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Has ATS become A Right Wing Side Show!?!?

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posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
reply to post by mental modulator

You are way off into left field. I don't think we have had a fiscally conservative president since, well, I really can't think of one, the government has always grown in power since it's inception.

What you just described is a key tenant of communism, "each according to his needs, each according to his ability" or something like that.

What I am saying is that our government is slowly, well quickly since 9/11 into a fascist state.

Liberalism, is not socialism, just like Conservatism is not Fascism. What has happened is the bastardization of labels.

What I was explaining earlier only applies in America, to the best of my knowledge, only because America was founded upon the principles of freedom.

Far enough...

I have a question for you, off topic sort of...

Do you think the private sector has the RIGHT to proceed in any direction to any means
as long as it is in accordance with the constitution? Even if at some point that action clearly striped the populace of its control of the process of government?

I often wonder if the founding fathers could have envisioned these entities of capital that rival entire nations GDP'S

Do you think if they could glimpse into todays world they would have made a distinction between man and company and the right pursuant to both?

just a ?'s for you

would like to know from your POV

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 01:09 AM
I am coming quite late on this discusion, but I really wish people would stop referring to every one who disagrees with Obama a republican, or right winged. The first time I heard Obama speak prior to his desicion to run I was totaly captivated by his message, It wasn't until the primaries that I finally realized, wait a second, this is just a bunch of air freshener covering up something that really stinks. Believe me I didn't want McCain either. How can you vote when both canidates scare you to death? So please, i implore you to stop grouping the many like me, in with something we are not.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by calstorm
I am coming quite late on this discusion, but I really wish people would stop referring to every one who disagrees with Obama a republican, or right winged. The first time I heard Obama speak prior to his desicion to run I was totaly captivated by his message, It wasn't until the primaries that I finally realized, wait a second, this is just a bunch of air freshener covering up something that really stinks. Believe me I didn't want McCain either. How can you vote when both canidates scare you to death? So please, i implore you to stop grouping the many like me, in with something we are not.

thats fair...

I tend to do it when people us certain code words or popular arguments as it indicates a lot to me, I am often correct unfortunately.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 01:36 AM
It would be nice to just stop using the words Republican, Democrat and Independant.

Just have the man or woman up there talking and you vote for the one you like. That way people won't vote because one is a Dem or not vote for one because they are a Repub.

Its like rooting for your favorite football team when they play against an opponent who you know is going to rip your team a new one. You know they are going to lose and yet you cheer for them anyways.

Doesn't make sense.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:01 AM
The Problem is that all the people who insist on labeling those people at the meetings as republicans/conservatives just cant seem to think in any other manner. Its all they know, democrat, republican, conservative, liberal. Its what they were raised on and spoon fed in college and other institutions. They have no idea what Real America is like. They live in a box and all they know, see and hear is what the big corporation ran and owned media, ran by the same corporations that help get the politicians elected tells them. Its all they know. They are for the most part highly ignorant. Alex Jones called our political system a 2 part dog and pony show. Thats precisely what it is. A show. Has Obama pulled the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan? No he hasnt. Did he say he would? Yes he did. Yet they are still there. When asked about it? "well lets see how things are in a year then we will talk to the commanders on the ground". Thats his reply. What happened to the "I will have them out in a year" BS he was peddling every where. The whole "its an illegal war" bit put up by the dems the whole time. Obama is keeping up the war mongering tradition of Bush. Not only hasnt he removed troops from Iraq hes increasing them in Afghanistan. Great, the place where empires go to die. Vietnam with desert, Mountains and no jungle. Im not anti military. I appreciate our armed services and soldiers. I used to support both wars but after a while you can tell its just not the right thing to do and its just being used as a diversion from something else. I was hoping if the one thing Obama did right would be ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet hes failed on that. Of course I know its because of the people upstairs but still, blame will layed on him.

This all just goes to show how both parties are start to mold together. Just look at immigration. Republicans were biting at the reigns to sign amnesty and award criminals. Republicans doing what the democrats wanted to do. Anyone who says we have two parties is a dummy. We have 1 party, republicrats. They want to get in your lives for different reasons, thats all. The republicans scream smaller goverment yet they do nothing to roll back what the democrats do. They leave it in place and use it for themselves.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:13 AM
No it hasnt become a right wing side show. I still see lots og liberals on here. But I do see Americans everyday on here. As corny as that sounds. We are all Americans. Plus this is a conspiracy site. 90% of the people here wont trust the goverment. Plus why should you. Mindless zombies who trust the goverment and the puppets on the stage are scary. Im glad 90% of the people here, including myself are mostly likely highly paranoid, and untrusting of the Federal Goverment. Hell even state gverment as well and even local. More people need to be lke us. Oddly enough it was bush that taught me the republicans stink and to fear the goverment. Thanks Bush. Im a registered Republican. I voted for him in 2004 and I learned to dislike him and the stuff he did. Now I feel like I have to devote my time and part of my life to reversing some of the wrongs he did. All because I voted for him in 2004. Sure I cant do much but I try. The Patriot act and the whole HomeLand Security deal should never have happened. I know this now. yet I fear its to late. I hope not. But it wont be pretty.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by NoJoker13
I agree with you and have noticed that I'm visiting ATS a lot less just for the very reason you posted.

Many of the moderators appear to lean towards the "far right" as well now.

I've noticed just over the past four years a drastic change in ATS and not all of it is good.

Starred and flagged for your keen observance.

ATS has become more of a right wing show.

It's lost some of it's old charm of denying ignorance.

Can you spell d i s i n f o r m a t i o n.
Disinformation is false or inaccurate information that is spread deliberately. It is synonymous with and sometimes called Black propaganda. It may include the distribution of forged documents, manuscripts, and photographs, or spreading malicious rumors and fabricated intelligence. Disinformation should not be confused with misinformation, information that is unintentionally false.

In espionage or military intelligence, disinformation is the deliberate spreading of false information to mislead an enemy as to one's position or course of action. In politics, disinformation is the deliberate attempt to deflect voter support of an opponent, disseminating false statements of innuendo based on the candidates vulnerabilities as revealed by opposition research. In both cases, it also includes the distortion of true information in such a way as to render it useless.

Disinformation techniques may also be found in commerce and government, used to try to undermine the position of a competitor. It is an act of deception and blatant false statements to convince someone of an untruth. Cooking-the-books might be considered a disinformation strategy that led to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Unlike traditional propaganda and Big Lie techniques designed to engage emotional support, disinformation is designed to manipulate the audience at the rational level by either discrediting conflicting information or supporting false conclusions.

Another technique of concealing facts, or censorship, is also used if the group can effect such control. When channels of information cannot be completely closed, they can be rendered useless by filling them with disinformation, effectively lowering their signal-to-noise ratio and discrediting the opposition by association with a lot of easily-disproved false claims.

A common disinformation tactic is to mix some truth and observation with false conclusions and lies, or to reveal part of the truth while presenting it as the whole (a limited hangout).

The Cold War made disinformation a recognized military and political tactic.

ATS in the past came to close to revealing various possible "realities" maybe some of the information coming out got too close to waking the inhabitants of our Matrix up and the system was flooded with the mind drones.

Now, start researching mind control.

Many of these disinformation agents aren't even aware they're reality has been twisted.

Then again, what is reality?

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 03:40 AM
wdf is right wing and left wing? The health reform is a bill made for people so treat it like that a "BILL". Don't judge the book by it's cover is an old saying, so how does it matter who prepared the frigging bill if it's for good for citizens? Read the original bill from white house like an educated person and then point out some thing there you disagree with.
Jee'z paranoids geeks.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by NoJoker13

Neither I'm on both ends for different matters and I'm on the fence with alot. I'm pro country and I believe bashing anothers progress is simply counter productive, let something take effect then worry about a freedom being stripped, clearly these people are jumping the gun quite a bit.

I do agree with you that people are jumping the gun, however, it's not always unjustified. There is political foresight, and a lot of people do have it. If you understand politics enough, you know how some roads lead to only one end. At times it can be mistaken, though, and you could be incorrect, but those who understand it, rarely are mistaken. The one problem, however, is with letting things take effect first. There are many times where that could be a huge mistake. For example, If i were to be sitting and all of a sudden for whatever reason, one wall is being built to my left, and my right. So, I am curious as to the outcome of this, so I will wait to see what's happening. as I am waiting a third and fourth wall are rapidly built to the front and rear of me. Before i know it, though I should have seen it coming, I am completely trapped. Yet before I could have done something, but rather I decided to let it take effect and see what was happening and wait until after the fact to determine if it was good or bad. Turns out it was a bad choice, and now, there is nothing I can do.

This can be said with legislature as well. Such as gun bans, or making vaccinations mandatory, the after effects can lead to catastrophic consequences that may cost many lives, and a lot of our liberties.

In all, yes, sometimes, many people (I myself included) do tend to jump the gun on certain things, but they are not always wrong to do so.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by rich23
This poses a question... Why do right wingers like to be sheep?

Many are proud of it. Some proudly wear the label "dittoheads" because they are stoked to parrot the imbecilities of the O'Reillys and Hannitys of this world.

OMG!! Considering how the 'yes we can' crowd acted and how many worship at the feet of Olberman, Chris Matthews, Paul Bugela, etc, and how they are STILL shilling for Obama - who is obviously just like every other crooked politician - Your statement about the right is down right comical.

Here ... try this on for size.

This poses a question .... Why do left wingers like to be sheep?

Many are proud of it. Some proudly wear the 'yes we can' clone stickers because they are stoked to parrot the imbeciilities of the Olbermans and Matthews of this world.

That is rather accurate. backatchya.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
It SEEMS that many (not all) anti-Obama people are full of frustration, anger and hatred and want to hurt and belittle people of different ideologies.


People who hate what Obama is doing do so because they are THINKING people and they can see what he is doing through the hope-ium haze. They aren't a bunch of out of control emotional wrecks hell bent on destruction of those who think differently. That's absurd and you just did what you accuse others of - belittle those people of different ideologies. Hypocrisy.

Originally posted by NoJoker13
I've been here for quite sometime on a different account.

Mods ... take a look ... He admitted it ...
Multiple accounts by the same person ... against T&C.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

No kidding. Even the thread title calling any dissent a "side show", comes straight from Mathews and Olbermann. Its amazing how so many Americans have been straight up brain washed by the media. The MSM went from being critical of everything the Republicans and Bush did, to shamelessly selling everything Democrats and Obama want to do. I cant tell you how many times CNN and MSNBC have implies Republicans are "blocking" legislation, when the fact is they have NO POWER.

Its disturbing times to be living, thats for sure.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
Many of the moderators appear to lean towards the "far right" as well now.

I've noticed just over the past four years a drastic change in ATS and not all of it is good.

Starred and flagged for your keen observance.

ATS has become more of a right wing show.

It's lost some of it's old charm of denying ignorance.

Can you spell d i s i n f o r m a t i o n.

Yes, and its in the quote above.

ATS moderators come from all over the world. A large number of them come from outside the United States.

All of them have differing opinions, and differing politics.

What you actually mean is that things are appearing on the board right now that you don't like, and people are being critical of Obama.

And rather than facing up to that fact, and debating the issues, you prefer to try and blame ATS for it.

Newsflash for you - prior to the end of January 2009 there were are plethora of people saying ATS was too left wing, liberal and socialist and claiming that there was left wing disinformation on the board.

More than likely some of those claims were made by the die-hard republicans posting in this thread.

The shoe is now on the other foot. The man very firmly in the public eye is Obama, and he's going to get more than his fair share of criticism from all quarters.

Methinks some people need to understand the way the world works, and grow something of a thicker skin.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by contemplator
The best forum communities I have ever used catered to the liberal mindset and ran off conservatives & religious loonies. It is a shame ATS can't do the same.

So, you would rather "run off" the people who disagree with you instead of using your faculties to debate, discuss or even ignore them? If you want to join a board where everyone agrees, then maybe you should look elsewhere. The most fascinating thing I find about ATS is that people from ALL viewpoints are here. It represents this country and the world with its myriad of opinions, beliefs and ideas. It's one of the things I truly LOVE about ATS.

If you'd rather close your eyes to those different than you, I"m not so sure that represents a liberal mindset... Something to think about...

This site has a conservative christian cabal that almost renders it useless.

If ATS is practically useless, I'm not sure why you're here...

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 08:04 AM

[Ooops. Shot from the hip. Didn't think.]

[edit on 17-8-2009 by soficrow]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by contemplator
The best forum communities I have ever used catered to the liberal mindset and ran off conservatives & religious loonies. It is a shame ATS can't do the same.

I've said this before, I apparently need to say it again, and I'm sure again and again.

ATS is, at it's core, a community of people predisposed to speculate on and research several avenues of conspiracy theories. As such, there is an inherent distrust of whichever political ideology is behind the people on the nameplates of power in Washington, DC.

When Clinton was President, we "seemed" conservative.

When Bush was President, we "seemed" liberal.

Now that the cycle is repeating with Obama, we "seem" conservative again.

And with the harsh criticism of the current administration, so comes those who are more political than conspiracist to jump into the fray side with conspiracy theorists for a time.

During Clinton, intensely conservative people tended to side with many conspiracies... during Bush, intensely liberal people tended to side with Bush/Cheney conspiracies... and now, we see intensely conservative people siding with Obama conspiracies and related anti-administration speculation.

It's a cycle. Wash-rinse-repeat. Your mileage may vary.

edit to add some historical perspective...

August, 2008
ATS has been taken over by the far left radical political group

June, 2006
Prevailing Left blowing wind on ATS (Op/Ed)

August, 2008
So now that ATS has sponsored/advertised for an anti-war, pro-liberal movie...

There's plenty more, but you get the picture.

[edit on 17-8-2009 by SkepticOverlord]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Right wing side show - try this on for size - the following thread has degenerated into a straight out racist kick the sht out of Muslims - nothing less - people are in there TRYING to get some sanity going and the moderators are punishing those trying to restrain the racist hatred and vilification - a criminal act in almost every country this site operates in - and nothing is done - this site is so far right wing its not funny, and to think otherwise is to either be BLINDED by the cash or not know the meaning :


Here are some links for you to check out mr owner - especially the ones involving prosecution -

Not right wing - jsut extremist racist anti Muslim rallying point.....pfffft #

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Kinda simple really is it not bill and thank you for pointing it out "again"


Oh wow i get to give the boss a star!

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by audas
Not right wing - jsut extremist racist anti Muslim rallying point.....pfffft #

You only have alerted our staff to two posts in that thread, and upon further review, the posts you alerted are clearly expressing an opinion, extrapolated from actual events.

It's unfortunate that you believe the opinions, in this case, are "hate speech," but we have plenty examples of far more numerous and far more intensely worded opinions of christians (for example) throughout board posts.

We do our best to apply the rules evenly, and ensuring our members have opportunity to express their opinions.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 08:34 AM
Wow - just pointing out that ATS is breaching UK criminal laws regarding racism -

Just so you know what your face will look like in the paper

But thanks for making it CLEAR where you stand - and I doubt that - this person is talking about very specific events in Australia - and is talking about very specific legal events which I have intimate knowledge of - further the person is making racist remarks which have NO BEARING on the religion of those involved including their financial position, housing, treatment of women etc - it is so far over the top - read what is being written it is grotesque and only gets worse as the pages continue .....

Further ALL religious and racial hatred is an opinion - this just happens to be made up and extreme -

I will also point out that there is a very strong relationship with the legal team that is handling some of the events that the poster refers to - I feel this should give some indication of how seriously you need to take the egregious posts on that thread - I am merely trying to get ATS to show some semblance of regarding racial, religious hatred and vilification as SERIOUSLY as the legal systems of the jurisdiction in which this site operates.

So you know I am serious - the crime gangs involved in western Sydney are not Muslim but are tribal issues originating from the central middle east and are NOT religiously inspired, take that information as you will -

[edit on 17-8-2009 by audas]

[edit on 17-8-2009 by audas]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 08:57 AM
I can pretty safely say that right now the "Right Wing" or conservative branch has new content coming out daily about the current administration to create new threads with. I suspect that is the reason many believe the site is right leaning. There are many independents and also those who hate both political parties creating that content, not just conservatives. It's just my opinion that the previously high content liberal posters are ducking most threads that are critical of the Obama administration and I don't blame them.

There really isn't any good news to report lately. Afghan war is going poorly, Iraq situation hasn't changed, home foreclosures up another record 7%, Unemployment went up again, economy is reported as being fixed but the numbers indicate otherwise, people are waiting for inflation to kick in due to all the money printing, Dems can't create a health care bill they can all agree on, and with Republicans not in power the MSM has had to resort to blaming inflamed right wing extremists citizens for all the wrongs currently in America.

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