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Shooting in Washington DC (Updated)

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posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by SurvivalGearDepot

You keep talking about the multimillion dollar federally funded museum.

I'd like to direct your attention to this link which I hope will help clear up your confusion.

The land was donated by the government. Everything else came from donations.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:17 PM


posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Ron Paul Girl

You know, as a tea party leader, it's people like this guy that killed the guard that freak me out. I'm not stupid. I know that our movement is bound to bring the crazies out, but the vast majority of us are not out to kill or mame anyone. The funny thing is, if you want to call it funny, last week we had the abortion doctor killed and this week we have the jew hater out to kill. They receive tons of press and everyone is ON the case. What about the radical muslim convert that killed the army recruiters? He wasn't news for more than 5 minutes and, now there's a gag order on his case. And the other news of today is that there were potentially 2 terrorists on that doomed flight to Paris and that's not a top story either.

Does anyone see how the news is making a much bigger deal about the "domestic terrorism" and ignoring terror attacks with any sort of islamic ties? That's very telling to me.

[edit on 10-6-2009 by Ron Paul Girl]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by Ron Paul Girl

That could be to downplay the situation with the Guantanamo detainees being moved overseas or brought to the US for trial (which may be pointless as far gone as some of them apparently are at this point). There has been a lot of speculation that some Muslims or supposed Muslim sympathizers may find it convenient to act out.

The recruiter killings, while heinous, were an obvious target since American soldiers have killed Muslims in their own countries. An old man coldbloodedly walking into a public museum and opening fire is a different story.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Djarums
reply to post by SurvivalGearDepot

You keep talking about the multimillion dollar federally funded museum.

I'd like to direct your attention to this link which I hope will help clear up your confusion.

The land was donated by the government. Everything else came from donations.

hehe, i was just about to post that identical link but my browser crashed when i came back it was already here. Oh well, i guess i can have my coffee and continue reading the varies replies to anything but what is just another random shooting by some delusional person who obviously has been affected in more way's than one from the consistent force fed subliminal messaging tactics that anything revolving around Judaism is a non issue unless they are being portrayed as the savior of man kind.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by SurvivalGearDepot

That's also wrong. German subs were intercepted at several points along the East Coast during attempted raids and missile attacks. One of the former detention camps is not far from the present Disney World site. Another now houses Daytona State College. If memory serves correctly one of the failed plots involved New York Harbor.

I'm sure the fact that the US government and military complexes were chock full of racists and Nazi sympathizers played a huge role. Remember, this is the country whose own president, Woodrow Wilson, was a Ku Klux Klan supporter.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by secretagent woooman

As a Christian, I'll just edit this myself

No harm was intended by my comment. I was just trying to explain the root of why there is so much hatred spewed towards the Jewish people.

[edit on 10-6-2009 by Ron Paul Girl]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:56 PM
From a shooting we have successfully managed to be ummm....i have no idea anymore.


[edit on 10-6-2009 by tristar]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Djarums

The land was donated.

Think the feds would be so apt to "donate" land for other perceived atrocities?

Thanks for that link, I was unable to find a link detailing whether each and every dime was donated or not. I stand corrected on the funding issue.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:58 PM
This is very sad, I cannot believe so much hatred of Jews still exists, even after the holocaust. I know not everyone believes in the holocaust, which is mind boggling in itself. I know there are evil doers of every race, religion, and belief. But this is disgusting, why do people hate the Jews so?
Jesus was a Jew... Oh and did you know the Italian Christians actually made the Jews bankers because Christians they thought it was a "dirty" business?

[edit on 10-6-2009 by asmall89]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:59 PM
Anyone taking bets on how long it takes before the gun-grabbers take this and run with it?

Supreme Court ruled in favor of the 2nd Amendment.
Guy walks into museum and kills people.
Politicians and Gun-Grabbers proclaim the "See, we told you so" garbage.
Obama takes our guns, twisting this so that he makes everyone believe that guns cause hate, and hate leads to people shooting people all over, everywhere. And if you love guns, then you must have alot of hate in you. Hate is Bad. Bad American Public. Go sit in time-out.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Ron Paul Girl

Thank you for sharing.

I only wish that Jews had the powers that you claim they have. I would be a much richer man who did not have to worry from paycheck to paycheck.

What I wanted to write here would have gotten me banned. Instead, I will just work harder to smash down racists whenever I have to deal with them.

Ron Paul Girl.


A working class Jew who finds this type of post disgusting and ignorant.

Any questions?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by SurvivalGearDepot
reply to post by Valhall

No American was involved in the Holocaust unless they chose to emigrate here afterwards.

It was a European problem, not an American.

We are not the worlds police force. Hell nothing in the Constitution gives the feds that power.

Hitler didnt threaten us by killing millions of jews. Again, it was a european problem, not an American.

There is no reason to have a Holocaust museum here, especially one that would receive federal funding.

but people from the land of america and especialy a former presidents grandfather finnaced the nazi party and help them get A.Hitler in to power.
so wouldent that make you just as guilty or even more so one of the main culprints in getting WW2 started ?

just a thougth ,

if they hadent financed the whole charader he´d be just another fleabitten ex soldier bumming around drinking beer and havin his way of words.

not pointing any finger thoue just speculating.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by asmall89

Uh, 1 guy shooting up a museum doesnt mean everyone hates jews.

That kind of attitude is what makes people look down on jews as a whole.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Ron Paul Girl

Hate to say it but you have a valid point. I have several relatives by marriage who are Conservative and Reform Jews, many Jewish friends and current/former coworkers, and Jewish ex-boyfriends. They all without exception are cheap, very poor tippers and have a me-first attitude about money that leaves a horrible lasting impression. Let's not even mention haggling or arguing with waitresses, very low class. Translation: I will not go in public with any of them.

I think the attitude of exclusion which is an inherent part of the religion that is what offends people. Judaism does not proselytize and is standoffish toward converts, which combined with the typical "us first" attitude most religions share, puts people on edge. People in the Middle East and Northern Africa where the religion arose characteristically are very generous and open to strangers so having an enclave with different values is a crux of the problem. Usury system: the worst PR tool in history. Jews also tend to have an eye for an eye view of justice and unwillingness to tolerate outside harassment (an admirable quality) which is probably what has kept the culture around so long in such an intact form. That is a good thing.

The flip side of the coin is that one on one, Jews are often the kindest people who will go to any length to help you, even to their own detriment.
They also are the most prolific humanitarians and generous donors to worthy causes of any cultural group on earth. Do I care what happens to these people and if people repeat mistakes like the Holocaust? YES.
I do not support Israel at this point because it clearly has become a criminal state that engages in terrorism but understand why they are so militant, it is a matter of survival. You can't fault a whole people for that.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Ron Paul Girl

Hate to say it but you have a valid point. I have several relatives by marriage who are Conservative and Reform Jews, many Jewish friends and current/former coworkers, and Jewish ex-boyfriends. They all without exception are cheap, very poor tippers and have a me-first attitude about money that leaves a horrible lasting impression. Let's not even mention haggling or arguing with waitresses, very low class. Translation: I will not go in public with any of them.

I think the attitude of exclusion which is an inherent part of the religion that is what offends people. Judaism does not proselytize and is standoffish toward converts, which combined with the typical "us first" attitude most religions share, puts people on edge. People in the Middle East and Northern Africa where the religion arose characteristically are very generous and open to strangers so having an enclave with different values is a crux of the problem. Usury system: the worst PR tool in history. Jews also tend to have an eye for an eye view of justice and unwillingness to tolerate outside harassment (an admirable quality) which is probably what has kept the culture around so long in such an intact form. That is a good thing.

The flip side of the coin is that one on one, Jews are often the kindest people who will go to any length to help you, even to their own detriment.
They also are the most prolific humanitarians and generous donors to worthy causes of any cultural group on earth. Do I care what happens to these people and if people repeat mistakes like the Holocaust? YES.
I do not support Israel at this point because it clearly has become a criminal state that engages in terrorism but understand why they are so militant, it is a matter of survival. You can't fault a whole people for that.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Multiple Junkie

Hate to break it to you, but racist isnt the word you want to use unless you consider Judaism a race and not a religion.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by secretagent woooman
reply to post by Ron Paul Girl

Hate to say it but you have a valid point. I have several relatives by marriage who are Conservative and Reform Jews, many Jewish friends and current/former coworkers, and Jewish ex-boyfriends. They all without exception are cheap, very poor tippers and have a me-first attitude about money that leaves a horrible lasting impression. Let's not even mention haggling or arguing with waitresses, very low class. Translation: I will not go in public with any of them.

Just a quick off topic.

You should try your luck in dubai. Big spenders, heavy tippers, and outrages gifts on special occasions, all in all, those oil dollars are used to the extreme.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Multiple Junkie

A poor Jew! I will gladly share my coupons and day-old Merita bread with you! Hope you like ramen noodles, the food of the God/s/whatever he/she/it is called today.

Your avatar is SCARY, btw.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by SurvivalGearDepot

You are spot on. I hope that I didn't come across as anti-semantic
What would be the proper term then?

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