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Being queer is a sexual disorder

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posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 10:22 AM

too many different directions to go on this one.

first of all.. SO

dudes having sex with dudes is the same as dudes having sex with girls, only gross. Kind of like two girls and a cup is gross.

Everybody craves sex; and if you are at the wrong (or right) place at the wrong (or right) time and you start letting some fella in your stuff, it might feel good. But it would be up to you weather or not you exercised the will-power to (not) do it again.

unless you are gay. then "knock yourself out."

[edit on 4-4-2009 by president]

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 10:48 AM
First off, I've got gay friends. I even dated a guy for a month when I was 17, found out it wasn't for me, and never looked back.

That being said, I do think homosexuality is a disorder. Does that mean it's evil? No. I think it's a product of narcissism, but not inherently evil. Now what causes this narcissism?

There seems to be a link with copper toxicity and homosexuality. Copper is known as the feminine mineral to some, and characteristics of high copper levels include being highly intuitive, creative, & emotionally imbalanced. Intuition & emotional instability seem to be common amongst both homosexuals, and females.

Where there's high levels of copper, there's also high estrogen levels. It's thought that if someone balances their copper/zinc ratio in their bodies, the estrogen dominance would subside and the hormones would balance out. I've yet to hear a report of a homosexual turning straight from balancing their copper, but this does seem to make sense.

Personally, I had a very high copper level until recently. I took many vitamins to balance myself out. The main ones for copper overload being zinc & vitamin c. I am much more emotionally stable, and notice that my bouts of effeminate behavior have subsided.

The thing is, most everyone is imbalanced in something or another. The human bodily systems are incredibly complex, and always in flux. Nobodies perfect, so I more than allow others to be imperfect. I think there's beauty in the imperfection, and the fairly harmonious interactions of us all.

I don't judge a gay one bit. They are responding to their internal state. Without the gays, men would have more competition for women, so I thank them. Wait a minute, I think the number of gays, to lesbians is fairly equal, so that doesn't hold true.

Oh well. They're quite hilarious at times, to say the least!

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by president
dudes having sex with dudes is the same as dudes having sex with girls,

Wrong....asses are for "pooping".

Everybody craves sex;

Wrong... Because YOU may, doesn't mean everyone does.

Ever heard of "celibacy"?

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 10:57 PM
I demand the five minutes of my life it took me to read that nonsense back. This is one of the most idiotic things i've read in quite some time.


posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 03:37 PM
My position is who cares? I think analyzing why some people are homosexual is a disorder of some kind!

I really could care less what people do privately. I think everyone gets caught up in profiling and classifying people.

I also think it is an extreme waste of time and money to perform such studies to find out why people are 'gay'. I equate that to a study to find out why people eat pork or beef, or no meat at all. Useless information.

Now, I don't believe in 'gay rights' because I think human rights are self evident and apply to everyone human irregardless of their sexual preference.

Personally, I think homosexuality can be either choice or biological. But really, does it matter? I'd think that the only reason you would want to declare that being 'gay' is biological is to hint that it could be fixed, like something is broken.

Can't we all just get along?!

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by nerbot

celibacy is about not having sex not not having desire.. and noone has the right to tell me i have to be celibate.. and no not even the church or the gov has that right..

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:06 PM
I didn't read this whole thread and maybe I should have. But one thing I was brought up on was the Bible even though I don't practice it. My question is ? How do you go forth and multiply when you are with the same sex.

Maybe religion is wrong, man should be with man and women with women. No children should be created and it a love fest for everyone involved. If you want kids, go to another solar system and rent them.

God is wrong, we know what is best for the planet and if you don't believe in God, then you're OK. We need to go to android tech to make up for God's fallacies.

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by dcmb1490

stop and think about your comments for a sec.. people make the mistake that all of it in its entirety is the word of god.. not really true. as its the culmination of what god told us, history of the time and church docturine. now at that time the isrealites were a much smaller band. so yea the whole not being with the same sex in order to maintain and expand a small population makes some sense.. now look at how overpopulated our world is. there being a stable but small gay population. is not gonna hurt anything.. but there has always been a group that uses propaganda and fear and hate mongering to keep themselves in some contol and power. and lets face it. its not like the religous nut jobs havent been wrong before. or commited horrendous acts against humanity under false pretences.. they need to seperate docturine and waht jesus had to say as they seem to constantly ignore what jesus says to further an agenda of dehumanizing a group that dont fit into their ideology.. or the you dont agree with me so your evil crap..

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 09:50 AM
My handle on this is that we humans are all bisexual in nature and it is predominantly the Christian developed morality which cites inter-gender sexual conduct as being wrong, especially sodomy.

The sexual orientation of another is up to the individual, so much for the freedom of choice supposedly championed by the one god.

When they apply psychology to sexuality, perhaps they would like to also factor that a vehement denial of homosexuality is often an indicator of those condemning it having homosexual tendencies and represses and hits out because of self loathing and resentment dynamics.

They protest too much, methinx!

While we are about it, how many Christians, i am talking about the majority of followers from all denominations not the fanatics or the celibate clergy and ministers, will consider anal sex in a heterosexual relationship as perfectly normal?

Me, i am bisexual with a preference to female relationships but if it happens with a guy, it happens, i'm perfectly comfortable in a versatile way, i also crossdress.

To have an up it's own arse religion who has a minority of fanatics out of it's main demographic, who spawn utter hatred against anybody who is oriented anything differently than heterosexual suggest my sexuality is wrong, nay, even, a mental disorder, is as much an affront to me as their anti pagan detritus.

Throughout our known history, our species has been promiscuous and bisexual, we are basically top of the primate branch and first and foremost animals and follow a perfectly natural sexuality.

It is essentially the product of sexually repressed ancestors who formulated Christianity and it's tenets, it's morality etc, which dictates what is an UN-natural perception of anything non heterosexual.

It is not others who are being unnatural at the end of the day, it's the Christians who vilify homosexuality and bisexuality.

Anybody who chooses to be heterosexual and monogamous, hey that's their choice, same as anybody who orients to a bi or homo sexuality monogamy or promiscuity, it's their choice and no ff'ing business of the minority of control freak Christians who give their majority demographic a bad name.

Christians should ruddy well start accepting what they follow is a belief system and it isn't the only one on the planet and just because they hold key positions of power and influence and infiltrate every sector of society, it doesn't give them any right to impose their beliefs on others.

The venom and contempt they hold for anybody who detracts from what they believe is the only way to live life as per their god delusions and perception of what is written in their bible is a complex psychiatric disorder in my opinion, not those who express an inter-gender sexuality.

Usher and those like him are perverse with severe mental health issues, not homosexuals/lesbians and bisexiuals!


[edit on 11-4-2009 by DeltaPan]

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 10:38 AM
WARNING: Do not read this post if you can't understand it is only my opinion based on my observations and experience and not intended to bring hate upon any person who is homosexual. Jesus asked us to love all people and I will, and so should everyone.

Homosexuality is found in every race across the planet. People from every lifestyle and in many religions are found to have homosexuals among them. I will tell you my thoughts on this...

Homosexuality comes from three, maybe four sources.
1. demonic possesion
2. being raped by a person from the same sex thus bringing on a sexual disorientation experience
3. mental indoctrination
4. mere lust for sex out of the norm

There may be many personal reasons for people thinking why they are homosexual, but that doesn't make it right. In the animal kingdom, there are no homosexuals, for instance. A male dog will mount another male dog, and a female dog will also mount another female dog. But while we see this as a sexual event, the dog does not. The act of mounting another of the same sex is a show of supremacy or dominace. Also when dogs are at play they will also mount each other, and this is to show a "play-act" of capturing a prey. However, in the end the male will always mount the female when she is in heat due to the strong scent from her glands inviting a male response.

In humans, there is a mental factor. We have sex for pleasure and for fun and enjoyment, and sometimes as part of an act of love. Most of the time it is our mind that motivates us and stimulates us into a sexual response. In homosexuality, the desire to be over stimulated by doing what is out of the norm drives that person to the act. The same could be said for someone having sex with an animal or an artificial himanlike doll etc. The purpose is to stimulate to the highest possible degree.

Sometimes it is from demonic possession where a foul spirit has somehow entered into the body of the person. These spirits are the disembodied Nephelim that existed before the great flood. They are evil and very lustful.

Then there is indoctrination. With the enticement of stimulationg extremes, children are taught acceptance of homosexuality as a lifestyle. With this freedom comes experimentation and often sexual disorientation and confusion. This is more so if a person has been forceibly assaulted by a person of the same sex. Even though it may have been repulsive at the time, the extreme stimulative effect brings that person to a point of confusion and they will begin to repeat the act to see why they feel that way. Later they eventually accept it as part of who they are.

I say all this, also to say that I have had gay friends. I have been around gay people. As people they are no different than anyone else in this world. They have feelings, joys, and hardships as do we all. They are no less a person than anyone else who is not gay is. But to me homosexuality is wrong and sinful. I will always be convinced of this. A man and a women are made physically for each other. That's just the way it is...

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 11:49 AM
You made a mistake.

Number one and predominant denominator is our species is not "Demonic Possession", but IS that our species is innately bisexual and social programming as well as religious programming influences people to deviate from that innate predomination to straight or gay or remaining bisexual, during formative development and futher influenced during adulthood.

Your four are potential influences on behaviour, from a psychologist mind, points 2,3,4 you cite are indeed potentials, As a Neopagan, i will cede your point 1 as a minor factor in homosexual conduct as i know full well of what ye speak but drop that to the last, point 5, that is usually involving people who get involved with dark occult from outside the practiced and initiated and so possession is usually self inflicted as they progress with little knowledge, but will say with Nephilim and indeed any spirit, you shouldn't regard all as being evil, good and bad in everything, some non corporeal, supernatural entities are just randy, nor are all demons evil, there exists a balance matey, a balance Christianity fails to recognise and is why it can be dangerous, "throwing babies out with the bathwater" leaving you all defenceless, metaphysically.

When it comes to the supernatural, you have nothing to fear but fear itself.


[edit on 11-4-2009 by DeltaPan]

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 11:51 AM
There is no sexual dysfunction so imma tell ya'll how it is. Homosexuality was prevalent in greece, rome, china and japan way back in the day and the connection is civilization.

I've been thinking about this (i think alot about things) and their connection is civilization and the close proximity of a human beings. When gathered into large populations behavior that strays from the norm will rise, hell it should be expected. This is not deviant behavior because "deviant" is purely subjective, what is normal is one society can be "deviant" in another. It's because of choice, they have options as to whether be with a man or woman, there sexually isn't predicated on the need of survival.

Those that live a nomadic lifestyle or are isolated have other things to contend with, and wish to become a productive part of the society and that means adding to the population amongst other things. Having children "family" helps you out so there is a need to have children..a need to have a women! Once a population reaches a critical point (point zero, heh) then you will start to see an emergence of homosexual behavior. Now the question remains is this a natural built in behavior or linked to availability of sexual partners (which it could) is open for debate. Homosexuality is choice, a subconscious choice but one made by us all.

As for the dna link its all bologna. If this "gay" gene is real then those of Roman or Greece decent have the highest chance for being gay..MY own tells cents: Our dna tells our cells what to do so if someone is gay of course their genetic markers are different, there bodies, mind, and sex drive are driven by chemical markers and reactions, it could be that being sexually attracted to the same sex is a different chemical reaction then being attracted to the opposite sex and that requires different dna, different instruction.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by president

too many different directions to go on this one.

first of all.. SO

dudes having sex with dudes is the same as dudes having sex with girls, only gross. Kind of like two girls and a cup is gross.

Everybody craves sex; and if you are at the wrong (or right) place at the wrong (or right) time and you start letting some fella in your stuff, it might feel good. But it would be up to you weather or not you exercised the will-power to (not) do it again.

unless you are gay. then "knock yourself out."

[edit on 4-4-2009 by president]

oh please, In the New Testament they even call actions between man and women vile and unclean. Get off your high horse, you're as dirty as the gays

Really, it's not even worth the effort to put forth a discussion because some of you guys choose stupidity. We have people basically wasting their time putting forth logic and reason, and the other side basically goes "icky, you're wrong". And these are the people that dictate minority gay rights, lovely.

[edit on 12-4-2009 by ghaleon12]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 10:43 PM
Is it me, or has anyone ever noticed how obsessed these religious homophobic types are more obsessed about what gay men do than normal men? Not to mention misogynist as is not through swinging lesbians, but bisexual males, that homosexual to heterosexual aids transmission occurs mostly.

Of course, he forgets the many other ways heteros get aids...oh...did he forget about his drug ranting? Drug needle sharing is the second most common way to spread AIDS after sexual contact, and guess what...STRAIGHT PEOPLE SHOOT UP TOO.

And for a guy ranting on about drugs and gays...he cant even spell HEROIN right. HEROIN, NOT HEROINE.

And yes, studies have found that the brains of gays are different than straights in the way they are wired, especially in the sexual department so yes, people can be born gay, or things occur during their sexual development that make them like that. You can't class it as a mental disorder, though, because it really does not interfere with everyday life, reasoning, and mood, and function, and does not predisposition one to behavior that could be dangerous to self or others.

The sad thing is, people like this fellow will breed.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by TheAmused
reply to post by Acidtastic

Recent studies show homosexuals have a substantially greater risk of suffering from a psychiatric problems than do heterosexuals. We see higher rates of suicide, depression, bulimia, antisocial personality disorder, and substance abuse. This paper highlights some new and significant considerations that reflect on the question of those mental illnesses and on their possible sources.
Pentagon memo: Homosexuality a disorder Document outlines discharge policies; department says it's under review

WASHINGTON - A Pentagon document classifies homosexuality as a mental disorder, decades after mental health experts abandoned that position.

Maybe we see higher rates of suicide, depression, antisocial behavior, ect. in the gay community because people won't stop labeling them as having a "mental disorder" or as "sexual deviants" when all they are as far as I'm concerned are normal human beings like anyone else with individual prefrences like anyone else. Society needs to stop trying to make how they feel is wrong.

As far as I'm concerned, religious zealots ought to stop preaching their hate towards the gays. Just because someone wrote it in the bible that it's wrong doesn't mean God actually said so. Homosexuality has been around since the dawn of man....I seriously doubt, thousands of years ago, when someone visited the Roman bath house, it was just for a bath and nothing else...

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 08:15 AM
Some of you clearly are not aware of homosexual play in animals, probably because National Geographic and the likes do not promote this type of education but this video explains that at least 400 species are bisexual, enjoy!

Originally posted by HulaAnglers
Male River Dolphins have been known to insert their penis into the blow-hole, on the top of a friend's head

[edit on 13-4-2009 by HulaAnglers]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by reject

Perhaps it is and perhaps it isn't but either way being stupid and ignorant are curable... all is needed is the ability to listen and learn and an open mind.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions
There seems to be a link with copper toxicity and homosexuality. Copper is known as the feminine mineral to some, and characteristics of high copper levels include being highly intuitive, creative, & emotionally imbalanced. Intuition & emotional instability seem to be common amongst both homosexuals, and females.

Where there's high levels of copper, there's also high estrogen levels.

Are there varifiable facts backing any of this up?
Cause, I know one gay guy who is sometimes effiminate, but the rest I know are manly men who are interested in men, not in acting like some stereotype.
So I'm going to politely question your logic here.

I've yet to hear a report of a homosexual turning straight from balancing their copper, but this does seem to make sense.

Actually, since "estrogen dominance" has nothing to do with being homosexual, I dont' see why it would do anything.
DO yo urelaly think that HOmsoexuals estrogen and testosterone levels haven't been looked at?
If it were that simple it would be a common cure.

[edit on 15-4-2009 by I_AM_that_I_AM]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:40 PM
Wow are we still discriminating against gays?

It's been decades now, in my opinion, people are gay because of the experience in their lives. What they first saw and what they discovered are what shaped them to become who they are, not because they have a certain disorder.

If someone doesn't like the idea of gay people walking around, why don't they just admit it? They don't have to "make up" excuses like being queer is a sexual disorder.

And I thought Sean Penn's Harvey Milk changed the way people saw homosexual people.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 01:07 AM
Gay men are not usually paedophiles. Repressed 'straight men' is where you will usually find paedophiles. And a few very sick women.

Gay men were created gay, as were some animals.

Are these animals going to be judged because of their instincts? I think not.

Are gay men going to be judged because of their instincts? I think not.

It would be nice if the world did not judge gay men.

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