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On Parallel Universes

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posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Ok befor you watch this clip.. i hope you have some clue about mathmatics..

warning 20 years i have been doing this. its very hard to warp ones head round..

but its a great vid and will hopefully help others who may not understand my long winded post i made befor.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Eh I am not convinced "Dark Matter" is real. Sounds too much like a reworded AEther theory to cover a obvious gap in our understanding.

I will explain what I meant earlier when I have more time. Sorry. It's kind of complex and I am about to have to leave.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by symmetricAvenger

Nice video,pretty simple math(In my world)...although it has been awhile since I took any formal math(I am currently entering my second semester of college,although I understand quite a bit more than my formal education level).I wonder is the hyper-dimensional equations we get a result of direct interface between our dimension and the other or pure numbers( just seeing that according to math there must be more dimensions).

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by Watcher-In-The-Shadows

Yea...........Dark matter may just be our ignorance(as some scientist have said),or it may be real.Either way there is something of great influence that we do not understand that profoundly influences our reality.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

squire it very much is!!!

that is the fun part tho!! the way humans are made in this regard is the very middle of +-

we see both sides !!! its so crazy its amazing.. but what gives rise to life is the very equations them selfs.

what im trying to point out here is that human beings are the answer to all our questions

The universe NEEEDS us to propigate its own very logic by asking the question.

we are the same thing.. just on a scale many find it hard to understand.

I use mathmatics in a way many dont

secrect to mathmatics is ADD youself into the eqaution then every single argument and basis for one makes sens

I hope to conculde my paper on this and submit it in due time

the universe is self replicating in nature " i dont know why " but i know for a fact based on all relitive evidence "as the vid shows"

we are the very think that makes the universe work IT gave BIRTH to life for a reason.. its ALIVE

we "life" are here to keep it all going...

its so simple and yet so complex

and i dont even need an equation just 1+1 =3 ; ) hmm ill post another vid on this soon based on other mathmatics once i find the bugger
it helps everyone understand better then.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by symmetricAvenger

So what proof of your theory do you have9if not mathematical representation),I know somethings don't need math............but to other people they need something material to look at,although I know a lot of this is beyond that(I have added you as a friend by the way).I too have a theory,it is an explanation of exo-hyperspace creation.I call it the "Static Field Reality".I have yet to unify it with some aspects of both relativity and well (yes)God.I would be interested in hearing more in depth your theories(u2u,or whatever).For this thread however I wonder what is your thoughts on what separates us from the others,and do you believe in the hyperspace theory?

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

well i dont mean to sound up my own "you know what" hehe but all things are infact relitive as shown in the vid..

and im happy to u2u on this as not to glog up this thread as its great and im realy enjoying it myself

You see we can not get away from the very subset of rules we now understand..and without doing funny mathmatical stuff..

we are IT and IT is us.

in the words i use are the forumlations of calcualtaions that infact mini eqautions..

in refrence to my post..befor

The question WHY and odd numbers always pussled me. i never understud what infact numbers were? a description of a mesaurement or an understanding of logic vs chaos 1.0 1 being logical and 0 being chaos..

look at time.. 4d.. if one can not travel time that just means its only a level of hyperdimention that is interlinked to another..

time would be qautoum in that respect as its always fuzzy? but logical lol

but not as logical as to have relativity.. even people like myself who study the quatum physics understand there infact MUST BE a level of logic that under lys the very properties.. i can show this somewhat

order out of chaos (symmtery) chaos out of order

depending on the scale

the 0 is infact the very thing that connects us all the +1 and - 1 are the very dimentions the space inbetween 0.5 + 0.5- would be sub dimentions or "hyper dimentions"

its the understanding that our universe in that respect is all encuptersing on every level and infact in the same space and time..

I could infact say that the universe is -0+ in a shape of what? well a circul

as reprisented as P.I..

P.I is the cirumpfece of our cell so to speak a living thing that self replicats

kinda like a stem cell in ones body "and why not?" we unerstand this to be true in nature and nature is a reslut of the very thing we are question just on a greater scale compared to the universe..

the question i wish to ask or try to find out is the DNA of the universe(s) as it indeed was infact created.. but what is the rule of that creation?

im way past all this as you can understand but im no closer to understanding what infact the reason for a universe is other than to keep the universe going

so one can only postulate that we are in something alot bigger and it indeed as an instruction set for doing so..

Like the vid says we could be inside a bigger mind? but would that be a bad thing "unless our host dies ofc"

we are so tiny.. but yet soooooo huge in all of this it warrents investigation but does not require an answer..

the answer we wil infact never ever ever get.. that is our problem dealing with the fact we wont get the answer for why we ask the question!.. but to understand the question was always more important for me..

Why = infinity logic is the question and chaos is us understanding the question

and we can get loigic from chaos and infact WE DO hehe

and for the record once we understand the logic of quatom physics

the universe will become our playground "or maybe already is" as we are on our way to understanding it..

and people wonder why we have aliens? well i say this.. maybe other life forms stoped asking WHY understud the question and figured out that this is a race of selfreplication and stayin in the very game the universe made / entended us to play..

didnt mean to rattle on

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 08:48 PM
John Lennon said it best: "Nothing is real, and nothing to get hung about". The deeper we go into quantum the weirder it gets. Personally I like the cognitive view best. We all live in our own little universes and they all rub up against one another in the course of our daily lives. I live in an orderly, fractal, self-creating universe that is perceived by my intellect and comprehended by my mind but the jesus-freak down the block lives in a universe that was specially created by a big sky daddy who has a special plan just for them. One of us is nuts and it could just as easily be me but I ain't buying that just yet. In so many ways we're all in our own little bubbles, our own little universes that are defined by our ability to perceive them. I like the conclusion of the movie Altered States when William Hurt says that the ultimate truth is that there is no ultimate truth. It's all open to interpretation. Beyond that, at the quantum level, where everything and nothing is happening simultaneously, the really honest phycisists will tell you that the building blocks of matter and energy are so infinitessimally small that, for all practical purposes we are made of nothing at all. It's a weird universe and a weird world to be sure. So here's nothing me wishing nothing you all the best and happy Easter. Don't get much weirder than that!

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 09:49 PM

In physics, the multiverse theory is a difficult theory to accept - well, at least it is for me - the only way i could describe my contempt for it is the way Einstein rejected the path of Quantum Mechanics. The reason for this is simple. I do not believe the Universe can so easily split off into as many universe-possibilities as there are actualities, every time something comes to do anything - especially in the case of ourselves.
Fair enough, the theory of Parallel Universes could answer many gaping questions - questions such as, 'why the wave function exits', and why and how our universe selected these 'dimensional conditions', of one time dimension and three spatial dimensions. Of course - it could also explain consciousness itself! Let me explain: The universes are all positioned upon each other like a ''fine mesh'', we call 'superpositioning'. A single object in space will extend into infinity through these universes - but occupies the exact same space. Thus, a single mind in this universe would extend onto infinity, also sharing the same space. Then consciousness is explained to arise out of the split - whenever our minds posit a question or experience, the universe must split out into as many possibilities that can exist through the wave function.
Though - again, something for me resents this postulate. Throughout all of my posts, i have been attempting to bring back the importance of the observer in the universe - but 'her' role is being exploited here, and her importance fades into the infinity of universes!


According to this theory, before the Big Bang, our cosmos was actually a perfect ten-dimensional universe, a world where interdimensional travel was possible. However, this ten-dimensional universe "cracked" in two, creating two separate universes: a four- and a six- dimensional universe. The universe in which we live was born in that cosmic cataclysm. Our four-dimensional universe expanded explosively, while our twin six-dimensional universe contracted violently, until it shrank to almost infinitesimal size. This would explain the origin of the Big Bang. If correct, this theory demonstrates that the rapid expansion of the universe was just a rather minor aftershock of a much greater cataclysmic event, the cracking of space and time itself. The energy that drives the observed expansion of the universe is then found in the collapse of ten-dimensional space and time. According to this theory, the distant stars and galaxies are receding from us at astronomical speeds because of the original collapse of ten-dimensional space and time.

This theory predicts that our universe still has a dwarf twin, a companion universe that has curled up into a small six-dimensional ball that is too small to be observed.

Space is here represented by a surface on which explorers crawl, leaving their tracks as broken lines. (i) The explorers 'fall off' the edge of the world or into the hole. (ii) They can circumnavigate the 'universe' without leaving the space - this surface does not have a boundary, even though it is limited in size and there is a hole in it.
Well I wanted to post an image but it wouldn't accept it,just go to this link and scroll down half way to get drawings of the universe compared to its hyperspace exterior.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

want to go over this abit

In physics, the multiverse theory is a difficult theory to accept - well, at least it is for me - the only way i could describe my contempt for it is the way Einstein rejected the path of Quantum Mechanics. The reason for this is simple. I do not believe the Universe can so easily split off into as many universe-possibilities as there are actualities, every time something comes to do anything - especially in the case of ourselves.

I do not believe the Universe can so easily split off into as many universe-possibilities as there are actualities

belive is not a reason for the universe*s to be there/here.

ill try and point this out again maybe becouse this poor fellow does not get the jist..and why quatoum macanics is so important in this regard.

We have levels here.. big ones and small ones

planets - this is the best way to invision an atom / electron proton "they infact are not the very same thing but good to visulaise"

then we have atoms "look like soloar systems on paper" thats all mind you

then we have a quntom level.

Underlying this "taken from the other page/link"

In the domain of the quantum the apparently concrete world of experience dissolves away among the melee of subatomic transmutations. Chaos lies at the heart of matter

Chaos lies at the heart of matter

and what do we understand on our level? chaos in the multiverse

its why we have scale law that nassim found out its the very same scale law pointed out in the vid i posted

nassim vid

his scale law is infact the that was in the other vid "another way of looking at it"

so what is it we infact looking at?

Orderd chaos!!! ? HUH well that makes no sens!!!! well infact it makes alot of sens..

Infinity wtf is that? well its a something not a endless number its infact a shape.. its a circul... i know its hard.

What is a fractal? its the thing that makes the shape "hyper" ect..

So what we are looking at is a universe that is infact self replicating..

Life replicates.. it just does not do it for no reason what so ever its on the scale of order..

Now in relation to a multiverse ect it fits in very well..

We know there is other things we know this alread but the big thing is WHY???? why does it not make sens? well why would it? it has no reason to make sens its not here to answer the question its only here to repoduce the same conditions that infact made IT!!!

the LOOP we find ourselfs in is the construct of it.. you see you need to study it all and use logic to work out why chaos and infinty fit and how they fit together

there can not be a logical reason to have both unless they are needed to make the thing infact work "sefl replicate"

Infinity key and so is chaos!

think of infinity as as circul and think of chaos as a line inside the circul that spirals out but back into itself "overlaps" to repoduce the very same conditons to make itsefl "god this is intense on me typing this way" lol

its simple and complex, complex trying to help others understand but the universe is simple

or why would the moon and suns be round?? becouse thats the most simplest shape!!! its based on simplicty

now with other "precived" dimentions one can postulate we have infinante amount of universes becuase of the nature of our own "its infinate" that gives rise to time lines and the like..

you see in order to ask WHY the universe would have needed to had that been part of it befor it was made

we are the resulte of a calculation much the same we calculate pi. the only problem in this description is that one thinks of numbers and not matter!!

calculate P.I + 1 and it does not work why? well your adding YOU into pie

to understand WHY you are here in repsect to what made the universe infact makes the universe LOGICAL on every level EVEN the ilogical parts "chaos levels"

thats why we can even understand them = we are here to make the universe work grow and we will "life" recreate a universe to because WE need one to be who we are.. once we make our own infinate universe to exsist in we infact BECOME GOD

thats how the game works


that was the short version LOL

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by symmetricAvenger

How do we become God?

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by Boredinjail

make a phsyical universe that gives rise to a bieng that has no clue what so ever why they are there who has the caperbilty to do the same as you

; ) in short LOL

made in is own image hehe

that part was not a lie in the bible me thinks

[edit on 6-4-2009 by symmetricAvenger]

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by jkrog08

Well, look at the definition of Dark Matter, something that you cannot see or touch yet has a prfound effect on our universe. You know something else that you cannot see or touch and yet alot like to claim science shows doesn't exist? I can think of a laundry list, yet Dark Matter is supported.
Go figure.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 07:47 AM
Please correct me if I am completely wrong on this, but doesn't the whole concept of the infinite expanding universe come out of the distant galaxies' red-shift observation? And isn't the so called "dark matter" just our feeble attempt to balance the equations since galactic supper-clusters are much to heavy to have been created withing only 16 bln years or so. Actually I remember that it would take them about 38 to 42bln years to form, but that would mean that either the Universe is much older, the big bang never happened or the mass of the universe is grossly underestimated. Since there are huge problems with changing the first two, the only way they can exist is if the visible mass of what we call the universe is only about 2% of it's true mass... the missing 98% we'll just call "dark matter" it can't be seen, measured, detected or verified unless you should happen to have a big particle accelerator, even then we're not sure.

Seems to me like we made a wrong turn somewhere quite a while back. ( Rereading the above, I just can't figure out, if we're already looking for 98% of all there is, why are we not looking for it inside what we know exists, like black holes who's mass is supposed to be big enough to prevent photons from escaping. Or was that originally calculated and we still came out 98% short?

[edit] Additionally, as long as we're looking for mass, and a lot of it, shouldn't we really be looking for energy? I mean, when you get right down to it, isn't mass really energy and vice-versa? All this talk about extracting free energy from vacuum and how there is infinite energy in vacuum... maybe some of that could account for the missing mass. )

More on the subject of parallel universes, I recently read an article about quantum mechanics, quantum computers to be more exact. The way the inner-workings of such a device were explained was quite interesting as the "qubit" ( a bit of information but on quantum scale ) was described as under the influence of a leek from a parallel universe. Apparently, on quantum level all parallel universes are interlinked, it is only after we zoom out that we start seeing reality as we generally perceive it.

Kind regards, M.

[edit on 6-4-2009 by Manawydan]

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 08:42 AM
Nice post. From what I have seen & read there are supposed to be around 11 - 14 dimentions.. but an unlimited number of realities.. so if each reality is a universe then the number of universes is infinite..

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Manawydan

lol short anser to this:

isn't the so called "dark matter" just our feeble attempt to balance the equations since galactic supper-clusters are much to heavy to have been created withing only 16 bln years or so.

spot on lol!!! mm ill find ted talk link its so funny made me laugh at how much we DONT know

"myself included"

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by james2009

Perhaps the expression"my kingdom has many mansions" has some implication here.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Manawydan

Well we can detect dark matter through its effect on galaxies,gravitational lensing,and x ray testing.We know something causes the outer boundaries of galaxies to spin much faster than they should.We know that some unseen mass curves light around apparently nothing,allowing us to see what is behind some galaxies.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
We know something causes the outer boundaries of galaxies to spin much faster than they should.

Thank you for that. I was not aware if this phenomena, time to start reading up on that.

Originally posted by jkrog08
We know that some unseen mass curves light around apparently nothing,allowing us to see what is behind some galaxies.

I hope I'm not asking a stupid question here, but wouldn't some galaxies, with their own gravitational influence naturally bend light from whatever is behind them? Light from an object behind a huge galaxy travels in all directions, so a lot of photons would go strait into the gravitational pull of the galaxy in front of it from out point of view, but some photons, those going of into lets say a 10 degree angle would only be curved so much as to allow us to see the object behind the obsticle. Hm... come to think of it wouldn't the photons be slowed down to a tiny degree by the curving as to appear to be shifted towards red? I mean if a black hole can "swallow" light, aren't there gravitational quantities that could only slow it down?

Kind regards.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by Manawydan

I hope I'm not asking a stupid question here, but wouldn't some galaxies, with their own gravitational influence naturally bend light from whatever is behind them?

This youtube video from the History Channels:The Universe on Dark Matter should help.

Kind regards.

You as well

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