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Warning! Enlightenment is Dangerous!

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posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 04:27 PM
There is a counterfit to everything ....there is the light ..and a real enlightenment ..then there is that which is not light (is just an image of light) and the enlightenment they think they have is nothing but an illusion of being enlightened.

At least thats how I see it ...

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

What has been written forgets the universal truth,"As Above So Below" I Will Envision enlightenment for my earthly brethren and send Love to them all as they find their Truth!

[edit on 24-1-2009 by PaulKCA]

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Simplynoone
There is a counterfit to everything ....there is the light ..and a real enlightenment ..then there is that which is not light (is just an image of light) and the enlightenment they think they have is nothing but an illusion of being enlightened.

At least thats how I see it ...
It's a shame you feel that way. In my own experience, that which I experience is truth. Call it Occam's Razor, but I believe the world is, in fact, how I perceive it. For it to be anything otherwise would require too much effort to construct. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. In fact most of the time, I'd wager. Likewise sometimes a fraternal organization which embodies a brotherhood of men under the fatherhood of God is just that, and not a nefarious world-dominating cabal supporting the minions of Satan.

If you believe there's a counterfeit to everything, then you spend most of your life doubting the beauty around you. And I feel sorry for you if that's the case.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Simplynoone
There is a counterfit to everything ....there is the light ..and a real enlightenment ..then there is that which is not light (is just an image of light) and the enlightenment they think they have is nothing but an illusion of being enlightened.

At least thats how I see it ...

but how do you know this? To say there is the true light and then the light which is just its image means you would have to have seen both, to make such a comparison, to say "thats how it is" you need to have SEEN both. Have you seen both? I doubt any one who is truely enlightened sees it as an illusion, I know I am not but I see it in others, its so very clear when you see it in those few who have attained it. They know what it is, they know its not an illusion.

I believe there is false light, however it does not shine for long, soon its true identity is shown and you'd have to be totally in its rapturous spell to not notice this. Yes it can blind you for a while but in the end it looses its light, it always does because its a false light. To think one is enligtened in its presence is short lived.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 05:51 PM
[I believe there is false light, however it does not shine for long, soon its true identity is shown and you'd have to be totally in its rapturous spell to not notice this. Yes it can blind you for a while but in the end it looses its light, it always does because its a false light. To think one is enligtened in its presence is short lived.]

Agreed .....although I would say those who have that false light can go without seeing it in themselves ..Others can see it ..but they cant ..
Sort of like when a really heavyset woman stands in front of a mirror with short shorts on and a short shirt ...with rolls hanging out from all sides ...and they stand there smiling and feeling all sexy and really think they look awesome ...(I know I have done this LOL) ..............when the reality is it is disgusting to look at by everybody but you the person looking in the mirror ...

I know people who down right lie and believe they are telling the truth ....
Because they believe it is the truth according to them ..
Like Clinton saying ..I did not have sex with Monica .

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 06:02 PM
*nom nom nom*

*passes bag of popcorn*

Okay, I'm lost.

What happened to all that hidden knowledge. What is so dangerous about enlightenment? We went from, I have hidden knowledge but it is soooo dangerous that learning it will cause a mental breakdown and if it doesn't you can unleash Cthulhu when he has a hangover...this became, well, it is a matter of perception...

This conversations leaps have lost me...could someone paraphrase what is so dangerous about enlightenment without all new agey adjectives?

*puts on flame retardent troll suit*

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by SonOfChaos

what is so dangerous about enlightenment? Nothing! Fear = apparent separation. Separation is an illusion! We are all One!

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 06:42 PM
One. connected. the universe observing itself.
Driving your car is dangerous as well.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by apacheman
The trouble with following paths to enlightenment is that most paths are single-use only. My path to enlightment was/is different from yours; if you try following it you're not likely to end up in the same place because it isn't your path, we didn't start from the same place and aren't having the same experiences. Buddha pointed this out to all who would listen, Jesus wasn't quite so enlightened: he was still stuck on the path running through him.

What you say of Jesus I think isn't exactly true. It is, but in truth it isn't. It is not because of Jesus or what Jesus says. It is because of the claims the church and those who turned him into an idol, and said he is the only son of god and so on. This is why I so completely disagree with Paul.

For example, how well does this sentence fit in with Christian dogma?

"John 14:24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me. "

You certainly don't see Christians who would accept this as truth at all. And if you were to even say such a thing, then they will say you are a blasphemer. But yet, at the same time here it is in the words of Jesus.

When Jesus says only by him can you find the father, he is talking about only by truth can you find the father. People forget that he most times symbolizes abstract things. Such as truth. Because they fail to realize this, they think only by the idol can they find the father, and so they worship the idol without actually following it.

I didn't hear the words of Jesus, I heard the father. But what I was taught and understood was the path of Jesus. I did not get it as "the path of Jesus", but I recognize now after that this is the path Jesus talked about. But so called christians are unable to see it because they are blind and worship the idol. They think the path is to just worship Jesus.

So I agree and disagree with you. As far as how Jesus is perceived and taught to people, you are 100% right. But as far as what Jesus actually teaches, I have to disagree.

I know someone mentioned - what is this doing in the secret society forums. I'll address why I came here in the first place. I didn't visit this section at all before, unless a thread hit the homepage. But the other day, I was doing a bit of research, and I came across this person who was "debunking" masons, and talking about the bad "beliefs" of the masons from a book called morals and dogmas.

And to be honest, most of the things the person said was bad of Masons, I actually completely agreed with, and came to the same conclusions on my own. Such as, instead of the christian dogmas of "if you aren't christian, you go to hell", I seen that they were very respecting and understanding of other religions. They understand that each culture has their own way of understanding and their own way and so on. And the debunker was just giving it a go, and I couldn't disagree more. Found myself agreeing with the masons.

I have always been torn on the Masons. I am a huge fan of the founding fathers. During a time when it was all about god save the queen, they instead talked of principles of liberty and freedom, self responsibility and so on. Of which I couldn't agree more with. I'm not a fan of government at all, but I understand when the founding fathers said it is a necessary evil. I get that. And I think the constitutional government is about the most divine form of government ever created. And hope we someday get back to that. Without slavery of course - which I believe the tone of the constitution set to be done away with in due time, it would have torn things up at the time.

But then there are masons in history who individually I think just had the worse intentions and such. Many bad presidents. So mostly I have been curious into wondering if that is at the base, or if that is just the corruption that has taken hold within. So far off what the founding fathers were about. I can see corruption working this way in many things. The bible and Jesus for example the corruption happened as such.

So I was happy to see this thread here. I was hoping to hear some mason opinions on the subject. I am not interested in joining the Masons or any other such societies, but I am curious. I see people dismiss them completely, but then I can see some good things. But I can't ignore the right hand either, anymore than I can ignore religions right hand.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by badmedia

I'll grant that point to the extent of what Jesus said vs what the disciples said he said.

But I respectfully submit that he was still sort of channelized with the "way to the Father" bit being exclusive to his brand.

On the other hand, on the levels you mention I agree and disagree with myself, too.

These sorts of discussions are slippery in that way: everything depends upon which facet you're looking at, and which from.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
But then there are masons in history who individually I think just had the worse intentions and such. Many bad presidents.
Not intending to derail here, but I was wondering if you'd mind elaborating on which of the 14 Masonic presidents you think was "bad" or had "worse intentions"?

The only US Presidents who have been Freemasons were:

  • George Washington
  • James Monroe
  • Andrew Jackson
  • James Knox Polk
  • James Buchanan
  • Andrew Johnson
  • James Abram Garfield
  • William McKinley
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • William Howard Taft
  • Warren Gamaliel Harding
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt
  • Harry S. Truman
  • Gerald R. Ford

I'm honestly not much of a historian, so if you could point me to specific perfidious actions or policies of any of the 14 listed, I would be in your debt. (Not saying they were necessarily all saints or anything, I just can't think of anything particularly questionable by any of them off the top of my head, other than perhaps Ford pardoning Nixon...)

[edit on 1/24/2009 by JoshNorton]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 02:00 AM
It has occured to me, that within the Garden of Eden allegorical framework I mentioned earlier, that the "serpent" could be considered the kundalini serpent of enlightenment, which tempted the first children of God to "eat the forbidden fruit" which is the knowledge of good and evil, of should and should not, precipitating the fall from grace.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 02:10 AM
A prayer of hope I wrote earlier today

Prayer of Hope
Oh Heavenly Father, oh most high God in whom is Jesus the Christ – we, who possess a growing awareness of your truth and love, intuitively know that you are commencing to make your return to our precious world, to lift the veil of tears, and by your unrelenting love, mercy, goodness and kindness – to break through all the ancient strongholds that have separated us from you, and from one another.
Therefore, as your spirit of wisdom, truth, love and immense beauty, begins to envelop our world – as the new creation begins to come into view, however fast or slow – we are reminded, to do our part, in whatever way, however big or small, to EXTEND your invitation of divine love, to one and to ALL, because, at core, we, the whole world over, all share the same ground of being and the same root and source, and because we know, in Jesus Christ, that it pleased you, oh Holy God of Justice, and Mercy, to share your kingdom with ALL your children.
By your unending love for us and for them, if it is possible, we pray that not one will be lost, no matter what their circumstance, their religious traditions, their family heritage, their crimes.. for each and every single person alive on earth today at this very moment, entered into our world an innocent child of yours, imbued with your spirit and your love, with hope that in them your glory would be made manifest.
Please help us, as Christian believers, to better understand and appreciate the fullness of the ALL INCLUSIVE NATURE of your supreme gift, oh Lord, whereby, in your own words, and from the vantage point of the cross, you prayed aloud, saying
“Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by apacheman
reply to post by badmedia

I'll grant that point to the extent of what Jesus said vs what the disciples said he said.

But I respectfully submit that he was still sort of channelized with the "way to the Father" bit being exclusive to his brand.

On the other hand, on the levels you mention I agree and disagree with myself, too.

These sorts of discussions are slippery in that way: everything depends upon which facet you're looking at, and which from.

Yes, I believe it is best said that you will find what you seek. If you seek ways to disprove something, you will find those ways. If you seek to find the truth in things, then that is also what you find.

I tend to try to see things in terms of an algebra equation, with variables. Such that A+B=C, and the values for A and B can be many different things. When 1 person sees things as 1+1=2, and another person sees something as 1+2=3, both are technically correct. But if they understand A+B=C, then they can see that both is true, 2 different ways of expressing the same truth.

I'm not a big fan of the "Brand" of Jesus much. So I know what you mean. The brand is like when someone says 1+1=2 is the only truth and son, then blindly dismisses 1+2=3 which expresses the same truth.

[edit on 25-1-2009 by badmedia]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by SonOfChaos

I just love it when religion poses as HP Lovecraftian fiction.

More I Say!

What should we fear.

LOL well said......well said.

I imagine these sort of threats have been used by clergy of various religions for thousands of years to maintain power over the ignorant.

[edit on 25/1/2009 by ForkandSpoon]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 11:28 AM
Is it not fear that we fear most though?

Fear is a creation of our minds to stop us taking the first steps to becoming enlightened. What are we fearing anyway? The fear of the unknown? If we learnt to live in the very second we find ourselves in, no past no future just this very second we would loose all fear. Its our constant living in past and future that allows us to live in fear. Fear of whats happened happening again and fear of what could happen tomorrow.

Learn to live in your now and this place has no fear.

Like the other day I had a long journey ahead of me with my work, I stood at the bus stop very early, and the bus was say a couple of minutes late. Immediatly I began to fear the future, I saw me missing the bus, missing my train, missing all my connections, I was full of fear. I immediatly noticed I was not living in my now, I quickly brought myself back to my now and said NONE of that has happened its in my future why fear what has not happened, with that thought the bus came round the corner!

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by badmedia
But then there are masons in history who individually I think just had the worse intentions and such. Many bad presidents.
Not intending to derail here, but I was wondering if you'd mind elaborating on which of the 14 Masonic presidents you think was "bad" or had "worse intentions"?

The only US Presidents who have been Freemasons were:

  • George Washington
  • James Monroe
  • Andrew Jackson
  • James Knox Polk
  • James Buchanan
  • Andrew Johnson
  • James Abram Garfield
  • William McKinley
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • William Howard Taft
  • Warren Gamaliel Harding
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt
  • Harry S. Truman
  • Gerald R. Ford

I'm honestly not much of a historian, so if you could point me to specific perfidious actions or policies of any of the 14 listed, I would be in your debt. (Not saying they were necessarily all saints or anything, I just can't think of anything particularly questionable by any of them off the top of my head, other than perhaps Ford pardoning Nixon...)

Pretty much I'd say you can split this list up after McKinley. Before him, I'd have a more positive attitude towards, after I'd have a somewhat negative opinion. The closer you get to the start of the list, the more positive attitude I have towards them, and the further on down the list you go the more negative I get.

I think FDR was a horrible president. I know he was popular and all, but horrible policies. And pretty much any president after 1913 automatically gets a thumbs down in general. I'm sure I could find a few things in the others I disagree with, but on a whole the closer they were to the founding fathers, the more I like them.

No coincidence that the further down the line you get, the further away from the principles this country was founded on that you get.

Which is why I wonder - did the Masons have corruption creep into it over time, as is usually the case and the way things work if something is seen as a threat to the OWO. Or, if this was some plan all along to provide the illusion that the people were free, when they really weren't.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
Learn to live in your now and this place has no fear.

Very wise, I like that. Thanks.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 11:29 PM
Enlightenment is dangerous because it is accepting the mark of the beast in the forehead. This is my Christian view.

We are not afraid, we trust and obey our Father.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by iamnot
Enlightenment is dangerous because it is accepting the mark of the beast in the forehead. This is my Christian view.

We are not afraid, we trust and obey our Father.

Does this mean that Jesus took the mark of the beast?

Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

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