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Timewave Zero - Countdown to Transition

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posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 06:59 PM
I want to share with you a book that has affected and inspired many of my creative and philosophical endeavours, including my thoughts on the Timewave, consciousness, and reality itself. The book is Starmaker by Olaf Stapledon. Published in 1937 between the Great Depression and WWII, it's an epic sci-fi work beyond belief that still remains credible and valid today. It tells the story of an ordinary man in London that somehow finds himself on a mental journey spanning all of space, time, and well beyond.


Starmaker (free ebook link)

Starmaker (PDF)

Considering creative writers are similar to remote viewers in that they use their minds' eyes to peer into other worlds and experiences to then create new realities, I think Olaf's journey in creating this book was something more than mere imagination. He admittedly based many of the scientific aspects of the book on the latest research of the day, and he no doubt had a unique and powerful imagination. That said there are some aspects of the book that coincide very well with present day Earth. The chapter entitled 'The Other Earth' describes a parallel reality on an Earth-like planet, and many of our current troubles are echoed precisely within the narrative. There's even mention of a 'world economic crisis' and an attact on a 'metropolis' that marks a crucial point in the timeline.

I first read this book prior to my research into the Timewave and cycles of time - in fact I've read it twice, and I've just started my third. Each time I've experienced the story with new knowledge and have come away with an entirely different and enlightening experience. This time I've only made it to chapter 4 and the synchronous storyline is overwhelming. There's much discussion of collosal cycles of time that affect the consciousness of this parallel planet.
In the excerpt below, the narrator while on his cosmic 'OBE' telepathically merges with a being on another planet named Bvalltu. Together they have just witnessed a major turning point in their history, not unlike but definitely larger in magnitude than our 9/11. Bvalltu then reveals his knowledge of the immense cycles that affect the behavior of generation after generation over epochs of time:

After clambering among the ruins for some time, seeking vainly to give help, Bvalltu sat down. The devastation round about us seemed to "loosen his tongue," if I may use such a phrase to express a sudden frankness in his thinking toward myself. I had said something to the effect that a future age would look back on all this madness and destruction with amazement. He sighed through his gas-mask, and said, "My unhappy race has probably now doomed itself irrevocably." I expostulated; for though ours was about the fortieth city to be destroyed, there would surely some day be a recovery, and the race would at last pass through this crisis and go forward from strength to strength.

The species, he said, was apparently subject to strange and long-drawn-out fluctuations of nature, fluctuations which lasted for some twenty thousand years. All races in all climates seemed to manifest this vast rhythm of the spirit, and to suffer it simultaneously. Its cause was unknown. Though it seemed to be due to an influence affecting the whole planet at once, perhaps it actually radiated from a single starting point, but spread rapidly into all lands. Very recently an advanced scientist had suggested that it might be due to variations in the intensity of "cosmic rays." Geological evidence had established that such a fluctuation of cosmical radiation did occur, caused perhaps by variations in a neighboring cluster of young stars. It was still doubtful whether the psychological rhythm and the astronomical rhythm coincided, but many facts pointed to the conclusion that when the rays were more violent the human spirit declined.

Bvalltu was not convinced by this story. On the whole he inclined to the opinion that the rhythmical waxing and waning of human mentality was due to causes nearer home. Whatever the true explanation, it was almost certain that a high degree of civilization had been attained many times in the past, and that some potent influence had over and over again damped down the mental vigor of the human race. In the troughs of these vast waves Other Man sank to a state of mental and spiritual dullness more abject than anything which my own race had ever known since it awoke from the subhuman. But at the wave's crest man's intellectual power, moral integrity, and spiritual insight seem to have risen to a pitch that we should regard as superhuman.

Again and again the race would emerge from savagery, and pass through barbarian culture into a phase of worldwide brilliance and sensibility. Whole populations would conceive simultaneously an ever-increasing capacity for generosity, self-knowledge, self-discipline, for dispassionate and penetrating thought and uncontaminated religious feeling.

Consequently within a few centuries the whole world would blossom with free and happy societies. Average human beings would attain an unprecedented clarity of mind, and by massed action do away with all grave social injustices and private cruelties. Subsequent generations, inherently sound, and blessed with a favorable environment, would create a world-wide Utopia of awakened beings.

Presently a general loosening of fiber would set in. The golden age would be followed by a silver age. Living on the achievements of the past, the leaders of thought would lose themselves in a jungle of subtlety, or fall exhausted into mere slovenliness. At the same time moral sensibility would decline. Men would become on the whole less sincere, less self-searching, less sensitive to the needs of others, in fact less capable of community. Social machinery, which had worked well so long as citizens attained a certain level of humanity, would be dislocated by injustice and corruption. Tyrants and tyrannical oligarchies would set about destroying liberty. Hate-mad submerged classes would give them good excuse. Little by little, though the material benefits of civilization might smolder on for centuries, the flame of the spirit would die down into a mere flicker in a few isolated individuals. Then would come sheer barbarism, followed by the trough of almost sub-human savagery.

On the whole there seemed to have been a higher achievement on the more recent crests of the wave than on those of the "geological" past. So at least some anthropologists persuaded themselves. It was confidently believed that the present apex of civilization was the most brilliant of all, that its best was as yet to come, and that by means of its unique scientific knowledge it would discover how to preserve the mentality of the race from a recurrence of deterioration.

The present condition of the species was certainly exceptional. In no earlier recorded cycle had science and mechanization advanced to such lengths. So far as could be inferred from the fragmentary relics of the previous cycle, mechanical invention had never passed beyond the crude machinery known in our own mid-nineteenth century. The still earlier cycles, it was believed, stagnated at even earlier stages in their industrial revolutions.

Now though it was generally assumed in intellectual circles that the best was yet to be, Bvalltu and his friends were convinced that the crest of the wave had already occurred many centuries ago. To most men, of course, the decade before the war had seemed better and more civilized than any earlier age. In their view civilization and mechanization were almost identical, and never before had there been such a triumph of techanization. The benefits of a scientific civilization were obvious. For the fortunate class there was more comfort, better health, increased stature, a prolongation of youth, and a system of technical knowledge so vast and intricate that no man could know more than its outline or some tiny corner of its detail. Moreover, increased communications had brought all the peoples into contact. Local idiosyncrasies were fading out before the radio, the cinema, and the gramophone. In comparison with these hopeful signs it was easily overlooked that the human constitution, though strengthened by improved conditions, was intrinsically less stable than formerly. Certain disintegrative diseases were slowly but surely increasing. In particular, diseases of the nervous system were becoming more common and more pernicious. Cynics used to say that the mental hospitals would soon outnumber even the churches. But the cynics were only jesters. It was almost universally agreed that, in spite of wars and economic troubles and social upheavals, all was now well, and the future would be better.

The truth, said Bvalltu, was almost certainly otherwise. There was, as I had suspected, unmistakable evidence that the average of intelligence and of moral integrity throughout the world had declined; and they would probably continue to do so. Already the race was living on its past. All the great seminal ideas of the modern world had been conceived centuries ago. Since then, world-changing applications of these ideas had indeed been made; but none of these sensational inventions had depended on the extreme kind of penetrating the whole course of thought in an earlier age.

excerpt continued below...

[edit on 21/1/10 by Evasius]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 07:05 PM

Recently there had been, Bvalltu admitted, a spate of revolutionary scientific discoveries and theories, but not one of them, he said, contained any really novel principle. They were all re-combinations of familiar principles. Scientific method, invented some centuries ago, was so fertile a technique that it might well continue to yield rich fruit for centuries to come even in the hands of workers incapable of any high degree of originality.

But it was not in the field of science so much as in moral and practical activity that the deterioration of mental caliber was most evident. I myself, with Bvalltu's aid, had learnt to appreciate to some extent the literature of that amazing period, many centuries earlier, when every country seemed to blossom with art, philosophy and religion; when people after people had changed its whole social and political order so as to secure a measure of freedom and prosperity to all men; when state after state had courageously disarmed, risking destruction but reaping peace and prosperity; when police forces were disbanded, prisons turned into libraries or colleges; when weapons and even locks and keys came to be known only as museum pieces; when the four great established priesthoods of the world had exposed their own mysteries, given their wealth to the poor, and led the triumphant campaign for community; or had taken to agriculture, handicrafts, teaching, as befitted humble supporters of the new priestless, faithless, Godless religion of world-wide community and inarticulate worship. After some five hundred years locks and keys, weapons and doctrines, began to return. The golden age left behind it only a lovely and incredible tradition, and a set of principles which, though now sadly misconceived, were still the best influences in a distraught world.

Those scientists who attributed mental deterioration to the increase of cosmic rays affirmed that if the race had discovered science many centuries earlier, when it had still before it the period of greatest vitality, all would have been well. It would soon have mastered the social problems which industrial civilization entails. It would have created not merely a "mediaeval" but a highly mechanized Utopia. It would almost certainly have discovered how to cope with the excess of cosmic rays and prevent deterioration. But science had come too late. Bvalltu, on the other hand, suspected that deterioration was due to some factor in human nature itself. He was inclined to believe that it was a consequence of civilization, that in changing the whole environment of the human species, seemingly for the better, science had unwittingly brought about a state of affairs hostile to spiritual vigor. He did not pretend to know whether the disaster was caused by the increase of artificial food, or the increased nervous strain of modern conditions, or interference with natural selection, or the softer upbringing of children, or to some other cause. Perhaps it should be attributed to none of these comparatively recent influences; for evidence did suggest that deterioration had set in at the very beginning of the scientific age, if not even earlier. It might be that some mysterious factor in the conditions of the golden age itself had started the rot. It might even be, he suggested, that genuine community generated its own poison, that the young human being, brought up in a perfected society, in a veritable "city of God" on earth, must inevitably revolt toward moral and intellectual laziness, toward romantic individualism and sheer devilment; and that once this disposition had taken root, science and a mechanized civilization had augmented the spiritual decay.

Shortly before I left the Other Earth a geologist discovered a fossil diagram of a very complicated radio set. It appeared to be a lithographic plate which had been made some ten million years earlier. The highly developed society which produced it had left no other trace. This find was a shock to the intelligent world; but the comforting view was spread abroad that some non-human and less hardy species had long ago attained a brief flicker of civilization. It was agreed that man, once he had reached such a height of culture, would never have fallen from it.

In Bvalltu's view, man had climbed approximately to the same height time after time, only to be undone by some hidden consequence of his own achievement.

When Bvalltu propounded this theory, among the ruins of his native city, I suggested that some time, if not this time, man would successfully pass this critical point in his career. Bvalltu then spoke of another matter which seemed to indicate that we were witnessing the final act of this long-drawn-out and repetitive drama. It was known to scientists that, owing to the weak gravitational hold of their world, the atmosphere, already scant, was steadily deceasing. Sooner or later humanity would have to face the problem of stopping this constant leakage of precious oxygen. Hitherto life had successfully adapted itself to the progressive rarefaction of atmosphere, but the human physique had already reached the limit of adaptability in this respect. If the loss were not soon checked, the race would inevitably decline. The only hope was that some means to deal with the atmospheric problem would be discovered before the onset of the next age of barbarism. There had only been a slight possibility that this would be achieved. This slender hope the war had destroyed by setting the clock of scientific research back for a century just at the time when human nature itself was deteriorating and might never again be able to tackle so difficult a problem.

The thought of the disaster which almost certainly lay in wait for the Other Men threw me into a horror of doubt about the universe in which such a thing could happen. That a whole world of intelligent beings could be destroyed was not an unfamiliar idea to me; but there is a great difference between an abstract possibility and a concrete and inescapable danger. On my native planet, whenever I had been dismayed by the suffering and the futility of individuals, I had taken comfort in the thought that at least the massed effect of all our blind striving must be the slow but glorious awakening of the human spirit. This hope, this certainty, had been the one sure consolation. But now I saw that there was no guarantee of any such triumph. It seemed that the universe, or the maker of the universe, must be indifferent to the fate of worlds. That there should be endless struggle and suffering and waste must of course be accepted; and gladly, for these were the very soil in which the spirit grew. But that all struggle should be finally, absolutely vain, that a whole world of sensitive spirits fail and die, must be sheer evil. In my horror it seemed to me that Hate must be the Star Maker.

Not so to Bvalltu. "Even if the powers destroy us," he said, "who are we, to condemn them? As well might a fleeting word judge the speaker that forms it. Perhaps they use us for their own high ends, use our strength and our weakness, our joy and our pain, in some theme inconceivable to us, and excellent." But I protested, "What theme could justify such waste, such futility? And how can we help judging; and how otherwise can we judge than by the light of our own hearts, by which we judge ourselves? It would be base to praise the Star Maker, knowing that he was too insensitive to care about the fate of his worlds." Bvalltu was silent in his mind for a moment. Then he looked up, searching among the smoke-clouds for a daytime star. And then he said to me in his mind, "If he saved all the worlds, but tormented just one man, would you forgive him? Or if he was a little harsh only to one stupid child? What has our pain to do with it, or our failure? Star Maker! It is a good word, though we can have no notion of its meaning. Oh, Star Maker, even if you destroy me, I must praise you. Even if you torture my dearest. Even if you torment and waste all your lovely worlds, the little figments of your imagination, yet I must praise you. For if you do so, it must be right. In me it would be wrong, but in you it must be right."

He looked down once more upon the ruined city, then continued, "And if after all there is no Star Maker, if the great company of galaxies leapt into being of their own accord, and even if this little nasty world of ours is the only habitation of the spirit anywhere among the stars, and this world doomed, even so, even so, I must praise. But if there is no Star Maker, what can it be that I praise? I do not know. I will call it only the sharp tang and savor of existence. But to call it this is to say little."

That was written in 1937 which is hard to believe for me. You can see why author's like Arthur C Clarke were inspired by this work.

The above excerpt is from Chapter 3 (The Other Earth), Part 3 (Prospects of the Race). The rest of the book is definitely worth reading, and I highly recommend it.

[edit on 21/1/10 by Evasius]

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 04:19 PM
Resonance to the panic of 1825 underway now? Stocks sliding since Obama announces new banking measures.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by bargoose
Resonance to the panic of 1825 underway now? Stocks sliding since Obama announces new banking measures.

Good eye, I was thinking the same. I don't think we've seen the true impact of all this. Next major events would be the Civil War and Lincoln Assassination which, if resonated forward come to between August/September 2010.

Very interesting.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 04:05 PM
Here is this year's Timewave graph - it's done similarly as last year's, however I've added continuous date annotations. Also I used hi-res photos so you can pause wherever and get a decent view of the graph for all 365 days.

Timewave Zero 2010

I'm also working on a video that will show some of the resonances during the year which will be done a bit later.

Anyway, notice October 21 - November 14. Look familiar?

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Evasius re: Starmaker

Wow, that is an intriguing read! Thanks for sharing that nice little gem, I'm going to have to read that book!

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by Evasius

it reminds me of the September 11th dip.

this year should be very interesting

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 09:43 PM
Hey Guys,

this piece of software fascinates me. Though i do remember thinking that any piece of software can be made to give any result, given the data it is fed and how it is programmed to interpret the data - i still found it amazing considering so many different variables come into play, especially when using 2 or 3 different core ideas to support and build a notion.

Tell me what you guys think of this site (i am no mathematician) But having read about this breakdown of Mckenna's software base formula and how he made certain things "fit" so to speak.

Still, an interesting program nonetheless.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by Evasius
reply to post by Cecilofs

I agree the time has flown. Where abouts in Australia are you? I'm in the mid-westerm part of Sydney right now (Parramatta). It's over 40 here today as well.

[edit on 21/1/10 by Evasius]

Over on the West side in Perth

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:42 PM
Im south Perth here!


Lots of Aussies on here!

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 04:19 AM
Can anybody tell me when a resonance with the year 1883 is due?
This was the year of the almighty eruption of krakatoa.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by FeralMonkeyMagic
Im south Perth here!


Lots of Aussies on here!

Another one here too, not all that far from Parramatta at all.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by bargoose

The resonance for Krakatoa is around mid-December this year. It appears about halfway down the slope which begins around November 14, 2010 and ends on January 18, 2011.

There is another date however which concerns me regarding a natural catastrophic event. It's September 1, 1859.

The most powerful flare of the last 500 years was the first flare to be observed, and occurred in September 1859: it was reported by British astronomer Richard Carrington and left a trace in Greenland ice in the form of nitrates and beryllium-10, which allow its strength to be measured today (New Scientist, 2005).

Also known as the "Carrington Event," a massive CME was ejected directly towards Earth and subsequently caused the largest geomagnetic storm in recorded history.

From the 1st to the 2nd, the largest recorded geomagnetic storm occurred, causing the failure of telegraph systems all over Europe and North America.[5] Auroras were seen all over the world, most notably over the Caribbean; also noteworthy were those over the Rocky Mountains that were so bright, the glow awoke gold miners, who began preparing breakfast because they thought it was morning.

I've had a look and this date correlates with the July 26-28, 2010 timeframe according to TWZ. Below is how the 1859 CME is recorded on the wave - a period of 7 days is visible:


Below is the same event zoomed out to a span of 55 years. Here you can see a few events including the US Civil War, Lincoln's assassination, and the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa:


Witnessing the precise resonant correlation from one natural event to another along different time cycles is rare, human-driven events tend to match up better. That leads me to believe that although I think the Sun will officially switch from quiet to active this year, a perfectly resonating CME in late July is unlikely. However, it is worth watching nonetheless given how odd the Sun has been behaving recently (see my thread Sunspot 1040 and the Haitian Earthquake for an example of just how extraordinarily odd things might really be).

My personal gut feeling is this - 2009 had a 'Moon' theme. This year's theme is the 'Sun' combined with the idea of 'balance.' (This theme is an intuitive assumption, not an official one). I believe the Sun will become noticeably active and will somehow trigger activity on the Earth, especially within the are known as the Ring of Fire. This is specifically why I chose Maori music for the 'Timewave 2010 video' posted above.

And for what it's worth, this year's Sydney's New Years Eve fireworks featured a prominent 'Ring of Fire' on the Harbour Bridge which then morphed into a 'Yin-Yang.' The theme was that of 'fire gives and takes away' which I suppose was in some way inspired by the 2009 'Black Saturday bushfires' in Victoria.

This photo was taken near the end of the display where the symbols were combined: [atsimg][/atsimg] - I believe the 'Yin-Yang' is still on the Harbour Bridge until next week.

Anyway Krakatoa fits right in with the 'Ring of Fire' theme and should be watched closely.

[edit on 24/1/10 by Evasius]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by FeralMonkeyMagic

TM claimed to have found the end date before the Mayan codex was translated.The omission of the fives was glossed over by your critic,to me it'sa big clue.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 09:13 AM
Another star for you Evasius ,this is most interesting.

Focusing on what is going on this week however ,
I with my TWZ program tracked down two interesting resonances to 26th of January 2010.

Here's what it looks like now:


And here is the first resonance I found.
Its for June 5th 1976 ,which I believe could be the event of the collapse of the Teton Dam
in southeastern Idaho which when filling for the first time suffered a catastrophic failure
on June 5, 1976. The collapse of the dam resulted in the deaths of 11 people.


The second resonance that I have here is from world war II. October 14th 1942
SS Caribou was torpedoed by the German U-boat U-69 and sunk in the Cabot Strait
carrying 46 crew and 206 civilian and military passengers.


Tell me if I'm doing alright and take it easy as this is my first time finding resonances
using the Timewave Zero program and know I'm not as good as Evasius here.

[edit on 24/1/2010 by Mystic Technician]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Evasius

Many thanks for that info Evasius, most interesting.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:19 PM
Thankyou Evasius for an interesting update

I've been following the thread closely since it was started even though I don't post much. I think I've grasped the idea of how the resonances word but I'm not a 100% sure I've got it right.

I just wanted to ask - I've been looking at the graphs and I noticed that the shape of the timewave for the years 1833 - 1834 seems to match that for the beginning of March this year - does this contitute a resonance? I ask because during those two years the British Parliament passed and enacted the bill abolishing slavery in the British Empire - it would be interesting to see what, if any, event that resonance manifests in.


posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 02:16 PM
I could be wrong here,opinions please! A spate of air disasters last year including the air france one, seemed to occur when the graph is heading downwards. Now over the last couple of days two civilian aircraft have crashed and the graph is on a downward trend. I'll keep an eye on any future events and compare to the graph.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 07:30 AM
I'm really confused about this Time Wave Zero thing, I googled it but I just can't really understand at all what it's about. Can anyone simplify it for me?(Sorry I am not the most brightest person around :lol

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by shadowland8

There is a book called The I Ching.An ancient book supposedly breaking down the changes in the flow of time and the effects we observe into 'chunks'.Like the periodic chart of the elements.There are 64 main elements to this way of seeing change.These are depicted as ''hexagrams'' which have,since the beginning,been arranged in a pattern known as 'The King Wen Sequence' as seen in all editions of the book.This arrangement,passed down,had been mathematically studied and broken down by the Late Terrence McKenna.He felt that this arrangement was not arbitrary,but highly artificial and meaningful,in essence containing the TAO.The timewave is a graph representing this.Fractal and having an end date,this line was at first thought to be some sort of calendar,but subsequently discovered to have matches with historical record.It appears that when the line goes up habit is increased.As the line descends,novelty is introduced into the mix.Neither good nor bad.There's much more,best to listen to the man,Terrence on u-tube.

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