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A new Civil War?

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posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 01:51 PM
Um... I really don't understand why people are all of a sudden speaking of revolution. Our last administration lied to us, initiated illegal wars, and caused the deaths of thousands of our own, not to mention the enormous debt they left us with and the number of war crimes committed. That FAR outweighs the policies and decisions made recently.

Who knows, maybe the decisions being made now will turn out for the better? The last thing anyone should ever want is a war inside their own country, and yet so many people already have their fingers on the trigger.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by PieKeeper

How does the new administration differ? Obama is continuing the same policies with a few cut corners.

[edit on 10-7-2009 by Xtinguish]

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by Xtinguish

I'm saying that people haven't reacted like this until the new administration, and a lot of these people are specifically speaking out against Obama, not the government as a whole.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 12:13 PM
People are speaking out against obama because he promised a change but he is continuing the same policies and spending that he said would change.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by celticdragon23

Yes, I understand that. What I'm asking is why are people reacting to it by calling for revolution?

[edit on 12-7-2009 by PieKeeper]

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 12:14 AM
Tea party protests

Make your own deductions.

I think I see the front lines.

[edit on 13-7-2009 by Gorman91]

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by PieKeeper
reply to post by Xtinguish

I'm saying that people haven't reacted like this until the new administration, and a lot of these people are specifically speaking out against Obama, not the government as a whole.

New administration are You serious? What is new about this administration? I don't see any change at all if anything its getting worse. The economy is going further into the crapper. The taxes are going to keep going up. Inflation is going to go through the roof with all this money being printed up. Our foreign policy is becoming more aggressive by the day with new wars on the horizon. The patriot act is not gone and if anything more people are being targeted for the lists "Right wing extremist". More corruption going on in Washington right in our face.... We can go on and on and on about what is so screwed up but people like You think its just a Obama or Bush thing. No its not a Obama or Bush thing because they are all traitorous crooks but oh know people like You refuse to admit Your messiah has anything to do with this crap.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 01:59 AM
Civil War or Revolution should be the last alternative and should not be taken lightly. As a poster stated earlier, it will bring out the most vile and manipulating people in society who will try to capitalize on the disarray. It will most definately invade the sanctity of our families. Family members will be pitted against themselves each supporting a different side and often resulting in violence. There will be draconian measures placed upon the people by Federal Authorities that will make the treatment of "Gitmo," look like Club Med. We have seen draconian measures before with President Lincoln suspending Habeas Corpus and imprisoning dissidents for the duration of the Civil War without charge or trial.

If Revolution or Civil War is destined to reach fruition, I implore the people to think long and hard about the decision. These type of affairs have been messy with violence and carnage with history being a fine example. In many cases after the Revolution or Civil War things actually end up being far worse than before.

[edit on 13-7-2009 by Jakes51]

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by Jakes51

I agree completely. Peace before blood.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 05:33 PM
But often times peace doesnt come without blood. I don't want war but I also dont want the continuation of our governements practices for my children to suffer

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 05:33 PM
But often times peace doesnt come without blood. I don't want war but I also dont want the continuation of our governements practices for my children to suffer

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by 5thElement

The united States is not a Democracy, despite the fact that ignorant politicians, and the ignorant media keeps claiming it is.

This is a Representative REPUBLIC, which is supposed to be RULED BY THE CONSTITUTION, also known as the Law of the Land.... But of course throughout the decades, those who wanted to destroy the Republic have made changes which are against what the Republic was always supposed to be.

Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution.

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,....

Republican = advocate of the REPUBLIC, and someone who is against all forms of dictatorship.

BTW, many Republicans in power are not REAL Republicans, they are R.I.N.O.s (Republicans In Name Only)

But hey, mostly Democrats and Liberals have been changing what the Republic is, and what it was supposed to be.

BTW, Democrats, and liberals are NOT the mayority. Just because most Americans don't vote, only about a couple million Americans vote, and in the last election the LEFT used tactics which they were complaining about from the military as military recruiters would go to High Schools and talk to Seniors, and to Colleges to see if they can recruit more people. This time the LEFT went to High Schools, and Colleges and brainwashed the MTV generation who are more interested in partying than in actual politics, and are easily persuaded to flawed ideologies, and lies than other adults with common sense.

Just wait until the High School and College students have to start doing mandatory Community Service, and the students in College have to start doing at least 3 months of mandatory military training.... You will see how soon they will start revolting and then start blaming Republicans for the mistake they made.

[edit on 14-7-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:24 AM
We need to do as much as we can with peace and intelligent ideas. Obviously, this doesn't mean we'll just stand by as our rights are systematically taken away. At some point the government will push a little too far and people will act. There is a good chance that moment is coming in our life time, in my humble opinion.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 07:27 PM
BTW, just to make it clear, I am not talking about every American Liberal and Democrat, mostly those in power, and who have been in power, which also includes Republicans, and also does includes those in the Left who keep cheering for the present administration like brainwashed drones.

I know there are many Liberals, and even Democrats who have the best intentions, even if their intentions interfere with things such as the Constitution, and the Bill of rights.

In reality every American, including those who see themselves as Liberals and Democrats should see themselves as sons and daughters of the Republic, or as Real Republicans, because they are living in a Republic.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by celticdragon23
People are speaking out against obama because he promised a change but he is continuing the same policies and spending that he said would change.

Actually he is bringing change alright.

The entire Obama administration is transforming the Republic into a Socialist dictatorship, and that's the change he was talking about.

Those Americans who voted for him should have done their research, and seen what sort of people President Obama calls "friends", and what sort of places he used to go to to listen to sermons. Not to mention that even in his own websites, before the elections, he was clearly stating that he would take away the right of every American of freedom of choice, and instead will implement policies, and laws that would make mandatory/required, what should be the CHOICE of every American.

But hey, people just decided to join the brainless crowds and start cheering for him instead of doing their research.

[edit on 14-7-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by celticdragon23
Does anyone think that there will be a new Civil War. Not north or south, but rich against poor? Maybe not so much of a civil war but a revolution. With all the srtife amongst the government and out of control spending. Obama breaking promises and showing more and more his socialist attitude twords the middle and lower class are we headed for disaster?

If such a thing were to occur, I kind of like the scenario that was forwarded by that Russian guy about 6 months ago... his name escapes me (anyone remember?) Basically, the US divides itself into 5 or-so provinces... southeast, west, northeast, midwest and middle. I have a lot of doubts whether small areas without good ports and an abundance of resources could make a good go of it. But Washington makes the case for secession and if the current vision of a socialist, hybrid state doesn't work... it could happen. Maybe.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 09:02 AM
If there was another Civil'd never know it.

Even if small incursions did happen, the media would report it as " terrorist factions of (insert group) of an anti government hate group were arrested by (insert three letter government agency)"

Thomas Chittum wrote and interesting book on such occurances.

But as for an all out Rich V. Poor...Rep V. Dem....White V. (insert pigment shade)...It will only be televised if it's in the best interest of those pushing such an agenda.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 09:23 AM
No matter the lofty goals of a so called revolution; it would quickly become a race war. The actual hidden agenda of those calling for a revolution weather they want to admit it or not.

How do you identify liberals and those that take from the system; by the color of their skin, right? They will be the targets. It's impossible to tell a white liberal from a white conservative therefore..... would you identify the enemy? Those that wear suits? Glasses? Jews? Those that work in Washington? Those that have an Obama bumpersticker? Long haired hippies? Spanish speakers?

Just who exactly is the enemy and how do you deal with them. There won't be armies this time in uniforms of Blue and Grey.

No....this will be a race war ultimately.

God help us!!

[edit on 15-7-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
No matter the lofty goals of a so called revolution; it would quickly become a race war. The actual hidden agenda of those calling for a revolution weather they want to admit it or not.

How do you identify liberals and those that take from the system; by the color of their skin, right? They will be the targets. It's impossible to tell a white liberal from a white conservative therefore..... would you identify the enemy? Those that wear suits? Glasses? Jews? Those that work in Washington? Those that have an Obama bumpersticker? Long haired hippies? Spanish speakers?

Just who exactly is the enemy and how do you deal with them. There won't be armies this time in uniforms of Blue and Grey.

No....this will be a race war ultimately.

God help us!!

I dont think it is a matter of race because the people suffering are all nationalities. It will be the govt against the people and people will forget color, religion, or other seperating factors to stand together for the freedoms we all hold dear regardless of race.

[edit on 15-7-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by celticdragon23

I dont think it is a matter of race because the people suffering are all nationalities. It will be the govt against the people and people will forget color, religion, or other seperating factors to stand together for the freedoms we all hold dear regardless of race.


How do you tell who's in the government? Cops, Military, people that work at the courthouse, federal employees, Post Office, Forest Service people, USDA, USGS, etc.

See the problem here? How do you identify the govt. people that needs killin' so we can stand together and regain our freedoms we hold dear?

Without somekind of concrete plan; your "freedoms we hold dear" rhetoric sounds like someone is parroting Sean and Rush. Are you going to shoulder the banner and lead us in the coming blood letting and chaos?

[edit on 15-7-2009 by whaaa]

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