does she have to say? She can't even describe what she reads."

I'm convinced that the fact that she is so polarizing is what her true supporters just love about her.

And the money she's making on her book and speeches is a LOT better than Governor of Alaska. Whew! What a lucky break that she got the call for Vice--Presidential candidate, huh? That made her famous enough to drop that governor position like a hot potato and get on to the big bucks!

I hope I'm wrong, but I'm afraid she won't continue in politics, though, because the money just isn't good enough. She'll become a talk show host or have her own series. That's where the big bucks are.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 06:14 PM
oohh ahhh..... Sarah Palin~

oohh ahhh..... Sarah Palin~

Ol'e firecracker wrote a book huh? I see the Palin tippers (cow tippin )are on with their assults. Thats cool , all views accepted here !

Its funny how she gets everyone fired up. None of us are perfect, but I think she is for us common folk, seems to be trying to do right.

I only read Harry Potter

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 06:16 PM
Sarah Palin has the brain capacity of a dog turd. She knows nothing....believes in nothing...and has not integrity.

People support her all the while knowing NOTHING about her....Drill baby drill!!!


Grow a brain and learn the opposing argument and quit UNKNOWINGLY supporting corporate power.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Viking04

Your last statement is either insincere, or evidense of blindness. As pointed out, were she as irrelevant as you claim, she would be encouraged or ignored by the Left. Palin Derangement Syndrome would never have risen, were she not a threat to the Left and the RINO's.

So, if I understand you correctly, any backlash against a political opponent is a sign of fear.

Republicans must be #ting their pants over Obama, then.

Or are you somehow suggesting this is a phenomenon limited exclusively to Palin?

Originally posted by Viking04
One final point, notice how the Left posters on this thread emphasize that Palin is a woman. This comes from the political position that claims to own the 'content of character' high-ground, but is the FIRST to categorize according to race, sex, etc.

I did not make a single reference to her sex as being a factor in her abilities as a politician.

Are you perhaps referring to the use of gender modifiers such as "her", "she", etc?

In that case, I guess we shall just refer to it as 'the entity Palin'. That should smooth over any misunderstandings about referring to her gender.

... And you guys say liberals are the soft ones.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by drwizardphd

Originally posted by Viking04

Republicans must be #ting their pants over Obama, then.

Or are you somehow suggesting this is a phenomenon limited exclusively to Palin?

That his politics of thuggery and growing socialism are feared would be a correct statement.

Originally posted by Viking04
One final point, notice how the Left posters on this thread emphasize that Palin is a woman. This comes from the political position that claims to own the 'content of character' high-ground, but is the FIRST to categorize according to race, sex, etc.

I did not make a single reference to her sex as being a factor in her abilities as a politician.

Note, "how the Left posters on this thread...", so, it isn't all about you.

Have a nice day.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by dooper
'Cause the pinko's are driven up the wall by her, as she is perceived as a serious threat.

This sounds 100% delusional. Many people are driven up the wall in the sense that they are ROTFL.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 01:05 PM
Don't think she is a serious threat? Just imagine if she could mount an presidential bid as an Independent candidate with the likes of Newt Gengritch or Sean Hannity with a platform of:

Fire the Fed
Strong Defense- Give the Generals what they need to overwhelm the enemy and wage a "real" war on terrorism the likes of WWII.
Bring Back American Jobs
Build Refineries and drill everywhere
Rebuild America's manufacturing base
Make America's educational system the best in the world.
Get rid of "bad" teachers and professors regardless of "tenure"
Strict enforcement of Immigration laws
Fence the borders
Put the Hard Nose/No nonsense sheriff in Arizona in charge of Federal Prisons
Throw out cap & trade and Al Gores "carbon tax" nonsense
Make Drug Smuggling a capital offense
Kill everyone on death row after their first appeal fails to exonerate them
Constitutional Government
Strong family values-Deadbeat dads put into government work program or military infantry
Second amendment rights
Pro-Life legislation
Prosecution of Acorn
Reduce government employees by 50%

The voting machines would have an anti liberal meltdown

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by mizzu
Don't think she is a serious threat? Just imagine if she could mount an presidential bid as an Independent candidate with the likes of Newt Gengritch or Sean Hannity

Oh great, she'd run with these fruitcakes! By the way, learn to spell Gingrich.

Strong Defense- Give the Generals what they need to overwhelm the enemy and wage a "real" war on terrorism the likes of WWII.

Just shows the magnitude of her stupidity. What does she know about WWII anyway? What nation-state are we trying to defeat?

Rebuild America's manufacturing base
Make America's educational system the best in the world.

Empty words.

Get rid of "bad" teachers and professors regardless of "tenure"

And how is "bad" defined? Not conforming with Palin's views?

Strong family values-Deadbeat dads put into government work program or military infantry

Forced labor? I thought Stalin tried that. Now it's Palin.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by mizzu
Don't think she is a serious threat? Just imagine if she could mount an presidential bid as an Independent candidate with the likes of Newt Gengritch or Sean Hannity with a platform of:

Fire the Fed
Strong Defense- Give the Generals what they need to overwhelm the enemy and wage a "real" war on terrorism the likes of WWII.
Bring Back American Jobs
Build Refineries and drill everywhere
Rebuild America's manufacturing base
Make America's educational system the best in the world.
Get rid of "bad" teachers and professors regardless of "tenure"
Strict enforcement of Immigration laws
Fence the borders
Put the Hard Nose/No nonsense sheriff in Arizona in charge of Federal Prisons
Throw out cap & trade and Al Gores "carbon tax" nonsense
Make Drug Smuggling a capital offense
Kill everyone on death row after their first appeal fails to exonerate them
Constitutional Government
Strong family values-Deadbeat dads put into government work program or military infantry
Second amendment rights
Pro-Life legislation
Prosecution of Acorn
Reduce government employees by 50%

The voting machines would have an anti liberal meltdown


The first thing she has to do is undo everything Obama did.
Make government small not HUGE.
Assist small business. Stop attacking them.
Jobs - Jobs - Jobs
Get rid of the IRS and replace it with a flat tax. Make
Steve Forbes the Flat Tax Czar!
Build new Nuclear Power plants and shut down the oldest coal power plants.

- Deport Michael Moore to Cuba - Don't come back!

I had to throw that in there for comic relief.

I hope Sarah Palin has some of our ideas in her 400 page book.
Go Sarah!

[edit on 2-10-2009 by Eurisko2012]

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 09:31 PM
When we have people who look up to men like Reid, Dodd, Obama and the rest of the men and women losers in Washington what do you expect people to say about Palin?
The left hates her as well as Beck, Rush, Shawn and Wilkow because they stand for something.
Does Rhodes, SCHULTZ or any of the other left "hosts" even have a clue???
Stupid is as stupid does and right now the people who voted for our fearless (read gutless) leader think that he is the standard.
The only reason Ubama put all those czars in place because he doesn't have the brains to do the jobs himself. And he even failed at picking the right people.
Well WAKE UP!!! Men and women (read Palin) with spines will be remembered long after Obama goes back home as a total failure.
I'll buy a copy even if I never read it just to support her.
Grow up
If she's not a threat why are you so afraid of her?

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:44 PM
The craziest thing about Sarah Palin that I don't understand why people like th OP love her so much is she does EXACTLY what some people complain about others when it comes to playing the victim and not taking any responsibility for their actions.

All I have ever heard Sarah Palin do is blame liberals and the McCain camp about why she's such a failure. It was everyone elses fault she didn't win VP. It was everyone else's fault she quit being governor.

It was Katie Courics fault she looked like an imbecile in that interview. (In the book she takes a snide pot shot at Couric saying she only did the interview because she felt sorry for Couric after she was told Couric had low self esteem!! She's no better than a vindictive teenage girl :lol

It was the McCain camps fault she didn't get more airtime.

It was the people making false claims against her who were to blame for all the ethics investigations she had to endure.

Then she calls her book "Going Rogue" as if to say she's some kind of rebel who doesn't play by the rules but she complains about how the McCain camp were the ones who controlled her message and "kept her bottled up" and she LET THEM DO IT and obeyed!

She's not a renegade, she plays by the rules. She was happy to follow their orders if it meant she got to be VP.

Yet another reason why Sarah Palin and all other politicians like her have no business running this country. They do whatever it takes to get into positions of power, even compromise their own principles.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by ccsct203

Why is it that when people complain about Palin, people say we're really just afraid of her?

Do people like you not incessantly complain about Obama? You did plenty of it in your post. Are YOU afraid of Obama? Why are YOU so threatened by Obama?

Makes no sense, does it?

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:51 PM
This is the kind of garbage which is promoted by publishers and the media today. It serves two purposes:

1. Keep the public dumbed down
2. Make money on a manufactured celebrity

By the way, I didn't know that many white trash knew how to read. Who knows, maybe they're buying the book just to look at the pictures.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:54 PM
Reading people's posts about why Palin is so great and what she could do for this country I realized they are all things that they THINK she should do for this country.

The lists consist of ideas they would like to see come to fruition that they HOPE Palin would do, but none are things that they should have any kind of indication she would actually do.

That would be like me saying obama is going to:

Get rid of the IRS
End the war and bring our troops home
Get rid of the PATRIOT Act
End corporate welfare
Make all those who received TARP money pay it back and then QUIT GIVING MORE TO THEM

I could go on, but you see my point. Obama is NOT going to do any of these things. These are things that I hope a candidate will do, to jsut pick a candidate I like and then apply all those wants to them as if they are things they will actually do, let alone have never said they will do is just plain silly.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:54 PM
edit: double post--have no clue how that happened.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by nunya13]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:01 PM
Sarah Palin rocks!
She is obviously way smarter than obama has much more experience governing and actually likes America!She's way hotter to.
What's not to love?


Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate

[edit on 13-11-2009 by GAOTU789]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by genius/idoit

The latest polling shows independents love Sarah Palin.
GOP + Independents = Moose Burgers in the White House
January 2013.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by genius/idoit

Funny how you don't see how you and people like you are just like *snip* You have the same exact mentality. It's just about a different person whose just as ridiculous.


Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate

[edit on 13-11-2009 by GAOTU789]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

I love the smell of moose burgers in the morning.It smells like victory!

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by nunya13

I love her!I love her!I love her!eeHAHAHAeeHHAHhahHAHAh(sounds like wicked witch of the west)

Now that we got that straight what if sweet Sarah gets elected and does the things obama does will you obama queens love her like you love barry barak hussein soetoro obama*snip*


Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate

[edit on 13-11-2009 by GAOTU789]

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