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Anti-depressants... your own experiences...

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posted on Aug, 29 2004 @ 10:29 AM

For anyone who is unfamiliar with true depression (not a 'in the dumps' feeling), here's my bit on it... Imagine that you had the time of your life the day before with your girlfriend and all of both your friends. Everything went awesome, noone argued about anything, everyone just got together and hung out and everything was storybook perfect. The next morning a person would be remembering the day before and smiling about it and ready to tell everyone who didn't show up all about it, but instead you wake up with this uncontrollable felling of doom from nowhere. You start thinking that your GF snuck out of bed while you were passed out to screw your best friend, and that everyone is out to get you. You think that no matter how great the day before was, today can't be better, so it must be going to be worse. Normally a person can just blow this irrationality off, but you can't seem to nudge it... and you KNOW you are being irrational, especially since you hardly slept and you know that your GF was sound asleep the whole time. Even when all the lights turn green on your way to work, you can't be happy about it. You just can't shake the feeling that too many things are going good, something is going to come and screw it up as usual (usually your own self doing, and you know it but can't seem to do anything about it). Alot of people would just call you a pessimist, but you aren't being negative. You aren't TRYING to be negative. Imagine having a great day at work and you get home and for some reason get so bummed out that you cry for about half an hour before you realize you don't even know what you are crying about (yeah, I've done that one several times... I'm a guy, and yes I cry... I am human after all, duh).

That is just one day for you. Now imagine that about every day to every three days... and you can't control it. I've been at family functions where I had to leave because I was so 'bummed out that everyone else is having a good time'. 2 thanksgivings ago I stayed in bed until like 7pm so I didn't have to see anybody (I have a bad antisocial problem as well). I was staying with my GF at her parents house, since we lived in a different town at the time, and was supposed to go to my parents. I ditched a freakin' Thanksgiving because I was depressed! It's really sad... really, but you can't really seem to do anything about it.

For anyone who is afraid of the drugs, do this for yourself: make sure that your VERY BEST friends don't put up with it. Personally, I have less than a handfull of 'friends' (friends=family, and family=friends... always!) that I will deal with when I get depressed. When I get in these modes I will sometimes even blow them off. Luckily they understand the depression and don't take no for an answer. After a best friend drags yer arse out of the house a couple times, you just go with it and it slowly starts to become easier. The biggest thing I've come to understand about depression is that it is something like picking at a scab... you know it's there and you can't ignore it (you are depressed, you know it, but it just permeates your head), and since you can't get it out of your head you keep picking at it until it comes off and you finally bleed all over the place (you try as hard as you can to think happy thoughts, but you just can't get any of the negative thoughts out of your head and you keep dwelling on them until you finally collapse).

I know it's been awhile, but having been a victim of it for many years, I can say that this description is ABSOLUTELY accurate of certain symptoms of depression. I'm not saying this is the only feeling or scenario that a depressed person feels, but it is completely true that someone really depressed feels this way every time they wake up, and/or every time something relatively good happens. It's not nice at all, it's is life destroying, and it still happens to me, although thankfully less frequently than before. It's unshakable, and as far as I'm concerned untreatable. Anyone who doesn't suffer from this type of thing, I urge you to thank whatever you believe in for every day that you spend not having to deal with it, you realy are lucky.

posted on Aug, 29 2004 @ 11:53 PM
I take anti-depressants/SSRI's, but for anxiety, not depression. My anxiety has been pretty bad, but on and off, since the 6th grade. I finally was put on medication this year (10th grade). I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, so, uh, it blows le ass. *nod.* I always find something to be nervous about, and worst of all, I have anticipatory anxiety, so its very extreme, and it occurs before I go into certain situations (because I'm anticipating an anxiety attack and then I worry so much I induce one..), and the anxious feeling generally kept me from going into these situations to avoid more stress. The medication has helped a lot, especially in comparison to the therapy.

I'm on 60 mgs of liquid Prozac. Yes, liquid!, because I'm afraid of choking on pills!! Hilarious, I know. x_x

I should probably increase my dosage.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by melloasjello
I take anti-depressants/SSRI's, but for anxiety, not depression. My anxiety has been pretty bad, but on and off, since the 6th grade. I finally was put on medication this year (10th grade). I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, so, uh, it blows le ass. *nod.* I always find something to be nervous about, and worst of all, I have anticipatory anxiety, so its very extreme, and it occurs before I go into certain situations (because I'm anticipating an anxiety attack and then I worry so much I induce one..), and the anxious feeling generally kept me from going into these situations to avoid more stress. The medication has helped a lot, especially in comparison to the therapy. :@@
I'm so glad the Prozac is helping. I'm 52 and my panic disorder began at your age. Mine is under control and I've led a very fulfilling life. I want you to know that there is hope. FEAR is terrible and anticipatory anxiety is the pits.!!! As for being afraid of choking...join the club. You'd be amazed how many brilliant, successful, people suffer from gad etc. Hang in there!!!! I'm on 20 mg of prozac now and doing fine. It was pretty iffy before they discovered prozac, but it has worked for me and I'm glad it's helping you. Unless you've experience GAD or Panic Disorder, you can't know how it affects your life.
I just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts. Hang in there and U2U me if you need anything.

I'm on 60 mgs of liquid Prozac. Yes, liquid!, because I'm afraid of choking on pills!! Hilarious, I know. x_x

I should probably increase my dosage.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 10:51 PM
[edit on 11/9/2004 by jameo131i]

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 09:12 PM
I have a chemical inbalance and I can be fine and than what seams like out of the blue, I'm depressed.But the thing is it's not out of the blue, it starts out small and gets worse and worse,actually I just went to the doctor today and he pointed out that I'm on the down-hill slide again, so we decided to start the meds now before it gets any worse.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 01:52 AM
I have been taking Paxil for clinical depression for around 8 years now. My personality is such that I resist taking medicine for anything, even a headache. However, my depression is so severe that I understand and accept the fact that I need help through medication. Unfortunately, on Friday I ran out of Paxil, and was unable to get more until today. According to my psychiatrist, the Paxil will stay in one's system for two weeks, and there are no negative withdrawal effects... That is completely untrue. Here is a day by day overview of the last few days in my life.
Friday- Ran out of Paxil.
Saturday- no adverse effects
Sunday- started noticing strange withdrawal effects. I started to feel strange nervous impulses, almost like small electrical shocks to the central nervous system. They felt similar to muscle spasms, but with no muscle spasming. This phenomenon seemed linked to the optical nerve, as it only happened when I move my eyes(when my eyes were closed and unmoving, this feeling was not experienced). Very strange, and most uncomfortable.
Monday- More intense feelings of "spasms". Also, depression becoming more apparent. Slept for 14 hours, from 6pm to 10am the following morning. Some nausia
Tuesday- Intense "spasms". Very severe depression. It was as if a dark "haze" was over everything. Some nausia
Tuesday night- I had my prescription refilled and took my medicine. Withing 3 hours, all symptoms had dissapeared.
If you are thinking about taking an anti-depressent, I would recommend it whole heartedly. However, dont believe everything your doctor tells you. There ARE withdrawal symtoms.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 10:21 PM
I am a high school senior and I have had to deal with this chemical imbalance pretty much my whole life. I have been taking zoloft off and on for about five years now, but i went undiagnosed for about 4 years. I first got diagnosed when I was 12, but now knowing the symptoms know that I had been suffering from it since about 3-4 years prior. I started taking a 100(?) mg dosage for about 2 years and pretty much turned my life around. Then I went off of it and stayed off pretty much for the next 2 &1/2 tears. like what others on this board said I felt it was a weakness didnt want to take it my whole life. I would have short down periods once and a while but nothing serious. But everyone around me thought that it as slowly taking it's toll on me and dragging me down but I didn't believe it. About 6 months ago I got to where my parents actually snuck it into my food because I had gotten so bad. While this had me VERY ticked, I also realised that I had a disease, not a weakness, and me tking zoloft is no different then my relatives who take insulin.

Knowing that I could have a major problem if a similar situation happens after I move on to college and there'd be know one to force me, I have since been taking a 25 mg/day dosage and I have felt normal ever since. I can have my ups and my downs, which is how I want to be, but I never go off the deep end anymore.

p.s. - I also gained some weight as a result of taking zoloft, but I think that has more to do with the fact that many people who are depressed tend to expierience a loss in appettite. I know that I was never as hungry when I was down.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 05:07 AM
At first got to say that I didn't have any experience of that kind, yet what I do believe in is that a "depression" can not appear by itself from nothin. That it is a symptom and take it out with drugs would not take away the cause.

The possible cause ( one of ) could be, for example, a conflict between conscious and subconscious. For example, you were told, induced that it is the best for you to live in a big city and go to collage ( your conscious believe in it ), but your subconscious knows that it's better for you to live in a country and ride horses.

Result? Depression!

Or, for example, you want to finish school and open your own bussiness, yet your parents keep telling that no, you have to go to collage, start with a small job, etc.

So, if you have depression, I think it would be better to look for a conflict then start useing drugs.

Lack of serotonin? Best cure - straight back and a giant smile
. This is a scientific fact, if you have a...

...good moode -> your pineal gland produces serotonin -> you have a smile, a straight back and good thought.

And if you pull on a smile and straighten your back -> your pineal starts producing more serotonin -> you have a good moode and good thought.

That easy! After keeping the smile on for a day or so your mood will become good and you would already start feeling uncomfortable if you take the smile off. After a few days the pineal gland could take a few days rest that could look like the depression has came back, but this would be temporary. Keep smiling!

Of cource, in some cases finding a conflict / blcok in your subconscious isn't that easy, yet there are certain methods for doing it.

It's so bad that it can't be any worse - pesimist
Common, sure it can! - optimist

[edit on 17-9-2004 by bratok]

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:36 AM
No offence, but that is complete BS. Clinical depression is a physical mental illness, just like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Try telling a schizophrenic that he can cure himself by smiling. If you can even communicate with him that is...
Sure, if you are a little under the weather, Im sure that smiling and laughing might help. But for clinical depression, it takes more than that. Telling a person with clinical depression to smile would be like telling a person with muscular dystrophy to drink a protein shake... its just not enough.

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 03:57 AM
I didn't say that a smile would cure a deep depression, just that it would help with a lack of serotonin - permanent "bad" mood.

About the depression thing, as I said, I believe that it has a cause ( most likely a conflict in subconscious ) and by useing drugs you only temorary remove the symptoms, without removeing the cause.

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by bratok
I didn't say that a smile would cure a deep depression, just that it would help with a lack of serotonin - permanent "bad" mood.

About the depression thing, as I said, I believe that it has a cause ( most likely a conflict in subconscious ) and by useing drugs you only temorary remove the symptoms, without removeing the cause.

Incorrect on both things.

Serotonin is not in any way produced, or current body levels elevated, by smiling. a lack of serotonin is what is believed to be the clinical cause of depression, and it cannot be cured by anything except for the use of prescription anti-depressants- prescribed correctly- and therapy.

Compare it- cause and effect wise- to a car accident. you dont get into your car, start it, and then crash it while it's parked. you pull away, and get rear ended, or blow a stop sign and get side-swiped. there is a clear cause, and subsequent effect for each action. therefore, the serotonin is like the car, and the cause- whether it be a death of a spouse, or loss of a job, etc- is the "catalyst", and depression is the "car accident".

after a car accident, and an injury, you go to Physical Therapy, and may have to take pain medicine. after the cause of the depression, you need to go the Psycho (pertaining to mental health) therapy, and may have to take some drugs to help you through it.

so for everyone who thinks depression is an excuse for something, it's not. its a cause and effect, just like I stated above, and I dumbed it down when I explained it for everyone.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:00 PM
[edit on 2/10/2004 by jameo131i]

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 01:32 PM
[edit on 17-9-2004 by bratok]

No offense, but as someone who has had both panic disorder and several bouts of clinical depression, I find your comments to be way off base. Most psychiatric literature now supports the fact that panic disorder, gad, ocd, and clinical depression stem from verifiable medical disorders in the brain chemistry. There is also a strong genetic tie between families who have multiple relatives with similar symptoms.
You,first seem to be using some old Freudian model of conflict. While this may play a slight role, it's not the answer to these diseases in and of itself.
The "put on a happy face" patter is really demeaning (I know you didn't mean it to be demeaning) to those who do suffer clinical depression. If we could just "smile" and "look at the world in a rosey way" we sure as heck would. This is a chemical problem. The scientists and doctors are now working on isolating the genes that cause these problems. While trying to put a happy face might have some small benefit, it certainly dosn't cure what is a disease. It's as if someone had cancer, and you said "Just smile more and the cancer will go away" or "You have inner conficts and, if you eliminate those the cancer will go away." I don't think most people would think that would be satisfactory and it's not a completely helpful way to look at mental problems.
Again, the CHIEF problem those of us who suffer from pd,ocd, and depression face, is the lack of understanding and the well-meaning, but misinformed pep talks from those who have never suffered from the hell of the DISEASE which is clinical

edited due to slap on wrist for excessive quoting

[edit on 3-10-2004 by joey]

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 02:31 AM
My experience with anti-depressants, was umm... not a good one.

I was very abusive of my zoloft perscription at first, thinking that since I wasn't feeling a difference, I wasn't taking enough. So, I took more than my suggested amount for a while, since I didn't understand how seratonin levels work and what chemical imbalances really entailed. My suggested dose was 50 mgs. I didn't think that did anything, so I took 100. After a week or so, I was feeling no different (which is normal, but I didn't know) so I started taking 150. When I felt really depressed, I'd take 200 or 250 at a time. That of course, is when issues started coming up. After about 4 weeks into my perscription, having way too much zoloft in my system, I was feeling more anti-social than ever. I felt like I was worthless, and never seemed to have any energy. I started to ignore my friends and my girlfriend, and spend my time writing letters to myself about how I felt at the time.

Soon, bad turned to worse, and I'd started drinking with the meds and abusing all of my perscriptions, or taking any pills I could find in my house, not even stopping to look at what they did. I was so irresponsible, I had no one to blame but myself for how I was treating my body. But, I didn't stop taking the Zoloft in big doses, I thought it was helping, and that what I was experiencing was just a phase and it would all get better soon. It didn't, I ended up having panic attacks and passing out, and trying to suffocate myself.

But I got help, and they put me back on 50 mgs and made sure that someone else gave me it and didn't let me get ahold of the bottle. I tried that for a few months, and even at 50 things just got worse. I went to get more help and doctors came to the conclusion that I was someone who was very succeptable to the side-effects of Zoloft, even in regular doses. So I got off of it, and now I feel better than ever. I know I'm a rare case, and that it probably helps many people, and that many people dont abuse it like I did. But nevertheless, it was negative for me.

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by apw100
started noticing strange withdrawal effects. I started to feel strange nervous impulses, almost like small electrical shocks to the central nervous system.

I know what you're talking about. I've taken Paxil for seven years and whenever I'd skip more than three days I'd get those electrical "brain flashes".

Interestingly, on the recommendation of my doctor I started taking Wellbutrin a week ago to replace Paxil (which was affecting my weight and my sex drive). I haven't had those "brain flashes", but god do I ever feel weird right after taking that new med... my doc told me to expect transition side-effects, but it's almost as though I've been smoking weed...

I'll tell you guys more in a week or so. In the meantime, if anyone here is taking Wellbutrin and could share his/her experience with me, would appreciate it very much.

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 11:40 AM
Hi Otts

I was on paxil for 6 months and just switched to wellbutrin 3 weeks ago. I had those electrical shock feelings, most noticeably when I moved my eyes. I did some research on wellbutrin and it seems that it is either the same or similar composition as an amphetamine, and they can also be used recreationally. So it's no wonder you feel a little weird, and almost like smoking weed, because you are getting stoned. All that aside, paxil made me go from 123 lbs. to 145 in 6 months, and I had no sex drive and was inorgasmic. After 2 days on Wellbutrin, my ability to orgasm came back, and I have lost 2 lbs in 3 weeks (not much, but hey, better than gaining!) Also, since I don't smoke pot anymore, I like the feeling hehe.

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 11:54 AM
well little old infi here did think he was fine, but im back to square one now
But, im slowly coping

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by apw100
I have been taking Paxil for clinical depression for around 8 years now. My personality is such that I resist taking medicine for anything, even a headache. However, my depression is so severe that I understand and accept the fact that I need help through medication. Unfortunately, on Friday I ran out of Paxil, and was unable to get more until today. According to my psychiatrist, the Paxil will stay in one's system for two weeks, and there are no negative withdrawal effects... That is completely untrue. Here is a day by day overview of the last few days in my life.
Friday- Ran out of Paxil.
Saturday- no adverse effects
Sunday- started noticing strange withdrawal effects. I started to feel strange nervous impulses, almost like small electrical shocks to the central nervous system. They felt similar to muscle spasms, but with no muscle spasming. This phenomenon seemed linked to the optical nerve, as it only happened when I move my eyes(when my eyes were closed and unmoving, this feeling was not experienced). Very strange, and most uncomfortable.
Monday- More intense feelings of "spasms". Also, depression becoming more apparent. Slept for 14 hours, from 6pm to 10am the following morning. Some nausia
Tuesday- Intense "spasms". Very severe depression. It was as if a dark "haze" was over everything. Some nausia
Tuesday night- I had my prescription refilled and took my medicine. Withing 3 hours, all symptoms had dissapeared.
If you are thinking about taking an anti-depressent, I would recommend it whole heartedly. However, dont believe everything your doctor tells you. There ARE withdrawal symtoms.

Hey..I'm on PAXIL too

For 4 years now! I have a disbalance in my brain (serotonine not sufficient) it's in the family! I'm 24, depressed, anxious....I cry a lot
I think that it helped me a lot, but in another way, it's crap!!!
Like you, when I forget to take my pill, I start to feel weird, like I'm gonna faint, my vision is weird, it's really not a good feeling!!!
I would like ti quit, but when I try to it's hard and i start crying everyday and feel anxiety everyday. And the feeling of "missing the dose" is awful!!
I don't have any side effects using this medication except ONE BIG: A loss of libido and sexual desire! That is awful when u are a nice 24 years old

What Am I gonna do? I don't know but I've found some answers...I wanna quit, but to calm my depression feelings and anxiety, I do meditation, yoga and I talk to my soul. We are fragile humans being, people like us have to fight bad feeling everyday....

this link might help, it's about self healing for depression and understand life in the 3rd dimension material life, find your spirituality, that helped me!


posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 06:36 PM
I'm Bach,

In the beginning, I wrote a little on the first page and I thought this would grow into an interesting thread and it has as well as informative

In 1972 I was diagnosed as a manic depressive with a psychosis anxiety state and given lithium for a year or so.
Never thought much about after that, well once in awhile. Then in 99 I had to rush from the Redwoods to the Palm Beaches of Florida. My mother thought I was her dead little brother!!!
They told me on the phone that it was serious, a urinary tract infection, lying dogs. If they had of spoken truthfully I would have dealt with it differently. [but that is another tale, I will try and make it short] This was the first of June. I had to care for her wounds and bring her to see various Dr.'s, then one day a Dr. asked me how I was doing? Holy Crap the dam burst and out pored the new improved BI-POLAR MAN
She gave me some tranq's and advice and a script for zoloft, working up to 50 mg's a day. By the end of August I had completed settling my mothers affairs in FL. Finally a month later after crossing the country at 200 miles a day I arrived back in Ca. 5 months alone with a full blown Alzheimer's, I was toast.
One day while trying to get my mother in a nursing home the Directer asked me if I would go see her husband a shrink. I spoke at the shrink for three hours he took no notes and listened very well. When I stooped talking he looked at me in sympathy shook his head and said, " 50 mg's, you need 500" I was blown away
They hadn't done anything to me or for me, but 500 mg's a day. We talked about it and slowly increased my dosage.
About 2 or 3 weeks later while sitting in the yard it dawned on me that I didn't give a CRAP about anything and nothing bothered, 'don't worry be happy.' One damn good shrink
Couple of weeks later finally got my Mom out of the hospital and into a nursing home. A nice place where her grandchildren could go visit her. Mission accomplished. Hardest thing I ever did. Except for maybe raising two children!
The moral to the story. Don't loose heart, never give up, there is a way. You simply must find it

There are lot's of Dr's out there and just as many medications. Finding the right combination is the trick. A belief in something more powerful than you and thoughtful prayer has often assisted me. You can not petition the Lord with prayer, but you sure can reason with him by talking in thought.
For all the people on this page, for it is the only one, other than the first one that I have read. This is important, if you abruptly stop any of these types of neurological medications the synapses in brain are going to start emitting all types of wrong electrical impulses. There by inducing any type of symptom, cramps, spasmodic behavior, blind rage , severe depression, suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, etc,etc,etc....

The above site is excellent in explaining in layman's terms how these drugs function and relate to your brain. Knowledge is Power. You have the power to help yourself. Never do blindly what a Dr. or anyone for that matter tells you. If I can be of any service do not hesitate.

With love and affection,


posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 07:45 PM
Amelia, JadeStoneDoll, Otts... I know how you feel. Three years ago, when I told my psychiatrist about my withdrawal symptoms, he said that Paxil didnt have any. I told him that I get those "electrical shocks" as well as severe depression when I havnt taken it for a few days, but he said "It cant be caused by the Paxil, it stays in your system for 2 weeks". Of couse I knew that he was full of sh*t.
Anyway, flash forward a couple of years, and know there is a class action lawsuit against the makers of Paxil, claiming that it has withdrawal effects.
I wish I had known about that before I started taking it...

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