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Joseph Moshe - Arrested in LA by FBI for Going Public about Vaccine

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posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by orderedchaos

A double bluff, you mean?

I'd thought of that too, but dismissed it.

You and i and everyone reading this thread, are just a tiny minority who manage to get even slightly closer to the way things really work...most are oblivious and wish to be...

Yeah, they'll grumble about this and that, but they believe what they are being told and bombarded with via the WHO, MSM, politicians, doctors, police..

If you were not 'conspiracy minded' (as you all must have a passing interest to be here!) who would you put more faith in?
Me? You? - typing into a conspiracy theory website and claiming to know the truth of things, when all these authority figures are saying the exact opposite?

If i were honest, and had not researched and dug up the kind of information that i have...and yes..there is a lot of nonsense out there, but there is a lot of good sense too, i wouldn't have though for a second there could be a deliberate plan to harm the populations of the world!

The whole idea is utterly, utterly ridiculous...a fantasy created by the mind of a 'Walter Mitty' type character..delusional. And most simply will not even consider it a remote possibility.

That's why i don't think it's a double bluff..the majority is the target, and the majority will go willingly, demanding it even.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 04:19 PM
The only thing you should fear is if they the doc tells you to drop your pants to get the shot in your hip, than as you do this and you lean over, you hear what sounds to be a zipper, be aware that the doctor should have no reason to be dropping his pants also. This happen to me years ago, long story, horrible story, just trust ole XIM on this one!

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Or do they know who you are and have different lots of vaccine for different purposes?

They have nothing to lose because they can get you coming or going.

If it is true then they have to kill off a certain amount of people anyway. How much of a threat is anyone going to be to the government when their main goal is just to make it through one more day?

Go to the video store and review your primers. There are enough horror and zombie films to show you the most likely outcome. Just make sure you see the zombies in the proper light. They are the living dead but not the dead that have come back to life. They are the live ones that want to hang on to life at all cost and all humanity has been driven out of them. There are quite a few walking around right now and they are becoming easier to recognize.

Mad Max and Escapee from New York have few good lessons to share as well.

And of course The Andromeda Strain.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 04:22 PM
All this outrage when death and disease is casually dismissed by us everyday.

So far, we have this government, TPTB, etc. And they are so sophisticated as to be planning, this very moment!, a brash bio-attack created by a huge pharmaceutical company that may kill, just so we can define it, 1 billion people.
This entity is so above the governed that they are completely safe from all the fallout from this mind-boggling catastrophe.

Their sophistication further proven by the process by which the vaccination is administered. Which will weed out the wheat from the chaff.

The status quo continues; dominating, assertive, malevolent.

The dissenters; weak and ineffectual.

How is that different from right now. Why go through all the trouble.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 04:35 PM
I had a thread about this while the arrest was going down.

This link will take you to the third page. There is some interesting insight there, though I'm sure it's been covered in this thread.

Funny how many ATSers told me that it was a non-story.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 05:21 PM
Am I the only old timer around here? Think people.

If someone wants to taint a vaccine they will. There are enough nut jobs out there. So be careful it will be up to you and you alone.

I had the mumps, the measles and the chicken pox. My immune system can work I was not given every shot that came along. My immune system is able to function, because it has the ability to overcome. If I was given every shot and all the flu shots that came along what would my immune system do? It wouldn't have the chance to work and fight off infections and virius. I have never taken a flu shot and I never will. You can stiill get the FLU. What are you putting in your bodies? Your a gullable generation. Following me on this?

I understand now that some shots are reguired by law in order for you to attend school. We had to take the polio vaccacine BUT do research on that vaccine. It was NOT a RUSH JOB. They rushed into making this swine flu vaccine. WE do not know the outcome of it yet.

So wait and watch what happens before you are scared into believing that.... I need that shot it will work.. I have to protect my family.... I want to live when everybody else around me is dying.

HOW do you know this in advance? YOU DON'T! You are being foolish if you do.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 05:22 PM
It is quite possible the vaccine contains a two part retro virus.This means by them selves the separate viruses are harmless but when brought togeather they mutate into a much more deadler virus.They may have place part a in the vaccine now which looks harmless now and plan to introduce part b at a later date.Part b could be deployed in a number of different ways including placing it in drinking water.For the deadly virus to then react it could have a longer incubation period because they have ultered the genetic code of the virus.Changing the incubation period from three days to three weeks or even three months would be no problem to them.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

TPTB will surely want to kill off the trouble makers, not the sheeple? Therefore, their loyal sheep that take the vaccine willingly are not the ones they are after. They are after all of us trouble makers that see through the plots and refuse the vaccine!

Keep in mind the mystery cult which is behind the NWO and the plan to kill 90% of the population..
One of their rules is that human sacrifice must be voluntary.
This makes me highly doubt it's a double bluff. The sheeple are voluntary sacrifices.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 05:32 PM
Moshe Bar Joseph, Prof.

This is a website from Israel that has a picture of Moshe Bar Joseph and it is not the same guy they arrested. So I think that blows the theroy out of the water that the guy is Moshe Bar Joseph, Prof.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 05:34 PM
Here is my idea....(and if this has already been postulated, I apologize!)
Does ANYONE recall the "mysterious" deaths of a few microbiologists and the like.....a few years ago, (my brain is messy, so I cannot give EXACT dates.....but it was a few years ago)? I read and a few other websites...and there were a few threads about the "mysterious" deaths of a few microbiologists around the world.... theory based on my recollection of these reported deaths....some kind of virus that is related to the "Spanish Flu"...the 1918 flu...has been released....or is gonna get released....and the flu shot? Just to make money.....the sheeple AND the "others" will get the shot because dying from a virus is scary. A lot of money is made. And the end result of the PURPOSEFUL OR ACCIDENTAL release of a deadly virus? Well....nobody knows for sure....but you just hope you're one of the ones who doesn't die...I think nobody will be protected at ALL...but that the virus is real...maybe not 100% a conspiracy to kill a bunch of us as much as a "OOPS" and we'll make some money off of it anyways......

That's MY thought....

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by theprofessionalnyc

Wow great find, starred and flaggd.

The man tried to speak out against the vaccine so is labeled a nutter and bomber, then gets overpowered by police and is who knows where. Clearly government suppession of free speech.

Also look at how the MSM spreads disinfo making people write this story off.

Whatever is planned for this vaccine they don't like people criticizing it.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 05:44 PM
Who can you trust eh? It's actually pretty funny if you think about it. I dont think we have the answer to how the game is being played. Let alone win the game. We know one thing is sure, it will end one day for any of us, here on this beautifull little planet.... "To be or not to be, that is the question"..

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Cornczech
Here is my idea....(and if this has already been postulated, I apologize!)
Does ANYONE recall the "mysterious" deaths of a few microbiologists and the like.....a few years ago, (my brain is messy, so I cannot give EXACT dates.....but it was a few years ago)? I read and a few other websites...and there were a few threads about the "mysterious" deaths of a few microbiologists around the world.... theory based on my recollection of these reported deaths....some kind of virus that is related to the "Spanish Flu"...the 1918 flu...has been released....or is gonna get released....and the flu shot? Just to make money.....the sheeple AND the "others" will get the shot because dying from a virus is scary. A lot of money is made. And the end result of the PURPOSEFUL OR ACCIDENTAL release of a deadly virus? Well....nobody knows for sure....but you just hope you're one of the ones who doesn't die...I think nobody will be protected at ALL...but that the virus is real...maybe not 100% a conspiracy to kill a bunch of us as much as a "OOPS" and we'll make some money off of it anyways......

That's MY thought....

You must have read my mind. Can you do that?(now give me those lottery numbers, lol) I was thinking about those microbiologists. They were the best we had. They were sure that one could come up with a cure for AIDS or he did? They looked like accidents but their familys have said differently.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 06:05 PM
After reading these post I am starting to believe more and more everyday that people on ATS are not serious about the things that they discuss here.

I have some serious question for "dissenters" who believe that the government is out to get them:

1. What have you done (besides theorizing on the internet) to thwart the plans of TPTB? How have you dissented? What threat do you pose that they could not easily take care of?

2. What percent of the 300 million Americans do you suppose are dissenters? Is that amount great enough for TPTB to even care about you or consider you a threat?

3. If this is going to happen on Obama's watch, then why aren't the Republicans taking this opportunity to get him out of office? If they are in on it too, then how come they were not also in on the suppose cover up of Obama's birth place? (I believe that he is an American, but some people that believe in the "killer vacine" don't.)

I believe my questions are very valid, especially # 1, because I am trying to get people to think really hard on why they think they are so important, and what have they done that is so damaging to the TPTB that they must get rid of you.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 06:13 PM
I cannot post private messages yet....but I wanted to say that I remember reading about the microbiologists and thinking....hmmmmm....that's scary weird...and then the "swine flu" and this untested vaccine....if there is ONE thing I 100% know about my government it is that they don't give a rat's a$$ about me and they LOVE money....especially EASY money....
I may sound crazy...but that is what I think......
We can argue ALL we want about who's gonna die and whatever...but SOMEBODY is gonna be making money off of those deaths, I can promise you that....


posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 06:13 PM
Follow up to my last post...

This maybe off topic, but if Obama was really trying to assemble a "death panel" and trample on the constitution, why are the Republicans not pulling a Zelaya. Too harsh? Then why don't they at least try to impeach him? Are they mounting a case? Has anyone consulted the supreme court? A "death panel' has to be more important than getting a BJ. Right?

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by daddio

Originally posted by getreadyalready
With the conspiracies of the vaccine in mind, I have a serious question.

TPTB will surely want to kill off the trouble makers, not the sheeple? Therefore, their loyal sheep that take the vaccine willingly are not the ones they are after. They are after all of us trouble makers that see through the plots and refuse the vaccine!

So, is it a double bluff? Are we being warned away from the vaccine to cull us from the flock and eliminate us? I was going to refuse the vaccines for my family, but now I am concerned that the motivations seem all bass-ackwards?

What people don't see here is what would the elite do with a herd of idiots? Being loyal is one thing, being smart enough to get a job done like manufacturing is another. The Georgia Guidestones are very specific in the number at 500 million.

They could easily have that many people already set aside so it won't matter if they take out this whole nation, get it. So it doesn't matter if you are a moron and go get the shots, you're useless. If you are intelligent enough to understand the endgame and resist, the fight is on.

Is that so hard to comprehend?

We, or they anyway, are talking 500 million people WORLD WIDE. I think the Vaccination program in Australia is a set-up to show/dupe the rest of the world into "thinking" or "believing" that the vaccines are safe. VACCINES DO NOT PREVENT ILLNESS PERIOD!!!!!

It's that simple. The vaccine is in fact a bioweapon, Jane Bergermiester has filed charges as have others against the WHO, UN, US CDC, TPTB and others. It is obvious what is going on. She and others have produced so much evidence is ridiculous that this is even being carried forth.

I have a ton of evidence that you can connect the dots with, right back to WHO is actually reponsible, but I will not be so dumb as to post it and get arrested. I have investigated ALL of the suspicious happenings and Masonic or Illuminati underhanded deeds and have compiled a good stack of paper that I will use as firewood soon.

Sad really that this kind of crap is even a thought in someones head let alone seeing it happening.

Show it to use then. There are powerful encryption methods you can use. Tor is one. You can also just go to a library and upload it. I don't trust the swine flu vaccine either, but please, if you have this "evidence" then show it. You may be arrested, but if you have evidence this powerful it is your moral duty to show us. This is what "they" want you to do, keep you in fear of speaking out. Why even mention it if you have no intent to show us?

Sorry if I sound really negative, but it can be frustrating. L & L

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 06:21 PM
This "Vaccine" will speed up the process and effectiveness of swine flu,
takes a big chunk out of the population,
reduces population closer to the number of 500,000.

Tom Clancys: Rainbow Six Storyline includes a pharmaceutical company trying to depopulate the world with engineered virus

Since iv read that book,
iv been very skeptical about the vaccine,
but this thread was enough to add to my theory.

[edit on 20-8-2009 by wazthewazzock]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 06:21 PM
I have been an ATS lurker for a while, this is my first post , so I am a bit nervous.. .
What is really interesting to me, is how the issue of to take or not to take the swine flu vaccination, which we know will contain toxic compounds and increase the risk of GBS can be twisted back and logically made to seem only the dissenters will refuse vaccination and die.
It seems obvious to me that the reason the Georgia guidestones lists the “sustainable” population number at 500 million, is not that the earth cannot sustain more than 500 million, which is clearly in error, but rather that 500 million is a much more controllable number by the global elite than over 6 billion currently alive. The Georgia guidestone should read “controllable” population rather than sustainable population to be accurate. The only power that we will ever have against them is our current numbers.
It also appears to me that the reason that the shots must be given in a series is to achieve a delayed response so the first round at least will appear, for a while, to be safe. If the first round is not a bio-weapon, but instead an immunosuppressant, either the second shot, or a later influenza that a person with a normal immune response would have survived might take the victims of the first shot out. Of course the mainstream media would vastly inflate the numbers of dead and dying, just as they did in Mexico, in order to stampede people into rolling up their sleeve.
Playing with viruses, particularly influenza virus is like playing with fire because of the unpredictable nature of the mutations. Some have used the argument that it is easier to inoculate the people whom you wish to survive rather than inoculate to kill those you wish dead. The problem with that argument is that if a true killer is released, even if TPTB have an antiviral or vaccination that works, in roughly 6 months, that solution may no longer be useful and the virus could turn on them. The more workable solution is something that will impede the normal protective immune response against a much weaker virus, or the direct injection of a more lethal virus that is not easily transmitted from human to human like H5N1 which has a roughly 60% mortality rate, but does not easily transmit from person to person.
Another option is to permanently damage the immune system by the inoculations, and let nature take its course. In the meantime, sick people are much less combative than well ones, so other plans such as train rides might go more smoothly.
The shots might also be an experiment with nanotechnology, especially on children and pregnant women, who normally do not receive experimental drugs. Anyone who thinks that the evil creatures behind the shadow governments of the one World Order would not harm either children or pregnant women is living in a more pleasant delusion than reality. One only needs to look at the history of starvation and genocide, to see that inhumane treatments were also applied to both children and pregnant women.
In fact, if the chief goal is to reduce populations rapidly, removing women of reproductive age is the fastest and most effective form of future population reduction. The next quickest and effective way is to remove children. Don’t worry though, the global elitist’s wives and children will not be getting the same treatment, only the useless eaters.

All of the above is just my opinion, for whatever its worth.

[edit on 20-8-2009 by ofthepeople]

[edit on 20-8-2009 by ofthepeople]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by ofthepeople

The Georgia guide stone should read “controllable” population rather than sustainable population to be accurate.

I think sustainable is the right word to use in the context of the guidestones. Sustainable does not only mean to keep enough for later. You can't simple control anything for 100%. I think it is a reasonable figure to have, but i dont think that forcing it will work. Nature can do some pretty weird things, and you might endup with none.

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