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The Push to Revolution

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posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by Redpillblues

Originally posted by whaaa

I see no real leaders in this thread.

that statement is rediculous...If you base thoughts like that over interweb chat..Your obviously out of touch..

These men here are the most vocal I've heard. Where do we look for leaders?

On the march, in front of you. That's where leaders are found, generally. Could be that we're waiting on YOU to take up the mantle!

After all, YOU get pretty vocal in these threads too!

nenothtu out

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by whaaa

you where the one looking for a leader on a website..I dont think we were..

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by dooper
Not only are they parasites, but these parasites cannot fend for themselves, nor think for themselves.

If this is your excuse to why the majority of americans are not marching behind you folks then its a very sorry excuse. The minority fringe such as yourself dooper kept your mouths shut over the last 8years, and now that there is a liberal in power all hell breaks loose and you want a revolution on behalf of a small fraction. It doesnt work that way in reality and thank the flying stars for that reality.

Im sorry that you have such an ideological and personal bitterness for Obama and all those who dont choose to conform to the rightwing fringe, the fact of the matter is that this doesnt add to a necessary revolution. it doesnt give you authority over where this nation is headed. Yours is but one of millions of voices, and so far the vast majority of those voices know of the nation heading the right way and feel no need to have any revolution.

In a state of anarchy, just how long can a human sustain itself without food? Without means of defense? Without water? Without the ability to do for themselves?

Speaking of anarchy you want guns to be free for every new born and child, you want the markets to be free beyond any laws, you dont want to pay taxes and yet you want a strong nation defense and your roads good as new every day.

You take care of them. Those of us who actually produce are getting mighty weary of their free ride.

It's almost over.

Is it? Its almost going to happen?? A day Timothy McVeigh and the branch Davidians would be proud of. Some "revolution" based on personal ideological and cultural issues, not of that of what the american people in its whole intend.

You do not represent me and you do not represent the people of this nation.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by Southern Guardian]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by Redpillblues
reply to post by whaaa

Leaders will fall into place,when men put everything they have lived for be on the line,you be surprised how even the most immature man can act..

things will fall into place..This isnt a recruitment site or organizing thread..

So the Revolution will be organized and recruited on www.? That's the silliest thing I've ever heard.

Dreamers and screamers are what we have here. Just pathetic NWO sheeple who think life is a big sim-world game.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by romanmel]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

You do not represent me and you do not represent how I see people of this nation.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by Southern Guardian]

I fixed that for you...

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Seany
reply to post by whaaa

My line of questioning was heading that way

This thread , and the other 2 ??? Sarge started , saying the same thing is

really just a "Bonfire chat" with Bruce Springsteen singing

GLORY DAYS in the background

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Ugh! Again with that sorry excuse of "you weren't there 8 years ago" and my answer is YES WE WERE! But the media didn't cover much of the protests (sound familiar?) and then, just as today, we were labeled as either a) angry liberals or b) conspiracy theorists. Which I find it hysterical because now we're being labeled as right wing extremists. So what's the problem? apparently we change labels depending on who happens to be in power?

Don't bring that poor excuse of an argument again as it has no merit. Many DID protest against the patriot act and illegal wiretapping, myself included, many did NOT look at the war in Iraq favorably, and voiced our opinion, myself included. It wasn't JUST YOU liberals that voiced your angst so STOP acting as if you were. Get your heads out of your a**es, 54% of REGISTERED Obama voters does not a majority make, because it does not take into account those that did NOT register (which by the way, is a bigger number than your precious 54%) of course, add to that the registered opposition to the democrat party and you'll have an even bigger number.

Edited to add... I have the numbers to back it up my point by the way, so I say that your views on us "you didn't show up 8 years ago" are nothing but hot air.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by Question]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by Seany

Glory days? ... Oh wait, I get it. A bunch of "old timers" sitting in here reliving their war stories and hoping to have they "good old days" back eh?

Yeah, well I happen to respect these guys who are willing to put their lives on the line on numerous occasions for the newer generations. If it is just a bunch of old timers dreaming about the glory days, then how to explain all the 20 somethings who are letting their opinions and voices be known? Do you realize how many college students are awakened to this situation? I'd have to guess much more than those who have lived and dreamed about the "glory days".

Hell, I'm not even old enough to know what the "glory days" were. I have myself and history at my back, and with the support of these guys I can form my own opinions that # shut isn't right.

So regardless of your negative connotation towards those "glory days" do realize that we will be the ones fighting to attain those times. It just so happens that no one alive today has had the opportunity to live through anything but oppression and dictation of given freedoms. There hasn't been a glory day in damn near 200 years.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by Question

Well put. I guess some people really can't fathom stepping outside the little box of republican/democrat.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Thank you, SG. That was a very enlightening post. Right before my very eyes, I watched your imaginary ranks swell from a simple 'majority' to a 'vast majority' to 'the american people in its whole'. Is that how you get ALL your statistics?

Now you've relegated all the rest of us, by default, to 'the minority fringe', along with Dooper. Does that mean we have protected status now, and can apply for gov't handouts and special considerations? Sweeeet. I'll do that tomorrow, let ya know how it turns out.

At least I know I'll be in good company, i.e. Dooper's 'fringe minority'. Wasn't all that 'protected status' business initiated to protect us minorities from your big, bad majority in the first place?

Oh, and it was me that said I didn't care who armed themselves (ref. your comment 'you want guns to be free for every new born and child') in your thread, not Dooper. I noticed a conspicuous lack of reply there. Perhaps you can muster one here.

nenothtu out

[edit on 2009/5/11 by nenothtu]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I am curious SG, do you like how the Obama administration is running things? I am not trying to attack you, I am just curious if you like what he is doing...

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Look, I didn't like what has been happening since Eisenhower. So get off your high horse. Don't presume to tell me what I did or didn't do. What? You a high priest of some holy roller group with third sight?

So you think it's just a fringe minority that's really getting pissed? Yeah. You continue to get your pulse on the nation from the White House spokesman . . . he's been right on top of things.

And you haven't seen me say there SHOULD be a revolution. I see one little event, one catalyst acting to topple this teetering crap we have in Washington. You can't SMELL it? And for you to suggest the nation is now headed the right way . . . completely down the toilet . . . then you truly are getting your input from the White House spokesman. Hey . . . you aren't him, now are you?

I don't mind paying taxes for roads, defense and infrastructure. To my STATE. Then they in turn can send enough to support our portion of defense.

But I'm damned tired of paying so Miss Whore'salot can have a houseful of little bastards, raised to bleed the system just like momma, and I have to pay for it.

I'm tired of all this social crap agenda having money thrown at it, which produces - absolutely NOTHING!

We can keep the Defense Department, the CDC, the Federal Courts, the CIA, an the Border Patrol. The STATES can run the rest, quite well.

I know for a fact that I don't represent you, a fact I'm proud of. Caution, my friend. There's not going to be an open, get-on-line revolution.

There's going to be a single event that acts as a catalyst, and then things will be going tits up. Anything, and I mean anything that happens to Obama, and POOF!

Think about it! The Federal Government doesn't have SQUAT!

They get everything from us, and the STATES!

And before we put it back together, we'll be organizing by STATES.

Just as intended.

[edit on 12-5-2009 by dooper]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:13 PM
My assumption is this..

This way of thinking has been a slowly kreeping mass that has almost finaly envoloped the entire nation.

.people have been groomed to think that this is normal..I have seen it too many times in other powerfull organizations..wait till the old timers are dead and gone and the few left with the thought proccess of the way era are just cast outs and labled as wack jobs..

The mentality of people today
Dont rock the boat,cuz I'm comfortable and dont wanna fall out..cuz i'm secure right were i am,no matter if the boats heading to shore or with the trade winds..

sound firmiliar?

[edit on 11-5-2009 by Redpillblues]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:25 PM
To those wondering what the numbers are
(since Southern Guardian brought this on himself with his unfounded comments)

Barack Obama ONLY won by 53% (sorry, I thought it was 54%) and McCain lost by 46% as stated in this CNN 2008 election center:
Election center 2008

According to this CNN article, only about 126.5 to 128.5 million americans actually showed up to vote in 2008
Voter Turnout

If we try to play the optimistic angle, and say 128.5 million americans showed up to vote, that means that only about 69.39 million americans actually voted for Mr. Obama, and 59.11 million voted for McCain

Ok, so this is what we have:
Obama ---> 69.39 million
McCain ---> 59.11 million

Last I recall, there are somewhere between 300 and 350 MILLION americans right now. So that means

300 mill - 128.5 mill = 171.5 million americans that did NOT vote for Obama. OVER TWICE as many as that of democrats that voted for Obama. Now lets try and see what that number would look if the census was really 350 million americans

350 mill - 128.5 mill = 221.5 MILLION americans that did not vote for Obama. Obviously this IS a REAL majority over the democrat's wimpy 69.39 million

Now I know you're all saying "well wait a second Mr. Question... those numbers INCLUDE the 46% that voted for McCain" right you are! Lets see what those numbers look like if we take away McCain's 46% of votes.

221.5 mill - 59.11 mill = 162.39 MILLION of voters that did NOT vote for Obama OR McCain. This is of course, if the current US population was at 350 million

171.5 mill - 59.11 mill = 112.39 MILLION of voters that did NOT vote for Obama OR McCain. This of course, if the current US population was at 300 million.

So... which ever way you slice it Southern Guardian, You and your sorry party ARE NOT the majority, ARE NOT the vast majority, so STOP acting as if you are.

Edit to add: Take into account that I did these numbers with the "optimist" view that 128.5 people actually voted. I'm sure that the number of democrats (and republicans as well) would be lower by 2 million if I had use 126.5 million instead, as mentioned in the article. Not to mention, that even NOW, many democrats have come out and said that they regret voting for Obama, which means that even within HIS OWN ranks, Obama's numbers are coming down.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by Question]

[edit on 11-5-2009 by Question]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by Question

Those are the numbers that voted for Obama because of the policy changes he promised. Imagined now how many have been sorely disappointed when he has failed to meet any of his promises.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by dooper

There's going to be a single event that acts as a catalyst, and then things will be going tits up. Anything, and I mean anything that happens to Obama, and POOF!

You are exactly right. But the POOF will be the cities on fire, race riots chaos and anarchy with armed mobs, not revolutionaries, and the citizen taxpayers will be pleading for the PTB to restore order and bring the various factions under control and the infrastructure back on line. And they will.
If anything the states will lose even more control and be completely under the control of the military. In fact if this scenario happens then you can kiss your hope of a return to Constitutional freedoms goodby and bow down to Fascism that will be the end of America.

Revolution and a grass roots movement back to states right is nothing more than a romantic fantasy in todays world. The corporate structure will never allow anything other than an nation of obedient consumers.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by whaaa]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

In fact if this scenario happens then you can kiss your hope of a return to Constitutional freedoms goodby and bow down to Fascism that will be the end of America.

And thats the ''why'' of your questions..You dont think people realize that and take measures before its too late??

come on..Its like you have the answers in front of you and just dont want to see them??

if all it takes is something like that to happen in your veiw,dont you think somethings WRONG in our scociety NOW>>and has been?

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu
Thank you, SG. That was a very enlightening post. Right before my very eyes, I watched your imaginary ranks swell from a simple 'majority' to a 'vast majority' to 'the american people in its whole'.

21% the new majority? 300,000 disgruntled fringe protestors the vast majority? Im sorry but just howmany of you are for this revolution?

Now you've relegated all the rest of us, by default, to 'the minority fringe',

Why are you somehow the majority? Does your views represent all of america? Your pushing for a revolution and yet you cannot account for a significant fraction of the population. Who are you to call for a revolution on behalf of this nation? Thus far the only revolution you've called for is on behalf of a bunch of disgruntled conservatives who are evidently trigger happy as a result of the election outcome.

You dont speak for America as a whole, sorry.

Does that mean we have protected status now, and can apply for gov't handouts and special considerations? Sweeeet. I'll do that tomorrow, let ya know how it turns out.

Yes and had this administration not done something to prevent further economy collapse you would be sitting right there behind that computer screen of yours complaining about the "do nothing president" not helping and serving "the american people". Its a catch 22 with you fellas, so this argument is basically a moot.

At least I know I'll be in good company, i.e. Dooper's 'fringe minority'.

You can choose to follow them off the cliff. The rest of us will be just fine as spectators.

Wasn't all that 'protected status' business initiated to protect us minorities from your big, bad majority in the first place?

Your complaining about big business and hand outs and corruption, and yet at the same time your complaining about free market and allowing these businesses to continue on as they have been for years but without the rights of the citizens and the laws to be protected from big business. Are you confused? Are you allowing them to confuse you?

Oh, and it was me that said I didn't care who armed themselves (ref. your comment 'you want guns to be free for every new born and child') in your thread, not Dooper. I noticed a conspicuous lack of rely there.

Oh so there isnt a clear consensus among the minority fringe themselves over where their stand? Turns out the confusion over what and where to stand among you folks goes beyond what I expected.

Get back to me when you all actually have a clear motivation to your anger. At the moment its mixed and you fellas rather look like an unstable mob angry about everything and anything.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by Southern Guardian]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous Avatar
reply to post by Question

Those are the numbers that voted for Obama because of the policy changes he promised. Imagined now how many have been sorely disappointed when he has failed to meet any of his promises.

No he made policy changes, changes so that we would not have a means to rise up against him when the need arises. the dissension amidst the populace is growing. we do need to stand up, and the time is coming soon enough. Growing up in the south I was instilled with the ethics and morals of a true patriot.
Then moving up north I look around in fear as I see all the sheeple blindly following orders. It pains me a great deal. I have been secretly sowing the seeds of knowledge in peoples minds.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I see that you've decided to ignore the numbers I've posted in order to continue your little delusion of being "in the majority" well I'm not going to let you get away with it.

Here's my post:

To those wondering what the numbers are
(since Southern Guardian brought this on himself with his unfounded comments)

Barack Obama ONLY won by 53% (sorry, I thought it was 54%) and McCain lost by 46% as stated in this CNN 2008 election center:
Election center 2008

According to this CNN article, only about 126.5 to 128.5 million americans actually showed up to vote in 2008
Voter Turnout

If we try to play the optimistic angle, and say 128.5 million americans showed up to vote, that means that only about 69.39 million americans actually voted for Mr. Obama, and 59.11 million voted for McCain

Ok, so this is what we have:
Obama ---> 69.39 million
McCain ---> 59.11 million

Last I recall, there are somewhere between 300 and 350 MILLION americans right now. So that means

300 mill - 128.5 mill = 171.5 million americans that did NOT vote for Obama. OVER TWICE as many as that of democrats that voted for Obama. Now lets try and see what that number would look if the census was really 350 million americans

350 mill - 128.5 mill = 221.5 MILLION americans that did not vote for Obama. Obviously this IS a REAL majority over the democrat's wimpy 69.39 million

Now I know you're all saying "well wait a second Mr. Question... those numbers INCLUDE the 46% that voted for McCain" right you are! Lets see what those numbers look like if we take away McCain's 46% of votes.

221.5 mill - 59.11 mill = 162.39 MILLION of voters that did NOT vote for Obama OR McCain. This is of course, if the current US population was at 350 million

171.5 mill - 59.11 mill = 112.39 MILLION of voters that did NOT vote for Obama OR McCain. This of course, if the current US population was at 300 million.

So... which ever way you slice it Southern Guardian, You and your sorry party ARE NOT the majority, ARE NOT the vast majority, so STOP acting as if you are.

Edit to add: Take into account that I did these numbers with the "optimist" view that 128.5 people actually voted. I'm sure that the number of democrats (and republicans as well) would be lower by 2 million if I had use 126.5 million instead, as mentioned in the article. Not to mention, that even NOW, many democrats have come out and said that they regret voting for Obama, which means that even within HIS OWN ranks, Obama's numbers are coming down.

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