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FBI Blows It: Supposed Terror Plot Against NY Synagogues Is Bogus

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posted on May, 24 2009 @ 04:08 AM
It's better to trust the government as far as you can throw the Capitol Building.

C'mon guys, they do this all the time and we never hear about it. The only ones we do hear about are the ones they screw up on.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 04:34 AM
I called this when the story originally came out.

The tale had too much in common with other entrapment schemes designed to convince Americans there were terrorists amongst them.

Of course there are real terrorists, but they look like us, were born in our cities and they're on the payroll of our governments. And, with the help of the media, they succeed in keeping our compatriots sufficiently terrified.

- First the FBI find an integrity-free scumbag who would sell his grandmother to the Florshiem Flesh-eaters.

- Then they coach him on ways to make idiots look like terrorists.

- He trolls forums, looking for a dumbass with a chip on his shoulder.

- After "making friends" with a few he invites them to a rented location.

- He shows them movies of American or Jewish atrocities which do not necessarily have a factual basis and works on their emotions.

- He builds up their egos and convinces them no-one else appreciates them like he does.

- He suggests targets and gets them discussing them.

- He provides them with (not always fake) weapons.

- Depending on orders, he may or may not get them to carry out an actual, deadly attack.

- He hands over all the incriminating evidence to his bosses.

This is also behind the whole phenomenon of suicide bombers, and explains why they only ever target poorer areas instead of spending their blood to do damage where it would count.

What is more creepy and more unstoppable than a suicide bomber?
It was a clever invention, and has shaped the attitudes of millions of people towards Arabs and Muslims.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 06:06 AM
The whole farcical operation was tailored to fit an agenda , ie proof of islamic terrorists bent on attacking jews and new yorkers . Just find a few loser patsys to recruit into their pre planned scheme and there you go, proof all this money spent on anti terror laws and staffing was well spent and why the need to fight those islamic goat herders 'over there' before they reach the US to enact their nefarious plans .

They could easily have found some loser redneck that would have taken up on some fbi contrived bogus plan to assassinate Obama , or some pinhead evangelist more than willing to blow up a mosque given the right prods , incentives and wherewithal to carry it through . But they don't want to do that , its only a selective group they want to target for operations like this . What a debacle and a sham, it's a wonder they had the temerity to go through with it . It can only mean they have trust in the naivety of the american public to regardlessly accept their contrived plotting as a bona fide operation to capture real terrorists.

I's not just these losers on trial, it's America's ability to maintain at least a nodding acquaintance with reality thats on trial too.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 06:22 AM

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 06:50 AM

Despite the pompous statements from Mayor Bloomberg of New York and other politicians, including Representative Peter King, the whole story is bogus. The four losers may have been inclined to violence, and they may have harbored a virulent strain of anti-Semitism.

Don't think so! Much too easy an assumption based on preprogrammed ideas on the predicament of people who happen to be Jews. I suspect that these guys don't even know where Mexico is on an atlas let alone have a pre-existing case of antiSemitism. Are you going to tell me that in between getting stoned, petty crime and shelf stacking these patsies contemplated their hatred of the Jewish people? They probably just hated 'whitey' without distinguishing the type of Caucasian they despised the most.

This is just the icing on the cake and the most ridicules fake plot yet. If they can't drum up an Arab or Muslim to keel haul, they find a handful of Afro-American down and outs to crucify. Can't you people see what is going on? This is not about destroying the lives of some guys railroaded into prison, it's about lying to the American people. You should be on streets with Al Sharpton and demanding everyone involved be prosecuted and imprisoned.

[edit on 103131p://am3126 by masonwatcher]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Actually no planes flew into the WTC buildings. Prove to me that planes crashed into the buildings. As far as I'm concerned there were no planes with passengers, and the whole story is made up.

There was also no plane that hit the Pentagon.

And no one wonders why all the cameras were taken and hidden for reasons of 'national security', or more like Dick Cheney took the tapes in his closet, and then told his death squads (Yes, he has death squads look it up) to go and stage some crap to blame on others.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by bobbylove321]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Since when has the FBI arrested anyone for any major crime? For god's sake not even JFK assassination was investigated.

They don't go after the top dogs because they ARE the top guys who make the crime happen. Who do you think imports Billions of dollars of coc aine into the United States? Some random smuggler? No.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by ANNED

Wow I forgot how the FBI framed them too. Why do we even have the FBI or CIA since everyone is just framed?

The Branch Davidians were a bunch of idiots following a psychopath that also happened to be a delusional, paranoid, gun hoarding schizophrenic.
Personally, I would have negotiated with the Branch Davidians for maybe a day and then I would have set fire to the complex myself. I doubt the FBI spent millions of dollars and manhours trying to negotiate with a group of nutcases just to decide to kill them after a month or two.

Randy Weaver sat in a building shooting at the FBI, but it was the FBI's fault because they should have just let him do whatever he wanted.

I don't know much about what happened in Waco, but you are wrong about Randy Weaver. The government started that whole mess, and it then the situation got blown out of proportion. The Federal court sent Mr. Weaver a letter saying his court date for weapons charges had been moved to March 20th when in fact it was supposed to be February 20th. This caused him to miss court and they issued an arrest warrant for him. He wasn't too pleased with that, as I'm sure none of us would, so he decided to hole up rather than go with the agents that came to get him. When his dog came at them, they shot his dog. They fired the first shots. There was a documentary on TV recently where the agents from the US Marshalls office admit they shot the dog and that may be why the whole situation got nuts up there.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85

Originally posted by ADVISOR

Nobody would hate us and want to harm us if our gov would do the right thing and lead by example. If they did the right things for our country instead of choosing what is right for us maybe terror attacks would not happen.

It's hard to want to kill the people of a country when they are nice and generous to all others around the world.

It's hard to want to harm any people who set good examples and are peaceful and prevent war.

This sounds really nice....kind of like fairytale land!! First of all, we can agree that some of our gov't action may ESCALATE or ANTAGONIZE terrorist/extremist groups, but that's as far as I would go.

Here's an (unfortunate) reality-check:

1. most people don't like Americans. They consider us spoiled, materialistic, and "rich". This feeling comes mostly from, well, you know, ACTUAL AMERICANS! Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and the like don't help much either. Don't forget: people see images from the US (huge mansions, skyscrapers, restaurants everywhere, etc.) and can't believe we live like this while other nations starve.

2. not everyone in the world believes democracy is best. Therefore, they consider us "wrong" and have no interest in having us help them "see the light."

3. Most people that live in nations that restrict news access and/or Internet information (China, Venezuela, Iran, etc.) know very little about what Americans donate to charity and how we've rallied together in times of need and help our neighbors -- both here and abroad. Remember the tsunami? Remember how much money Americans - not the gov't - sent in aid? It was hundreds and thousands of dollars. Unfortunately, you won't find that in the above-mentioned countries' newspapers.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by ANNED

Randy Weaver sat in a building shooting at the FBI, but it was the FBI's fault because they should have just let him do whatever he wanted.

One could argue both sides of this debate and both are equally right in my eyes. Each should be considered on a case by case basis.

However your quote above is a flatass WRONG! That isn't even remotely true. It's just flatass wrong and you should be ashamed for posting something that is so ridiculously false.

I don't see the need to rehash all the stuff that actually happened with regards to Ruby Ridge, except these parts.

Fact: An FBI informant asked Mr. Ruby to build him a personal home defense sawed off shotgun.. Mr. Ruby did so. Then the FBI caught Mr. Ruby out in the streets and tried to turn him into an informant. Mr. Ruby refused and when they brought him up on charges he made bail and never went back to court. (All this is public knowledge and was brought out in court.)

Fact: When Mr. Ruby's dogs alerted Mr. Ruby's family and friends something was wrong around the house, Mr. Ruby's son and a family friend started down the driveway. When one of the dogs took after someone hiding in the bushes the FBI, or US. Marshall's killed the dog. When the two boys started running towards the house warning everyone else people were in the woods shooting at them, the FBI or US. Marshall's shot and killed Mr. Ruby's son. As the rest of the families, plural, ran towards the house for cover Mrs. Ruby came to the door armed with their new infant child because she was told "they" killed her boy and was shot cold by a FBI sniper in the head. Two of Mr. Ruby's family lay dead before he fired the first shot. (All of this is public knowledge as well.)

Fact: All of Mrs. Ruby's surviving children received 1 million dollars each for the action taken against them and their family that fateful day. And Mr. Ruby was found not guilty. Not to mention each of the federal officers involved with those murders were found not guilty by a federal government panel. (I actually got into a little newspaper argument with a Regional FBI Director over those agents being found not guilty.)


With regards to this new case, I honestly think it is to soon to tell what the truth is, however, there are some very interesting statements being made from all sides.

In short, the Federal Government has a hell of a job, however, sometimes agents abuse their position of power and sometimes will do anything to get their man, as it were. They aren't all bad, and they sure as hell aren't all trying to frame innocent people. Yet, they are not all good, and there sure in hell is historical evidence that proves they have framed people in the past.

Each case has to be watched, studied and looked at very carefully. Blind faith in either direction is scary as hell. When they do a great job, nobody says anything because that is what we demand, even though we should. When they do something horrible, like Ruby Ridge, every American should stand up and demand justice, and sometimes we do. Because only together, and praising and damning both actions, do we have a chance against a Federal Government with unlimited resources of both money and firepower.

--Charles Marcello

edit: shut gun for shotgun... shut gun, now that was funny

[edit on 24-5-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by littlebunny

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by ANNED

Randy Weaver sat in a building shooting at the FBI, but it was the FBI's fault because they should have just let him do whatever he wanted.

One could argue both sides of this debate and both are equally right in my eyes. Each should be considered on a case by case basis.

However your quote above is a flatass WRONG! That isn't even remotely true. It's just flatass wrong and you should be ashamed for posting something that is so ridiculously false.

I don't see the need to rehash all the stuff that actually happened with regards to Ruby Ridge, except these parts.

Fact: An FBI informant asked Mr. Ruby to build him a personal home defense sawed off shut gun.. Mr. Ruby did so. Then the FBI caught Mr. Ruby out in the streets and tried to turn him into an informant. Mr. Ruby refused and when they brought him up on charges he made bail and never went back to court. (All this is public knowledge and was brought out in court.)

Fact: When Mr. Ruby's dogs alerted Mr. Ruby's family and friends something was wrong around the house, Mr. Ruby's son and a family friend started down the driveway. When one of the dogs took after someone hiding in the bushes the FBI, or US. Marshall's killed the dog. When the two boys started running towards the house warning everyone else people were in the woods shooting at them, the FBI or US. Marshall's shot and killed Mr. Ruby's son. As the rest of the families, plural, ran towards the house for cover Mrs. Ruby came to the door armed with their new infant child because she was told "they" killed her boy and was shot cold by a FBI sniper in the head. Two of Mr. Ruby's family lay dead before he fired the first shot. (All of this is public knowledge as well.)

Fact: All of Mrs. Ruby's surviving children received 1 million dollars each for the action taken against them and their family that fateful day. And Mr. Ruby was found not guilty. Not to mention each of the federal officers involved with those murders were found not guilty by a federal government panel. (I actually got into a little newspaper argument with a Regional FBI Director over those agents being found not guilty.)

In the documentary that I mentioned above, they had the Weavers, the FBI snipers, and the US Marshall that shot the dog all on camera. The US Marshalls shot the dog, which prompted the son and Mr. Weaver's friend to shoot back. The son was killed, along with a Marshall. The rules of engagement that the FBI drafted stated that they could shoot any adult on site. When Mrs. Weaver opened the door, the sniper blew her head off even though she was carrying her new born child. Most of what you posted is accurate, however there are a couple of items that are a bit off. Mr. Weaver was actually convicted of missing his court date and violating his bail conditions. He got 18 months, but only served 4. Also, at least some of the federal agents involved were never even tried by any sort of court or government panel. For instance, the sniper that shot Mrs. Weaver was actually charged with manslaughter in Idaho, but the federal government came in and took over the case. The charges were ultimately dismissed on the grounds of sovereign immunity.

Sorry if I've gotten off topic, just wanted to clear some stuff up in case anyone else wants to make absurd accusations like the one about Mr. Weaver firing at the government, etc.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by NICAP]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by NICAP
In the documentary that I mentioned above, they had the Weavers, the FBI snipers, and the US Marshall that shot the dog all on camera. The US Marshalls shot the dog, which prompted the son and Mr. Weaver's friend to shoot back. The son was killed, along with a Marshall. The rules of engagement that the FBI drafted stated that they could shoot any adult on site. When Mrs. Weaver opened the door, the sniper blew her head off even though she was carrying her new born child. Most of what you posted is accurate, however there are a couple of items that are a bit off. Mr. Weaver was actually convicted of missing his court date and violating his bail conditions. He got 18 months, but only served 4. Also, at least some of the federal agents involved were never even tried by any sort of court or government panel. For instance, the sniper that shot Mrs. Weaver was actually charged with manslaughter in Idaho, but the federal government came in and took over the case. The charges were ultimately dismissed on the grounds of sovereign immunity.

I'll accept that. It's been several years, what over 10 years now since I studied that case. As we all know time has a way of mixing up, or missing, some of the facts.
Either way, what that person stated that I quoted, and the fact that what the Federal Government did at Ruby Ridge were wrong... still stands.

Thanks for setting me straight.

--Charles Marcello

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 08:54 AM
I think this whole thing was obviously staged by the government to serve as a false flag event so that people would get behind the H.R.2159 bill. The government could then accuse citizens of being "home grown" terrorists. This would allow the government to take away their guns and deny them purchase of guns. The problem with the bill (as many of you know) is that it's far too general and could apply to regular concerned citizens like ourselves here on ATS. They must really want this thing to pass.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by leira7]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by lpowell0627

You forgot to add Freedoms . It's a well known fact the world hates US for their freedoms that all else can only wish to aspire towards . It is jealousy pure and simple, all those rich americans . We can only wish there were rich people in europe .. and Democracy !?, how we hanker after such a thing. It is with great spite we watch you from afar with this great democracy that you have . It is not fair, surely not . And all that tied aid, how we wish we could send aid to countries , woe is us. Twice woe . This internet and media you have is cause for much angst and wailing of jealousy here in europe too. There you are with your truth speaking oracles of enlightenment fox news and such , and here we have to rely on wax sealed scrolls containing nothing but lies .

Never mind them hating on you for these things , think on how they love you and the reasons for . How you bring peace, stability and democracy to the world with your just and righteous wars . The world will always love america for that .

[edit on 24-5-2009 by Drexl]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 09:30 AM
When this hit the news my first thought was "nice orchestrated event"!

It is obvious these guys are bumblers, half organized, and not very smart! All that being said how interesting these "home grown terrorists" were American men that had done time in prison and become what I call jail house Muslims. Hmm, right at the same time the big debate about the "danger" of housing Islamic Terrorists in US prisons. Cue the violins, ready the trumpets.....

Obama and Cheney debate the lovely practice of torture and how it "supposedly" saved lives....with this story running full speed ahead! Those trumpet are blaring.....

Preventive detention anyone??????? I am still pretty new to the world of conspiracy and this was a no brainer for me! Would the statement "wagging the dog" mean anything to you guys?

All the world is a stage, and we get a free nice for us.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
To make matters worse, there have been government agents tracking terrorist groups in the USA since the 80s. Many article can be found by a simple search. There are numerous threads within ATS detailing the facts on that, so no need to go into it on this thread.

There are at least 35 known actual terror camps inside the USA, and here we have reports of the federal agencies screwing off and wasting critical resources and money we don't have not to mention valuable time.

In 2002/03 there were approx 20 known terror groups inside the USA, earleir this year the media months and years after the fact, reported 35 known. That is 15 new known camps within 6 years, after 9/11.

False flag, misdirection or plain idiocy we may never known but we do know the Fed is f'ed up. Major reform and improved oversight of the government is essential.

But if there are "known" terror groups, then they must know who they are
and where they are. Then how/why are they still there and why aren't they busted.
Unless it's just a guess, and that's my best guess.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 10:06 AM
I listened to a program on NPR this weekend. The FBI does this type of thing quite often. In 2008, an FBI agent infiltrated a leftist activist group. He "befriended" two young guys there...both of them under 23 years old.

The two guys were on the program saying that there intentions when they went to this leftist activist group was to protest the 2008 RNC convention. The FBI agents "cover" was that he was "revolutionary" not just an activist. He was older than the two guys, and influenced them. The two guys said the agent would goad them, call them pansies and wimps and convince them to do more and more things. The two guys believed in what they were protesting, and looked up to the "revolutionary" but they felt that they were being pushed into going too far.

By the time they went to the 2008 RNC, the agent instructed them how to make molotov cocktails with items you can purchase at walmart. The guys said they made them in their bathtub, but left them in the hotel and went to protest the RNC convention. They said they made them, but never intended to use them. The whole time the agent was accompanying them. Later, at the FBI's request, the agent asked the two guys what they were going to do with the molotov cocktails. One of the guys, feeling like he needed to save face, made up a story that they were going to light them and throw them at the buildings. But the guys never did. Yet they were arrested.

It sounds to me, that the FBI can take some young idealists and try to turn them into home grown terrorists.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
The FBI just runs around trying to frame people as terrorists so they can get more budget money.

Sounds pretty spot on to me. Anytime you put a great deal of money and power together with a relatively small group of people, you get corruption. Do I think the FBI is fully capable and willing to entrap 4 people on terror charges to warrant the expansion of their budget? Damn right I do. Anyone with have a brain would too, because there is far too much money at stake to believe that they are going to play by the rules and the moral right of the situation.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 10:25 AM
At least the FBI didn't give these guys real bombs like they did in 1993. To this day nobody has been called into account for that crap. I could go out right now and find some gullible young men and within a month have them so worked up they'll bomb a kindergarden school.
I agree this is crap. We are being spoon fed carefully orchestrated undercover setups and being told how much the FBI is looking out for us. I'll be more impressed when they find a real terroist group in the working and infiltrate that group and instead of letting them actually carry out there plot arrest them before they do.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 10:34 AM
This is PR, pure PR. The whole post-911 infrastructure requires propping up once in a while, to keep the sheeple line.

Lets face it, I could rounded up these guys in my lunch hour. Any petty criminal might not look the gift-horse in the mouth and attempt to purchase a missile from an FBI stooge. Not to mention the question - could this not be simply a racial crime? The borderline between what's criminal and what's terrorism is blurring. Soon jaywalking will be considered a terrorist act and we'll all be 'detained indefinitely' in Obama's camps.

Welcome to the future.

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