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What will the World be like in 2026?

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posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 10:27 PM
I am writing a report for a college class which describes scenarios for these three types of people:

A U.S. software engineer in 2026
A Chinese farmer in 2026
An African parent in 2026

THE Questions to answer:

1. What do you eat every day?
2. What and where do you usually buy groceries and other household
3. What do you do for entertainment—is it local, global, or both?
4. What is your greatest worry?

ATS has some very smart people so I wondered if you would help me gather some futuristic ideas for how life will be in 2026. Thanks.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 10:44 PM
OH, crap. I wished I had not seen this thread. I know this is going off topic and may get moved of deleted but 2026 is a year that has bugged me since I was a kid. For over 30 I have been having dreams about 2026. I have the dreams about once or twice a month. It is always the same. I really wished I had not seen this thread.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 10:47 PM
The Chinese farmer will be living outside L.A. on recently purchased land from the USA. Due to the us debt to china and us giving them California. Probably harvesting grapes in napa valley .

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 10:57 PM
A: I believe all national soveriegnty will be gone by 2026, so there is no US, or China, or Africa.

1: You eat what your masters give you.
2: You shop where ever your chip is accepted.
3: Your entertainment is fantasizing about life in a free world.
4: Your to "dumbed down" to worry about much more than your next meal.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 11:02 PM
Hopefully a peacefull world with no wars or drugs.
But that's just wishfull thinking.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 11:06 PM
I picture people everywhere living a very basic life. More of a life where food is locally grown and communities are small and the center of social activity.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 11:13 PM
YOu never know how the world will be in 2026 there could be major disasters that can set us back years .... and I believe that history has a way of repeating itself so who knows we could be back in the 50's era
LOL Thats a fun thought LOL

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by cindy22761

OK.. I'll try...

A U.S. software engineer in 2026
1. Nutritional requirements wont change.
2. All home delivery ordered off a massively faster and more efficient Internet
3. All Entertainment will now be Internet based. TV and Radio will be gone.
4. War as always

A Chinese farmer in 2026
1. Same
2. They will be just into the "Mega Store" revolution, think Walmart on steriods.
3. They will just be getting into the TV zone
4. Massive taxation to pay for war

An African parent in 2026
1. Same
2. While starvation will be much less, they will still depend on small privately owned stores in local communities.
3. Rudimentary TV and Radio
4. Starvation and Disease


posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 10:41 AM
Thank you all for some great ideas about the future.
I want to lean toward a more positive approach for the essay but
I know the likelihood of a peaceful, prosperous and healthy future is
questionable. Perhaps there will be a world awakening event before 2026 that
changes humans into a more enlightened, loving society?

Do you think DNA manipulation could be in our future?
To make us more peaceful & intelligent, etc.?

What about flying cars?

Just thinking out loud. I'll be back on later. Thanks again!

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by cindy22761

That is a great idea! I mean if you think about it, we have already started to chose the gender of our children through science, and we can even go as far as chosing their eye color, and hair color, so who is to say we wont later on down the road continue to do DNA manipulation to were we are able to communicate telepathicaly? Or movr objects with our minds
Flying cars?? Hmm it depends, can flying cars be good for the earth? We are starting to become more aware of pollution and saving energy so as long as the cars dont pollute the air probably, hell we might not even need cars if we can teleport LOL like off of star trek? That must be a fun essay I use to love to write essays in school GOOD LUCK

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 12:32 PM
Anyone in the US
1. What do you eat every day?
Monsanto products, Soylent Green.
2. What and where do you usually buy groceries and other household
At the Monsanto store.
3. What do you do for entertainment—is it local, global, or both?
Who has time for entertainment? I'm too busy beating the crap out of anyone who comes in my house, because there are half a billion people we can't find homes for, just in America. They could afford it, sure, but there's not enough land on JUPITER to house us.
4. What is your greatest worry?
That the Monsanto Police will find out I've been growing tomatoes.

[edit on 8-4-2009 by sadisticwoman]

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by sadisticwoman

Thanks. I laughed out loud.


WAIT... this is sad isn't it?

Gotta have a sense of humor to survive 2006. Right?

[edit on 4/8/09 by cindy22761]

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 04:37 PM
Every American in 2026

1. Genetically modified vegetables, fruits and animal products.

2. The corporate owned government would deliver GM foods to you. As long as you have a chip implanted in you, you'll get food.

3. Corporate-government controlled/monitored TV, Internet, Radio, Video Games, Books, Cell Phones, Movies, Art etc etc. There will be a limited amount of things you will be able to do for a limited amount of time, because the government will have created national curfews. Again, in order to really do anything in this society, you will have to have a chip implanted in you.

4. The Islamic terrorists.

[edit on 8-4-2009 by Striker122]

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by cindy22761

I am writing a report for a college class which describes scenarios for these three types of people:

A U.S. software engineer in 2026
A Chinese farmer in 2026
An African parent in 2026

THE Questions to answer:

1. What do you eat every day?
2. What and where do you usually buy groceries and other household
3. What do you do for entertainment—is it local, global, or both?
4. What is your greatest worry?

ATS has some very smart people so I wondered if you would help me gather some futuristic ideas for how life will be in 2026. Thanks.

What does a software engineer eat in 2026. Well, they will probably be able to take a byte out of their hardware! Okay, corny, I know, just joking around. Interesting project/ assignment though.

If I was an African parent in 2026, I believe that I would be eating a huge Cheeseburger everyday(even though I'm a pesco vegetarian now), I would buy my household articles from a Walmart, I would shop at a Presidents Choice outlet for my groceries, and I would worry about all of the impoverished people living in poverty in the United States. Oh, I would chase lions around for entertainment.

If I was a Chinese Farmer in 2026, I would eat noodles with a combo of Ginseng, Ginger Root, and Soy Sauce. I would shop at Walmart for my household articles. I would shop at the local farmer's market for my food. I would meditate for entertainment, and I would worry about a SARS and bird flu outbreak.

If I was a US Software engineer in 2026, I would shop at Walgreens for my household articles. I would shop at Zehrs for my food. I would try and create a super virus for entertainment, and I would be worried that I would get caught trying to create the super virus.

Take Care.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by cindy22761

I live to produce laughter, even when there are angry tears behind the giggles.

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 08:25 AM
Flying cars? Yes, definately. Already happening but will be more broadly used in 2026 and, of course, will be more advanced.


Simply land at the airport, fold your wings up and drive home.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Striker122

Islamic Terrorist? Just wondering what you meant by this?

Unfortunately the rest of your ideas do seem possible

It truly is hard to be optimistic about the worlds future

when we see & hear so many horrible things happening

all around us. : (

THANKS to everyone who contributed here.

You have all given me much to think about.

I have a month to go before this assignment is due

so I'll check in often to see any new ideas that are posted.

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