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Couple Ordered to Stop Holding Bible Study at Home Without Permit

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posted on May, 29 2009 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by blackcube
To be honest 15 people is a lot of people inside a house. Imagine the noise this people will do when praying. If you lived close to some religous group like that size you know.. they can make a hell of noise.

And remember they say the group must apply for a license. It wont mean that the license will be approved, it's just a request.

I just wonder if it was a Covin of Wiccans - - would those who are so outraged here - feel the same way.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 02:12 AM
Those poor people. Not for losing their bible study but the fact they participate in such a thing.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 02:28 AM
As an outsider...from the UK...looking at this, I realise the saying 'An Englishmans Home is his Castle' is so very very true.
Prayer meeting are held up and down the country, Muslims have home meetings etc. I regulary had at least 15 people in the home when my three children had their friends sleep over, we never upset anyone.
As long someone is not causing a breach of the peace i.e., loud music who we have or what we do in our homes is our business.

What about people who have cards games at home on a regular basis will they have to pay up?

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality My question is how does anyone know what you do behind closed doors and is it even anyones business?

By the number of cars parked in the neighborhood...

Around the corner from me a Mormon elder uses his house and very large yard for church gatherings, sometimes weddings with live music and swimming classes. Generates a lot of traffic on the street and sometimes 100 plus cars.

No one has 'called the gendarmes' yet, but that is how people know. By County law he does need permits especially for the weddings and there is no life guard present at the swimming lessons for the screaming kids

So there are two sides to a story...

[edit on 29-5-2009 by zorgon]

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by dizzylizzy
What about people who have cards games at home on a regular basis will they have to pay up?

What about when your guest have to walk three blocks because the prayer meeting has all the streets blocked?

I think it goes to a limit on how many people are regular guests and how many are an event... I an sure each region has limit laws

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 03:07 AM
I don't know if any of you noticed, but Fox News linked to ABC News (10News) about this! That means it's HUGE!!! Not just for those of us concerned with religious rights, but for the big wigs, too. I mean, conservative Fox with the "non-partisan" ABC? Wow.

The county says that someone complained about there being too many cars, the county checked it out, asked what kind of meeting they were having, and said that they need to get a permit due to environmental and neighborhood impacts. According to 10News (ABC)

A County spokeswoman says the County is concerned with parking and its impact on the neighborhood.
Apparently they're parking on dirt and pine needles on the outskirts of the pastor's yard, but sometimes spill out into the street. The next-door neighbors have said that they don't have a problem with it. However, the county wants to make sure that firetrucks and other emergency vehicles can make it in and out of the cul-de-sac safely.

However, I know that there's ALSO a county law against parking on unpaved ground, and that could be another part of why the county is getting involved. I go to a Renaissance Faire at a county park, and people get ticketed and towed for parking on an island outside of the park when they don't want to have to pay to park within the county park's designated parking area. We also get ticketed and towed for parking on the street outside of the park, because the entire city council lives there and hates the sight of cars on their precious street. However, parking is $5, and to pay that much to go to a friggin' park - even to stay outside the faire and have a picnic - is beyond angering.

Not to mention, I can see 50 people being a problem, but 15? And those 15 being a few families, there are only a few cars. It's outrageous!

I'm pissed. I hated the county and their codes before this, but this just takes the cake. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love San Diego, but I'm sick and tired of the bureaucracy and politics of every nitty-gritty little thing. There are rules about everything under the sun here (even about how many days of sunshine we get for free before we are taxed - and no, I'm not joking), and they always are in favor of the guys at the top, and against those in the middle and at the bottom. It's time somebody did something! I hope that this is taken to the Supreme Court, so that NO ONE can do this ever again!!!

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by dizzylizzy
What about people who have cards games at home on a regular basis will they have to pay up?

What about when your guest have to walk three blocks because the prayer meeting has all the streets blocked?

I think it goes to a limit on how many people are regular guests and how many are an event... I an sure each region has limit laws
The limit, I guess, is 15 in San Diego County. Except, in this story, they're all parking on the pastor's lot! They sometimes spill out into the street, but only slightly. Besides, it's in a nowhere place called Bonita. It's quite literally the middle of nowhere. Why anyone would even care is beyond me! It just happened that someone saw the amount of cars parked on the lot and called the county about it. It was someone who didn't even live on the block! The neighbors didn't mind it, except for one person down the street a ways!!!

Now, 50 to 100 people, I can understand. However, 15 people? In a place where there's next to nothing, literally? It's not that many! There's no reason for the county to care except for bureaucracy, someone being a stickler for the rules, and/or someone wanting to stomp on religious rights! If you've ever lived in San Diego, you'd know what kind of a place Bonita is, and you'd be p*ssed off as well!

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 06:36 AM
...what next, imprisonment if you even mention bible or God or prayer in your OWN DAMN HOUSE?!! Sickening, I would have spit in that employee's face and ask him to kindly GTFO MY PROPERTY YOU NAZI %@^&SUCKER SIJFE0W348JREIW21112!!#eWRFWERFT -_-

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I was in a church and we had the sheriffs come out to our homes a few times. The thing is our singing and praying was making allot of noise not to mention residential parking. I didn't see it as an infringement of any rights. We were making allot of noise. I would've called the county too. I slipped out a couple of times to have a cig and the noise was pretty loud you could hear it all over the valley. At any rate I would think that it's something to do with that rather than the state taking away any of our rights. I don't worry about it now as I am anti- religion anyway not an atheist but anti- religion.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 07:58 AM
why dont they use the allmighty safe haven of a church for their religious babbeling.

i bet this news Article is just for advertisment and now constitutional "freaks " will jump the bandwagon ,

i do recall a sertain judge ruling if favour of "states above the constitution"

so their first and second does go out the window ,

shortly if you want to pray , do it quietly inside your head or get your self to a church with your friends so the racket wont disturbe thouse who do not pray


dont want to be rude but most if not all new born evangelist or what you want to call them seams to forget that god forbids icons and preyers and what not towards jesus.....

its only god and nothing less nothing more,,,

and that its the christians who are seposed to turn the cheeck , not others.

read up on you religion or stay out of it.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 08:00 AM
"Bible study?!" "Oh no it's a BBQ haha!" "You might want to check out our neighbor though while you here there seems to be a lot of money changing hands for small baggies I don't know what they put in them there baggies and really don't want to know but it's quite irritating when cars drive up honking the horn at 4 in the morning. Want some ribs before you leave? I would offer you a drink but I'm guessing they would smell it on you back at the station."

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 08:01 AM
Just another example of why the state of California should be handed over to China with all the other communists.

Sadly, California is the direction the entire country is headed in. This is what happens to people who think the ballot box is the only method our founding fathers intended for us to use against a government that won't stop encroaching on our liberties.

Say goodbye to your freedom of Religion, California. Remember sheep, this is what you voted for.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 09:28 AM
So does that mean when the husband says "thank god!" at the tv when he is watching a hockey game, I'll need a permit that costs thousands?

Joking aside, I can not believe that 15 people is a problem. Heck, my Sunday dinners every other week garner about 24 people. (i have six siblings, all married, all have children, do the math) Now at these meals, my brother, a minister, says a prayer before we eat. We also often discuss politics and religion at the table. Would that be considered a religious or political assembly? If I lived in this county, would I have to get one of these permits to have family over since my brother is a minister & he tends to talk religion?

I'm sorry, but if this was about the number of cars or where they were parked, a citation for the violation would of been issued. If this was about a noise issue, then a citation for that violation would of been issued. Neither seems to have happened so this is strictly about them holding a bible study in their home without a permit. I'm sorry, but IMO, this is no different than a book club. They are discussing a book, the Bible. The fact that the particular book they are discussing happens to be of a religious nature should have no bearing on anything. If you use their logic, then all book clubs should be required to get this permit. How many suburban housewives are going to pay thousands so they have a legit sounding reason to gossip with their friends?

Plan and simple, California is beginning to look like a communist state. Don't step outside of their little-minded box or else they'll make you pay. (I guess literally since the state is broke.)

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by blackcube
To be honest 15 people is a lot of people inside a house. Imagine the noise this people will do when praying. If you lived close to some religous group like that size you know.. they can make a hell of noise.

And remember they say the group must apply for a license. It wont mean that the license will be approved, it's just a request.

I just wonder if it was a Covin of Wiccans - - would those who are so outraged here - feel the same way.

Why do you ask that? Do you have something against wiccans?

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by Jessicamsa


Somebody earlier mentioned Muslims as well. It seems people get really polarized when someone attacks Christians, but lately with all the political correctness it is ok to attack Christians, just leave the Muslims out of it. Maybe next week we can criticize Jews, but leave the Wiccans alone.

I am a spiritual man, I pray something or someone, but all these religions have got to lighten up. Nobody's religion is the correct one as long as they keep killing each other to prove it!

Wiccans have a lot of good characteristics, as do Christians, Muslims, and my poker buddies.

Jehovah's witnesses have been annoying people for decades, but they are very polite and they dress nice, so I don't think they will ever get a citation for being in my neighborhood!

Common courtesy is the law of the land, when it fails, then zoning, permitting, and law enforcement have to get involved, regardless of the religion, sporting event, BBQ, fireworks or otherwise.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Jessicamsa

Why do you ask that? Do you have something against wiccans?

NO! I love Wiccans. My Wiccan friends are the nicest - accepting - loving people I know.

I wish all people were like them.

I just doubt those here defending bible rights - would have the same opinion if it was a Coven in a private house.

[edit on 29-5-2009 by Annee]

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 09:53 PM

This is madness, this is how both fascist and communist states begin.Every day we're getting more and more stories like this not just from the US but in the UK too. The vice is slowly closing around our necks. Trouble is we're like the frog in the saucepan. Heat up the pan to boiling quickly and the frog jumps out of the pan, turn up the heat slowly and the frog doesn't notice and boils to death.

Jakarta Is Coming!!!

If you don't know what that means do a little research. We all need to start organising and resisting. I'm just about ready to start spraying this slogan around. We all should.

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by MoonChild02

However, I know that there's ALSO a county law against parking on unpaved ground, and that could be another part of why the county is getting involved. I go to a Renaissance Faire at a county park,

Yup I know all about that one... they got us with that when we tried to open a Ren Faire here in Las Vegas, even though we had the neighboring Casinos offer us their paved lot and garage AND a shuttle bus...

Cost us 35,000 and gave my partner a fatal heart attack when they denied permits based on that after they told us 'Go ahead with the rest of the permits"

We also have someone in the neighborhood who makes it a mission to cruise around and 'take notes' and call the County... Got a letter once because I left my trash cans on the street for two days after pickup when I was out of town... The letter said it was punishable by a fine or up to three months in county lockup
However it also gave you 30 days to fix the problem...

Just last week we had our water heater burst and had all the stuff from the garage in the driveway to dry out... believe it or not someone called the County to complain about "outside storage"

The inspector was out faster than the cops come for gunshots... but he saw us mopping up water and said "I figured there was a problem, but you will receive a letter anyway as process was started... just ignore it"

Well that was nice but if I find that nosey SOB... I'll.... errrrr well you know

[edit on 30-5-2009 by zorgon]

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Grayelf2009

I just shook my head when I seen this one. There is alot of going on's in this goverment that point to bad guys in control.This is just another example of why we need to have a revolution. The goverment has gone off the deep end and only cares about itself preservation. I say it is time to clean house.

I hope this is in the right forum,mod adjust if needed.
(visit the link for the full news article)

If they were studying the Talmud, there would be no problem. The police and others would be afraid to interfere with them.

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 04:04 PM
Ok I had to take my time and do some research into this before I posted anything about it. First let me say I go to church but only because of my current living condition if I was not living where I was I would not be going to church.

That said there comes a point when the gloves have to come off here and what needs to happen here is there needs to be a public march in this county and it doesnt matter what your religion is. It doesnt matter the kind of religion you worship or who this should be everyones line in the sand.

I can see this turning into probley the biggest case of our time. If the state or any goverment can do this they can get away with anything.


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