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The Patriot Letters Continued: The Perfect Storm Awakening

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posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 07:17 PM
Unexpectedly, as if from some long forgotten seeds planted long ago, watered by the blood of countless patriots, a vast tree of united righteous indignation with determination born from the clarification of national purpose and destiny, has grown to overshadow the land; from coast to coast, the people have awakened. With terrible resolve that American character, born and tempered in the fire of revolution, has arisen to resist at all cost the tyranny of governmental excess, with its subordination of God given individual rights and freedom to some purposed despotic and nefarious ‘common good’ embodied by the policies of both political parties, that would consolidate all power in the federal government. With cries of “You keep your change and we’ll keep our freedom”, Americans of all walks of life have stood to take back their nation from those who would enslave them to the New World Order’s one world socialist government; awakened by the statist stated goal to “fundamentally remake America” into a deceptively magnanimous ‘nanny state’.

To the consternation of the political elite, their attempts at buying the acquiescence and subservience of the people with baubles of ‘universal health care’ and promises of numerous new ‘green jobs’ has failed. Fearful of facing the indignation of constituents who refuse to be ignored or bullied, the powers that be have attempted to marginalize and silence dissent with an all out campaign by their media accomplices to divide and shame the people they claim to represent with calls of “racism”, “tea baggers” and “Nazis”, while they hide in staged events to protest their innocent attempt at promoting the common good. Not buying this, the people have stood with one voice to announce their fidelity to the principles upon which this nation was founded; sighting quotes from the Founding Fathers with enlightened fervor, as if some vast class of constitutional scholars had sprung up from the ground; the confused fear of the elite now being palpable, as they attempt to regain the legislative momentum even as each new thinly veiled plot for another governmental power grab is uncovered.

Reeling from the backlash of popular dissent, it is now that the powers that be are at their most dangerous; realizing that the gig is up, draconian attempts to maintain power and control are sure to follow as their planned controlled collapse of the economy of the United States by further governmental largesse has failed. They will not surrender their plan to submit the sovereignty of the United States to United Nations, rather utilizing another ‘black flag’ attack, or public health threat, to justify martial law and the complete destruction of the remaining constitutional roadblocks to the United States becoming just another ‘nation state’ under UN control and direction. For this reason, all patriots must remain vigilant and refuse to buy any staged attack, ‘right wing’ or other wise, as reason for further governmental power grabs.

For do not be deceived that the elite fear the ballot box and the outcome of the 2010 elections, rigged elections and the produced votes to maintain power are their stock in trade; rather, they fear that the American people will remember what the Second Amendment is for, and that they will exercise that right. It is this that they must stop by staging some ‘right wing’ nut case incident as justification for a draconian clamp down on the rights of the people, or some new staged incident of whatever kind to the same ends. We must remain united, calm and maintain the initiative in our struggle for the restoration of constitutional governance, if we are to retain our freedom.


posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 07:23 PM
Long live the Republic.

Long live the long-abandoned Constitution.

May it be instituted once again.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by dooper

It will be Brother, it will be.

Too many have bled and died in its defense for our beloved Constitution to be trashed by the Progressive traitors in their ‘one world government’ fervor; Americans from all over our nation are rising to defend it.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by SGTChas

I do hope the "good guys" can keep their heads down that first thirty days or so and let the dust settle down before beginning to set things right again.

That first thirty days scares the crap outta me!

It will be like Dodge City, Liberty City, LA, Rourke's Drift, the Alamo, Lawrence, Khojaly, El Zomote, Rwanda, the Congo, and Darfur, all together, but hundreds of times worse, from coast to coast.

I don't think many people can even comprehend a slaughter, how it starts, how it gets out of hand, and the real impact. Of course, not many people have even seen a slaughter here in the States.

Going to be a real education.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 07:46 PM
Why doesn't someone just organize a peaceful march on government - with everyone bearing arms, and request that the government be dissolved?

A large peaceful march - but with everyone bearing weapons will not be stopped or attacked by police - they would not dare.

Whats to stop people from bringing all their AK-47's and so on to a protest?

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by SGTChas


Very well said. You've put to words a definitive summation of what's going on. I couldn't have said it half as well.

'Tis one of the reasons I visit this site so much.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 09:45 PM
Yes, this is the historically common response, known variously as "all or nothing", "double or nothing", "Hail Mary" or just "go for broke".

It would seem both sides are at that same point. What is it Celente always says?

"When people have nothing more to lose and they lose it... THEY 'LOSE IT'. "

We are there.

May the LORD God Almighty show mercy on the United States.

Originally posted by SGTChas
Reeling from the backlash of popular dissent, it is now that the powers that be are at their most dangerous; realizing that the gig is up, draconian attempts to maintain power and control are sure to follow as their planned controlled collapse of the economy of the United States by further governmental largesse has failed. They will not surrender their plan to submit the sovereignty of the United States to United Nations, rather utilizing another ‘black flag’ attack, or public health threat, to justify martial law and the complete destruction of the remaining constitutional roadblocks to the United States becoming just another ‘nation state’ under UN control and direction. For this reason, all patriots must remain vigilant and refuse to buy any staged attack, ‘right wing’ or other wise, as reason for further governmental power grabs.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 10:44 PM
It's time to get it on already.

How much longer must we mantain the status quo?

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 10:52 PM
Sad to say, I think we can do little except what the OP says.

Keep our heads down and work behind the scenes to do what we can, what we must, to get through the worst of it, then slowly when they think they have won, go for broke.

I don't know, but I do know that showing our hand when they are expecting it will only make things worse. Be patient and be smart.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 10:53 PM
I think the past five years has really gotten to the American people. I think the people we are seeing writing letters, conducting and participating in grassroots and peaceful protest now are the ones that didn't go back to sleep after 9/11.

I think we are seeing the emerging face of the new America... I hope so at least. People are waking up, shaking the sleep from their eyes and realizing what they have allowed to happen while they were napping. These people are stirred up, they are the hornet's nest and they will not go back to sleep before stinging a lot of people.

The next three years will be interesting... at the least.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 10:59 PM
honestly within the next 3 months, i have a bad feeling, crazy #, is gonna happen

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 11:00 PM
Hey - you could see during the town hall meetings how the voters were regarded.

With contempt from our elected officials.

So we continue to try to do the right thing, following the prescribed methods, until such time as the conclusion is finally reached that the right thing is to burn the house down.

You ever see an old barn infested with rats? We used to have a "rat killin' " which was always fun, but in some places, especially when the barn itself would be eroded beyond reasonable repair, you could take care of two problems at once.

You burn the barn.

Many of the rats would come scurrying out by ones and twos, and using rat shot we'd plug them.

Rats are gone, and now you can put up a new barn. A more durable, more sturdy, more carefully designed barn.

I think there's a lesson there if I could just remember . . .

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by bismarcksea
It's time to get it on already.

How much longer must we mantain the status quo?

We are waiting for someone else to do it; we are waiting for a real leader. We are hopping that all of this will blow over and that we were worrying for no reason.

Well friends it is time that we step up and take the mantle of your forefathers and much like a heavy backpack let lose the extra weight of this government for far too long we have sat by and cried outrage! And not to have acted on it, It will take sacrifice your son's and daughters may not come home.
The division will be wide chaos will reign and death will follow. However out of the ashes will rise a government for the people by the people. A Constitutional government that will enforce the constitution not whore it out to the highest bidder.

We need to step up the time for talk is done, for a better day and a brighter future! + zombie cookies! DON'T TREAD ON ME (any more)

[edit on 27-9-2009 by ashnomadonte]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 11:14 PM
Sometimes all it takes is one pebble to cause an avalanche

vent your frustrations towards those who deserve it...banks, msm, coroporations,etc...

the more people seeing small actions, the more that will join in

small pebble/avalanche

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 12:07 AM
Ahh finally a thread with some sense! Me thinks the key here will be waking up as many people as we can before it's too late. I agree that more people are actually awake now then have been, but we will need as many standing up for all of our rights as we can get to.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by bismarcksea

Standing to at the ramparts, shooting irons close at hand of course, is no exercise of futility; the specter of the calmly resolute holding the line in the face of threatened massive force is any tyrant’s worst nightmare. This is especially so, despite the opinions of the revolutionary naysayers, as one tyranny protesting mother who is equally willing to defend that which she has struggled to protect with the family shotgun if needs be, is a clear indication of the depth of commitment to resist tyranny any would be despot will face as he attempts to enslave the people; not as qualification of the force a shotgun wheeling mother represents, but rather as a signal of how wide spread and determined the resistance will be.

For this reason we must not be baited into premature action, as our continued manning of the ramparts with determined protest and reasoned arguments will continue to swell our ranks as our patriotic fervor brings to life the seeds of the revolutionary Spirit of 1776 planted long ago in the souls of all Americans. Indeed, this awaking will itself ignite the second American Revolution, as those who would enslave us reel from the failure of their plots by the principled resistance to tyranny our swelling ranks ensure; causing a reflexive strike at those who are breaking their hold on power and their control. IF we have maintained our calm as well as our resolve, when this strike comes, we will hold the moral high ground of self-defense, ensuring that our appeal to heaven and other Americans for assistance will be heard.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 02:38 AM
I hope Maban was right in that the Shards have been keeping these guys in check.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 11:36 AM
Have you no fear?

You do not control any significant levers of power. There is a cradle to grave, systemic, blinding ignorance that envelopes, conditions, manipulates and controls huge swaths of every level of every major society.

What you do control is yourself and even that is subject to your cultural programming, choice of languages, ‘education’, life experiences, disinformation, co-opting, distraction, fatigue, error and the ever present need to satiate your primary needs.

Know that the deck is stacked against you as you have “been born into it.”(1) So, I ask you why would you fight against certain failure. How do you even discern what to fight against and equally important when? How do you know if you haven’t been bred and led into a preplanned confrontation; controlled by another’s will and wishes; taunted and provoked, cajoled and corralled, mocked and being led to a massacre; all for the amusement and continued control of an elite that urinates down from upon high?

Drink, drink deeply, it is good for you; for you are forever “Distracted from distraction by distraction.” (2) Again I ask you…have you no fear?! Do you harbor the notion that you have discernment, that you can tell what truth is, that you can know right from wrong, do you?! Oh, are you telling yourself that you have experience or an inner light or faith in some higher power that will guide you, keep you, give you shelter? You are just whistling through the graveyard in your false and manufactured realities which are all fluid and futile.

You honestly do not even know what you think you know. You can be made to believe anything, anything! Oh, not me! you say. Well, let’s say you are the exception and let’s say there are many other exceptions just like you; how many non-exceptions will you be surrounded by and at what rate do they reproduce or replenish? You do not have the numbers, or the tactics, or the strategy and your grand strategy is forever AWOL.

Might makes right and the winners write history; you are spitting into the wind and this so called lost cause is just that – a lost cause; a giant stall tactic, an allowed disturbance, a sort of idiot magnet, a roach motel for ‘patriots and seekers of truth and truth speakers.’

What?! You have made your peace and would rather soldier on as you have much to protect and you are on the right side of history and you want to keep the faith and fight the good fight to your dying breath? I have news for most of you dead-enders; you will be fuel for the TV news propaganda grinder and your efforts will be used to scare and condition the greater numbers of ‘unenlightened’ citizens and peoples around the globe.
Quite the opposite intended result huh?!

Wait now!, you have true patriots waiting for just the right moment and they have infiltrated the ‘enemies’ camp; oh really? Let me explain, your enemies have pitched camp in your brain and body and your cognitive dissonance is their campfire, and they sit there calmly swapping stories as the eat your brains and cripple your hopes and the only stars that shine are forever unreachable in the pitch of the ignorant and endless space between your ears.

All of your heroes and hopes will be dashed against the hard fact that you have lost, the country is lost, the species is lost, mankind is lost and this speck of an Earth is meaningless and all your efforts are laughable because the enemy care not for you and yours; you are bits of dissipative structure to be milled and melted, molded and shaped into any whimsy they so desire and all this free-will of yours is only as free as the collar is long; and chattel, the choker is about to be pulled and the yelp your gonna hear is the inner-dog begging for it all to stop and the domestication of man will be complete.

“Not on my watch?!” Again, have you no fear? So you have abandoned all your fear and none of your hope? Excellent, you are now a useful vessel; you have formed yourself and are ready for whatever may come; you are ready to do whatever and are waiting for the whites of their eyes; you are poised and ready…? Your numbers are growing and there is great momentum and truth and freedom are on the march…right? So, the harder you squeeze the more truth slips out; and the truth will set us free?

The truth is, America is no more, the constitution is no more and docility has been bred and fed into you and your children; so just shut up and take your medicine like a good pet or you will be severely disciplined and try to enjoy the last few moments of the republics’ dismemberment; and after a while it won’t be so bad, you’ll see, just let it go; it’s for the best; no use struggling, it will hurt far less… there ya go; And to all you so called patriots making efforts; Heel! Sit! Roll Over! Beg! Play Dead!

You are Americans? “Once you have defined me you have thus negated me.”(3)

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by pheffler

Nice perspective.

That should ruffle a few feathers.

It's seems it already ruffled a bunch of feathers on infowars.

Sometimes people need a push in the right direction or a good hard kick in the arse. Either way if it gets them to open their eyes for a minute, we can hope some reality may sink in.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 11:55 AM
The thing is...the comments or posts have a short self-life and you don't get the exposure time to get a bigger response - oh well; I was hoping for more info back at infowars - but it didn't work out the way I thought it would - oh well.....

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