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Anyone ever feel an "evil" presence (especially in the dark)?

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posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 12:24 AM
Ok, this is something that has been bugging me literally for as long as I can remember:
When I was a kid, I was scared of the dark - truth be told. As I got older, I became more comfortable with the dark (and by that I just mean the absence of light).
The problem is that I feel a presence (not a good one) still to this day.
Back when I was younger, I just thought I was scared of the dark and only the dark. I thought my uncomfortability was just because I couldn't see anything.
So like I said, here I am now. I am not scared of the dark per se, but I feel like something evil is around me. I can't explain it. Even when I am alone and there is no dark, I still feel it - sometimes more than others.
I really believe in interdimensional entities, ET's and such. Could it be something more than just an intrinsic fear?
I have had weird experiences with what some would call sleep paralysis, but I think there was more than that. Sleep paralysis doesn't feel like you are getting zapped with a million volts of electricity for over 5 mins, does it? And that happened to me two times - 12 years apart. Recently I awoke to sleep paralysis (mind you I fell asleep on my back and woke up on my back). In this case, when I came to, I was on my stomach and I swear it felt like something was on my back holding me, my arms and my legs down. I really felt something evil then, and it felt close (it was right behind me). I wish I could of seen the ###tard.
So yeah, all my life I have felt this. Nowadays I try to use logic, and tell tell myself that it is nothing, but something deep inside makes me feel otherwise.
Is it interdimensionals, ET's (greys specifically), or just my mind? I don't think it's the latter.
Now before I end this, I just want to give another quick story, and before I do, I must disclaim:
I am not one to hallucinate, and besides, this happened when I was 6 and 7.
I would awaken to what felt like a fist rotating left and right into my side. This happened more times than I could remember (about once every week or two), and I would always tell my mom. She dubbed it "The Hand".
She even, one time, took carbon paper and molded it into a fist. She then destroyed it right in front of me.
That didn't stop that damn thing. It did end up stopping like a year or so later.
Then the zapping incident I told you about happened at 12 and 24. The recent one where it felt like something was on top of me happened a few months ago. I remember that night. I couldn't sleep because I felt something very evil around me. I ended up dropping off (I recall I wasn't even asleep for that long), and it happened...
I sleep with the TV on 99% of the nights. 1% of the time I turn it off and can get to sleep. But the other times I end up turning it right back on.
Damn, am I crazy, or is there something else out there? Has anyone felt this presence like I have? Please let me know.
And please spare me the "take meds" comments.
Thanks guys.

1st edit to fix the topic that did not show up for some reason.

2nd edit to add: I almost forgot. Most of the times when I close my eyes (especially when I am alone) for a prolonged period of time (when meditating or just resting my eyes), I am scared to open them too quick, for fear I will see something that is not and shouldn't be there. Now the funny thing is that I have NEVER SEEN anything that wasn't there - especially a negative entity. Implementing that logic does not make me feel any better whatsoever.
Meditating is hard for me sometimes, because I am scared to just keep my eyes closed.
What the hell is the matter with me? Lol.

3 edits... WTF is going on?? Sorry folks...

[edit on 4/4/2009 by impaired]

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 12:37 AM
Your not alone bro...

Ok my story ...when I was 4 I was in my bed and my light was off with the door cracked about 1ft and a half open and I was tryin to sleep but was scared and I lived down in port aurthur which is cajun territory close to louisiana in tx ... now when I looked out the door into the halway the door suddenly slammed and I freaked out ran to the door when I opened it someone pulled it back closed visciously and I beat on the door till my mom tried to come open the door and couldn't then suddenly it went free later on she told me the old house was haunted by bad spirits we had it blessed after a couple of different incidents happend ... vcr flew off tv when watching excercist and clocks falling off wall

Now my mom told me of her haunted house in greenville tx that furniture used to move around and something grabbed her arm when she was sleepin on the couch one night and she couldn't move and she said it was cold and eerie feeling

I think there are goods and evil but the good make things happen for you( finding five bucks) weird life saving instances ect... and the evil try to harm you and misleadyou into dangers and make you make wrong decisions

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by Dallas87

Well the evil has definetly influenced me to make bad decisions myself. I wouldn't be surprised if I had a "demon" or something stalking me. I use the word demon loosely, for I don't believe in the bible and all that stuff. I think angels and demons are just interdimensionals and/or ET's and/or things from the astral plane. They were just, perhaps interpreted as these divine things throughout our history...
Anyway, yeah, you're story is eerie.
I hear you about the possibilities (if that is what you were indeed implying) about a haunted house.
Only problem with that (concerning myself), is that I have lived in AT LEAST 15 different places my whole life (yeah, I know). Up until I was 16 we moved every year or two.
These experiences have happened at EVERY place I have EVER lived in.
That's what creeps me out.
So it's ever my faulty mind and brain, or it's something else. I just wish I could tell this thing or things to get lost...
Well, thanks for your story, dude. I trust all is well now?

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by impaired

Yes to all of it. I can't rule out a psychological cause, but I have felt and experienced all that you have discussed. It is a constant unsettling feeling. Again, is it psychological? I don't know. I want to say that it is (the alternative is frightening), but there have been certain outside validating experiences, like the couch or bed vibrating so hard that everyone occupying it feels it, and usually after a certain provocation by us (like, funnily enough, having a show on about death or the paranormal or discussing death, dying, afterlife, etc.--we all have an overwhelming sense of dread just before it started, a sort of "Turn that off or else!"), solid objects flying across the room in front of several witnesses, none of whom were anywhere near the objects, and the cliche door opening and closing with force--even pulling the door away from my hand--on its own. It's a mystery, and not one that I'm ready to unravel.

I have lived in many residences in my life, and this has always been present. I would consider it a personal mental defect if I didn't have so many witnesses to verify the peculiarity, most of whom had no idea about my weird experiences (this is, after all, not something you talk about) until they had their own little eerie run-ins at my homes. I've had people run suddenly out of my house in a panic, white as a sheet, only to explain that "something" happened and they politely wish to carry on our conversation on the front lawn. I have personally never seen any entity.

The feeling doesn't seem to disappear when I leave my own home, either. I travel all the time and can't count a time when I didn't feel a presence.

[edit on 4/4/09 by paperplanes]

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 12:57 AM
or if you want to think of a haunted house as a gateway for demons than you can do that... i also have moved several times and the only place im safe is where the lord is or good interdimensional beings depending on what you belive ... my grandmas house and pops ... anywhere else ive been bad # happens wierd stuff happens i cant explain and when bad stuff happens to me my mom always senses it and calls me right after...

I am a christian but I also believd the lord is alpha and omega and he/she created everything spirits ets beings included so our stories are similar even though we have different beliefs but its all about perception

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by Dallas87

Very well put, Dallas.
Also interesting that you believe that God made ET's and interdimentionals. I like that.
See with me, I just believe that there is a creator - a force if you will, that created everything. I think life (including primitive humans) evolved of course on it's own, but I (yeah, this is nuts I know) think that maybe ET's came here while we were evolving and spliced our DNA with theirs. I believe that is what Genesis is loosely based on - The Adam and the Eve (the prototypes).
It's another thread, yes.
But yeah, I believe in God, but my version of God is just this Great Creation. It doesn't judge, it doesn't kill, and it doesn't send souls to heaven or hell for eternity based on a few actions we did.
But that's just my opinion. Sorry for going off topic.
But hey, whatever works and whatever is more comfortable, right?
Peace, dude.

[edit on 4/4/2009 by impaired]

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by impaired

I used to be a bible thumper, and until recent times would label the thing stalking you as a demon. Even though I reverence the Bible as an authority in spiritual matters, I have come to believe, as you do, that interdimensional entity offers a much clearer perspective regarding these beings.

About 20 years ago I started having night time experiences with shadow beings with angry eyes literally choking me just after falling asleep. One night I vividly remember being awake, only with my eyes closed, and being choked by one of these enemies. Because I was awake (could clearly hear the TV, other distant sounds) I don't believe these were dreams. Always I would call on the name of Jesus, and the attacks would subside. I can't prove this is the magic formula, I only know that for some reason they responded to this. These attacks have not occurred in recent years. I have also heard that supposedly alien abductions have been stopped in their tracks by the same invocation. However one looks at the Christ figure, darkness seems to have a healthy respect for Him.

I really did not plan to bring a sermon, just to comment on my similar experiences to yours. I'm much more tech about the whole spirit-world thing these days, but the Jesus I discovered outside of a church environment was -- for lack of a better word -- cool, not stuffy like religious environments can get . . . maybe check into the non-judgemental love of the true Christ if nothing else calms that evil down. I have something just as weird, though with fewer special effects than my former choking scenarios offered, going on in my world right now . . I just posted a new thread about it here.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by impaired

I know exactly what you are talking about. Since I was little I have woken up quite a few times with sleep paralysis. As far as my experiences go with was always a very cold feeling deep down to the bones. I have had experiences with spirits also. When I first found out I was an empath, I was tormented one night by two of them. It was actually kind of funny in a way that they were pulling at my legs all night and giggling. That has to sound weird I know but it's true. Another time was in broad daylight. I was actually sitting at my computer when I felt what I can only describe as a huge evil presence behind me. I told it to back off or I will take its head. Odd enough, it left.

All I can say is do not show fear of the dark or the things that dwell in it. Some of your problems are in your mind. Some sleep paralysis is a natural thing. Most of the time, you just simply wake up before you go astral.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:17 AM
Glad this topic is here! I rememebr when i was, maybe 4 or 5, i was in our playroom. This was around 1980. I was playig with a flintstones playset, and had fallen asleep on the floor. It was probably 7 pm or later, becuase i remember looking out the window when i woke up, and it was dark out. I felt this presence of evil in the room with me..VERY disturbing and heart wrenching, like someting was trying to fear me from running ouot of the room, i felt my soul was in jeapardy. I was so scared, i was able to get up and run to the door, which was closed. I kept trying and trying to turn the doorknob, and i t woudnt open! i was crying and being loud. My mom came to the door and opened it with no problem, and i ran outa fo the room so fast, she was so confused as to what was going on. I told her about how i felt this evil presence in the was definetly thier, even to this day, i still think back and ponder on that moment in time. never knew what it was.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by impaired

When I was a small child, 4 years old, I lived in Holland in an old farm house with my family. The house must have been haunted because my siblings and I have often commented that when we lived in that house we didnt want to be in the dark alone.

None of us have been afraid of the dark, just being alone in that old house.

Since moving out of the house when I was 6, I have yet to feel the same way about being alone.

I guess you could say we were in tune with whatever was in the house and it scared us.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by impaired

"Very well put, Dallas.
Also interesting that you believe that God made ET's and interdimentionals. I like that.
See with me, I just believe that there is a creator - a force if you will, that created everything. I think life (including primitive humans) evolved of course on it's own, but I (yeah, this is nuts I know) think that maybe ET's came here while we were evolving and spliced our DNA with theirs. I believe that is what Genesis is loosely based on - The Adam and the Eve (the prototypes).
It's another thread, yes.
But yeah, I believe in God, but my version of God is just this Great Creation. It doesn't judge, it doesn't kill, and it doesn't send souls to heaven or hell for eternity based on a few actions we did.
But that's just my opinion. Sorry for going off topic.
But hey, whatever works and whatever is more comfortable, right?
Peace, dude.

Will you Marry Me? :-)

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:47 AM
It is a bit off topic but, I almost have the same philosophy on the gos front that he is the all creator and yeah me and my friend talked about the splicing we can explain monkeys but without a missing link its real plausible that happend too but back to the evil spirits...

I've seen shadow people have yyou? They're wild to encounter bro real quick and dark sometimes big sometimes small

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by itsblownbackbaby

Haha. Are you a chick? J/k

I wish my edit in my last post went through, because it was hysterical. I'll try to redo it.
I was ranting about how if this is all indeed in our heads, then I blame our creators (not Creation). I mean, there is so much mental illness, physical deformities, sickness, and of course - our human nature.
If they're gonna create us, at least do it right!
And if they messed up like they did, at least give us an instruction booklet (not the bible, no offense). And if there's no instruction booklet, at least stay with us and let themselves be known! None of this "I don't know what to believe in" crap.
I really feel like we were created, toyed with, and abandoned - leaving us to fight eachother. It's just so messed up.
So I say to our creators: Thanks for the crappy job. Really appreciate it.
I love that Creation-thing I talk about, and all life in general, but I have no use for the ones who created this generation of humans. They're the joke really, not us, for they created us in their own image.

What does that tell us about them???
Uh oh, I'd better sleep with one eye open tonight! I don't want to get zapped or held down again! lol

PS: I don't mean to degrade us as a species, for I really don't think it is ALL our faults for what is going on in this world. It's just that the cards were against us from the get-go.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by Dallas87
It is a bit off topic but, I almost have the same philosophy on the gos front that he is the all creator and yeah me and my friend talked about the splicing we can explain monkeys but without a missing link its real plausible that happend too but back to the evil spirits...

I've seen shadow people have yyou? They're wild to encounter bro real quick and dark sometimes big sometimes small

What are these shadow people I hear about? Ghosts? Discarnates?

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:57 AM
Nah haha no chick I'm strait rooster broham lol

Dude honestly everyother species on earth has an evolved form now until we can find a skeletal structure of a male and female missing link I still leave open the possibility of inetellegent life splicing or force evolving chimps to make us walk upright think and talk....

But your right none of this what should I belive crap we need answers but that's why its called faith in whatever you belive as long as your not atheist in believ in some sort of creator that's all that matters ... and matter is created so someone created us... and god gave us free will so your right our lives reflect on our own descicions but what if they were tainted or detoured by interdimensional beings(spirits -good or bad) and we can sometimes feel they're prescence. Scientist do saay we have at least some sort of pshychic connection with everything around us even entities or energies that cannot be seen

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 02:06 AM
The house this happened in, is the same home i am still was built in 1961 i belive, and my neighbor, an older woman, was recently telling me about the history of my neighborhood. prior to 1960 it was just a field, a small pond, and maybe 2 or 300 feet away was a small cemetary, that was built over.
The first people that lived in this house, my father used to tell me, was some 34 year old guy, some kinda crazy inventor...he used to have all kids fo weird things. electrical chords hooked up to devices, to open door knobs, things like that. He lived here with his mother. My grandmother used to tell me, the story is, his mother died, and the body was never found.
After i was born, and years later, when i was 13 (1988) i pllayed with an ouija board my mom got me from toy store. That was itself another story, Ed and Lorraine warren helped us out.
I thk, i have been around spirits ever since i was a kid. MY older ssiter, when i was 5, she was 8, lived in a room upstairs. She would often be laughing and giggling by herslef. MY mom used to tell me, she would open the door, and ask her whats going on. My oldeer sister would answer, oh im playing with my invisble freind,, its an elf, that lives under my bed.
One day, she came downstairs crying, to my mom. My mother noticed a red mark on her arm. S my mom asks what happened? MY older sister replys..the elf pinched her hard, and has been torturing her like this for the past week. Soon after, her invisible friend, the elf, seemd to disappear and never come back.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 02:10 AM
To answer the question about shadow creatures... honestly I have the slightes inkling as to what they could be...

Brief answer: some think they are cloaked timetravellers, demons, interdimensional beings but whatever they are I feel threatened not frightened but threatened... ill beat the # out of an alien honestly blank out my thoughts think right punch and throw the...BAM!!! Judo kick to the face haha didn't see that comin ...alien/shadow creature/demon didn't either

All in favor of calling upon jesus to ward off enemies say I.


posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by impaired

The only thing there is to fear is fear itself. I know how you feel when scary # happens to you at night, like sleep paralysis or other weird ass stuff. Sleep paralysis can be pretty painful for me too sometimes. Like being shocked, but you cant let yourself be frightened. If anything its probably what "they" want. Just try to remember that you will be fine.

Nothing your senses can sense will kill you

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by Dallas87
Nah haha no chick I'm strait rooster broham lol

Dude honestly everyother species on earth has an evolved form now until we can find a skeletal structure of a male and female missing link I still leave open the possibility of inetellegent life splicing or force evolving chimps to make us walk upright think and talk....

But your right none of this what should I belive crap we need answers but that's why its called faith in whatever you belive as long as your not atheist in believ in some sort of creator that's all that matters ... and matter is created so someone created us... and god gave us free will so your right our lives reflect on our own descicions but what if they were tainted or detoured by interdimensional beings(spirits -good or bad) and we can sometimes feel they're prescence. Scientist do saay we have at least some sort of pshychic connection with everything around us even entities or energies that cannot be seen

Oh no no no, the chick-question was directed to itsblownbackbaby.

Yeah, there definetly is a psychic connection going on - with EVERYONE. I believe a few know how to utilize it (maybe 1 or 2%?), but the rest of us don't even know what is happening. This could explain Schitzophrenia. Maybe those voices people hear in their heads really do exist. Like when those voices tell people to kill or hurt others, jeez, perhaps it's these malevolent spirits.
I heard someone on ATS say something very interesting that really caught my attention. They said that their theory of a Schitzophenic (my idea is a takeoff from it, if not the same thing) was someone who's mind (they said Pineal Gland) goes in and out of other dimensions, where these entities can reach out. I heard that and was like, "whoaaaa".

And as far as that psychic connection is concerned, maybe that explains intuition? Gut feelings?

I think there are so many other worlds out there, and I don't neccessarily mean other planets. The RA Material gets into this. I very highly recommend you check it out. It is amazing stuff:


posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by ziggy1706

The invisible (imaginary) friend thing is interesting too...
I wouldn't doubt if a majority of those cases were NOT indeed imaginary.

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