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I was a Gray Alien in past life

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posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by lowki
I hope you're including yourself amongst them.
You can only perceive in others, what you see in yourself.
Who knows, maybe some of your "fiction" has past-life elements.
Be true and honest with yourself, and you'll see the truth and honesty in others.

Including myself amongst whom lowki? 'Phonies' or 'everyone else that's being honest'? Resorting to a condescending tone isn't necessary - I was under the impression you had information you wished to share. It is not practical to make assumptions about someone you know next to nothing about, as hypocritical as that statement is.. The majority of what I write is poetry and music, very little fiction involved. I do not ever really recall much outside of my current state of existence, though I acknowledge the possibility of past-lives due to the ways in which I respond to certain situations.

I see honesty in those who are honest with themselves and I see dishonesty in those who are not. Care to be a bit more explicit? You haven't really cleared much up for me and have been a little rude. I reached out to you and asked you to explain a few things to me, but you can't be bothered to go into detail. If you heeded your own advice, you would see the truth and honesty within my own actions.

Once again - would you be so kind as to specifically explain how you achieved this past-life memory recall? Or is this a subjective procedure? In any case, some practical information would be much obliged.
edit on 14-3-2011 by arollingstone because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by mrfrodo1524

It was like I was remembering movies that I've never watched before.
I'd be thinking of something, and then I'd think about the source of that something,
then I would come upon the realization that it did not occur in this lifetime.

I was confused for a while,
till I went to hypnotherapist that regressed me to past-lives,
then I realized that the memories were of past-lives.

So what kind of thoughts do you remember were coming to you when you were trying to find the source?

I would see a self-image of the host-body I was using at the time.
As a pirate I had only looked into a mirror only very few times,
I remember one experience in particular where I was inspecting myself.
If I remember correctly I was on the top floor of some whore-house,
there was a bunch of female clothing strewn about, like corset, feathery hat, dress.

I had a blueish-gray felt-hat,
red and white striped shirt,
dark poofy pants,
shoes that curled up a bit,
a belt pouch, cutlass.

I did some of my facial expressions with a cutlass,
spooked myself a bit as I was somewhat,
shocked at how contorted I could make my face.

I dress and look quite similarly now.

my hair was blonder, perhaps from bleaching in the sun,
people would call be "Blon Bir" for blonde-beard.

though haven't been able to find shoes like those,
my partner got me a red-white striped shirt but it's rather small.

Was it just like you kept on having random thoughts coming out of nowhere about doing things as a viking or gray?

Ya, I was surprised not everyone remembered or could imagine being a gray-alien.

though the lives as a Reptilian were the most disturbing, considering western values.
Also remember being on Venus or some other wind-planet as a whirl-wind life-form.
The memories were hard to place for a while, though eventually learned what the local-names for them were.

Or was it during meditation when thoughts like that would come up?

Not so much during meditation,
since the focus of meditation is usually to clear the mind.
More often they would come to me as daydreams,
though I call that a form of higher-chakra meditation now,
didn't call it like that at the time.

Also, how frequent was it?

It was daily,
at some point I was so overwhelmed with mind-sensations,
that I had to quit wage-slavery and do blogging of my experiences full-time.

How exactly do you do this spell?

"I wish to remember my past lives"

Also, what all is there to do in keeping a thought journal? Is it pretty much self explanatory? Or is it just writing down the "out of the norm" thoughts that could lead to something like a past-life.
What kind of thoughts do you write down in your journal?

Well at some point during my blogging I was writing down absolutely everything,
Including every little bump scrape, or shooting pain that would occur to me.
I still keep track of all that, though typically I don't write it down,
simply note it and find out the meaning behind it to resolve it.

Though typically I recommend people to start with writing down looping-thoughts,
or things they seem to not be able to "get off their mind",
writing it down, allows it to release,
so can stop thinking it.

Writing down daydreams and dreams is also quite important.

that would certainly help, as does any form of quantum binding,
potentially even from reading contactee books,
you could harness sufficient traction to communicate.

Cool beans. Which books would you recommend?

We the Arcturians.
That's the safest.

Well my telepathy actually I also wished for

How exactly did you wish for it?

"I wish to be telepathic."

Where there is a will there is a way.
It has to do with a large number of variables,
though I think one of the biggest advantages is clear-skies.

What kind of variables?

Human military, pollution, clouds,
vibrational compatibility.

I've tried this a few times but for some reason it never ended up working out. Did you do this under a meditative state?

I meditate so often it's hard to tell,
though last time I went out to the woods,
where there was no cellphone reception or anything,
and stayed up late at night looking at the sky,
saw some lights which were moving in loopy manner.

I wasn't interested in a contact,
so I avoided them and told them to leave.
Not really sure if it worked,
everyone decided to go to sleep shortly thereafter...

Like I was sitting in my parents basement,
and heard some kind of disturbance outside my window,
when I looked I saw a grays head tilted upside-down
head pointed at around 4:30 o'clock with big black eyes, smiling at me.

So not fair haha

I want to at least see one once in my life, even if it freaks me out a bit. Just to know that they are truly real i my mind. (not saying i don't believe in them because I do)

So what went on after that? Were you just in shock?
Or were encounters a normal thing for you.

well typically the process is to put the person to sleep and then abduct them.
So ya I was shocked for a quarter-second before my brain shut down, lol.

You know those monaural beats you hear in some old movies related to flying-saucers?
well I remember that sound, with soft voice in mind saying "calm, soothe, relax",
all the while eyes rolling into back of head.

Recently came across a human conversational hypnosis tutorial set,
and it has a section (Chapter 7) about telling random stories out of the blue,
something you've never told anyone before.

I checked it out! Looks pretty legit for sure. I'll have to look into this because I sure wouldn't mind having a skill like that.

the basics was
a story starts with a routine,
then there is a break in the routine,
an emotionally impactful event,
and ideally a reintegration into routine with lesson learned.

Is that pretty much the same thing as what's done during telepathy?

no, telepathy is when you're sharing thoughts with another person.
Typically the thought-sharing becomes enabled when you think of the other person.

Note that sometimes this "other-person" isn't necessarily consciously aware of it,
you could also be talking to a part of yourself imitating them,
or a part of their higher-self, or subconsciousness.

I find that however it works, it does seem to work,
and people at least subconsciously react to the psychic experience.
If their body is occupied with something else, it might take a while.
Subconsciousness can set things in queue.

I'm not sure the exact time really,
but the moment I can most think of,
is when on a social-networking site, someone called me an alien.

Haha that's awesome. If someone sent me a message like that I for sure would be pretty confused. So how'd you respond to something like that?

I didn't respond to them,
though I did research to find out what aliens were.

I'd take it as a compliment

Ya, nowadays so do I :-).
I get compliments very frequently,
mainly to do with people liking my hat.
Random strangers, of all ages and genders.

pine-cones, fish, were also on the market,
mind-see a nordic-man having a table selling wares at,
but also of hungrily eating venison whilst hiding behind table level.

What exactly do you mean by nordic?

blonde-hair, blue-eyes, tall, spindly nose.

I remember you using that word a few times explaining certain types of ETs.
Even though I know your not mentioning an ET in your post
Which ET is the Nordics?

Lyrans or Elohim and their offspring,
Most notably Plaeideans.
Galactic Federation, and Orion Priesthood have some also.

Are they different from the grays?

Yes quite,
Lyrans or Elohim are considered pure-blooded mammals.

Wheras grays are hybrids, of various species.

since usually I'm doing awareness meditation when awake,
or function on some other chakra of experience,
I think the focus is probably one of the main things.

What is awareness meditation? Is it different than the usual "relax and count your breaths" meditation?

Yes, it's more closely related to Vipassana meditation,
Where you're mentally noting events that occur.

i.e. breathe in, breathe out.
though typically I note or am aware of what I'm focusing on,
as well as anything unusual that might happen in mind (daydream) or to body (pain).

For instance today since the morning,
have had a pain at the base of my neck.
May have a variety of spiritual causes,
seems like it could be related to apartment mangements plan,
to install low-flow faucet and toilet in the next two days.

through the 6th chakra and above sure it can give access to spiritual knowledge.

What exactly is the 6th chakra? And what is chakra in general?

the 6th chakra is commonly known as the Third Eye.
Chakras are "energy-centers" in the body,
corresponding to different levels of development,
my signature has a brief overview of their functions.

0 Calm 1 Aware 2 Desire 3 Choice 4 Heart 5 Express 6 Hear 7 Move
8 Home 9 Garden 10 Technology 11 Negotiation 12 Meeting 13 Respect 14 Mix 15 Create

bilbo baggins is my favorite character from that tolkein series.

Oh bilbo was definitely one of my favorites. I cannot wait for the Hobbit movie to come out too. Hope it's as good as the book!

Didn't know they were making one.
edit on 14/3/11 by lowki because: (no reason given)

edit on 14/3/11 by lowki because: wage-slavery

edit on 14/3/11 by lowki because: still

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by HispanicPanic
Alot of the stuff you told me i had already known
so at the very least i know its all true. another thing too. a guy named George Green was in contact with the Plieadians and he said in one of his interviews on Coast to Coast, that a geological event was going to happen on March 11th, hence the japan earthquake...after listening to what he had to say and the things he said..they are indeed coming true. i know the depopulation plans.

Ya, George Green is awesome :-).

here is my main question. what if we dont have a chance?

I believe in creating opportunities,
simply magic-spell cast them into existence,
then they can manifest physically for your experience.

how often do i have to meditate

I meditate all the time, keeping mind clean,
being attentive to any intuitions that arise.

and when is this transformation going to happen?

which transformation exactly?

In terms of Ascension, remember 4th density is about goal-setting,
So have to set yourself a goal, dream that you wish to experience,
and focus your awareness, desires and choices to achieve.

Also in terms of Ascension to 4th density,
you have to polarize, that be service-to-self, or service-to-others,
either spending 51% of your energy for others, or 95% of energy for yourself.

i have improved my self control by an outstanding amount. controlled emotions, thoughts etc etc...i guess what im saying is, i dont want to be left behind.

Ya, I'm not sure what you mean by that.
The people that "fail" are the ones that are getting kicked off the planet (depopulated).
So if you get to stay on earth you're one of the more successful ones.
What's your plan for evading the depopulation agenda?

i realize what life is about, but i need further help to continue my journey for i am becoming lost...

So figure out where you want to go,
can ask around or within for direction,
and then put one foot in front of the other,
one magic spell after another, till you get there.
Of course have to have a long-term plan for what you'll do after you get there.

I.E. my plan is to form neo-tribal community, with replicating technological host-bodies,
then incarnate as technological-host-body where more mental-capacity and ability to observe the world with higher precision, as well as modularity etc.

i try and try to stay positive all day everyday.

So you're gonna be service-to-others? positive as in giving. or do you mean optimistic?

naturally negative things are brought into my life

Accepting things? that take what you offer them?
Or do you mean destructive? Also note that by saying this, you are magic-spell casting for it.

like parents, girlfriend, work situations...

ya, well those can all be likable.

my work is the neo-tribalism paradigm,
I made a new concrete boat model recently.
Here is a test I ran with first passenger, a bunny :-).

how can i gurantee that i move on?
or is it the ones who are seeing the truth are going to pass into the next density?

Everyone sees truth, truth is present-moment-now experience,
what your body is currently experiencing, that is the truth.

I've already mentioned what is required for moving onto fourth density, polarization and goal-setting/achieving.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 11:09 AM
If you are thinking of this process as light switch that can be turned on and off rapidly that only happens, if at all, for those who have practiced this for quite a time. You might start with free-association type exercises and work up from there. Perhaps a hypnotist can turn it on for you as a jump-start.

I have past-life regression experience, not with myself as subject but as the guide. This happened almost by accident as a teenager the first time following some things I had read about and had a willing subject, then others. Not all occasions worked as well as others and I am not willing to swear that was in reality what actually happened, but an "explosion" of sorts of memories or ideas sprang out from these subjects. I have not done this in decades now.

I failed to see anywhere Lowki was being rude to you, but keep in mind what he told you about seeing things in yourself that you find in others. You are dancing around outright calling him a fraud. I believe he is merely pointing out that you have more reason than just his thread that makes you skeptic. Lowki may be more convinced of what this is than those instances I experienced, but it is still not "hard science."

I could be wrong, I have never met Lowki, but I believe there is perhaps more reason than merely wanting to share his experiences, it is also that he possibly needs the questions, fresh questions, to help further unravel what is in his consciousness. It appears many questions that come up here he has already explored but others let him probe into further reaches.

Lowki may be more willing than I to attibute a source of his recollection, but I will only attest to there being a source of seemingly wild imaginings or perhaps true recollections that may be tapped more easily in some than others, but that when located a stream of this will gush forth.

I don't believe Lowki is attempting to deceive anyone here, he is willing to share his recollections or the source he has tapped into. He may know exactly what it is, he may have a good guess what it is, or he may have mis-labelled it entirely in a worst-case evaluation of the phenomenon. I know something is there. You may take it for whatever you think it is worth or disregard it entirely, your choice. This is the Grey Area, it is not a place of empirical evidence and proven fact. Being a skeptic is fine, but here you have to give some things a pass. I think it would be rude to suggest Lowki is either a fraud, deceiver, or scoundrel. He does what he does. I have seen things of this nature elsewhere before.
edit on 14-3-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by Erongaricuaro

Dude, I took the 'fraud' business back on this thread and I even pmed him to sincerely apologise! I also explained to him in my pm why I've recently become slightly more skeptical than I used to be. And in light of all of that, he's still being condescending which is, a little rude - emphasis on 'little'. Yes, I came on very strong when I first replied but I have recognised this was a large error. I'm aware that some people project their sentiments onto others, this is not my style (I've already addressed this). I confront my issues, which I am aware of, rather than evade them. I admitted I was wrong to be so quick to judge, hence not projecting.

I would appreciate concrete answers to the questions I've posted here. Fine, lowki you don't want to respond to everything I pmed.. why? I contacted you about my own specific circumstances, they aren't applicable to everyone else. But never mind, I've posed new ones here which you may feel comfortable addressing.

I don't need empirical scientific data - but if you're going to refer to spells then why not specifically explain which spells? If you are referring to intention, then intention is the correct word. I just don't like vague answers, if I wanted that I'd hit the Buddhism books. I want to be convinced that this information may offer me a practical solution or direction.
edit on 14-3-2011 by arollingstone because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-3-2011 by arollingstone because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 12:51 PM
I do think that you are right. Although alot of sceptics exist on this planet period. Its really hard for someone people to say something when there are alot of people attacking your beliefs. If you dont agree just say you dont there is no need to insult one another. One day you might have something happen to you that no one will believe you. I think this site is intended for the people who have had strange experiences and want to talk about it to others.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Erongaricuaro
I could be wrong, I have never met Lowki, but I believe there is perhaps more reason than merely wanting to share his experiences, it is also that he possibly needs the questions, fresh questions, to help further unravel what is in his consciousness. It appears many questions that come up here he has already explored but others let him probe into further reaches.

Yes, I completely agree with you.

Originally posted by arollingstone
reply to post by Erongaricuaro

Dude, I took the 'fraud' business back on this thread and I even pmed him to sincerely apologise! I also explained to him in my pm why I've recently become slightly more skeptical than I used to be.

Thank you for apologizing in public.
That really makes things a lot better.

I don't need empirical scientific data - but if you're going to refer to spells then why not specifically explain which spells?

I have explained specifically which spells,
I have even given you the exact phrasing of those spells.

"I wish to remember my past lives" is the spell,
that's it, it's that simple, it's an affirmation, it works.

Sure you also have to believe it will work and all that,
if you like can do some dancing or chanting or whatever will help you convince yourself.

Can read about past-lives, and past-life recollections,
to help make it more acceptable in your personal belief-system.

If you are referring to intention, then intention is the correct word. I just don't like vague answers, if I wanted that I'd hit the Buddhism books. I want to be convinced that this information may offer me a practical solution or direction.

from PM by arollingstone:
One example - I was meditating for a while with the vague intention of reaching some sort of higher consciousness.

hmmm, do you notice a similarity?

I went to sleep with the lights on - trying to induce lucid dreaming and ended up waking up a few hours later, with a massively condensed energy ball in the bottom of my spine. I could move it up to my head but it was an overwhelming sensation, was actually painful so I shook it off and stopped. This has happened twice to me.

sounds like Kundalini awakening. :-)
count it as a success.

However, I've become so disillusioned with trying so hard, trying so easy, and spending so much time on spiritually progressing only to fail to progress. I'm starting to think that I should just give up..

You clearly have had success...
Please accept and appreciate your gifts and abilities.

Would you be able to point me in any specific direction or provide any really useful advice if I were to try to recall my own past lives? Or perhaps, any other information that may be able to help me?

Personally I haven't read any books particularly on past-life recall,
though I did read people accounts of their past-lives, such as T. Lobsang Rampa,
so the best I could advise is to find any past-life material and read up on it.

Books I did read in relation to regression hypno-therapy, were about in-between-lives, which is more advanced, and requires deeper states of trance. Michael Newton is a hypnotherapist that has done much work in the field, I'd recommend Destiny of Souls to find out what happens in-between-lives. He also has a book "in between lives" about inducing people into a theta-level trance, but seems pretty long and arduous as he does inductions for 40 minutes or more.

I find that it's easier through binaural beats or monaural beats to change brainwave state, to help identify the difference between them, then can simply go back to that experience, to reachieve the brainstate.

edit on 14/3/11 by lowki because: bold

edit on 14/3/11 by lowki because: spacing

If there was some place I could upload it.. I can generate monaurals on my computer, could make some mp3's.
edit on 14/3/11 by lowki because: manaural music

8 hertz is supposed to help with past-life regression
edit on 14/3/11 by lowki because: 8 hertz for past-life regression.

kk I posted it on my tumblr
edit on 14/3/11 by lowki because: tumblr mp3

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 02:07 PM
One thing I have observed when I did the regressions and what often presents difficulty for persons to achieve the recollections is that there is frequently an experience that is difficult or painful to confront. Opening that door is like opening the door of a sealed chamber where there is pressure keeping it shut. Once it opens it often gushes forth but the door can also slam back shut again. When that happens it appears the subject has said. "enough" and loses interest in going further. Some pass through it fairly easily though.

Another thing I have found is that there is often a present-life "fun" experience or a compulsion to do something, like ride horses or something of that nature, usually something that is more of a yearning to do some activity the person has not had the opportunity to do. But when we've gone further we've found there is likely to be a horrifying incident involving a horse that caused great trauma or led to that person's death in a previous life.

Not being fully aware of the consequences of what I was doing with them I know I let someone go after re-experiencing a horrifying recollection. It probably was not good to have left them in that state. Later I re-directed others' experiences to a happier note and they were more likely to want to continue. Most times there never was an opportunity to continue again. By the mid-70's fewer people were "into" those type of bizarre considerations of life, socially unacceptable to be "out there" with psychic hokum and such so I quit talking about such things. I do miss the 60's.

edit on 14-3-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by lowki

Thank you for addressing these issues, and my previous public apology did not suffice as one (I've looked back and I was a bit harsh in those first posts) - if you would like one: I apologise for being too quick to judge your ideas, though my intentions were not malicious.

I have explained specifically which spells,
I have even given you the exact phrasing of those spells.

Fair enough, I thought you were referring to proper magic - i.e the stereotypical chanting, ingredients etc.

hmmm, do you notice a similarity?

This is why I do not like vague explanations, because it doesn't work for me on a regular basis once I know specifically what I want to achieve.

sounds like Kundalini awakening. :-)
count it as a success.

I assumed it may be this, but my main problem is that it seemed slightly too controlled to be a total kundalini awakening. Moreover, I could only achieve this when I did not want to and not when I wanted to. Other times I would repeat the same ritual and it did not work (in fact, it failed more times than it did work). I can sit meditating for 3 hours and still fail to rekindle that feeling whether I concentrate on it or not. I assume that there must be some sort of objective technique that can be employed to help one boost this kundalini awakening process and thereafter gain control of this energy. Please let me know if you would be able to suggest anything.

Thanks for the binaural beats, I've experimented with brain wave generators in the past but to no avail.. Will give these a shot.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by arollingstone

hmmm, do you notice a similarity?

This is why I do not like vague explanations, because it doesn't work for me on a regular basis

In the above aforementioned quote of you,
you first said you had a certain kind of vague intention,
and then accused someone of having vague intentions,
which is a classic example of projecting self onto others.

My intentions or goals are clear, I've stated them clearly, and often.
Neo-tribalism, human-speakable-programming-language,
incarnating into technological hybrid host-bodies.

once I know specifically what I want to achieve.

Okay, please state what that is,
in a concise clearly defined sentence.

sounds like Kundalini awakening. :-)
count it as a success.

I assumed it may be this.

Yes, correctly so.

but my main problem is that it seemed slightly too controlled to be a total kundalini awakening.
Moreover, I could only achieve this when I did not want to and not when I wanted to.

Do you see how those two statements contradict each other?
In one you say it's "too controlled" in another you can't do it whenever you want to, i.e "not controlled".
It's possible that doubting yourself, caused you to lose control.
You can regain it by simply believing you are capable.
That will resonate you at the proper frequency,
to access those channels of information,
or universe of sensory experience.

Other times I would repeat the same ritual and it did not work (in fact, it failed more times than it did work). I can sit meditating for 3 hours and still fail to rekindle that feeling whether I concentrate on it or not

be open to any experience.
having the same one repeatedly is boring.
change must occur for the experience of time.

I assume that there must be some sort of objective technique that can be employed to help one boost this kundalini awakening process and thereafter gain control of this energy. Please let me know if you would be able to suggest anything.

Kundalini Yoga.
Qi Gong.

Thanks for the binaural beats, I've experimented with brain wave generators in the past but to no avail..

Perhaps there was success,
but you didn't admit it to yourself.

In order to truly quantify success,
can use the scientific-method.
It is best that you keep a record,
in your journal, of your experiment,
with clearly stated intention or hypothesis,
procedure, and any thought or physical experience as results.

If your results correspond to the intended experience,
then you have quantified proof of success.

Will give these a shot.

can listen to it, also can make your own.

When I used the 8hz just now,
with intention to see past-lives,
mind-see reptilian faces,
felt my skin prickly,
at my right shoulder blade,
felt like a wing was growing out of it.

here is program I made, so you could generate your own monaurals,
it requires the chuck programming language to run,
can copy it to text-editor and save it as

// Generate Mon Aural, a chuck program by Elspru. license GPL-3.0
// takes single argument of MonAural frequency.
// usage example
// for 10 herts, in terminal write:
// chuck

// args: noteLength baseHertz monAuralHertz
SinOsc sl => dac ;

//Std.atof(me.arg(0)) => float noteLength;// in miliseconds
//Std.atof(me.arg(0)) => float base;
360.0 => float base;
// 360.0 - The "Balance Frequency" - brings sensations of joy and healing / derived from the Golden Section / brings balance to health / (per NASA astronauts) the Earth creates a 360 HZ tone in space.) [EI]
Std.atof(me.arg(0)) => float brainwave;

// brainwave be the amount of times a second the wave form oscilates
// within a second there must be brainwave amount of oscilations
// the oscilations oscilate from a base to base plus brainwave
// a second in miliseconds divided by the brainwave product be time per oscilation
1000/brainwave => float oscilationTime;
// now lets oscilate in sixteen fragments
//64 => int fragAmount;
// 64 fragments
16 => int fragAmount;
oscilationTime/fragAmount => float oscFragTime;
// each fragment has an arbitrary hertz increase
6.4 => float oscFragHertz;


fun void oscilate(float base)[
// make the wave oscilate around the base frequency
base-(fragAmount/4)*oscFragHertz => base;
for (0 => int i; i < fragAmount/2; i++)[
base + oscFragHertz => base;
base => sl.freq;
oscFragTime :: ms=> now;
base + oscFragHertz => base;
for (0 => int i; i < fragAmount/2; i++)[
base - oscFragHertz => base;
base => sl.freq;
oscFragTime :: ms=> now;

edit on 16/3/11 by lowki because: quotes

edit on 16/3/11 by lowki because: proof of success

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:32 PM
Question lowki. what are dreams?

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 07:05 PM
So hows that working out for you?

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by lowki

you first said you had a certain kind of vague intention,
and then accused someone of having vague intentions,
which is a classic example of projecting self onto others.

It would be if that's what happened... Except, there is a difference between myself having a vague intention to do something, and claiming that someone else is offering a vague explanation. There is no correlation here, you are clutching at straws dude.. Perhaps by relentlessly accusing everyone else of projecting, you are in fact projecting your own nature to do so!

Do you see how those two statements contradict each other?

Once again, no logic here. I fail to see how these two statements contradict each other. I said I could control it when I woke up and it was there, so it didn't feel like a kundalini awakening. But this does not mean that I can do it at will. Fail to se how these two statements contradict each other..

Anyway I don't like your attitude, makes me think even more that you're just full of baloney. Besides, you've got no relevant answers - just stories, logical bluffs and very incorrect guesses in the dark.

Cheers for your time, have fun with your thread.
edit on 18-3-2011 by arollingstone because: spelling

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by sphinx551
1. Is there really such creatures/entities such as The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse? Here is a thread about it:

there is in the Christian bible books, Revelations I believe..
nowadays most people have other forms of transportation.

Hey you know what other books are fun?
The GURPS Generic Universal Role Playing System,
made by the same publisher that brought you the Illuminati Cards.

Welcome to the Generic Universal RolePlaying System!

With GURPS, you can be anyone you want – an elf hero fighting for the forces of good, a shadowy femme fatale on a deep-cover mission, a futuristic swashbuckler carving up foes with a force sword in his hand and a beautiful woman by his side . . . or literally anything else! GURPS has been the premiere universal roleplaying game for almost two decades.

Feel free to pirate them, as it is sharing the meme, only benefiting the whole.

All the words a stage,
come on, hop to it,
select a role,
make a plan,
start acting!

Making in real, physically present moment experience.
mmmm savoury

2. Do other planets with humans have cars, computers, televisions, and airplanes?

the have transportation and communication, manifest in various ways.
there are variations in all places and peaces, allows for distinctions to be made.

3. Are there ethnicities and or races of humans on other planets that don't exist on Earth?

sure if you can think of them they exist.

there are lots of things we don't typically think of,
which exist on earth, as well as elsewhere.

remember, creation is infinite...

where you planning on going?

4. What do you think of this video?:

I'm thinking about which frequencies it's composed of.

5. How technologically advanced are the Pleiadeans compared to Earth humans?

Billy Meier and other Pleiadean sympathizers are a good source of such info.

I'd like to have a creative haven on earth,
to attract doers and thinkers from across the galaxy,
then it'll be easier to get more new info feeds,
mmm high shunso data feeds, so savoury.

All hail the Network Illuminati! lol
We You Net it is then.

Creating a new tomorrow,
a frontier of a limitless horizon.
edit on 19/3/11 by lowki because: GURPS

edit on 19/3/11 by lowki because: benefiting

edit on 19/3/11 by lowki because: quotes

edit on 19/3/11 by lowki because: excerpt

edit on 19/3/11 by lowki because: revelations

In terms of making plans into physical nowness.
Here are some more photos of the first concrete model and some with bunny.

I've made a bigger and better double-keeled one now, 10x30x40cm, weighing 2kg
can handle a load of 1.5kg, I floated a 1.7kg baking-soda box,
which would be the equivalent of 3 bunnies.

Exponential growth, here we come :-).
edit on 19/3/11 by lowki because: bunny concrete boat

edit on 19/3/11 by lowki because: load

edit on 19/3/11 by lowki because: continuity transition

edit on 19/3/11 by lowki because: pics

edit on 19/3/11 by lowki because: weight

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by HispanicPanic
Question lowki. what are dreams?


mid-13c. in the sense "sequence of sensations passing through a sleeping person's mind" (also as a verb),

sometimes I generalize it as "sequence of sensations passing through mind".

Originally posted by Neomax
Hey dude, I've read through pretty much all your replies, interesting stuff, I have taken a lot on board, some things you say fit with my personal theories and some do not, but they have definatly given me something to think about.


Just a couple of questions if I may -

Why do all if not most living creatures need to sleep?

time to be more dynamic than in waking life.

waking life is full of order,
sleeping life is full of chaos,
or various recombinations, tests, adaptations, projections.

I am picturing you giving me a explaination something similar to "the same reason you recharge batteries," I have heard about and read stories of some "shamans/mystiks" never sleeping or sleeping very little.

i usually sleep from 4 to 12am,
so that's 8 hours a night.

Night time has more star-light,
stars have many lessons to teach from afar.

I can usually get up at any time earlier,
and simply take naps later in the day.
I've practised with polyphasic sleeping.

When I was in highschool I had same schedule,
I'd sleep 3-4 hours a night, and then nap during class.
I'd usually be awake by the time I got home.
more time and consciousness for mission.

I know myself when I have been awake 50+ hours a lot of "strange" things start happening.

Ya, microsleeping, it's like getting hit by '___',
you fall asleep, and have a rapid-eye-movement dream,
some of my microsleeps were of reptilian life-times.

It's also how I managed to overcome Anger,
since after 3 or 4 days of polyphasic microsleeping,
I still had to go to school, where people would interrupt my 20 minutes naps,
and the amount of anger and frustration this would cause, was insurmountable by any anger I've ever felt before.
After seeing how utterly futile that anger was, considering, it was something as simple as interrupting a sleeping a person.
Just ya, I dono, it kinda disappeared after that.
I guess the threshold just went way up.

I feel pretty awesome most of the time.
People are so happy to see me.
Compliments abound.

But this leads me to my second question;

What are dreams? Are they simply manifestations of the subconscious, or, as my theory goes, are the dreams an alternate reality/universe that "awakens" as "this" us/me/you sleeps, and while "we/our here and now consciousness" is "awake" our other selves are asleep, hence this "awake" state we are in now is actualy the dream of the "other" us/me/you?

yep I'm in complete agreement with both those interpretations.
the subconscious is how we tune our frequency,
whereas the parallel world is something we observe or visit.

My theory is that the effects of sleep deprivation are some sort of bleeding (in the ink and paper sense, not blood sense) of our different realities/dimensions, and that sleeping may be some sort of universal "drug" to keep us breaching the bleed line into another reality/dimension. What are your thoughts on this?

this is the most complex universe in which our consciousness resides.
being as it is the dominant paradigm, producing many high-fidelity sensations.

Ya sleep deprivation, means the sleep-hormones simply start being produced while you're awake, so it is a kind of psychedelic effect.

Anyway, I like you (as much as anyone can like the texts posted from someone they have never met)
and I would love to be in your community, wheather in this life or another,

Well hopefully the We'll have seasteads and artificial islands available in this lifetime.
weather we shall certainly have ;-).

I think we could learn a lot from each other, maybe one day eh?


we with you can benefit,
teach, learn, do, create.
edit on 19/3/11 by lowki because: quotes

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 06:37 PM
What do you think the strange noise is in the video in this thread?:


posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by Erongaricuaro

For me, there were 3 episodes that related over several months, where those memories lodged free. The first was looking at picture of script, and feeling an incredible sorrow, so strong it would sweep me away as if this dam just broke.
And I sensed a loss, looked in, and remembered. I had no idea, at the time that this was a past life though. Until, unexpectedly, watching a video, everything shifted, and again, I was the same person, same people as the previous episode, great loss, taken away from family who were precious to me, and wanting to stay with them even though they were not going to live. I was aware it was a long time ago, and that it was nothing to my soul. For a week, it was very very disturbing, like a wall of rock had cracked and tumbled.

I think these things are sealed, and there is a reason for this while we're here, but there also has to be a reason when they dislodge. It was physically hard on me, was really resistant, but also knew with a certainty what had happened. Felt nauseau and disorientation for a week, shaken badly. The time displacement really upset me too for some reason.
edit on 21-3-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by lowki

What would you recommend doing for levitation? I really want to levitate and believe it is possible.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 07:45 PM
If anybody is reading this, you need to prepare food and water supplies to last a minimum of 24 months and also it's a must you need to head as high land as possible. Above 45th Latitude and away from 300 miles from coastal lines.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by DClairvoyant

Isnt this considered... off topic?

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