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Anthony Steen (Tory MP): 'You're all just jealous'

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posted on May, 22 2009 @ 11:06 AM
The good MPs have been mentioned but to put it in a bit more context there are about 100 MPs implicated in this yet there are 646 MPs that sit in the House of Commons. It's a lot but I still don't think it justifies tarring the whole House as "parasitic, elitist scum".

My worry is that the reaction to this goes beyond a desire to punish those in the wrong and reform the system of expenses. I already see signs of the issue becoming so clouded with rhetoric and rage that any solution is rejected by the public out of hand purely because of the source. A little more calm and reason needs to be applied imho.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Mike_A

As things are going there will come a time in the not so distant future when even calm and reasonable people will see that they are indeed parasitic elitist scum. They live of war and scarcity, they lie constantly. As much reason as I apply to the situation I cannot see the political class of any western nation as anything but parasitic scum, and I do consider myself calm and reasonable, I'm not on the streets being violent, I'm not making revolutionary movements, I'm not having vendettas with public figures. I'm just minding my own business, and at most giving an opinion.

Which is that I don't stand these people as a class, and the few good apples in there are so close to the bottom we might as well just throw them all away.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 01:50 PM
As I said, 100 on the fiddle 546 not on the fiddle; why are they all parasitic scum?

Your sentence “the few good apples in there are so close to the bottom we might as well just throw them all away” illustrates my point precisely. What’s the point of anyone trying to do good when people lump them all together regardless? You will never get what you want out of politics because you’ve already made your mind up that politician = scum.

In fact yours is the worst position of all, you’ve got an opinion, you think it all stinks but you won’t do anything about it. Don’t mind your own business, do something. But there’s nothing you can do because anyone with any power is in your opinion elitist scum out only to meet there own ends. Even if you decided you would stand for election and sort things out yourself you’ll only come up against the same sort of opinion.

What is wrong with expelling those who have done wrong and then reforming the system? Why do we need to condemn them all regardless of whether they’re implicated or not?

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Mike_A

To elaborate: the system itself is rotten to the core, and selects the rotten apples. The few good people in there are swimming upstream but they are not salmon, they're getting nowhere.

Can we reform the system? If we can, then sure, go for it. But I don't think it's honestly possible. Ponerology shows us that we have a psychopathic minority defining social structures through hierarchical organization of processes. This is very hard to reform, as it addresses the very heart of who we are. If we reform the system but maintain the process, in a few decades, due to the acceleration of history caused by more efficient technology across the board, we will be exactly in the same position again.

As it is I participate minimally and try to love my neighbour. This is the only thing I think that has a chance of helping. I think it is more important not to vote, and remove legitimacy, than to vote and just chose between the psychopathic flavour of the month. I prefer my governments scared of the people, knowing they are not legitimate, than with a sense of all powerfullness and popular aproval. These people are almost all arrogant fools, to encourage them in any way is to throw away one's liberty.

What is needed goes deeper than the system, we need to change our very culture and our very behaviour. It's a tough proposition.

I've come to the point where I've realised the whole system is toxic and perhaps a crash is the best we can hope for. So I try to prepare as best I can. I see many people around me quietly doing the same thing. Agriculture in my reason has been steadily picking up steam. It's going to hurt... but so will global fascism.

Do what you think is apropriate, but I am done with non representative democracy.

Edit: At most participate at the local level I guess. Maybe it will help the overall outcome if people take control of the town halls and reduce the psychopaths entry in to the system at the roots, which tends to be local administration. But even this can be hard if someone lives in a populous region, where a psychopathic percentile of around 3% (per the literature) would still mean hundreds of unsavoury individuals, many of which gunning for public office.

[edit on 22-5-2009 by Mindmelding]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:18 PM
But how have you come to this decision that they’re all evil? It sounds like you’ve just decided it’s so and sod the rest.

Maybe it will help the overall outcome if people take control of the town halls and reduce the psychopaths

You miss the point; no one can take control from the psychopaths because as soon as they do they instantly become psychopaths as well because you judge on the position not the person.

You’re pinning yourself in with no alternatives open to you except total anarchy. You can’t change a system without putting someone in a position of power and leadership but anyone who takes that position is instantly condemned.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Mike_A
The good MPs have been mentioned but to put it in a bit more context there are about 100 MPs implicated in this yet there are 646 MPs that sit in the House of Commons. It's a lot but I still don't think it justifies tarring the whole House as "parasitic, elitist scum".

My worry is that the reaction to this goes beyond a desire to punish those in the wrong and reform the system of expenses. I already see signs of the issue becoming so clouded with rhetoric and rage that any solution is rejected by the public out of hand purely because of the source. A little more calm and reason needs to be applied imho.

Had the expense issue not blown up, we would still be left with a system of representation and law making that is so far removed from the lives of the citizens of the UK that they consider it to be, at best,tangential to their needs.

It would be a tragedy if 'Expenses' became the sole focus of reform. Parliament as a whole needs a dramatic shake up.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:42 PM
Thanks for your replies everyone. I know there are a few good MP's out there, i just couldn't thnk of their names. Where are they though? You would have thought that they would be at the helm of Gordon Browns ship, trying to stop it sinking. Lead by example? Hmm, i'm really confused. I was under the impression Cameron was at it too, but for some strange reason, he never get's a mention.
The latest i've heard is that they are suicidal? What next?
Look i can run the country fo a fraction of what they get paid. We can have an election on here. My credentials are: Photographic memory (but don't ask me what i did yesterday) Piedetic memory-something like that! It's better than avarage. Single Mother. Been on benefits- know about all that. Presently employed after many years as a contract worker- treated like #! End result- Daughter is a Lawyer!! Big it up for the Single Mum's. Never give up is my moto... i could do a better job than those numpties in power. So i've been skint half my life, while that lot i use to look up to have been robbing me blind. Power to the people as Woolfy use to say!! Or Giss a job as Yossa Hughes would say.. Seriously though, those MP's should bow their heads in SHAME!

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by Mike_A

No I am not judging on the position. What I am saying is that there is a selection process in place that selects psychopaths over people with normal emotional profiles and socially acceptable thought processes.

This idea is at the core of ponerology. It's possible to detect a psychopath with diagnostic tests, it's a medically diagnosable pathology, and their influence on modern society is palpable to the point they define the overall development of the system, not because they got to the position and the system turned them into psychopaths (although some normal people might acquire psychopathic like behaviour in this way) but because it is the psychopaths who generally survive the selection process, which was put into place by other psychopaths, going back eventually to male dominance in primates and some very nasty apes.

It's a part of who we are as a species, not an ad hominem. I wish it were an ad hominem.

Google ponerolgy if you so wish and read a bit and you should understand, the concept ressonates truth to it.

[edit on 22-5-2009 by Mindmelding]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Fang

Crikey....Fang....not seen you around for a while!

Low 40's, unless the pressure gets cranked up nearer the time. People forget too quickly these days, although the Euro's next month will be a good indication.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by neformore

I've been away for a bit trying to earn a crust (and failing miserably). I come back and what do I find? The complete collapse of the political and constitutional establishment. I can't leave you lot alone for a second.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by blueorder

Originally posted by SugarCube
An accurate and tempered response to what is a shameful state of affairs, starred and flagged my friend! This kind of attitude will hurt the Tories and I am surprised that he wasn't jumped on before he could utter a word. The fact that he is "standing down" is irrelevant as we all know that mud sticks.

I an continually appalled that MPs still use the Nuremberg Defence, "... but it was all allowed so why shouldn't we do it?" How about having the moral conviction to realise something is wrong and to change it - they are supposed to be the country's leaders after all. What happened to "setting a good example?" Yes, I know that is pie in the sky stuff and we can expect even less from people in positions of power than the average Joe who works at the local factory (well, it it hadn't been shut down due to the financial crisis!).

How can a person claim to have "their moat cleaned" and yet not have a flicker of moral dilemma? How is that possible? Even if you decide, "Ahh, f*ck it, the taxpayer can afford it..." and go ahead with it at least stand up and admit that you'd never had it so good.

I see an MP paying for his daughter's flat on expenses. What? Did you read that correctly? Yes, Ian Gibson and senior Labour MP claimed almost £80,000 in 4 years for mortgage interest and bills on a London flat which was the home of his daughter. Get this, she lived there with her boyfriend rent-free, with all bills paid by the taxpayer, for several years after the MP bought it.


I wasn't as eloquent as the OP but it winds me up so much!

Indeed, and let us not forget the Tory Leader, Cameron- he and his wfe are worth a combined est £30 million- what moral right does he have to claim ANYTHING from the public purse

We need a tory collapse so a proper alternative party can fight on a non liberal/leftist agenda (the BNP are not it, as they are actually left wing on many issues, never mind race concerns!)

How so?

How are BNP left-wing on many issues?
I suppose if you call birching and capital punishment left wing you might be right??
They want to halt mass immigration and are more libertarian in certain areas.
No other party bar maybe UKIP will even tackle the migrant / Caucasian question!

The short and fast of it is, there is no other party that is nationalist except the BNP.
I know who I'm voting for, and it was formerly for the Tories, not any longer!

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Mindmelding

What I am saying is that there is a selection process in place that selects psychopaths

But that’s just not evidenced though, pronology is a pseudoscience. You can test people for psychological problems but this hasn’t been done with politicians on a wide enough scale to determine that they exhibited an above average level of psychopathy.

However if we take it as true then you’re still judging the position since you have predetermined that anyone who reaches that position will be predisposed to psycopathy. You’re not looking at each individual and scientifically assessing there personality traits or doing anything else that would be required to come to such a precise psychological conclusion; you’re just saying “they’ve got to this position, therefore they must be evil”.

You might be taken a slightly different route but you’re ending at the same destination.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:22 PM
In many ways this is a fantastic opportunity to really change and modernise our Parliament. My fear is of an early election. A Conservative win, and for there just to be a change of face. A wasted opportunity due to a typically british knee jerk reaction

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:24 PM
Anthony Steen (Tory MP): 'You're all just jealous'!!!

Sorry Sir not me.

Doesn't it all come down to IF you cannot garden your own very very very large lawn, you better move to a house with a small lawn or no lawn at all??

A house like Balmoral?? Does he think he's the new King of England? Shame on him!!

It's just too ridicilous for words to let 'the people' pay for your private stuff.

Now in the New Millennium there is a new wind, a fresh breeze that hopefully will whipe out this kind of actions of the 20th century elite.

How do these people sleep? Thinking they have the right to do that? Big money? Greed? While half the world lives in total suffering and their 'own people' have lost jobs and can barely live of their income.

Maybe ... just maybe ... it's time for a 21st Century Revolution .....

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:28 PM
Anyone see question time on thursday?

Health minister Ben Bradshaw gets totally ripped by the audience...awesome

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:28 PM
I rarely wish harm or any bad thing / incident happen to any person.

However, I hope he suffers something horrific. I Very much dislike ( trying not to hate) people like him.

How stupid do you have to be to think that the people of England would not be pissed for having to pay to upkeep his lavish home.

Yea when I am paying for something, I have the right to know what I am paying for.

How could anybody be jealous of an arrogant prick like him ?

I'm from Michigan so this does not effect me but it still really really really pisses me off.

[edit on 22-5-2009 by LucidDreamer85]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:36 PM
should all the govement officals or party officals been sent to the court for fraud ? if we did this with job seeks or benefitsv we would be taken to court is it me or is it only the BNP who are not in the media light for ripping us off, surely thats going to help there vote count.

Bring on the Europe elections they all need a scare tbh.

Let them sleep with open eye open they are going to need it. Fraud politicains

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by LucidDreamer85

You're so right calling him a prick!! Because that is what these people are.

How low can you get to let 'the people' pay for your wife's bra's??

That would be something .... I'm telling my husband: gee hun get a job in the parlaiment and get me some big bra's.

What a bogus!!

[edit on 5/22/2009 by Melyanna Tengwesta]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 05:20 PM
He has a clear case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, it is a serious mental disease, it is suspected to be a defense mechanism against shame.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 05:33 PM
It's just crazy - what I hate is the "it was within the rules" rubbish that is thrown around.

Stuff the 'rules' - people DO know about right and wrong and they knew it was wrong.

However, I was pleased to read some articles of MPs that did NOT claim, even when they were entitled too. It would be nice if more was made of these guys and perhaps they get moved to the front of the benches whilst the others are dropped (and in reality should be charged for fraud).

We need a list of hero MPs (as there are a few in there).

found this

Ms Barlow, elected MP for Hove in 2005, has a second home in London but does not accept any public funding for it through a matter of "personal choice".
Mr Salter, who is standing down as MP for Reading West at the next election, says he commutes to and from Reading most days and therefore does not need a second home.

[edit on 22/5/09 by AlwaysQuestion]

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