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The Push to Revolution

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posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Can i ask what you do for a living and rough income?

Ya dont need to be specific..

oh and location?

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by Redpillblues

and location

You're not gonna hunt him down are you?

j/k I'm sure you'd have better judgment than that

[edit on 11-5-2009 by Question]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by SemperParatusRJCC

Then moving up north I look around in fear as I see all the sheeple blindly following orders. It pains me a great deal. I have been secretly sowing the seeds of knowledge in peoples minds.

I can attest to this..being born and raised in s.jersey..The mentality of this state,well at least the north is the MONEY..People would rather bow down and do what ever it is so they can be comfortable..selfishness..people will throw another under the bus for a dime if they could..

Selfishness killed the northern states..

[edit on 11-5-2009 by Redpillblues]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

The minority fringe such as yourself dooper kept your mouths shut over the last 8years, and now that there is a liberal in power all hell breaks loose...

"minority fringe"? Who the hell is that? Aside from Dooper, I mean. That must include myself, and a whole blessed lot of my friends and peers, too. We were there for the last 8 years, and the 8 before that, and the 8 before that, and so's the fault of no one but yourself if you and your ilk were too deaf to notice.

What, and I'm sure he'll correct me if I misrepresent him, Dooper and his fringe minority want is for govt. to be more responsive to our needs, y'know the taxpayers, not the social services sponges that keep taking and taking, yet oddly enough never give much in the way back... We, 'cause I'm most assuredly in this so called fringe minority, want smaller, much less intrusive govt. We want a govt. concerned about protecting our borders, keeping the roads repaired, responding to large scale events that individual states aren't equipped to handle, and otherwise staying out of my business.

I'm not real keen on the notion of a revolution that contains violence. But it is an option that is, and must be, available; but only as a LAST resort. If a govt. can resort to violence to enforce policy, so to can a people resort to violence to remove a govt. that fails its people. We've not reached the point of this yet. But it's closer now than it's been in the century plus since the civil war. This, folks, is not a good thing.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by Question
reply to post by Redpillblues

and location

You're not gonna hunt him down are you?

j/k I'm sure you'd have better judgment than that

[edit on 11-5-2009 by Question]

lol,no just trying to see where his idiology from...Money,location and job has allot to do with peoples reasons for thinking of others..

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by Question
I see that you've decided to ignore the numbers I've posted in order to continue your little delusion of being "in the majority" well I'm not going to let you get away with it.

Tell me do over 60% (real clear politics) of the population account for the majority? Doe 21% of the population crying out for "revolution" necessarily reflect the consensus of the american people?

Tell me howmany liberals or moderates out there agree with this self styled trigger happy "revolution"? Get back to me will ya.

300,000 folks came out to join the fringe fest in april. Something tells me anybody who was serious about any revolution would have popped out that day regardless of commitment or obligation.

Get back to me will ya.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
The corporate structure will never allow anything other than an nation of obedient consumers.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by whaaa]

That's why we must be proactive, and do what we can NOW to cripple the corporations as much as we can. We, as consumers, can do that by not spending on things that aren't absolutely necessary. You don't need cable tv, you don't need a land line and a cell phone, you don't need to eat out, nobody needs a new car, and it'll really hurt them if you pay off credit at an accelerated rate thus denying them the full interest that they expect.

We give them power by buying their products. They lose power when we stop buying their products. It's that simple.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Redpillblues

Yeah I know. Funny how he decided to ignore the numbers I had to post. Apparently doesn't like to find out that his oh so wonderful 54% of registered voters doesn't account to SQUAT when faces with the bigger picture and the bigger numbers. Guess it's because you cannot argue with numbers, which puts him at a disadvantage.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by Seany

I thought I had adequately answered that, but since you ask again it would appear I have failed in that regard. To wit, any and all enemies of the Constitution and the Sovereignty of the United States will be those with whom we struggle. These include the current Statist Progressive traitors running our government and their one-world government allies in Europe and Asia. This includes all members of the Trilateral Council and the Council On Foreign Relations in our military and government as even being members of these organizations is by definition treason; also including their handlers in the Bilderberger Group.

When they declare martial law soon and attempt to disarm the American people, and the first shots have been fired at Americans who refuse to surrender their arms, shedding innocent blood; they will have their revolution. Guerilla action will commence with targets of opportunity picked for their disruptive value to the struggle. Prisoners will be asked for their parole and those who give it will be marked; those captured again in combat after having given their parole will be shot under the Geneva Convention. Those who refuse to give their parole will be kneecapped.

All law breakers, muggers and thugs will be tried and hung, or shot on the spot as caught; this to include looters.

Civilian Detention Centers will be main targets once the initial situation stabilizes. Political prisoners will be marked for rescue as soon as their holding areas are identified. This will be accomplished with direction from National Guard and Army Reserve militia command coordinators.

All centralized command structures will shift to State National Guard Commanders in the free states, as soon as possible once militia leaders receive state guard commissions. Then full scale combat missions will commence; the groundwork for this having been laid since the late 90’s.

Resistor membership and Camp Alpha leaders will maintain coast-to-coast communications as well as individual militia intelligence and overall coordination at the beginnings of hostilities. Members of the Resistor movement have been coming back stateside since last year.

[edit on 5/12/2009 by SGTChas]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:00 AM
If we are on the verge of a revolution then we better start planning. In Kansas I know of no one with a plan. Is anyone up to start a basic plan. Where to meet? What to do if danger is evident?

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by ewillett7

You couldn't pay me enough to move to Kansas. I'm absolutely positive the next 'attack' will be within a hundred miles of Lebanon. That would give the government an excuse to set up check points anywhere within the united states without using the border as an excuse. For the government, an attack near the physical center of CONUS is tactically sound.

I'll have to add that the 'culprits' would most likely be a 'right wing extremist group or militia'.

[edit on 12-5-2009 by SpacePunk]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Good to see you decided to answer:

Again, you choose to play silly arguments. That number does NOT account for the many people that ARE upset with the Govt's actions but couldn't make it (for whatever reason) trust me, there is definitely a majority bigger than your party in the U.S. who are restless and are preparing. Heck gun sales alone is an indication of that. You still also choose to forget your history, as during the war of independence, not EVERY single colonist fought, that number, I believe was only like 10% or 20% that didn't mean that they did not have the support of a good majority of other colonists (except those that were loyal to the british crown)

On another note. One of the other reasons why I chose to write the numbers of the elections, was because you seem to keep quoting that you're in the majority, when the fact is that when you and your party are put up against the bigger picture, your numbers don't account for much and should stop acting as if you do.

Your problem is that you stick too much to small samples. You see 53% voted for Obama and think you're in the majority. You see "only 10% or 21%" who are "fringe gun nuts wanting a revolution" and somehow you think you have it all figured out that we are a "minority". But you commit the fatal flaw of never putting up those numbers against the bigger picture. The REAL numbers, not the small "sample" numbers that they do in polls.

[edit on 12-5-2009 by Question]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by seagull
"minority fringe"? Who the hell is that? Aside from Dooper, I mean. That must include myself, and a whole blessed lot of my friends and peers, too. We were there for the last 8 years, and the 8 before that, and the 8 before that, and so's the fault of no one but yourself if you and your ilk were too deaf to notice.

How many of the rightwing fringe can account for being at those anti-war protests seagull? Tell me what exactly constitutes an all out revolution? One that represents all of america? Or one that represents a fraction?

What, and I'm sure he'll correct me if I misrepresent him, Dooper and his fringe minority want is for govt. to be more responsive to our needs, y'know the taxpayers, not the social services sponges that keep taking and taking, yet oddly enough never give much in the way back.

What is this about? The stimulus? the wars? or just paying taxes in general? I can tell ya the latter two have been around since anyone here could remember. The stimulus, thats debatable, there are those of us that agree with it. There is actually a wider consensus in agreement among economists. It is reality that it will take atleast two years to see the effect there of.

We, 'cause I'm most assuredly in this so called fringe minority

Your free to voice out what you like, thats your god given freedom. Although a revolution on behalf of "America" carried out by a fraction of that population against the rest, doesnt represent a revolution for america as a whole.

want smaller, much less intrusive govt.

After the disasterous policies of the last administration its going to take years to recover back to smaller government. Aint going to happen over night.

We want a govt. concerned about protecting our borders, keeping the roads repaired, responding to large scale events that individual states aren't equipped to handle, and otherwise staying out of my business.

And yet the vast majority of your fellow "patriots" here dont want to pay any taxes for it. You know the stimulus is targeted just towards your concerns provided above. As for the closed borders thats an issue you go to polls for, not necessarily incite all out anarchy on the nation.

I'm not real keen on the notion of a revolution that contains violence.

And yet your accepting of it, claiming it for the nation as a whole, when its only the consensus of a fraction. What is democracy to you? When do you feel you represent a nation? When a bunch of self proclaimed "patriots" call the shots?


posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:16 AM
Its funny to think that 50 years ago todays ''fringe'' would be called the average American...

you dont have to labeled a ''fringe'' to know whats right...

S.gardian..Would you give up your job,if you were well off enough to the guy next to you,that is struggling??

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by Redpillblues

That's true
According to the dept. of homeland security the "fringe minority" is comprised of pretty much anyone who is NOT a democrat. I'd say that's a more than just a "minority"

[edit on 12-5-2009 by Question]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:19 AM
People too often think about the consequences of action. I always ask them what are the consequences of inaction.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by nenothtu
Thank you, SG. That was a very enlightening post. Right before my very eyes, I watched your imaginary ranks swell from a simple 'majority' to a 'vast majority' to 'the american people in its whole'.

21% the new majority? 300,000 disgruntled fringe protestors the vast majority? Im sorry but just howmany of you are for this revolution?

Do you mis-state things like that on purpose, for the sake of argument, are are you just really that unthinking? Those numbers that grew were YOUR words, YOUR majority. And it happened right before our eyes, in the course of one post. I ask again, is that how you get ALL your statistics?

Now you've relegated all the rest of us, by default, to 'the minority fringe',

Why are you somehow the majority? Does your views represent all of america? Your pushing for a revolution and yet you cannot account for a significant fraction of the population. Who are you to call for a revolution on behalf of this nation? Thus far the only revolution you've called for is on behalf of a bunch of disgruntled conservatives who are evidently trigger happy as a result of the election outcome.

You dont speak for America as a whole, sorry.

First, nowhere have I 'called for a revolution'. Matter of fact, I'd prefer to avoid that eventuality. It's just what I see coming, not what I wish for. You misrepresent me. Second, nowhere have I claimed to be a 'majority'. The general tenor, in fact, is that you claimed I was a 'minority'. Without backing, I might add. Again I ask, is the above how you get ALL your statistics? Third, who are you to reject revolution on behalf of the entire nation? If the time comes, you should tell that to the angry mobs. Get back to me on how that works for ya. Fourth, I haven't even mentioned conservatives. Matter of fact, I'm a little ticked off at them at the moment. Careful, your partisanship is showing.

Does that mean we have protected status now, and can apply for gov't handouts and special considerations? Sweeeet. I'll do that tomorrow, let ya know how it turns out.

Yes and had this administration not done something to prevent further economy collapse you would be sitting right there behind that computer screen of yours complaining about the "do nothing president" not helping and serving "the american people". Its a catch 22 with you fellas, so this argument is basically a moot.

Now you're privy to my inmost thoughts and motivations? How exactly do you know what I'd be doing, and when I'd be doing it? You missed your calling. A lot of folks would pay big money for that kind of info. For the record, I don't believe this administration HAS done anything to improve the economy. Made a lot of their buddies better off, just like the Bushies did. I can't see where it helped anyone else, though.

At least I know I'll be in good company, i.e. Dooper's 'fringe minority'.

You can choose to follow them off the cliff. The rest of us will be just fine as spectators.

Somehow, I knew that was coming. While you're spectating, make sure to check your six every so often.

Wasn't all that 'protected status' business initiated to protect us minorities from your big, bad majority in the first place?

Your complaining about big business and hand outs and corruption, and yet at the same time your complaining about free market and allowing these businesses to continue on as they have been for years but without the rights of the citizens and the laws to be protected from big business. Are you confused? Are you allowing them to confuse you?

Where in my posts do you find these complaints? I'd rather they let 'em go bankrupt. That's the way a free market works when the driver of a company aims for a ditch. And how does your statement there relate to the snippet of my statement you quoted, as if you were replying to it? Who's confused again? For clarification, I'm asking who is supposed to protect us from your 'supermajority'.

Oh, and it was me that said I didn't care who armed themselves (ref. your comment 'you want guns to be free for every new born and child') in your thread, not Dooper. I noticed a conspicuous lack of reply there.

Oh so there isnt a clear consensus among the minority fringe themselves over where their stand? Turns out the confusion over what and where to stand among you folks goes beyond what I expected.

Get back to me when you all actually have a clear motivation to your anger. At the moment its mixed and you fellas rather look like an unstable mob angry about everything and anything.

The confusion is entirely yours. Not my fault if you don't listen when people speak.

[edit on 2009/5/12 by nenothtu]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by whaaa

whaaa, you are exactly right. The cities will be on fire. Just consider Liberty City, LA, New Orleans, and New York.

It goes sideways, and it's going to be absolute chaos and anarchy in the cities. I've said this before, but you may have missed it - our cities are the hubs of our commerce, banking, and transportation, as well as containing the warehouses that supply the country.

It will all stop. No supplies, no food, no fuel, no banking, no money, and no one gets anymore than what they already have, or in some instances, what they can loot.

The Powers That Be? There will be no PTB.

That's why this is going to come to a grinding halt.

I would guess that it will be complete misery and chaos for around 90 days. If you don't have enough to sustain yourself for a minimum of 90 days, then you may want to rethink your stash.

I think the loss of life from lack of medicine, lack of medical care, starvation, no water, looting and murder will be in the millions. Certainly hundreds of thousands.

And no militia, or Patriots, or Right Wing Nuts will have anything to do with it.

The "revolution" will arise from the very folks who are the current parasites. Because they can't do for themselves. So they will turn to what they do best in these situations, which is looting and violence.

Where the "Patriots" come into play, will be to secure their own homes first, their neighborhoods, their townships, their cities, counties, and then States.

And believe me, there won't be any going back to a Federal Government that put all this in motion.

THAT's where the revolution will be. In STATES changing back to a pre-1900 Constitution.

And when we do, we'll have an explosion of growth, prosperity, and most important - individual freedom, just as our forefathers intended.

[edit on 12-5-2009 by dooper]

[edit on 12-5-2009 by dooper]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Southern, a lot of folks on Tea Party Day were at work.

That's another thing you guys don't account for. Those who actually work for a living.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by dooper

Exactly, in the same fashion he completely forgets that just because democrats won the election, doesn't mean that they are representative of ALL america (as my numbers indicated)

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