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Personal take on healthcare reform

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posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:32 AM
Let me share a personal story of today’s American health care system….

As a short background let me first say we’re an older couple, my wife had never worked, content to be a good old fashioned housewife and mother to our four children. We lived a pretty active life, never rich but we also never worried about paying our bills…

In the opening days of last summer, 2008 my wife started to not feel so well. Her weight had exploded over the past few months and she lacked energy and took to sleeping a lot. One day she came downstairs and said “I think you better take me to the emergency room” frightening words from someone who had always been a strong woman!

After two days of testing the verdict was she had congestive heart failure. Her heart, enlarged and only working at 20% landed her upstairs in the cardiac ward for the next three weeks until they could get her stabilized. The doctors said she must have had a silent heart attack and everyone, including her, missed it!

Now for the bad:

Within a month our private insurance company dropped my wife from their coverage. Honestly I was freaking flipping out! There I was facing this huge medical bill, the wife needed a pace maker, constant doctor visits and daily monitoring I didn’t have a clue how we were going to get threw this…

Now for the good:

In steeped the system we already have in place. A social worker was assigned to my wife and without interruption in her treatments my wife was placed on Medicare and social security. You do hear horror stories about this process taking months if not years, my wife’s case was processed and approved within thirty days… this past spring they installed a new kind of pacemaker. It not only keeps her heart beating it has a built in defibrillator. Connected wirelessly to the house phone it alerts the hospital if anything is amiss… her prognosis? As long as she takes it easy takes her meds and watches her diet (no salt) she stands a good chance of out-living me…

So here I am one year later reading about the Obama health reform. Keep in mind I still work, pay taxes and my private insurance dues.

Private insurance didn’t fail us it forcibly rejected us when it looked like they were going to be stuck with a huge bill…! A system that had been in place for decades, one I pay taxes to maintain eagerly came to our rescue! There is a marked difference in our treatment when we go to our respective doctors. While my wife gets the VIP treatment I get lectured on my co-pay and how my HMO may not cover whatever minor ill I suffer. Did my wife get a lesser degree of care, not at all, if my private insurance was in charge they probably would have insisted on a used low millage pacemaker without all the extras! Yes there are tons of bad experiences with government healthcare, not us man; it all went smooth as silk with no complaints on my part. Obama is right in the regard the system needs fixing. Not just the souring costs part but holding insurance companies accountable to us, their customers, Punished when they drop us for no reason other than cost control and keeping quarterly profit margins.

If you’re wondering today the wife is fine. She can’t walk through a metal detector at a security gate. (Messes up her pacemaker) but now that the state fair is in town she already has a list of rides she wants to take the granddaughter on

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:35 AM
I'm glad your wife's doing ok, its amazing how suddenly health problems can appear.

As to the health care system I think it's a good idea to have a Government safety net for the poor or people like you who have been let down by private insurance companies.

However I do not believe that Government intervention is needed all over, check out these links.

Real free market Healthcare

Can you afford it?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:53 AM
United health care posted more than 800 Million profit for the 2nd. quarter this year alone, up 155% from this time last year.

That's just ONE company, for ONE fiscal quarter.

How much good could that PROFIT do for the American health care insurance crisis?....

Oh, and 14000 people lose their health care insurance every DAY.

Yes, we do need a public option to force, yes I said FORCE, the private insurance companies to compete.

The Insurance companies have been up-ing their crimes against the American public for years, plenty of chances to do the right thing by their premium holders, and they haven't, there has been no motivation for them to change, and if they aren't FORCED to change in a drastic manner, they simply won't. That is Fact, anyone who thinks they'll just start to do the right things, are just imbeciles.

We are 37th in the world. Our health care system ranks just behind Costa Rica and just above Slovenia.

c'mon, put the politics and ideology aside on this issue, we NEED this reform.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by uaocteaou

Amen brother... keep in mind that we paid our premium's for over twenty years and never made a late payment... If they had honored our contract my wife would never had had to rely on on public aid... the way things stand now these big companies are not held accountable...

The real change needs to be to force these mega corps to live up to their obligations... we pay into the system in the event something bad occurs not so they can back out when it looks like they may have to live up to their end of said agreements

[edit on 14-9-2009 by DaddyBare]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by DaddyBare
keep in mind that we paid our perineum's for over twenty years

OK...not that I'm the spelling nazi or anything, but I can't resist the opportunity to point out...perineum?...t'ain't the word you wanted

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:11 AM
A wonderful outcome to a possible heartbreaking situation.

Your story makes a really good point that needs to be stressed. Health care is about our loved ones -- fathers, mothers, children and grandchildren -- and the quality of our healthcare impacts on the every aspect of our lives.

Unfortunately when healthcare becomes a for profit business, then the discussion seems to assume that what is of lasting importance are profit margins and preserving the rights of an industry to sell out their customers' quality of life for their own gain, even after the customer has dutifully fulfilled their part of the contract properly and in good faith.

Healthcare reform in the US will not happen until the profitability of trading in human suffering is addressed.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by metamagic]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by DaddyBare
keep in mind that we paid our perineum's for over twenty years

OK...not that I'm the spelling nazi or anything, but I can't resist the opportunity to point out...perineum?...t'ain't the word you wanted

Actually, considering that the insurance company screwed them... it might be exactly the right word.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by DaddyBare
keep in mind that we paid our perineum's for over twenty years

OK...not that I'm the spelling nazi or anything, but I can't resist the opportunity to point out...perineum?...t'ain't the word you wanted

LOL I always hit the spell auto correct in case of fumble fingers and it picked the wrong choice of words...or did it?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by DaddyBare

I am very happy also that you wife is doing fine, see that is why we already have public option pay by tax payer in the nation to help people in need like your wife.

The health care reform is a hoax, Medicare and Medicaid will stay the way it is and that will be public option the biggest gain from the reform is to force tax payers into getting private insurance by mandate to boost the private insurance business.

Just think how we got the car insurance business to become mandatory that is what the reform is going to do to boost private insurance and it have nothing to do with government run health care as they already run the two entitlement programs we have since the 60s

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by marg6043

to be honest with you...I have been so impressed with Medicare and Medicaid that if it was an option for me... I'd dump my private insurance and send those monthly payments to them!

that program doesn't need fixing the corrupt current insurance industry does

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by DaddyBare
reply to post by uaocteaou

Amen brother... keep in mind that we paid our premium's for over twenty years and never made a late payment... If they had honored our contract my wife would never had had to rely on on public aid... the way things stand now these big companies are not held accountable...

The real change needs to be to force these mega corps to live up to their obligations... we pay into the system in the event something bad occurs not so they can back out when it looks like they may have to live up to their end of said agreements

[edit on 14-9-2009 by DaddyBare]

yup...why is it worse to pay your health insurance premiums to the federal government, who have a 3 and a 1/2 % overhead, rather than to an insurance company that has a 30% overhead. i guess simple math is not that simple to some people.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by DaddyBare

Yes they work when people follow their steps, yes is many instances of corruption waste and abuse, but hey what do you expect from government run things.

Still Medicare and Medicaid is there to help those that are in need, that is why you as a tax payer pay for it taken out of your pay check as long as you hold a job, so yes you are entitle to it.

Still health care reform is not about government run health care but to make you as a tax payer to fill obligated to pay for private insurance.

The same way that car insurance are packaged to help the needs of those that need it, (because after all is mandatory) the private insurance business will start doing the same, packaging their crap into neat littler bundles that are affordable for everybody that work, gets a pay check and the IRS can track easily.

People have not idea what is coming our way.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Chilled Zen
I'm glad your wife's doing ok, its amazing how suddenly health problems can appear.

As to the health care system I think it's a good idea to have a Government safety net for the poor or people like you who have been let down by private insurance companies.

However I do not believe that Government intervention is needed all over, check out these links.

Real free market Healthcare

Can you afford it?

So, basically families like mine, who make over 50,000 a year, but not enough to pay the high cost of health care insurance for our children are... basically... in your view... just sool.

Nice, thank you for your humanity.

But you will happily pay for Iraq and Afghanistan to have a universal health insurance. Which at this time we do, through our taxes. While ignoring the truth that your own country needs other options. we so smart

I do have my own concerns, such as, if this reform goes through (can't deny/drop/no preexisting conditions allowed), without a public option, that insurance companies will just up their premiums before the new regulations are put in place, just like the credit card companies did. so again we so smart

Harm None

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by amazed

You hit the nail right on the head... they claimed the reason for dropping my wife was "preexisting conditions"!!!

The odd part was back in Feb of 2008 she had her annual physical and they didn't find anything wrong with her other the her cholesterol levels were a tad high... These big companies will fight Obama tooth and nail not to take preexisting conditions.... sure send them all the healthy 18 year olds but once their over 50 ...

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by DaddyBare

Don't be hasty, my friend, the private insurance business will diversify as need it for maximum profits we all will have a base health care, now, is up to you to pay for more as the needs arises, depending what pre existing conditions are and how expensive they will be as you get older.

But then again once you hit 65 you don't need private insurance anymore because you will be automatically enrolled in Medicare.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by amazed

Just like to point out I am not from the US and I do not support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Do you know the reason why the cost of health insurance is so high?

Laws and regulations inflated costs and imposed extreme liability on Physicians.

In other words it was Government meddling which started many of the problems in the health care system today.

Despite what you may think I'm a humane person, I just look for deeper reasons + the truth behind problems.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by DaddyBare

And now here is My story.
While working I had good health insurance. If I needed to see my doctor for anything I would be in the office within two days max.
Never had a problem with my coverage ever. When I had to have major surgery again no problem, I think I paid something like $300. out of pocket. My perscriptions were always $5. no matter what the actual cost was.
My doctors were always paid what was billed and my coverage never changed nor did my premiums go up, ever.

Now I have medicare, It is all but impossible to find a doctor that will except Medicare ins. When you do find one they are dismissave and uncaring.
It usually takes two weeks or more to get an appointment no matter what the problem is, if it is something that they know I need to be seen for sooner they tell me to go to the E.R. or one of the Redi-Meds in the area.
And I don't blame them, and here is why, I reciently went to the E.R. because I got Glass in my Eye. The bill for this E.R. visit was $766. Medicare paid $89.12. my out of poctet was $156. the rest the hospital has to write off as a loss. And the fact that it can take up to Six Months for the doctor to receive payment, who could blame them?
Also, I am on seizure med. that costs $400. a month. My cost share is $95. My Medicare drug coverage lasts about 5 months then I fall into the "doughnut hole" I have to get my medications from Canada. Funny thing though, the same Medication from the same company only costs me $158. from Canada including shipping.

So what I am saying is Medicare Sucks. If you want to live you don't want to be on Medicare.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Iseekthetruth!!!!!!!!
So what I am saying is Medicare Sucks. If you want to live you don't want to be on Medicare.

My same old cancer cured for $32 out of pocket. Just can't add a lot to that statement.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 04:46 PM
It sounds like your wife developed Cushings syndrome.

It is often overlooked, hard to diagnose and doctors resist it, But it is extreme fatigue, sudden weight gain. Usually around the middle.

YOu get puffy spots on the clavicles and the lower part of the back of your neck, and your face rounds out.

Does he have any of these symptoms?

Did her blood pressure go up?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by DaddyBare

Glad your wife is OK bud...

If this type of thing happened to everyone, there would be no question

The biggest problem is the fog of WAR, what is what?

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