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Aliens will "comeback" in a official way this year!

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posted on May, 20 2004 @ 04:59 AM
thx "theobserver"
you have made a exelent "resume" about what i am teling here
,that will be a great help for all that enter here for the first time in this topic. althou i advice you to read all, because in many parts where i explain things already explained maybe you find more diferent go on mates

- just to clarify one thing to all the people that have not read all:

as you can see in the beggining, i say that 3 diferent alien classes are here, but much after that i say again 14 diferent alien classes are why? this looks like big flow right?...right!

at the time i have told about the "3ones", i was just in the beggining of a "all truth", althou there are at total 14, the big diference is:

just that first 3 ones are directly "linked" to us, ones in a good way(our creators), other in a evil way(the reptilians) and the other ones in a neutral way(the "hearth reptilians)maybe the better names for this last ones could be "the Saurians", but i do not get used to that word even in my language:portuguese. so i usualy say "good reptilians", "bad reptilians"

and all the others are just "neutral" ones that are here doing something but not related to us at all! althou for some of that races, each time a "enconter" between us and them ocur, that can be dangerus, because many of them have a "very bad" genius and a horrible idea about us=humans!

[Edited on 20-5-2004 by kangaxx]

[Edited on 20-5-2004 by kangaxx]

[Edited on 20-5-2004 by kangaxx]

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 05:52 AM
Hello again Kangaxx

Can we talk a little about us being the 7th generation of humans? I would like for you to expand on this subject and tell us what happened to the previous 6, and when they occured.

I also remember you talking about the great Greek civilization. Is the same Greek civilization that we all know about? Or maybe you have further insight on that than we regular mortals have?

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 06:34 AM
theobserver wrotes:

"Hello again Kangaxx

Can we talk a little about us being the 7th generation of humans? I would like for you to expand on this subject and tell us what happened to the previous 6, and when they occured.

I also remember you talking about the great Greek civilization. Is the same Greek civilization that we all know about? Or maybe you have further insight on that than we regular mortals have?"

hi mate

sure, let's talk a liitle about that

- as far as i know the 1st,2nd was "exterminated" due to huge "mistakes" in they'r creation, things like, they was "bad" constructed", and they can't survive or envolve alone. the 3rd ones have died in a "alien" war, the 4th have died in a natural chataclism related to solar magnetism again,and our planet as suffered a change in his "axis", it have changed several degrees.
the5th ones have died in a "huge accident" with a mother ship of the "guys" from the 6th dimension, that was make a huge natural cathaclysm here, and its related in the bibble as "The Diluvian"!
the 6th ones have been putted here arround 200 years before the "bomb" that have killed the dinnossaurs age! they have died in the process. the 7th (us) have been putted here again something arround 800 years after that "bomb". we have started in 2 huge colonies in africa and asia continents.

please note that each time a human generation was passed by a "cathaclysm", they have always "pick" some of us in order they have something to work after that!. if they never have done that we will not exist at all at the present.

this is just a very small resume, all the information about that is even dangerus because it will "schok"/ go against the "rules" of many major religions. so its will be always a "Hot" subject.

just to complement the info, and to start the subject of the greeks:

they have tryed to "inproved" humans in a lot of ways at all that time. 2 of that "recent" ways was:

they have bring "higher" humans from other extraterretrial colonies and they have putt them here in order they will "fuse"/procreate to the existing ones here,in order they'r genes will naturaly fuse with us and makes us more strong/resistent, that "high humans" was:

-t he Incas-
- the aztecs-
- the Mayans
- The Egyptians
- The greeks.

much much before of this ones,,,in real old eions before, they have do this too too the older human generations, but that is even much more complex then this ones. becoause it will rize a lot of other questions and it will force me to talk or reveal things that again will go against major religions rules.

the greeks was the last human colonies in our planet that have been in permanet contact with our creators. due to a major problem related to "the true story" of "Satan", that alien colony was "dismissed" and we are "waiting" for them, in a official way untill now!

but pleaze people, dont ask me to talk about how the "legend" of the "Devil" had appear in our culture! will bring a massive "fight" with religion belivers.i will avoid any conlfict like that.plz...

i hope i have unswered your questions mate.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 07:16 AM
Hello Kangaxx

Yes you have answered my questions very well, but each time you answer a question more questions appear!

You say that the 6th humans were put here 200 years before the bomb which killed the dinosaurs, but you didn`t say when the others occured.

Can I also ask how well developed each generation of human was? Did our seeders start us off very primative e.g. pre-historic man or did they give each generation a different level of intelligence?

Also are we the only generation that has "forgotten" who our seeders were? As you say the Greeks were the last civilization to have contact with them.

In your oppinion is this a delibrate thing? That we lost contact with them. Like maybe we told stories about them, then they became myth, then nothing to us? Or did we turn our backs on them for some reason.

I will not press you to talk about Satan as you clearly do not want to. But I would like to hear your input on the ancient Egyptian civilization and in particular the pyramids and how they were built. Also the hyroglyphes and what they mean.

I`m sorry if this seems off subject but I have a feeling that you may know something about that too, and I would like to hear it.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 07:21 AM
Hi Kangaxx, i find your 'experience' quite interesting, and in a way..umm entertaining. Though your post contains information that arouse some suspicions..but i still got question(s), if u dont mind answer..thanx!

I remembered awhile ago, a member called EarthSister, who also claimed to have contact with aliens, explained that aliens would not be able to inhabit under our atmosphere. But u said that there is already aliens living in our which one should i believe?

Also so do u believe that Billy Meier is a hoax?

Thanx for answering, P34c3

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 07:46 AM
Kangaxx, me again, sorry but I have new questions, this time very, very important ones:

-Did the �good� aliens are humanoids? whit some kind of silver suit? ( this one probable was answered before but I cant remember, a yes or no is enough )

-they use a �classical� bright flying saucer to land?

-Did you noticed or know something about a � | o | � symbol? something relative to them maybe? It should be in those landing ships

If the answer to all these question is positive, I can Prove your theory whit facts, if not, I�m mixing strange things and getting more and more confused�

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 08:09 AM

Q:"You say that the 6th humans were put here 200 years before the bomb which killed the dinosaurs, but you didn`t say when the others occured."

U:and i will try to avoid that, all i have is "measured" in Xmillion years, and before the 6th ones, that numbers will be so atsronomical, and "not related at all" with nothing, that it is completly futile to yuo to know that! for example....if you dont have "all the knoledge" (as me too), what you will do with the information (for example) that the Atlantean continent had vanished about 162 millions years ago?!...quite ridiculus...dont you think?...because at the present time you do not have any other "reference" point where that information can be usefull at all!
this numbers are so huge and so insanes due to the actual knoledge that will be completly useless to talk about them. if i say for example that if we think in the 1st generation we are talking about something arround 780 million years ago....what you will or can do with that information?...get it?

Q:"Can I also ask how well developed each generation of human was? Did our seeders start us off very primative e.g. pre-historic man or did they give each generation a different level of intelligence?

U:i do not know 100% all with full details about all the history of all the older generations, i only know like "big marks" about each one of that generations. as far as i know only 2 ( and i can be wrong because i do not have more knolegde about) was much more envolved then us, the 5th and 6th ones.
all i know about the "lesser" inteligent ones are from the 1st,2nd and 3rd ones, that ones was real "low",the 4th one have reached a very similar "top" as we!

Q"Also are we the only generation that has "forgotten" who our seeders were? As you say the Greeks were the last civilization to have contact with them. "

U: hard one
, the 1,2 and 3 ones was so "low" in inteligence and low "perception", that i think they even can't notice the "aliens between them at all. i think that if a alien was in front of them was like "a bull loking to a palace"
the 4th,5th and 6th have all the time in contact with them.
and...i am sorry but as far as i know the only way that you can understend why we "lost" contact with them, its the knoledge about the "satan" "legend"! soo let's avoid it. but you are totaly right in the theory: "first we lost them,them we have a mith/lengend, and after that they are "nothing"totaly forget it.

Q:"In your oppinion is this a delibrate thing? That we lost contact with them. Like maybe we told stories about them, then they became myth, then nothing to us? Or did we turn our backs on them for some reason."

U:"unsewered" already in the last unswer.

Q:"I will not press you to talk about Satan as you clearly do not want to. But I would like to hear your input on the ancient Egyptian civilization and in particular the pyramids and how they were built. Also the hyroglyphes and what they mean. "

k..."hot" "spot" again..omg
i will try to explain , but very little:some of the older piramids was builded by older generations,and not by the egiptians.later they start to build piramids, too but they are very important "things", they have a huge "function", althou when the egiptians ware putted here, they know very well for what they are used, thats because they "burried" they'r majority of they'r kings moustly in piramids.because they was very important.
the piramids works not alone! to understend what is the function of the piramids we need to "unburried"/find all the piramids in that places(egipt,america, and "china" moustly), they work like huge "marks", a huge "map", to point us, not nothing in the space, but something very very important in the hearth!!!! altho if we do not have them all we will have like a "map with a bunch of holes"!!now....what they try to points us...grrrr....omg

remember all the old human generations much more envolved then us?!...ok: after they "vanished", they have build in several places of our planet, special underground chambers where they try to putt all they'r history and cience achievements, in order , and maybe, future human generations could find them, at a special "stage" of envolving!.in order to help them to have like a "evolocionary boost", as far as i know only china knows in secrecy where are one of them, thats the biggest explanation also why they are so "hard" in let not other "not chinese"cientists full study they'r chinese piramids!althou, how we must "read" that "piramid map" its quite a mistery for me too.i have some ideas due to all the knoledge i have, but just theorys, nothing confirmed, althou i never have been in egipt, maybe in the time i was able to go there i can "notice" some good clues about it,,,i dont know. but i have read that all the abductees that had visit the piramids have "feeled" many weird things i dont know.

god questions.ufff. its so dificult to unsweer good ones like this ones, but "filtering" the "hot spots" all the time

cya mate

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 08:25 AM
whereisthelov3 wrotes:

"I remembered awhile ago, a member called EarthSister, who also claimed to have contact with aliens, explained that aliens would not be able to inhabit under our atmosphere. But u said that there is already aliens living in our which one should i believe?

Also so do u believe that Billy Meier is a hoax? "

hi mate,

1.- "who you must belive?"
my best advie to you in that is: belive you yourself!! what that means?, this means that you must be aknoledge with mine, and all the other possible theorys, and let your "heart" decide! we humans have special natural mechanincs(has i have already explained in later posts) to help us know that.althou dont forget that are too many aliens here, some ones can, some others canot stay in the planet eternaly, or they will die.

2- i do not have a clue about who is that "billy" guy!. but i will do a "google" in that soon.
let me explain you all a important thing:

in my reality of life, i was enlightned with great information and wisdom by "aliens"!, i have lived here, knowing all that! and i do not have lived sinze that time "seeking" for all that is related to "the truth" or to aliens! because i do not need at all, can you understend my point? so i do not have a huge knoledge about all the theorys, mans, famous names, and so on the "run" in the world and in the internet!
i have lived a pacific calm life in my country, i have told this to close friends, and i have even alowed them to experienced some "proofs"/ see things. and now.something have "ring me" /call me to post this in a public way, and just in one place are the orders!
so if please avoid to asking me what i think about "bill,or jane or jhonn", because i am not a "netlibrary" about that things,,,in fact i am very very ignorant about many of the famous things you people usualy talked and know possible related to my topic.
althou i have read a lot,,but not in internet, but in books, i am from the "old generation".lol..i prefer a good book then a "internet site"
the book we can "feel it", the internet we cant!

[Edited on 20-5-2004 by kangaxx]

[Edited on 20-5-2004 by kangaxx]

[Edited on 20-5-2004 by kangaxx]

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 08:40 AM
Ello wrotes:

Q:"Did the �good� aliens are humanoids? whit some kind of silver suit? ( this one probable was answered before but I cant remember, a yes or no is enough ) "

U:-did you remember to read in the starter topics that (for example) the good ones, the creators, are a kind of "spacial federation" of almoust 2000 diferent aliens?(they are 2145 total), so think a little now...can you imagine that they are all "similar" mate! you have them exatly like us, you have it in many humanoid forms, and you have it in so "!weird" shapes that you can actualy see one and dont notice at all that he is a "life form at all!
what they use as dresses..lo. that is a funny one
i will unswer to you with a question. what kind of "dresses" humans use?...get it? we use a lot of diferent as them

Q:"-they use a �classical� bright flying saucer to land? "

U: there are many diferent types of flying ships, each class have its proper devices with they'r exclusive pattenrns and technologies.

Q:"-Did you noticed or know something about a � | o | � symbol? something relative to them maybe? It should be in those landing ships "

U: that "symbol" dont make me remmeber nothing at all.altohu maybe because it have a "tipograhphic" aspect may be if you do a "drown"/"handwrite it, i can related better to something in existance. but you are right in a part of it, the majoiry of the aliens use a sepcific" symbol" in theyr ships, like a "icon!

"Q:If the answer to all these question is positive, I can Prove your theory whit facts, if not, I�m mixing strange things and getting more and more confused� "

dear friend, the primal objective here is not at all to try to proof what ever!
as i sayed before, who will have eyes to see it, will see it, who will have ears to hear it, will hear it!,
the message/informations are to be spreaded/ vewed, never to be prooved, if any time we try to proove it, we will be "grabed"/catch by "evil/stupid" secret forces. and the final result will be always a catastrophe!
so plz dont bother to proof nothing here,,,althou if you feel that need , i agree that you proff it, but only to your self

cheers mate.

[Edited on 20-5-2004 by kangaxx]

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 09:13 AM
Hi Kangaxx

I wonder if we can go back to the good reptillians that descended from the dinosaurs.

I take it that they decided to go beneth the earth so that they would not be affected by further "bombs" from the evil faction?

If this is the case I would also assume that they would consider their underground "world" to be superior place to habit to ours. How is this possible? Do they have roads, buildings etc? Do they have their own internet?

I have a feeling that you are going to say that they have no need for such trivial things as they are so superior to us, but I thought I would ask anyway.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 09:41 AM

Q:"I take it that they decided to go beneth the earth so that they would not be affected by further "bombs" from the evil faction? " mate,,,,see?,,, you say that you have read all behind but that unswer is explained in a sintetic way in the first pages!
ok..forget about "Bombs", it was only ONE bomb, they was forced to live underground, because the planet surface was "contaminated" by harmfull radiation, the hearth was in a "nuclear winter" stage for almoust 200 years.

Q:"If this is the case I would also assume that they would consider their underground "world" to be superior place to habit to ours. How is this possible? Do they have roads, buildings etc? Do they have their own internet? "

U: already talked a little about that when some one have asked something similar to"how they can life in dark caves with out sun", seek that part here plz.
sure, they have huge cities like us, cnstrutions like us, and even high tech us!..

the internet is not a "vital" thing for theyr actual evolutionary process now, first they are telepatic creatures, they can talk sure, but not between them. second, they have yes, something "similar" to the internet, it works like a large "databank" linked to all theyr colonies and ships,where they can "use" whenn need it. no further informations i have about that!

good questions thou

[Edited on 20-5-2004 by kangaxx]

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 09:46 AM
Hi Kangaxx,

I know it's a bit off subject, but in any of your encounters, have the aliens given you any knowledge of cures for any of our major diseases; cancer, aids, diabetes etc.... Or do they not even have an interest in those things. I assume that since they take an observational role that they would take the route of non intervention on those types of things.

Also, how much of our current technology is a result of alien interaction?

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 09:50 AM
kangaxx, what about the ancient hindus/indians with their flying vimanas, what type of aliens were they or which aliens influenced them?

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 09:58 AM
Hi Kangaxx

Is it true that Satan is the leader of an evil reptillian faction from Sirius?

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 10:10 AM

Q:"I know it's a bit off subject, but in any of your encounters, have the aliens given you any knowledge of cures for any of our major diseases; cancer, aids, diabetes etc.... Or do they not even have an interest in those things. I assume that since they take an observational role that they would take the route of non intervention on those types of things. "

U:hummm...another complicated question...i will try to explain:we cant talk about a "cure" about that, because that bad diseaces are provocked by the extreme low personal vibration in what we live! think about this,,, we have lowering and lowering in vibration because "bad reptilian " influence" for too long, thats why new and mortal disieaces apear and "gain" the habilitie to affect us!. so as you see we can talk in a streight way in a "cure", the maximun that we can say is: if we rise in vibration , and live in that vibrations, we will be imune to them. althou even here its possible to cure things like that, the hinduist, and tibetan medicine "science", works all about that!

Q:"Also, how much of our current technology is a result of alien interaction? "

U: That is extremly "hot "spot"!
let's say that "we" have "some"!...but its better avoid that topic at all mate

"Is it true that Satan is the leader of an evil reptillian faction from Sirius?"

nice try
...but totaly wrong. but that question putts a stop in sometihng,,,no?hehe...godye friend.


[Edited on 20-5-2004 by kangaxx]


posted on May, 20 2004 @ 10:13 AM
acidhead, no matter what was written in this topic you have proven one thing that is %100 fact, you're an ass.

kangaxx, thanks very much for taking the time to post here.

[Edited on 20-5-2004 by d1k]

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 10:17 AM
Ty for answering my question kangaxx...

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 10:27 AM
so WELL spoken DK1............
I couldnt have said it better myself!

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 10:29 AM

Q:"kangaxx, what about the ancient hindus/indians with their flying vimanas, what type of aliens were they or which aliens influenced them? "

that question in self worths a all new topic about it
very good one.

i think that the heart civilization that have more infodata, writed in ancient books and manuscripts is exatrly the Hiduists from india.
they have writed information so old as info about the 4 human generation even!!! so that is realy a huge subject. i know what "part" of they'r ancient storys you are talking about,that "flying machines) (that work based in a quimical reaction betweeen gold and mercury) was a technology teached to them(indian humans) in order to help them in that time, in they'r lifes. althou it is not related at all with our generation at all. and it have been given not by our "creators", but by another friendly class of aliens that have left many many time ago.

i hope i have unsered your question mate


posted on May, 20 2004 @ 10:31 AM
gosh!!!!!! river godess..i dont have viewed your new avatar sector yet
))) congratulations,,,its quite beautifull mate

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